Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Although I've not been to the Bugis shop, I remember the amt is $150, how come now become $300 ??? That's double man !!!

Fei Fei,
I like yr bear & spoon chopsticks. Very nice !!! How much did you pay for it pls ??

<font color="ff6000">feifei</font>,
Nice loots. Oh.. I'm looking for that peeler. How much you got it har?? I wanna reserve that. You got Grace number or not har?? I left her namecard at home leh..

<font color="ff6000">msbrown</font>,
I tot of going to Grace shop tonight. But not sure yet cos feeling super tired leh. If I confirm going you wanna join me??
I don't have freedom of shopping alone leh. Otherwise I wish to visit the shop at Bugis too.
Me very guai recently...didn't buy any HK stuff except tompang Ms Blur to get the containers yesterday.
<font color="ff6000">Janet, feifei</font>,
This is the container I bot from KP on Sat lor. I bot 2. One for putting salt, another for sugar. Tinking of getting the smaller one for some spices. hhmmmm...

This container available here ?? How much ?? BTW, did you see the bear series spice container at same place ?? Looks like I have to go KP one of these days.
I paid $13.95 for the spoon and chopsticks set. She has 3 designs, one design is the one I bot, without pouch. She has one with pouch,the same spoon and chopsticks at $15.95. She has one with pouch, fork and spoon but i duno e price....

I paid $17.90 for the salad bowl lor...

I know kk n kp has the bowl too,its cheaper there but becos I was at grace shop yest, just nice her new stock of this relax series bowl came, so I just buy lor..Cos if I travel all the way to kk to buy, need to pay for the bus fare also same lor...And most important I like her service so I just buy lor...hee

Ya lor...I also duno how leh...Tink she rem wrongly liao..thot its $300 with n o time limit...

I forgot how much is the peeler leh...tink not bery ex lor...Her no is 92341024....U shuold go there see see lor cos got some bear stuffs, some korean stuff, has a korea water water, the small one which my coll bot frm korea for me...She has the hse lunchbov selling at $35.90 but no stock liao..she has the 2-tier pink lunchbox which kk has previously lor...

Bingo! I know this contr lor...keekee...PP helped me buy the bigger one lor...hee...airtight somemore lor, big enough for sugar, bery good...kee

Fei Fei,
Yr loots very tempting leh...thought I am able to control my spending this month.

Ms Blur,
After you have bought the stuff, is it convenient to pass to yr hubby ?? Then let me know his mobile no so that can ask my hubby to contact him. Thanks and sorry for the trouble.
Emma, thanks...

live_yr_dream, heehee... cannot use preggie as a sheild mah....cos that time, i showed him the pic of the slow cooker... he replied "so cute. how to cook."best part, i havent tell him that i ordered the waffle maker....

Purin, so take yr time to collect.... cos i also have to take my time to collect... sorry hor....

Fei, do u know how much kk selling the bowl?
Can tell yr hubby the slow cooker is to make yummy porridge for the baby. Then the waffle maker is to make delicious breakfast for yr daughter.
<font color="ff6000">feifei</font>,
Noted with thks babe... will call Grace later to reserve this. heheheh...

<font color="ff6000">Janet</font>,
Yup. I bot this container from KP. Tink it's $12.95 before 15% discount. Can't really remember leh.. cos I bot with a few other stuffs. paiseh...

hee....good good..so maybe u going down after work?

Tink its $16.90 leh...U haven told ur hb that ordered the waffle maker huh? hee...when he sees the actual thing hor, will he faint? hee...
your loots are so nice! Makes me feel like going to Grace's shop today. I like the spoon and chopsticks with pouch. Maybe i shd call and reserve hor? kekeke...
i also rem it's $150 no time limit to become member, i became member the last time i was there when i bot the CK containers, HK bear tray & water container etc, so cannot be $300 leh...
Live_Yr_Dream/Fei Fei,
If you're going to Grace's shop, can remind her that it's $150 and no time limit to be member. Even I remember that.
ya lor, thats y lor...haiz...Tink I will call to verify with her later lor...

Hee...Yup, you should call to ask, tell her u wan to reserve the spoon and chopstick set with pouch one lor cos tink left afew only leh =)....Bery sweet leh...

Its not a flast lor, just a thermal mug leh...
morning ladies....

