Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

U lagi nice leh, help angel and I lug back the bulk clocks...me now thinking where should I hang it leh...where did u hang yours huh?


Aiya nevermind lah
I also dunno when will use it. U keep it lah. Bie2 ke4 qi4. At most next time u also help me to chope things from msbrown/lili/msblur BP and also continue to share good lobang news with us ...keke...I like all household and kitchen stuff...keke
1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 13 pcs)
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
- 1 x HK
- 1 x Acsy (KIV)
- 1 x LYD (TBC)
- 1 x Dymples
- 1 x Cindy
- 1 x sharon
- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x PLL (TBC)

2) HK Tri face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 7 pcs)CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Eliz
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
thanks for your help. My internet connection is back already.

I saw the photos of the pots and realised the pictures are printed inverted...

please take my name off the list as the designs are inverted... not what I wanted.

Me stucked in office siah. Supposed to go dinner with Japanese but last minute got things to do now still in office. sob sob......


1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 13 pcs)
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
- 1 x HK
- 1 x Acsy
- 1 x Dymples
- 1 x Cindy
- 1 x sharon
- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x PLL (TBC)

2) HK Tri face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 7 pcs)CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Eliz
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
am I in time to join the earring Bps?
Your work station so nice. Think I will be very happy work till dun want to go home ;P

Can I have the HK pinic mat with bag $10? What is the size? Please text me if I have no reapond here cos I can’t log in offen. My girl will snetch my laptop.
LYD, can I have your account number? Because I don know which number to transfer to, I got 2 account number. Sorry for the delay =p
Annie, jus now i went to Polar to see the cakes..although they are all 2D cakes..but very nice and sweet HK designs esp the Baby Kitty cakes.

Price is reasonable too and i most prob will order a main cake from them then i bake some cupcakes to place ard the cut out cake...

show us urs leh...quick...
Er..just curious, the 'Hello Kitty' wording issit confirmed 'tom ba leg'?...cos in tis earlier pic the wordings r all rite hor

Where hv u been the whole day? Shopping huh.... Nice SKS card holder. Ya the water bottle nice hor. I like it very much too. Cant wait to give to my little cousin.

BA said she give the 1st pot a miss so I took out her name. Lili gave me the 2nd pic which is wat I posted with the words Tom Ba Lek de. Not sure if all of them are gog to be tom ba lek. Coz only took 1 set out to take pic on.

Yes still can add your name in for the earrings BP. Here it goes.

LILI's BP on HKG HK earrings - $9 + $5 (shipping only estimated, TBC)
- 1 x S@L
- 1 x Spunk
- 2 x Nikita
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x SAHM (Huajing)
hi ladies

Mau, somehow i feel all will be tom ba lek leh. So qiao take 2 out to take pics, both already tom ba lek. Think tats why so cheap?

Acsy, no lah, shun bian shun lu oni.

Hellokittytulip, i keep your dear daniel till we meet lah. I also like HK household and kitchen wares leh *hint hint* haha
1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 13 pcs)
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
- 1 x HK
- 1 x Acsy
- 1 x Dymples
- 1 x Cindy
- 1 x sharon
- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x PLL (TBC)
- 1 x PP

2) HK Tri face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 7 pcs)CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Eliz
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
Hi Ladies,

yes the pink pouch is still available..let me know if keen. i guess u should know the size of PSP/NDS hor?

Ladies in the Pots BP,
eh, i didnt realise its reverse words...the stock i have is not lors..kekeke :p

also no heartpain
those authentic can keep in storage..use these 1st..hahahha.

thanks so much for helping me tend to the BP list
mah fan ni le...
Show u all my loots from TH


(luggage belt, placemants, L shape file, recycle bag, mechanical eraser)

sending cash to TW is easier...save on any other service charges, i do that all the time. just rem to send by registered mail..in case of lost mail mah. shipping fee from TW using EMS is cheap wor...so dun worry
Okie Lili! Thanks! Nice loots leh! Hope i dont miss ya BPs, looks like good stuffs comin up hor!

