Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

The first one pineapple nice but crust not nice. Second one I haven't tried. Will tell u once I have tried.

But I love pork floss roll. Used to make myself but no time now, so got to buy.

By the way, PH teaching honey cornflakes. . .that is something that I know how to make since secondary school, but too lazy to do.
YES YES, i want popeye..kekeke..when when when?? nowadays go shouldnt be crowded hoh..after the flyer incident??? kekeke..let jio the usual kakis leh...
Nice pork floss roll oso very difficult to find leh.

Thanks for your offer, I pai seh leh, hehe

SG flyer have Popeye too
Next time we can also jio each other for all the kids' events. Kekeke. . .cos realise that both of us have been attending the same thingy.
pompom.. u stay so near beauty world.. u know there's a v famous nonya kueh stall there??? their CNY goodies realli v good leh..

btw, where did u get the pork floss roll? i wanna buy for enzo leh.. mrkt eat the shrimp one he also wants.. but too spicy for him..
k see if I can join you next time.

ya hope I can bring my girl for more activity but my dh said no more show for her cos she can't concentrate keep running around.
You are referring to the 4th floor hawker centre at beauty world issit?

Keke. . I seldom go there though I live so near the place.

There are a few places selling the pork floss roll. One is near the si4 ma3 lu4. There is one building whereby they sell a lot of titbits and dried goods. Should still have bah cos I bought some there 2 years ago.

This year, I bought the pork floss roll at the ba kwa shop at Hong Lim. Their wu3 hua1 rou4 ba kwa also very good, but ex. The CNY stalls at Chinatown may have it too.

You like the biscuit? DH sometimes bought 4 but no one eats. If don't mind, I can pass to you next time since you are near to my office and school has reopened. More convenient for me to drop by your office.

My DS also like this. But we still bring him cos most kids are like this at this age. Till now he is still like this. During his first 2 days in school, I kept asking him to sit sit sit.
Thanks.Are you going to KK next week?what time you going there?see whether i can meet you or lunch or dinner!I love the Crayfish Hor-fan
ya ya..i love them..especially with the mashed potato..yum yums. huh, pass me ah? we very far leh...kekekke....but thanks leh..i love to have them

i so long no see you...maybe can meet at KK see new stock wor...hows that? can go dinner too...
after some serious consideration, think i dun wan to get the camera cos u have some much problem wif TH, if i wan i think i will get at TH myself le, i know payment has not been made yet hor, u have my acct number hor, can remit me back $200 asap, thanks hor
MB, Ktgal,
So entertaining..what did I miss?

What a good friend are u ya? No need to email me privately leh. I still left 2 cushions. U still want? I will definately sell it to u if u're not being influence by some pathetic people. Sometimes, it's better to just keep quiet
Huh? What you mean? If you have extra, you can sell to me if you willing, I won't force you to sell if you're not willing

And, I'm not privately email you, I tot that will be much easier to contact with you. I used to do same way too previously bacause this is not PTE SALES, we just get what we want, shouldn't be a problem. I can post here too, you can let me know which way you prefer, I will take note in future.

Do let me know the cushions are made from which material too.
I appreciate if u can reply me on the tt once its done cos new year coming soon, kenna owe $ not good for u n me also, hehe, i old fashion lah
of cos payment not made, cos not everyone paid up, how to pay to TH? but orders are confirmed...sorry i cannot cancel with TH. you know how BPs work rite? please dun make things difficult for me, i know you are not an unreasonable person. thanks for your understanding.
U oready know i not unreasonable loh, i know TH also not unreasonable, in fact Wendy is very nice, we had a nice chat this afternoon. I dun think she mind if the BP is cancelled. Even if this BP still goes on, i dun think she mind if u dun count me in.
I am one of the culprit leh. . . .let me know if I have delayed the collection. I'll quick quick transfer the $$ to you.
nope, not you..i only got informed by TH today that the stock is here...so was going to ask for payment...

the words came from you leh, i didnt say they are unreasonable. i cannot cancel, cos there are other ppl who wants the camera, they have waited patiently. no min qty, there's no bp price..how?
Like i say i dun think she mind tat, y dun u ask her abt it tml, would appreciate if u can let me know wat the outcome. Btw u state tat there is a NO minimum order to do the BP
Morning ladies...

Err...Everyone calm down sia...New year, new frenz + old frenz + new acceptance ya..

Dun cry ya, everything is ok de...Most of the ladies here are very nice lor...so dun be frightened away hor =)...DO join us here more often hor =).

wow, pineapple tarts liao? i ordered mine but haven rec yet lor...yummy..

Long time since I join u all for gathering hor..miss those times we have dinner together, cheong LD together..so fun hor..hee..
My new term starting soon in 2 wks time, will be more busy liao lor..somemore now my ger grow older, need more attention liao..

Ya hor, wheres msbrown huh? Long time din see her post here liao wor...

Wow, time flies hor...Dun worry ya, the teacher will take care of ur ger ya...
Your post reminds me of one funny incident, got 1 girl want to join my spree but she goes thru her fren join it which I fint its extra lor, simple thing make it till so complicated, muahahhahah

Good morning!! How's your ah ger? You will be getting busier hor
Morning ladies

KWL, no lah, nothing much to miss
Hey, its friday!! Hehehe .. any plans for the weekend? My hb say maybe bring me go watch that Little Ponyo cartoon movie, hahaha, cos i keep saying very cute ;p His fren say that cartoon's director always got very good pieces.

