Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

wow, but the CK towel bery nice =D...hehe, women is like that de lor, buy things sure hv excuses de..hehe...Like now i but things for my ger, hb kept complaining dun buy so much, i can tell him, this top match with anothe rpants nice mah, buy hairclips, socks, hat etc..hehe..Gers more things to buy lor.. =D>.hee

I shd be going either tis wk or nx wkend. U le?

Nice workstation, so many kitty thing yr mood must be v happy everyday.
Hi Msbrown,
Ask your boss to employ me. . hehe. . sure no shifting needed. Somemore will be zhi4 tong2 dao4 he2. Hehe. . .
Ms brown
am so impressed with your work station
very nicely decorated..
Ya gers always have more things to buy de lor. Can u imagine, my little havent delivered tat time I already spent close to $300 buying those Carters stuffd for her liao lor. keke.... If she learn to walk time will hv more stuffs lor.

Tat's y my DH always says dun wan ger wan boy.

Thanks for compliment, ya every day work until stress liao I'll see my HKs lor. keke...

KK selling the mould u wan but tink now maybe they dont hv liao. probably u wana go dwn & check?
Softpillow, i think hv. i saw some yesterday. selling less than $20 if i m nt wrong.

u call and check first? Yelly is quite helpful in answering Qs..
LILI's BP on POTS - $12 each

LADY's pls post yr interest can liao hor, no need to add the list. I'll compile once it hits the qtty. THANKS.

PLS NOTE EACH LADY IS LIMITED TO 1 EACH DESIGN so as to give the others a chance due to only limited pcs available.

Sorry, I didn't state earlier coz I was doing something else then forgot to state in.

Thanks Nikita for your understanding.


1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot (ONLY 13 pcs)


2) HK Tri face 2 handle pot (ONLY 7 pcs)
1 & 2 - Starlight
1 & 2 - BA
1 & 2 - Purin

Msbrown, I chop for BA and Starlight first cos remember they mentioned about these on Sat.
Actually tdy is a gd day to go hor, shd b not so crowded as wkend, easier to take photos.

I most likely going tis wkend. Nx wkend shd be more 're nao' cos nearer to the festival.

Haa..so HK give u 'emotional support' ah. Hee I told DH tat HK makes me happy so he shd b grateful to HK tat i have no postnatal blues..er actuali me just trying to find more reasons to make him support my quest for HK.
Ya must read the HK words bkwards..hee so funny.
Actually i also like the 2nd pot but u gals chop so fast one ah...
Recently i like bought so many pots.. don't know got place to put not ah!

Still so waiting for the pots from LYD..
Sept already.. soon soon i hope..
Ooo, Nikita, you changed to 1 each ah? Waa, then i got chance ah! Thanks thanks leh! Yay, finally got 'yuan' with the pots.

But the words abit shang nao jing now. Hmm, wonder whether i can spray acrylic paint over it to cover the words. Hehe

Eliz, no space ah? My house got space, sell to me, kekekeke
can I have one design each (KIV) first. Thanks.

Also, LYD wants one design each, pls. thanks
Ya hor, Eliz, actually i din see the price leh. I saw pics only grab alr. Luckily only $12, haha Otherwise if heartpain, also cannot tell HB.
I'll take it as u chope for her ok.

I help u chope 1 pot, duno if u wan. KIV 1st wait for yr confirmation hor.

Thanks NIKITA for taking 1 each so others got chance. GAM XIA ah.....

1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 13 pcs)
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
- 1 x HK
- 1 x Acsy (KIV)
- 1 x LYD (TBC)
- 1 x Dymples (TBC)
- 1 x Cindy

2) HK Tri face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 7 pcs)CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Eliz
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
I confirm want both pots please! No. 1 & 2.

<font color="ff0066"> Mau</font>,
Thks for helping me to chope. I confirm will grab lor. heheheeh...
Oh ya! Hello Kitty, you dont say i forgot liao! Its still sitting here in my office ah! You got check with Lili/MsBrown ok for me to pass back to you thru them? If ok, i bring next time i meet Lili.
<font color="ff0066"> Mau</font>,
Your work station really really HK man... I LIKE IT!! So nice! This is the kind of workstation that makes you "look forward" to work.

hahhaha... also noticed that the 2nd pot the words is backwards. So funny...
*SHY* This morning LYD told me she has no access to internet so since I remember I thought just help her post her interest
But haha...one design didnt manage to chop..
No more pot 2 liao. Only got pot 1 for u.

noted, Shall add in the orders b4 I leave office ok.

Balance 2 more units of Pot 1.
Acsy, good enuff liao ah. Cos its not like you sure sure can get also. Must be at rite place rite time. So very sweet of you already.
<font color="ff0066"> Mau</font>,
No worries babe. Glad to be able to grab Pot 1 wz your help. Thks lotsa *muacks*
Ah? Hello Kitty, you trsf $$ back to me liao leh. I also not using. Tell you what, i will bear in mind, next time when we get to meet, i bring, ok? I think sure got chance get to meet you bah, hee...

1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 13 pcs)
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
- 1 x HK
- 1 x Acsy (KIV)
- 1 x LYD (TBC)
- 1 x Dymples
- 1 x Cindy
- 1 x sharon

2) HK Tri face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 7 pcs)CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Eliz
- 1 x Princess
- 1 x MB