U still no Zzzz ah? I go zzzzz liao. Nitey!
<font color="ff0000">softpillow</font>,
oh, i am at isetan at 7+pm on friday..

<font color="ff0000">annie</font>,
i am late but still want to wish you a happy belated birthday! i hope your boy will get over it soon leh. sound quite serious. my mother also told me about not bringing my girl out at night during the 7th moon also. some people will not bring their little ones for the red and white matters for the same reason also.

<font color="ff0000">emma</font>,
i hope your nose is ok. that day my girl hit me at my lips with a toy. i know she is not conscious with her action, but still need to scold her and telling her mummy is in pain!

<font color="ff0000">MB</font>,
i bought them at kino bookshop at taka also. very cheap yet nice. authentic one somemore..

<font color="ff0000">msbrown</font>,
your workstation can be a showcase of HK workstation liow..hehe..how did you manage to keep the place sooooooooooo neat?!? mind is like mad hse..

Is the HK folder opened on 2 sides? how much is it?
Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have finally hit more than 50 posts in this thread.
so can join BP liow..but..

OooooooooooOoooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhHHHHh NoooooooooOOooooooooooooo I missed the pots BP again!

Very suay lah.. last time I managed to chop a last pc but not entitled to buy yet. Now can buy but no pot. That is life i supposed. hehehe..

Wishing all a good and heng heng weekend. It's a raining morning.. Cool outside and cosy in bed.. can nuay longer..
<font color="ff0000">msbrown</font>,
if PLL doesnt want pot 1, pls add me to the list ok.. but only if the wordings are in right order. thanks!
Good morning ladies

congrates for hitting 50 posts...u 1 time post 3 times like that...sure hit one mah, hahaha :p actually u know u can edit yr post within 20 mins rite? try to do that lah...so that this thread dun have so many archives...think all the ladies knows too...and should do it too...

btw, wat time u coming over to my place? i wont be in, so have to inform my parents...

wat time u ladies coming too? i need to pre-empt my parents..kekeke...msg me lah...
<font color="ff0000">msbrown</font>,
can i haf pot 1 if stil haf..thanks!

<font color="aa00aa">lili</font>,
yes..i've collected the train &amp; carpet..&amp; ya..dere's a container inside the train box..i rmb i bought it frm a pte sale but forget who isit..do u noe?? cos i needa do transfer..sorry &amp; Thanks!
<font color="ff0000">lili</font>,
pardon my ignorance, i dont know that i can edit a post within 20 minutes after post. thank you for your enlightenment.

It takes me about a month to accumulate 50 posts, so i dont think i am that fast. As compared to the many here, i dont have the luxury to post during office hours. So usually I get to post only ONE time a day during weekdays and even some weekends. Its quite easy to miss out some responses especially when this forum is so happily active. Also, i dont want to make my one posting looks sooo long.

i did NOT do several postings in one time just to hit the 50 posts. I am not so bo liow. joining the BP is a good to have, not die die must have one lor, life still goes on..

this is obviously a YAKKING thread whereby many mummies actually 'post to talk'. i think we cant help it if there are many archives. but let it be lah as long as everyone is happily yakking here. shouldnt this be the spirit? it makes this forum such a happy and lively place to be. having such restriction is quite stressful as i must make sure i got everything in ONE post before i press the 'Preview/Post Message' button.


(i am using the edit function now.) oh yah, i forgot something again (that's me)..my girl is still sleeping since 11+am...i can only fly to your side once she wakie... i seek your understanding as i am sure you know the last thing a mother would want to do is to wake up a baby and spoilt the whole outing with a cranky baby. sorry for any inconvenience caused.
<font color="ff0066"> xing</font>,
Relax babe... I'm sure Lili din mean anything harsh when she posted above yah... This is a HK family.. so we also "speak our minds" with each other yah.
Meanwhile, continue the happy yakking with each other here. Like what you said bah... this is supposed to be happy HK thread.