Angeltopg, i replied your PM leh, let you know first. Sorry ah, i am not that pro yet lah, just help teenie weenie bit, hehehe :p

Sidetrack abit, talk about happier things, anyone chased the Little Nonya drama from start to end? Nice?
I watched a few episodes like quite touching, maybe will get the box sets.
Morning Ladies

MB, thanks so much for your help! Sorry to give you 'homework' & trouble you when you are busy with work hehehe :p

Did you miss my post on postage for my item? Maybe I email you instead ;)
Morning Ladies.

yes, just come back,
anything u like from the list? let me know, so i can check whether still have extras or not

sorry, no more 34

which item do u want? let me know, i can check if still got extras

sorry, yesterday didnt come here till late
i just PM-ed you
yah the movie very cute, anime from Ghibli usually quite good, i dunno if u c The Cat Returns & Howl the moving castle, both from ghibli, both very good
hi Starlight
saw your email this morning about my item, later reply you hor?

Jenny, so its really good ah? Okie ok hehehe
I din watch "The Cat Returns & Howl the moving castle", maybe will find from that website you ever told me before, hee
Share your thoughts after watching Little Ponyo

I catch Little Nyoya only on last few episodes, the story will makes you wanna keep continueing to watch lor
This drama consider a GOOD one compare to other mediacorp's drama

How's X'mas mood in TPE? Got snows?

i ve emailed you, pls check

xmas mood so so lah.. i think all along taipei never snowing, unless u go to peak of Yangmingshan.
but that few days quite cold, coz some wind blowed from china, temp about 8C

<font size="+1">SUMMARY:</font>
Emma: total $26.60 <font color="ff0000">PAID</font>
6. 1 x HK rose shampoo 400 ml, $10.80
7. 1 x HK rose bodywash 400 ml, $10.80
16c. HK undies design x 1, $5.00
collection: pass to Msblur?

Acsy: total $14.00
10. 2x Dcut rose soap, $2.50 each
24. 2 x HK soup spoon, $4.50 each
collection: ?

Siowhui: total $18.40 <font color="ff0000">PAID 19.90</font>
4. SKS scissors with safety cap, $9.90
35. 1 x HK relax big pot coaster, $8.50
collection: normal post

Eliz: total $38.50 <font color="ff0000">PAID</font>
18. Baby kitty socks 2-4 yrs old, $4.50 each
both pink and red = 4.50 x 2 = $9.00
21. 1set of HK activity books (consist of 6 books, different theme each book), selling as set at $20.00
9. Anti bacterial handwash 200 ml, $9.50 each
collection: pass to Msblur?

Jenny: total $7.60 <font color="ff0000">PAID $8.10</font>
22. stickers in red and lite blue
HK bear + Kitty daniel = 2 x 3.80
collection: normal post

PLL: total $5.50 <font color="ff0000">PAID</font>
20. HK stapler, $4.50
collection: post -> normal postage= $1.00

Msbrown: total $37.50
22b. Big sheets, $5.50
A&amp;D door curtain set, $32

Cindy: total $11.50
17. HK Pen knife, $2.00
11. 1 x small magnetic clip, $4.50 each
1 x big magnetic clip, $5.00 each
collection: ?

Hua_jing: total $13.50
11. 1 x small magnetic clip, $4.50 each
02. 1 x HK black camera case, $9.00
collection: postage -> normal postage = $1.20

MB: total $7.60 <font color="ff0000">PAID $8.60</font>
22. yellow and green sticker $3.80 each
collection: normal post

Angeltopg: total $3.00
25. 1 x Long chopstick 27 cm(japanese motif), $3.00
collection: ?

Msblur: total $30.80
06. HK rose shampoo $10.80
31. 1 x Toilet air freshener, $11.00
34. 1 x HK relax tumbler, $9.00
collection: meet up?
U go watch both from the website, think should have, there got lots of japanese ones. But hor i think their best production is My neighbour Totoro, tat one is excellent!!!!
really? I didnt know you are into anime too. Cos I am a fan of cartoon. I did watch howl the moving castle and spirited away.Both I like, later i will go search for my neighbour totoro and The cat return.
My boi liket the Little Ponyo song when they advertise in the TV

After u watch the movie, let me know is it suitable for kids to watch.

So nice of u

Let me know if u have extra of Toilet air freshener.
Ok thanks Jenny for the info

PLL, ya thanks to my hb lah, since courtship days always ask me watch animae with him now i also hooked. I got watch boyish animae also, like Naruto, Bleach, Avatar-last air bender etc ... hahahaha
Also like Spirited Away and another one-Fireflies (about story of a bro and his baby sis who died during war time) one also very touching and nice.
I like watchin ghibli studio productions, the animation character always very amusing and quite well drawn, i also love spirited away, hehe all nice lah
Yup PLL, this is Little Ponyo, she is actually a fish want to be a little gal but i dunno for what adventure yet, cutee!

Ya Jenny, so sad hor Fireflies,
I watched it twice somemore. Such good production should get the DVDs to keep. Maybe i should start go collect.

I dont watch sad stories. Cos I think life is already so sad enough. so shouldnt watch sad cartoon to add on to it. I wont watch ft fireflies then.
I tell you, I even went to get the OST of spirited away. I like the ending song.

Me collecting cartoons DVDs. Mostly from previous pixel production. Even my hubby is amazed by my interest in cartoon.
Normally when there is any new cartoon, I would definitely catch the premiere.That is before the birth of my darling son. Now I have to put him ahead of everything which includes missing out all the cartoons.
I got their box set, mine is the one including totoro &amp; kiki's delivery studio and few others, quite worth it

Hi Ladies!

I am a fan of ghibli studio productions! In fact I got the whole collection (box set - older productions) after I watched Fireflies on TV. Cried when I watched Fireflies...touching and sad
. I also bought the later productions VCDs like Spirited Away and The Cat Returns. Am waiting for Little Ponyo to come out in VCD form.

