Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

I like the packet drink holder and the SKS life vest leh...too bad me too slow...

U've got mail
No problem...u're welcome.

Hehehe..i oso like the packet drink holder, so good to use.

Me gg to zzz le...nite nite
i also use 640x480 for my pix, then i use "paint" to open, then resize to abt 60 by 60, then can post liow...pix not blur leh...
Actually hor, all your loots very nice, very solid one, got substance..hahaha...where did u get the packet drink holder and the sks life vest huh? i wanna get my mum to buy it when she goes there end of the yr.
Did as told by u...but got this msg...

Your uploaded image exceeded the maximum dimensions of 600 x 600. Please shrink your image to be smaller than these dimensions.
Morning ladies!

U can try using the method Lili taught. Im oso using 'Paint' to reduce my photos, reduce all to 60 by 60 can liao. Very easy de.

I've left ur MM lunch box with Lili ok. U can arrange collection with her.
morning ladies..

KWL.. sorry.. couldnt help u last night.. i zzz liaoz.. keke...

Kitty de ma.. thanx for bringing the stuff back for us.. pte sales are fun!!! hehe..
Morning ladies

MsBlur, okie, noted. Thanks! Thanks Lili too!

Angel, O I C. Hmmm,
maybe we can try the usual cake recipe (wif the rising powder kind) but put in HK mould then see if its better hor? U going for any of phoon huat classes? I was quite keen on the Tiramisu one but too bad timing not 'gam'.
Good morning ladies!

Pls help me place order for
- 1 SKS sticker
- 1 HK Japanese Kimono Sticker

Nice meeting u too!

Tks! Sorry didn't reply your sms...super hectic day...
I also like the packet drink holder but luckily managed to get the vest!
Its perfect!! Match the float BBgal helped me buy..

I saw the SKS float too.. Very nice..
But hubby like doreamon, he say got boy wld be his turn.. Haa..
He's very deprived..
Morning ladies......

Updates to the HK stickers.

1) HK Japanese Kimono Stickers - $2.00 each
- 2 x Lili
- 5 x msbrown
- 2 x Emma
- 2 x PP
- 4 x Msblur
- 2 x BlueGenie
- 1 x Tling
- 2 x ACSY
- 5 x MB
- 2 x Jasmine
- 1 x Purin
- 2 x angeltopg
- 2 x kenjer
- 2 x BA
- 2 x Starlight
- 5 x Hydrangea
- 1 x Princess (baby08)
- 2 x Dior
- 1 x HK
- 2 x Cindy aka yalokitty

2) SKS Stickers - $3.90 each
- 6 x PP
- 4 x Emma
- 4 x Msblur
- 2 x BlueGenie
- 1 x Tling
- 1 x ACSY
- 5 x msbrown
- 1 x Purin
- 2 x angeltopg
- 2 x bbgirl
- 1 x HK
Hi Ladies
Anyone has a spare set of the Blue HK Diecut Picnic LD plates to let go at cost?

I really find that I have become more forgetful when expecting! I have also been looking for the Round MV Containers cos I already have the square ones, find that there's a shortage of round containers in my kitchen...

Just checked with the lady who shared the Kitty sponge cake recipe on her blog. The recipe is correct, no baking powder used but she advised that eggs & sugar must use electric mixer to beat to 3 times original volume or else it will not be fluffy. Even using Plain flour with Baking Powder or Self Raising flour or Pre Mix Sponge flour must use electric mixer to get best results! She also suggests that we can use butter cake recipe for yummier taste ;) Btw, I've posted pic of the Double Choc Chip Muffins on HK Loft
I'm interested in the baking classes at Phoon Huat but those cakes/mooncake ones which I'm keen on, class will only be held in mid to end Aug. By then not sure if I'll be housebound yet or not so don't think will be able to join you gals...

I've done the transfer for the Apple Table, the transaction ref is: 1813018096. I will collect it from TH tomorrow. Thanks for your help with mau's stuff

I've done the transfer of $20, my i-banking id is: angel_topg and the transaction reference is: 1813044783. Thanks!
TH will be having some sale for the following items tml. Lili can help to buy so pls post yr interest here. Juz post yr name & we'll update.

1) HK Webcam - $13.90 (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x Eliz
- 2 x PP

2) HK calculator - $10.00 each (min 6 pieces)

3) HK drawer - $3.50 each (min 12 pieces)
- 1 x Sharon
- 1 x nikita (KIV)
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x cutezin

4) Teacup set - $10 each (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 2 x Emma
- 2 x Hydrangea

5) ONLY PINK Toilet seat cover + carpet - $13.90 (min 4 pieces)
- 1 x sharon
- 1 x msblur (KIV)
Ah yo...the prizes so cute leh. Hw nice of they were to hav HK designs too for the prizes men. Sure very nice one. When u bringing in?
Lili wil lbe organizing these BP. Those that do not meet MOQ has been cancelled & deleted from the post.

