Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Here r the bags my DH bot




Below is the pair of sandals for my DD

Yup, reali sick lor. Somemore the stupid flu medicine hor makes me real slpy lor. Even my tongue is tasteless after 2 full days of medication.

Heard from Grace that the CK draw is here. But she haven't unpack her stuffs yet so I'm not sure when she's gog to hold the LD. I told her to sms me once she confirm the date & time.

Duno if she can start tonite. haha...... Coz today my FIL not workg so I can por lor sor my FIL drive me & MIL there. See if my MIL is super heng, can get me the 1st prize. keke....

I oso wont be playing a lot coz wana save money.

Grace juz called me says the checked bear waterbottle which she_she brought back from HKG, she has it and selling at SGD13.95 so I tot, ok lah, not very expensive so I've asked her to reserve for me liao. Then u have 1 less item to buy. hehe... Thanks ya, I delete from the list.

Latest updated list:
HKG shopping list for Li Li:
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle, HK coasters for pot (2 pcs)
3. HoHo03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster)
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB, HK cooler bag(Budget S$15),1 set of pink HK korean cutlery set,coasters for pots (HK & MM)
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. Ms Brown - Small thermal Food warmer (budget SGD15), HK Ice Shaver (budget SGD25), 1 HK & 1 MM Toothpick Holder, 2 HK pot coasters, 2 sets small HK amulets, 1 set big amulets.
**9. Janet - Rose wallet budget $30, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8. [Hopefully PrincessEmma can get these items in BKK]
10. Bubblesangel - HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25), Toothpick holder (1st choice HK, 2nd choice MM) (Budget S$5)
11. Hello Kitty - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK/MM), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can).
12. Forgetmenot - small food warmer(same as Ms Brown), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can), kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8 (for 1 year old..size 80, 90 or 100))
13. purplepenguin - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK budget $20), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink)
14. Japancraze - Checked bear water bottle, coasters for pots x 4 (any designs)
15. Szu - HK cooler bag(Budget S$15), 1 set of pink HK korean cutlery set, 1 set of Korean cutley set(LTS or MM), 4 coasters for pots (HK & MM).
16. Meiji - Bear design cutlery container/chopsticks holder budget below $50 for both.

I saw that u also want that checked bear water bottle, do u wana call Grace & ask her to reserve for u? She said she has 2 pieces only.

I'm getting all excited on the CK LD.... keke....
<font color="ff6000">feifei</font>,
The door curtain is HK one. Tink 1 of the ladies here saw in JPN before but din buy. Tink I also posted a Auction link on it b4. It's a 3-pc one in pink colour. Berry sweet.
But ex leh.. about $20 lor. But I see liaoz.. buay tahan so bot it lor. The containers I bot can use to put salt and sugar one. The lid is pink and the container is transparent
plastic. Dunno whether you understand my describtion or not. hahahahah... I take pic and post it lah.

<font color="ff6000">BA</font>,
Wow!! Nice nice bags!! Your hubby got berry good taste leh. These bags are suitable to wear with all colour clothes and can be used for work or weekend lor.
Berry good choices. *happy for you*

These are times when you feel so appreciated for all you've done for the family hor... =o)
Wow, so happy hor, LD coming...hee

I just called Grace lor, she said she has some korea stuffs lor....Might be going there to have a look lor tonite or tmr lor, depends...hee

I already told Japancraze liao, she said she wan and now she calling grace to reserve..kee

I know liao, its the taiwan series lor, tink the one which PP bot for us frm Taiwan lor...Airtight one hor, got big and smaller one hor? was put beside the new relax series in KP hor? ;p

Wow, ur bags soo nice leh..envy envy liao...
okies sure..another load off my list..kekeke.

Do chk if your stuff from HKG can get from Grace, then can delete from my list
I watching the vcds u lent me leh, bery nice lor...watched 10hrs on sat lor..unitl my hb also butahan...haahaa....Bery handsome actors lor.. =)
ya lor. I was so happy when she told me the LD is here liao. keke.... So excited leh but she haven said when she's holding the LD leh. Duno whether same as wat Isetan is bring in.

