Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

ya ya can wor..kekeke...then u come pick up or meet you some where..let me know if keen

Hi BA,
You should really try the cake. Very nice. I have the membership card. Let me see if it's 10% off. If yes, you can use it.

Only order it once a yr during DS's bd cos it's pretty ex.
Hi ladies,

Just finish baking and decorating the cupcakes for my friend daughter...My DH say I cupcake also "bu fang guo" must make kitty design..heehee

Congrats! Take care

nice cupcake.

Your cupcake oso veri nice wor. U made?
Wow...wow.... Sooooo Nice kitchen n all the HK collections!! All your collections?
tling.. think that's connie's house... u will to need be THAT rich to have such a collection lohz.. hehe.. we all can only wait long long.. haha
<font color="0077aa">KWL,</font>
Wow, your very hardworking har, paste so many pics here, keke

<font color="0077aa">PrincessEmma,</font>
I think I wait long long oso won't have such beautiful kitchen leh, but high chance in my dream!! hehe
I wish it mine!!!Cup cake made by one of the HK collectors at the party at Connie's house.

How u know it's connie's house?

Good thing must share mah...
KWL.. ur loots there got a picture of her mah.. color and everything look so similar, muz be her house liao lohz.. that house was featured on TV before also right?
sorry to barge into this thread. But i really need to comment that your cupcake is too adorable. What did u use to make those cute HK faces... Those small ones, is it white chocolate.
And your kitchen door and hood?? Where can i get all those stickers.
Thanks alot in advance! I love your kitchen to death!!!!!
Hi Dior,

I like your cupcakes. Do you think i can buy one box from you??

Also, anyone knows where can i get HK wall fan? i want to install one for my princess's room. Anyone, pls?
They're from China Taobao. Nice lah but the shipping &amp; handling fees very expensive lor, so I feel not reali worth getting it shipped in wor. Or maybe coz they're quite heavy.
hello everyone...

wow...so many loots u got
Like the egg boiler v much leh...too bad TH selling v ex sighhh..
How much n where di u get the 3 food containers (the one u stack up)?
Oic, the designs for the containers are diff from what we see here like the Red Ribbon/CK ones but the tea set is very sweet indeed!

Nice to meet you yesterday, the bento you preprared for your DD looks delicious! Sorry for last min change in meeting arrangement, blur me forgot I made payment for the containers already haha... ;)
The 3in1 are from China Taobao lor. Tink after shipping abt $20 like tat. Cant reali rem liao.... some items worth some not worth lor.

Nice nice hor the teapot set. I tink I paid abt $20 for tis set too. keke.. still consider ok lah.... It's also 1 of my fav series.

Yes, it's the relax series... tat's y I like it lor....

Lili is doing this BP, pls indicate yr name if u r interested ya.

Floor Lamp cum hanger
Minimum 3 pieces
Usual Price : $ 79.90
BP Price : $59.90

- 1 x Jasmine


Nice meeting u too...
No worry on the time change yest

keke...preg is like tt, wil b a forgetful person

oic...is it plastic or those ceramic type? If ceramic, i think can consider hehe
Wow, nice stuff you have...how much you pay for the tea set...that was what I wanted to get...

I want the lamp stand please...thanks.
Ms Brown,
I love your loots...they are so beautiful. But I dont think you se3 de2 use the 3-in-1 containers.

Your new house will be a place which will definitely make me drool.

Thanks for all the beautiful pic.

Lili is doing this BP, pls indicate yr name if u r interested ya.

Floor Lamp cum hanger
Minimum 3 pieces
Usual Price : $ 79.90
BP Price : $59.90

- 1 x Jasmine
- 1 x Dior
- 1 x Stephy
That bag you posted is nice. Is it a big one ?
How much ?

Kueh Lapis is time-consuming to bake, that's why it is expensive. Also because of the many egg yolks used. Few years back, we made pineapple tarts and it was great. I even got sore throat from all the tasting.
Hello ladies,

Ya the bag is quite big...ht abt 30cm, width(top)abt 48cm...The base is quite wide too so quite useful can put alot of barang barang
Me bought at $39.90.

U can chk wif me if u wanna know more abt MAH

Stephy, Nikita
Will arrange collection for my things one of the day, thks for always helping me to collect.

Thks for helping wif the passing baton.
no worries. just let me know when. I will leave yr things in my office.

Please pass me sharon's and princess's things to me. BTW was the sml box arrange yet?

When r u free to meet up?
the sun shades I got from China Taobao oso lor but TH oso got sell leh but tink now no more stocks liao. Duno if they'll bring in some more lor.

Those 3in1 are enamel containers lor. Metal ones....

The teapot set is abt $20+ I cant really rem how much liao but roughly around there lah. Got them from China TaoBao.

I will definitely use all the HK stuffs when I got my own hse lor. Now no place to display &amp; use so let's wait till my hse is ready then I'll definitely use them. keke..... So stay tuned for my new hse in 2009 lah huh.....
Anyone keen in the following items??


HK playing cards x 6 sets (8.90 per set)


HK hp pouch x 1 set ($15.90)


HK small containers (2pcs in a pack) x 1 set ($2.90)

HK liquid paper x 4 sets ($4.90)

HK table place mat 57cm x 87cm x 1 set ($9.90)

HK dental floss 50pcs in a box X 2 boxes ($6.90)
PrincessEmma ,
Ya,the house,her maids &amp; her on TV before...

Cupcake made by a HK collector at the HK party.
HK face is white chocolate bought over the counter..She only bake the cup cake and add in cream lor.

Kitchen belongs to a true blue HK collectors who happen to be semi-retired, have alot of $ but no where to spend..hahaha...Hope ppl here dun go and tell her hor...

Her kitchen door/hood all tailor made one.In fact, everyhting in the Kitchen, u cannot get, all tailor made one lor...She spend alot on this renovation. I like it alot too..but DH say kinda over lor..He won't agreed to let me do up our place like that even if he can afford.

np..good thing must share mah...

What is the HK rose series item?
Ms Brown,
Your house will be ready next year ? That's pretty fast. I am sure it will be a home which is filled with beautiful HK from the hall to the rooms and the kitchen...maybe the toilet as well hor ? HeHeHe.
Who is Connie? Some HK shop owner or wat?

Ooh...think I watched tt show before...really amazing to hv such a dream house
U r sooo lucky to view it with your own eyes.
Btw, how much did u get the HK die cut body fridge?
Hello Ladies

am organinsing this bp below. if keen, post yr name and qty will do. will update list thereafter...thanks.

<font color="ff0000">Quick BP closes 29 July @ 12noon.
HK Coasters (White only)
Retails: $15.90
CP: $9.50</font>

- lili
- kittymum x 2
- acsy x 2
- emma (tbc)
- eliz
- MB
- msblur
Lili, one set of coaster for me too. Thanks! Btw, need me meet you this week to collect anythg? I am gg RP tomorrow lunchtime.

Waa, Eliz, Megan must be so thrilled!! Or ... u more thrilled? Hehe, if my DD receive HK, i think i will be the more thrilled one, kekeke

Pls add my name for 1 coaster. Thks!

Ok will add ur name in. Hw u wana collect?

That is hk cotton bud. But are nt for sale loh.