Liked all yr loots leh. But I can only drool lor coz Grace kept a few checked bear items for me but I dont dare go her place but anyhow still gotta go coz got CK LD + my checked stuffs are wif her. FAINT... I'm overspending again this mth. keke....

U wana go tonite? But tonite I cant leh coz my hubby worked super long OT last nite until 4am this morning then he promised to accompany me tonite. Then I was tinkg of gog there when she has the CK LD then can play & collect my stuffs together. But scare wait no more nice nice stuffs liao hor.

If u wana go Grace's shop, we can go together lah then we can play the CK LD together oso. But I'll only be gog when she has the LD. Praying she'll hv it soon.

Hello, how r u coping?

Hello, will u be gog to play the CK LD oso? U're like me leh, always gotta hide my stuffs lor. haha... if not, can reali hear my hubby nag non-stop man....

Tell u something.... Y'day when I heard Grace said the CK LD is here, I was so happy I quickly called my hubby told him the LD is here. Then I laugh until very "jian" like " hiak hiak hiak... My hubby asked me y I laugh until like tat.... haha.... I told him I'm too happy liao so gotta make some noise mah... He said wana send me to Mental Hospital..... haha.....

Nice lor the pens, got lamps meh? tat day I went KK I nvr see leh.. Maybe I nvr pay attention.
nice loots from grace's shop...huh $300 meh..tot $150 with no time limit ma?hmmm.....

nice pics lor...

the hk container also nice...
Morning msbrown,
haha...so cute lor you..your hubby wanna send you to Mental hospital..haha....he know you sure will cheong down and play one ma...
true lor....tink this mth and next mth gonna spent alot liao cos got LD, got eh new relax series items also mah...all the $$$ flying away...kee

U so funnie lor, until ur hb say wan to send u to mental hospital..kee

nice pics leh...=)...
Morning shanshan.....

Actuali hor, it's Sunday when I dragged my Parents in law & my hubby go to Hougang mall, coz I wana get some things from the Hougang shop which msblur brought me there the last time. Then his dad while driving was saying over the other side is Mental Hospital, then at tat time I was behaving mischeviously, i was pinching my hubby's cheeks, messing up his hair & pulling his ear, then he told his father to drive to Mental Hospital coz he wana send me there. Then since then, he kept saying wana send me there lor. haha...... He's mad.

Ya lor, he knew I'll cheong down to play the LD y'day if it's starting last nite, I'll also drag my PIL to go wif me lor. haha.... But too bad, not starting y'day leh.
Janet, no use one.... cos i told him i will brew soup in it....

fei, ya loh.... dun know how to break the new to him... cos recently i overspent....
true lor....tink this mth and next mth gonna spent alot liao cos got LD, got eh new relax series items also mah...all the $$$ flying away...kee

U so funnie lor, until ur hb say wan to send u to mental hospital..kee

nice pics leh...=)...
Msbrown, YES!!! i will go n play CK LD.... i think someone mentioned that Isetan will be having it on thurs.... so i already told hubby to standby to go on my behalf.... cos he can afford to go in the afternoon....

no choice... cos recently, i really bought a lot of stuff... now controlling myself.... dun want to go to overseas spree thread... scare i anyhow buy bb stuff....then last month, i bought 3 pair of birkes....i told him i cant wear heels ma... he told me that he calculated for me that i have 8 pairs of birkes already... can stop already....

cant imag how he will react with the slow cooker n waffle maker.....cos kitchen is his di pan....
Ms Brown,
You so excited the LD coming back, until you laugh like that. HaHaHa.

I've reserved a place in the kindergarten for my daughter going to nursery next yr....don't know why I feel sad. I think I am suffering from separation anxiety already...
I don't remember feeling this way when my son went to nursery then.
<font color="ff6000">Msbrown</font>,
You so funni leh babe... laugh till like that. You hubby also so funni lor. Say wanna send you to IMH. hahahahahah

If tonight cannot then it's ok. How tomolo?? Cos me also feeling tired so dun feel up to it to travel all the way to Bugis leh.