Ya lor, I try to lighten yr load. If can get in SIN, then I wont ask u to buy. hehe....
<font color="ff6000">feifei</font>,
Yah yah.. that's the container lor. wah seh.. you really spot on man. Somemore you know the product "location" in KP. hehehehehhe...

eehh... you going Grace there?? If tomolo nite maybe I can join you leh...
nice hor..enjoying the show eh...

u going Grace ah...me very temped too..kekeke. but wanna "ren" leh...hope to shop in HKG instead.

ya ya...thanks for understanding
When r u gals gog Grace there ah? Me wana tag along too. Heard that quite a number of new stocks leh. But CK LD will arrive at her shop only on Wed or Thurs lor.

U can get this thermal food warmer from BKK Central tink abt SGD 15 or less. There's 3 separate containers inside this warmer. Quite big though.

The food warmer which I'm asking Lili to keep a lookout is a smaller one say store only 1 person's food lor. Something like wat KK is selling. Tink Purin got buy but I dont hv the picture. No need same picture lah but something smaller.
i went Isetan last wk. I saw the thermal food warmer. Its indeed very big men. But its gd in a way that it has 3 separate containers inside. Gd for storing food loh.
Actually i find Grace's tings quite ex leh. Maybe some items onli lah. Coz' dat time i bought a HK mechanical pencil frm her stall. She selling at $5.95. But i went Isetan last wk, i saw the same pencil there. Isetan onli selling for $4.95.
Payment Received from:

meiji - S$105.10
Dior - S$63.01
feifei - S$32.06
Hello Kitty - S$32.06
Purin - S$155.00
wlml2402 - S$32.06
celline - S$32.06
dor11 - S$32.06
Taz - S$32.06
liveyrdream - S$105.10
Sharonng - S$32.06
dach - S$64.12
Nikita - S$32.06
msbrown - S$73.04
szu - S$105.10
bubblesangel - S$73.04
purplpenguin - S$32.06

Updated list:
DVD Player: (A$59 x 1.238 = SG$73.04)
1) msbrown
2) meiji
3) Bubblesangel
4) Szu
5) live_your_dream
6) Purin

Manicure Set: (A$25 x 1.238 = SG$30.95)
1) Dior

Popcorn Maker: (A$40 x 1.238 = S$49.52)
1) Purin

Waffle Maker: (S$25.90 x 1.238 = $32.06)
1) Nikita
2) Sharon Ng
3) Dior
4) feifei
5) wlml2402
6) meiji
7) Szu
8) Hello Kitty
9) Celline
10) dach x 2
11) dor11
12) purplepenguin
13) Purin
14) live_your_dream
15) Taz
That 3 HK pens very nice... I saw same series lamp at KK before, but will be very EX if getting 3. sob sob...

So excited for CK LD... and HK LD coming soon.
Wonder ST will bring in the $20 LD? all the prize very nice leh... kekeke

Hi Dorothy/Annie,
I didn't have time to collect the slow cookers last week.

Thousand apologies to make you wait for another week. Will let you know again once I collect them this week.
Have some changes on my budget. =P

Latest updated list:
HKG shopping list for Li Li:
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle, HK coasters for pot (2 pcs)
3. HoHo03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster)
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB, HK cooler bag(Budget S$15),1 set of pink HK korean cutlery set,coasters for pots (HK & MM)
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. Ms Brown - Small thermal Food warmer (budget SGD15), HK Ice Shaver (budget SGD25), 1 HK & 1 MM Toothpick Holder, 2 HK pot coasters, 2 sets small HK amulets, 1 set big amulets.
**9. Janet - Rose wallet budget $30, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8. [Hopefully PrincessEmma can get these items in BKK]
10. Bubblesangel - HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25), Toothpick holder (1st choice HK, 2nd choice MM) (Budget S$5)
11. Hello Kitty - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK/MM), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can).
12. Forgetmenot - small food warmer(same as Ms Brown), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can), kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8 (for 1 year old..size 80, 90 or 100))
13. purplepenguin - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK budget $20), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink)
14. Japancraze - Checked bear water bottle, coasters for pots x 4 (any designs)
15. Szu - HK cooler bag(Budget S$15), 1 set of pink HK korean cutlery set, 1 set of Korean cutley set(LTS or MM), 4 coasters for pots (HK & MM).
16. Meiji - Bear design cutlery container/chopsticks holder budget total $40 or below.
Hi ladies!