1) HK Webcam - $13.90 (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x Eliz
- 2 x PP
- 1 x lili

2) Teacup set - $10 each (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 2 x Emma
- 2 x Hydrangea
- 1 x lili

5) Toilet seat cover + carpet - $13.90 (min 4 pieces)
- 1 x sharon (pls let me know which design)

Design A

- 1 x msblur

Design B

Design C
Hi Ladies,
Why the timing going so slow?
Today is Friday boss not around and i dun feel like doing anything in the office but just sit there. Hoping the timing will be 6pm can knock off work and go KTV to enjoy. hahaha
Oh...today the old man nt ard? Den u can leave early liao lah?? hee...me can leave at 4.30pm, but since got to wait for u gals, so i will stay in office for a little while lah.
If nt duno go where wor.
Ya the old man not around but old woman around. Looking at us see we got do work a not. But i just dun care do my thing siting here stare in the air. hahaha
Nice hor? I forward to hubby hint him can get for my birthday..
Cheap cheap mah.. Lol.

Yalor.. all not free lar..
Next week, we go! Haaa..
Wa...u very Onsss hoh. U bring Megan for pte tuition or to play with enzo ah??? Haha...
I must show my hubby this tonite too. See wat he says!
I think Megan wil bully Enzo more like it.
She really getting naughtier. Got two same toy, shd be share with her cousin right?
She will want both and cry very loudly if lose. Sigh..
Lili wil lbe organizing these BP. Those that do not meet MOQ has been cancelled & deleted from the post.

1) HK Webcam - $13.90 (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x Eliz
- 2 x PP
- 1 x lili

2) Teacup set - $10 each (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 2 x Emma
- 2 x Hydrangea
- 1 x lili

5) Toilet seat cover + carpet - $13.90 (min 4 pieces)

Design A
- 1 x msblur
- 1 x Sharon
- 1 x Acsy

Design B

Design C
Lili wil lbe organizing these BP. Those that do not meet MOQ has been cancelled & deleted from the post.

1) HK Webcam - $13.90 (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x Eliz
- 2 x PP
- 1 x lili

2) Teacup set - $10 each (min 6 pieces)
- 1 x MB
- 2 x Emma
- 2 x Hydrangea
- 1 x lili

5) Toilet seat cover + carpet - $13.90 (min 4 pieces)

Design A
- 1 x msblur
- 1 x Sharon
- 1 x Acsy
- 1 x Stephy

Design B

Design C
<font color="ff0000">BP for Tables - Ready for collection
CP: $35</font>

HK Apple table:
60cm by 40 cm, height: 40cm
- stephy - <font color="ff0000">from Lili's office</font>
- lunaticfreezer - <font color="ff0000">from Lili's office</font>
- angeltopg - <font color="ff0000">from TH on 26/7/08</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ladies below:
2 pcs are ready for collection from next monday, who wants to self collect 1st? pls xfer payment and let me know wats yr preference.</font>

HK with Bunnie/Bear:
60cm by 45cm, height: 30cm
- bbgirl
- lili
- stephy
- ktgal88
- blue_genie

<strike>HK with Bear:
60cm by 45cm,height: 50cm
- ktgal88
- ktgal88
- emma
- feifei</strike>
sorry to interrupt-- i am new here; so glad to find a thread for HK fans, my 3 year old is a HK fan too

i am desperately looking for small plastic HK figurines for my daughter's bday cake next week..would anyone be so kind as to tell me where to find them here? in shops, pasar malams or capsule stations

would really appreciate your help..

also could someone also please tell me where are the good places to find HK stuff that is pref not too expensive? i know of the few shopa at the dept stores and novena square and chinatown.

what and were is TH? KP?

thanks a million
hi kittywishlist,

thanks, managed to stumble upon the kitty loft after i posted my message yesterday and actually looked throught that forum already.

anyone has seen the small plastic figurines in those shops or anywhere else though?

thanks again
mamum.. u can go to the neighbourhood cake shops to collect the figurines.. some do sell small round swiss rolls with figurines on them..
hi PrincessEmma,

I have been trying to look around in the cakeshops too cos i thought i remember seeing them previously..but somehow, don't see them anymore.

If you remember, could you please share around which cakeshops you've seen them?

