Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Last time Tokyo alone I spent 5 days. Ya think u better wait n see how serious is the Swine Flu 1st, Japan has 32 case as at now.

Ya like wat Purin said, already very gd if can find escalator. Think Spring is a better time to go.

Hi All,

any1 can tell me where can i purchase this fan cover? Found it in one of the archive post. Is this for standard standing size fan?

Hi Ladies,

Was surfing and saw Flea Mania organised by Paw Pledge:

"Raising funds for the welfare of community cats in Singapore. Come down and join 40 vendors peddling lots of goodies. FLEA MANIA! Market@ 8Q Singapore Art Museum on 23/5/09. Animal groups will also be there to promote their causes and adoption of animals."

I was considering donating some of my LD extras for the cause so I contacted the organisers if I can set up stall there. While waiting for reply, I thought of asking if u girls want to donate your extra LD items for this cause. Do email me at [email protected] if u are willing to part with some items of yours. I will keep your all updated through email cos I am abit off the thread here. Thanks!

"Ha3elnut is nuts about CATS which definitely includes HELLO KITTY!!!"
hi mindy,

i would like to order:

1)hk measuring tape $7.90

2)hk n bear soft toy L size $49.90

3)hk washbowl $9.90

4)hk first aid kit $9.90

5)hk dustbin $29.90

is there any discount....

Thanks for your help. i saw the fan at KK but not cheap and think it is too small for practical usage. So i prefer to get a fan cover to cover over existing fans.

I have pm u. Let me know . thanks.
Hi all,
I am bk to work after 2wks of studying...glad to be back here =)..Hows everyone?

Tks for taking in my orders =).

Hi Le Petite,
U dun accept PM le..

Wan to ask u hor, item 22, CD box, how many CDs can be put inside?
<font size="+1">Hi <font color="aa00aa">Ladies in my BP</font>

Glad to inform most of the stocks are available.
I will arrange collection once stocks arrive end of this week.

By the way, (no offence to Le Petite Garden) those items in her album, i can get in as well. So my friends here, you <font color="aa00aa">can just add on the items to your existing orders with me</font> and collect all at a go if you like. Pls PM me. Thanks.
Dear friends,
Thanks for the compliments on the bento

Btw, share with you girls.. was at Sembawang Shopping Centre's Diaso yesterday and saw a red handheld hello kitty mirror there. Not sure if other Diaso has that. Cheers!
Hi Ladies! Long time no post, have new loot to share but no time to take pix. Will try to do so soon..

Looks like you had a fruitful shopping trip in Osaka ;)

I saw the red mirror and another design too at PS Daiso too last week
Hi All!

Im new to this thread... so excited to see so many HK stuffs being discussed here...
Just wondering does anyone knws where I would be able to get HK ceiling light in Spore?
Am looking for one ne!

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for helping to clear my extra loots
Think I have a few more items to clear, hope I hv the time to upload the pics soon.

Do upload yr pic too, wanna see. Hee I wish I can buy more
Hi Ladies,

Just to let you know the GSS updates on HK:

1. KP 30% off storewide (for members only) TODAY ONLY 29 May 2009
2. Takashimaya 20% (regular priced item) + 10% (taka card holders. ( 28 May -31 May 2009)

Happy Shopping away!
Hey Ladies
Agree very quiet leh... Anyone dun mind changing items from the "health" series LD.

1.changing their blue towel for my pink towel
2.changing their red airtight lunch box for the green lunch box
3.changing their yellow soup mug for my red soup mug

PM me k. Thanks
Since so quiet let me start ball rolling to share...

I am going on HK picnic... with my tent, chair and food containers!!!


You never post the tent. Kekeke. . .

I have been cutting down on HK recently. Have been spending too much.
Tent was posted previously. Haven set it up b4 actually. Nowadays guess many of us are cutting down too. Recession, pay cut, pay freeze, zero bonus, retrenchment. But the big spenders are still spending ba. Last week was at taka sales. While waiting for my turn, the person beside me spent 4k+ and the person paying at another cashier spent 5k+... For a second, I thought the cash registers were spoilt... kekeke me small spender can open eye big big nia
Hi Ladies,

Just wanna to check if anyone has been eating Macdonald to collect the 6 Coca Cola glasses?
Anyone has an extra piece of the Pink glass to exchange with my Blue glass? Please PM me ya. Tnks!
Wkends coming soon, anyone went for GSS?

halow =)..

wow, picnic =).. Nice chair leh =) *drooling*...U bot the picnic set - plates, bowls n cups?

hi ya...hows ur boy?
I bought the food container with ice pack only. The picnic set - plates, bowls n cups, I didn't get cos I dun think its convenient to find place to wash the items after use when we go picnic. Not advisible to put all the used items back into the carrier bag also. So for those, I might stick to disposables. Though not environment friendly, once a while only la. =p
Hi ladies, sharing my recent loots.


Hello Kitty vege cakes


Hello Kitty grape, apple &amp; orange juices ... oiishi!!


Hello Kitty ramen


Hello Kitty handphone charms

Haha, long time never share loots, hee ..
Morning ladies...
KK is havign sales for members today and tmr wor...Anyone going?

Nice looties =)...

Gucci was havign sales too..lots of people but not all items are on sales =)... Those sales items were on 30% discount but as usual, onli selected series =).
Hi Feifei,
My DS is good. Growing fast. .. .how I wish time would stop for a while. Can't imagine he'll be in K1 next year.