Me back frm Grace's shop liao..

latest Updates : Grace's shop has the korean bear series cutleries,spoon and chopsticks or spoon and fork..She has another set which is purely stainless steel...nice nice...

She has the small water bottle frm korea, bear series as well...Alot of the bear water pitcher without handle one...Has HK thermal flask, a mug which can make blended ice =)...

There are also some HK,CK plasters as well.

She has more relax salad bowls and mugs now...Heard frm her that she has ordered the bear series cutlery holder which meiji and some ladies were looking for, but still duno when coming in yet...Was told by her that there will be more new stocks coming in on 7th Aug..

As for the CK LD, she said she haven finish unpacking yet, will be doing so the next few days...I told her we all WAITING for e LD....kee

Antoher thing hor, Grace told me that in order to become her member, we must spend $300 with no time limit leh...Thot I rem it correctly as we can become member if we spent $150 and above, but she insisted not ...so just for all your informations...

I have bot the pink cutlery set liao, so if u happen to see the blue HK one, please help me buy one set...tks..

Latest updated list:
HKG shopping list for Li Li:
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle, HK coasters for pot (2 pcs)
3. HoHo03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster)
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB, HK cooler bag(Budget S$15),1 set of BLUE HK korean cutlery set,coasters for pots (HK & MM)
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. Ms Brown - Small thermal Food warmer (budget SGD15), HK Ice Shaver (budget SGD25), 1 HK & 1 MM Toothpick Holder, 2 HK pot coasters, 2 sets small HK amulets, 1 set big amulets.
**9. Janet - Rose wallet budget $30, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8. [Hopefully PrincessEmma can get these items in BKK]
10. Bubblesangel - HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25), Toothpick holder (1st choice HK, 2nd choice MM) (Budget S$5)
11. Hello Kitty - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK/MM), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can).
12. Forgetmenot - small food warmer(same as Ms Brown), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can), kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8 (for 1 year old..size 80, 90 or 100))
13. purplepenguin - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK budget $20), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink)
14. Japancraze - Checked bear water bottle, coasters for pots x 4 (any designs)
15. Szu - HK cooler bag(Budget S$15), 1 set of pink HK korean cutlery set, 1 set of Korean cutley set(LTS or MM), 4 coasters for pots (HK & MM).
16. Meiji - Bear design cutlery container/chopsticks holder budget total $40 or below.
Hi Feifei,

I also remember the membership as $150 with no time limit because I'm the one who tried to get a better deal for you all here at this forum and she even sent me an SMS to confirm some time ago. Too bad I delected the sms, otherwise, can show her.

Or maybe someone can search from the archive in this post? because I remmebered I did post the news about the membership revision thing here some time ago.

Hmmmm.... maybe she forgot???
live_your_dream & feifei,
I remember that time Grace agreed that we (from Forum) accumulate $150 then can apply member leh...
U home liao? hows work today?

Ya lor...I told her cannot be mah cos I rem forum ladies here can hv $150 unlimited time to become member lor..haiz...duno how also lor...cos maybe she forgot liao...somemore no more proof lor...hmm....
Or u wan to check with her?cos tink she really forgot liao..

Me going to bed liao..chat with u all tmr..
Nitez nitez...

Good morning!!!Purin, take yr time... cos i havent told DH that i got slow cooker,warmer n also cooler bag with u...
may have difficulties in hiding in the kitchen....

Fei, morning!!!i like yr bowl n also chopstick!!! can share how much are they? anyone gg to grace's side or can give me grace's ctc?i wan to reserve... can tompang....

Emma, sorry still have not transfer... but confirm taking...