P/s: I also somtimes forget to use the edit function. But at the same time, my posts can also get rather long-winded. It's ok yah... All part of the yakking taking place.

The min 50-posts is for this thread. You can use the "search" option, type in your user name and you can check the number of postings you've made in this thread. HTH's

<font color="ff0066"> BlueBlue / HelloKittyFan</font>,
Yah... me saw lots of Datebooks at HF Sanrio. They also got quite a few calendars. The designs quite nice too. hehehehe... But that day me din have time, so din buy.
Tink next week will make a trip down and get the CK Datebook.
There are a lot of selection in HF. I was there on friday.I am spoilt for choices, but in the end I didnt get any cos I was too confused everything also want...
Tks! Actually I never brought him out at night during 7th month. It's in the afternoon but still like that. Congrats on hitting 50 posts!

This is my HK birthday cake. Meant to be for babies but my DH never saw the word "baby kitty" on the cake. But nevertheless, I like the design!

This is the HK eggs that I made this morning. Any experts in cooking eggs can advise me why my eggs got lots of bubbles? How to do those hotel nice eggs leh? Kittymum, thanks for the egg mould!

HK eggs with my No. 1 Fav Justin who has HK eggs in his mouth

I went to KK but didn't bought anything for myself. Bought 2 SKS singlets and 1 baby HK rose top (I bought to keep though I no baby gal) and 1 HK wall height measure (can put photos wan). Can't take pics cos in DH's car.
Tks! Saw in previous posts that you've resigned. Then we cannot pass things to each other le.

I've received your payment le and passed the blue plates to mau le. Tks to Mau for helping!

Got the light and bags from Mau le. Thanks!

Thanks to you le! Without you, I won't be able to get and sell my stuff! = )
your cake is so swee

happy belated birthday to u.

thanks for ur help passing baton

dont be offended, we are just try to protect our thread being abuse by passing-by user who wants to join the BP.
also, sometimes, its really frustrated to read the long archieve, so we try to minimise by editing our post if stil within 20 mins.
other than that, we always welcome other HK fans to join here
Hi Ladies
Does anyone know if TH has SKS placemats &amp; how much they are please? Thanks!

Thank you so much for collecting the train clock from TH and passing it on to KM, it's really a large &amp; bulky package
Sorry to trouble you so often with my loot!

tling, msblur
I have received the Spice Container &amp; SKS Food picks via KM already!

Thanks for helping me with passing of all my loot from the various ladies!

Thanks for helping me to collect the blue plates from Annie &amp; oven mitts from KWL!

Happy belated Birthday! What a sweet HK bday cake
Nice HK Eggs too, I think perhaps your fire is too large though thus causing the bubbles. Nice sunnysides must be cooked slowly on med heat with sufficient oil

Would it be ok for mau to pass you a set of blue plates and oven mitts for me please? MB has kindly agreed to collect them on my behalf the next time she is at RP to meet you. Thanks in advance!
Nice n cute HK cake, strawberry favour?

It's such a small world. Ended up i get to meet a new forum friend

Ya hope u enjoy yr time here

Thks for yr tips to Annie reg the eggs, I learn something new.

My loots fr TH n Daiso, nothing much.

Got, saw $9.90, you talking about the set one right? Cos I saw another single one $3.50 with ABC.


One glance thought it was a mini KT shop! Wah really kittfied man you office!

Xing, kino ah? Then i shd have seen, haiz, i blind again. Ok i go next week during lunch. Thanks ya!

Annie, so qiao! My bday cake in June also this one ney, almost same wor. Hehe, sweet hor even thou actually its more for babies.

Angel, dont mention
shun bian and shun lu oni mah. Cute hor? But i havent help you test leh. Cos i no have big batteries at that time. Should be ok bah. I only peep in oni. Where you gonna hang? I find it quite heavy so abit scared to hang. Now my clock sitting on the clock wor. HB already say me, where got ppl put clock on floor one, haha

Waa, u gals go TH already ah! I also want to go soon, need to get some stationery for school use. Maybe i go Mon lunch, hmm...
