Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

so sleeppyzzzz, i need Hello kitty remedy

so blueblue did u order the Hk containers? kekeke. im might b gg down to Sanrio HF afterwork hehehe


Izzit...yup went IMM with my hubby yesterday.
My hubby seldom knock off early so yesterday go eat and walk walk ...
<font color="0000ff">Purplepenguin
transferred $ for the Jan 09 Catalog. Thanks. Ref is 1993766020. Please check..

<font color="119911">today really quiet.
found some nice pic of HK camera (I think is camera)...dun think sell in spore too. </font>



I have also emailed u my payment details

Wow...these days you have been surfing quite a bit for hk stuff eh...kekekeke...now that you have more time, you tend to spend more too hor? hehe
Wow, u also noticed I surf more often...haha. Now I am still in the honeymoon stage for my new job..can surf a bit la. later part, busy le, then I will MIA again.

last time so cham..work until so late and miss HK. I spend within my budget la
U also ordered quite alot from Jan 09 catalog hor..kekeke.

These nice HK pic can see but cant buy...

see mrblur posted SKS bowls and spoons...faint le.
(shd be msblur, see typo error again)

How much is the bowl and spoon? Tat is the twinkle saving bank...nice.
Im msblur lah, nt mrblur. Mrblur still working loh. Haha...

The bowl is $7.00, big spoon is $2.00. Ya ya..the LTS coin bank is nicer than the HK design. Bot my gals there mah, my elder gal said the HK design nt very nice, but my younger like the LTS.
blueblue too excited liao when she saw the SKS bowls n spoons, tat's y become mrblur posted the pic, hahaha.....
Is tat whole set of SKS belongs to me, heehee...
Did u see the new sch bags? Nice or not?
U know me well...keke. Hard to see nice SKS stuffs. so pathetic for boys. think I shd pop by TH.
softpillow maybe also like these sks stuffs...

paisay...too kancheong. haha..
Hee..no the sks items above belong to me. Urs still at TH. They kept it aside liao.

The new sks sch bag quite nice, but nt those with roller type.
quick quick go n buy for your boi

Tink 2mrow morning, muz go TH see see look look n spend $$. HK sch bag nice or not?
HK sch bag nice too. Guess wat...my elder gal saw it, she said she like it! Said she dun wana use her current sch bag with roller liao. Hai...
If u gg tmr morning, help me see the price can? I forgot to ask the price. Thot maybe can buy for her 9th bd in Jan.
Hi Ladies,
those who have loots with me, PLEASE try to collect from me asap can...cos i cannot collect other bp stocks if i dun clear...i have no more space in the office

and <font color="ff0000">those who have NOT paid</font>, pls do so ASAP. thanks.
i'm new here but i use to browse this thread n drool at the hello kitty things u guys buy

i;ve been looking for this lamp that i saw in a hello kitty/sanrio corner shop at marina square near the cinema but it has closed down. do u guys know where i can get it? it's a floor lamp. it comes in the red or pink version with a dimmer.

would really appreciate if any of u can tell me where i can get it. want to put in my girl's room
Oh no, HK sch bag nice huh, then I sure spend $$ liao, my gal sure ask me to buy for her cos her current sch bag's zip alrdy spoiled before her sch holidays. Guess wat, I used safety pins to pin the bag!
Okies, will check the price for u.
Welcome here.
I was thinking whether is this the lamp u r looking for. There's a Hello kitty shop at Hougang Plaza, u might wana try ur luck there.
hi msblur,
thanks 4 yr welcome

is it a flr lamp, quite big in size like 50cm height?
i live in jurong lei, hougang is pretty far for me..... u happ to know the name where i can call? :p if not, must really get hubby to ferry me there liao cos he stopped me frm buying the lamp the last time so he "owe" me hehe
Hi lili,
Sorry for the delayed..I hve just transferred to you.

details as follows:
To Account POSB Savings
093-46422-2 tan lili
Amount S$11.00
Transaction Reference 1994041334

Can I meet you next week at TH? i'm going there
Morning ladies!

Hmm...Hougang tink much too far for u. U might wana ask the other ladies here who stay in the west area to help u look out. ;)
Ya its a flr lamp. Quite big one loh. Previously i oso wana buy it, but den too big liao, no space to put on the flr area mah, so in the end nv buy.

U meant bp for the sks bowls &amp; plates etc ah? Bo leh...they dun hav much stocks for it loh. So hav to go down fast to buy.

Hee...dun tink ur hubby would let u buy other characters besides DORAEMON bah. Remember its his chance liao ok. Haha...

Faster try for one lah!
Didnt see the HK spoon ytd leh. Last time they hav the same series as the cup i bot ytd, but tink OOS liao, coz' quite long ago de mah.

I also stay in Jurong. I bot the lamp from Mr Thiam abt 1+ yr ago. He runs a makeshift stall.
U can try Jurong Point pasar malam see if they have stock cos' early tis yr, I saw it at JP pasar malam but the price is higher
i was at imm with my hb too then saw u but not sure if it's u then i noticed that ur bag is Hk so must b lor! hehe.

there's a pasar malam at boon lay interchange now, saw some Hk items but dunno hv the lamp or not
Yes, you are right, I have also been spending non-stop and yah...i spent so much on items from the jan sanrio catalogue..hahaha...if our fren, LP, comes to know that I spent so much she will surely tease me again.
<font color="aa00aa">Maureen</font>
I found details for the J&amp;J sale:
2/12 to 4/12 (tues - thursday)
OPening hrs: 10am - 7pm
Payment - cash only
Morning Ladies!

U also using J and J pdts for your megan?
I saw the info on the sales but later saw in another thread that some J and J pdts contain cancer-causing agents. One of which is the baby lotion which my girl is using. Still have more than half of the bottle left...thinking whether I should throw it away or use for myself instead.
Actually hor, i don't really use J&amp;J, only the shampoo for Megan.
Got cancer causing agent?? If so, i doubt S'pore will allow to sell right?
sorry jus woke up, my girl got tummy ache the whole night n she is frustrated cos she can;t poo since yesterday

if hougang plaza have, i will go n get it if i can;t find it at jurong

looks like hunting will begin this wkend,hehe
okie will go n have a look. hopefully they still sell it :p

thanks babes!
U like the SKS spoon? keke..wan to go HF later? I am thinking of going there too..

If LP knows, she will tease u meh? I think the jan catalog stuffs are v nice! Ur job v busy now? see u seldom post le.
Hi Ladies,
It's been a LONG LONG while since I logged in. After the SA2 exams, it took me quite a while to settle down but I feel very relaxed down.

Tling/Ms Blur,
Our kids going to P3 next yr. Faint just looking at the Science textbook. On top of that, other subjects also getting tougher. Fortunately from next yr onwards, my boy will be in the morn session.

Fei Fei,
Have you finished yr exams yet ?

U ordered the containers from HF Sanrio and not KK? why? KK got 10% discount. Accumulate the receipt can be member, then can play LD. I can give u my receipts...I go find hor.