<font color="ff6000">Janet</font>,
Dun worry babe. It's normal lah. Cos she's the "baby" of the family so will then to more protective lor. Somemore gal mah. But then.. once she's there and adapting well, you will breathe a sigh of relief lor. *hiaks hiaks*

<font color="ff6000">Dorothy</font>,
Wah seh.. 8 pairs of birkies. hhmmm... I also bot 1 pair a while back. But after wearing, I dun find it comfy leh. Dunno whether cos I got the wrong size or what. I hear everyone raving about how comfy it is but I dun find it so leh... after wearing I dun feel any special support for my soles or anything. But my feet especially the space between my toes and sole part feel uncomfortable. Now my birkies sitting at home collect dust only.
Thanks for yr consolation...she's really my princess and I have an extra soft spot for her. Sounds like a terrible mummy, since I have 2 kids.
Janet, normal lah... cos when my gal goes pri 1 in the beginning of the year... i too suffered from separation anxiety... gal gal ma... so baobei one....

Acthia, i like birkes ver much.... it somehow suit me loh....

fei, no use one... he is ok just that will nag... like the last time, got some of yr loots from bkk... he also nag... oh ya!!!!i still have a bin with u!!!!!
ya, he does all our cooking.....i only eat n place order...
oic...but nag awhile okie liaoz lor...hee

Ya lor...heehee...its okie lor, u can keep it with me 1st, anytime can take frm me lor...kee..
U so xing fu hor. Can to place order & eat only while he cooks & wash the dishes ah. So Xian Mu man! Ok, see wat yr hubby draws for u. Then maybe we can exchange or buy from each other. Meiji said SA mentioned it's Thurs but duno how true lor. Tink gotta wait for their sms-es.

Tink like wat Dorothy & Acthia said, coz she's a gal gal so more sayang lor. If me, I'm sure I'll feel the same as you r.

I'm reali excited lor. Haha,,,,, I even told my hubby I cant slp last nite coz I' tinkg of the CK LD. keke.... Ya lor, super broke like tat hor. I realised that if got LD hor, I'll be damn broke & everytime if something comes, all comes 2gether one leh. *FAINT*

U wana wait until the CK LD comes? Coz I dont wana run 2 times to Grace's shop. I oso super lazy & tired lor. Somehow, feels that my tummy not feeling good, like not fully recovered. We arrange again, see if u reali buay tahan tml then reali wana go, I can always accompany u there one. hehe, we can go ransack her place. haha....
msbrown.. u v funny leh.. but so cute.. play with hub play till lidat.. so fun!! ok lah.. when u going to bugis, tell me ah.. keke.. see if i can join u..

dor... u also birkies fan??? keke.. me too leh... my colleagues always ask me to buy.. then when i see something i like when i am ordering for them, i'll also buy.. now end up i have more than 20 pairs leh.. tsk tsk tsk.. hub also give up on me alr.. muahaha...

btw.. i am ordering again.. anyone interested??
Maybe bcos I breast-fed her long, thats why I bu4 se3 de2 lah. For my son, I didn't feel this way. My hubby also quite reluctant to send her to school even though they are not very close buddies.

Fei Fei,
I got all these pics from Yahoo Taiwan.
Y u all buy so many leh? Cheap meh? I got 2 pairs from TPE slightly cheaper than SIN. I feel 1 pair can wear very long leh. U 2 got more than 20 pairs. I wana faint liao......
emma, ya.. loves them man!!! hee hee... too bad i cant join u in the birkes spree... cos he said 8 is a nice number to have....

msbrown, it's emma.. cant imag myself having 20plus pairs.....ok lah... cos he loves to cook n i cant cook... so our roles switch.... but my gal is asking mymum n also hubby to teach me how to cook cos she said her books all say mummy is the one who cooks not daddy... so i told her next time find a husband who knows how to cook....
No lah...I breast-fed her for 10 months. For my son only 2 weeks bcos he had cleft and very difficult having to run in and out of hospital then.
You are a very lucky woman, to be able to find a hubby who knows how to cook. When my maid went home, my son told my mum WE have to stay at her house bcos his mummy only knows how to cook breakfast and steam chicken. Wah lau, really embarrassing man.

Hi ladies!

20 pairs???!!! I faint liao! SOOooooooooo many? Got chance to wear all meh?? Ordering somemore???

Janet, Meiji
Just called Grace to reserve the cutlery set. She mentioned Korean stocks coming in on 7th or 8th. That includes the spice container and cutlery holder.

Can remove my order of the pink cutlery set from the list liao. Heehee 1 more item off your load. TIA!

