Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi ladies..

Nice blender set wor =D...

Oh dear, just read abt u saying abt the Hk dress which u bot frm one of e BP lor...Material no good?

Nice chair leh...Now i trying to source for HK table and chair for my ger...Hv excuse to buy more HK liao..keke..

Wow, u so clever leh, really know how to make use of the decals wor...Not like me, bot liao, still have alot at a corner...

how are u ger?
Wa...ur DH so nice leh, still can lug back the HK chair for u men. Envy envy***

The rose wallet above is nice loh. Great for travelling, coz' can put many tings. Its even big enuff to put passport loh.
DH saw 2 designs, but he mentioned he doesn't like the other one with white base. He bought 2 of the same design back. Told him he should have bought 1 each. The chairs are quite heavy and he was very pissed off at the airport with the airline staff.

DH saw another sofa alike type. He forgot he could check in that so never buy back. Haha. . .cos he always travels with only cabin luggage.

You should buy the chairs if you can. Very worth the $$.

They have a set of table and chair. Think KK is selling but ex.

Other loots? Actually nothing much leh. . .just ask your DH to look out for those with Central tag. If you like the chair, can get him to buy. But DH mentioned that the plastic cover is quite dusty/dirty when they take out from the store. So he had to clean it when he reached the hotel.

How about you tag along for his BKK trip?

My DH very funny one wor. . . when he travels, he'll lug back HK for me. However, if I ask him to go KK with me, he'll refuse and always says I spend a lot of $$.

But I cannot complain liao cos he'll always source for things to buy for me, and nothing much for DS when he has the opportunities. Imagine he got nothing except a few toothpaste for DS when he went US!!! *Faint*
Ic ic...thats very nice of him!
Ya lah...cant complain much liao, since he can all the way lug back the hk chair for u leh. Seldom our man will do that de loh. Hee...

Ah yo...he only bought a few toothpaste for Lionel ah?? Did Lionel complain hw come mummy's present so big wor, hw come Lionel's presents so small leh??? Kekeke...
feifei.. me ok.. getting heavier.. so tired lohz.. keke..

today alot of pple post loots and loots for sale hor.. so happening.. hehe.. my family also juz back from bkk.. hope my sil got buy things for me lahz.. hehehehe
Oh.. so fast ur family are back frm BKK liao ah?? Hmm...hope they managed to buy back HK stuff for u men.
Me oso managed to get my hubby to sponsor me for BKK trip. Hee...Cant wait men!
DH not going alone, some of his management staff going too + nothing much for me to shop in BKK except HK.
And your DH and mine is so alike. He'll buy if he see HK overseas for me. But will nag if I spend too much in Singapore.

Ya..I like can...but don't know how much and how big?

What's the measurement of the rose wallet? Can show a pic of how the inside look like?
The selling price for the wallet is $49.95 loh, but that time there's a taka sanrio we bought it for $19.95. Nt sure hw much did Japancraze got hers for loh.

There's 12 slots for cards inside, n 1 coin compartment too.
ms blur,

no lah..or u pass to ms brown or Lili(I have some order with her)? I think they will go when there's new stock? or u have any better suggestion? Then I fund transfer the $ to ur acct?
Hee...im juz joking lah. Most likely i will go KK soon loh. Anyway can find u there often one rite?? I juz bring along in my bag loh, nt big item mah.
oh..i though u serious sia...must indicate "(joking)" lah.. hahaha

Ya, i always go when they have new stock arrival..kia su mah..hahaha. If I not there, u can pass to yelly also can. I fund transfer the $ to u 1st lah. Don't like the feeling of owning ppl $.
hee...ok ok, nex time i must put a joking behind lah.

Ah ya, u nt KS lah, u can help them to check stock too mah. Haha...
Its ok lah, u COD to me lah when i see u at KK. $2 i nt scare u run away lah. Kekeke...
Hi Ladies

Does anyone know if Daiso sells the SKS picnic mat for 1 person? Size is 57 x 87 cm... Which Daiso has the most SKS stuff, PS has recently downsized their Sanrio display area to one small rack so variety of items is now quite limited

Great! How do I make payment & collection for the mini lock please?

Thanks, please pass mousepad to Kittymum if it's convenient? I should be meeting her again soon ;)

I saw the MM toothpick holder at Isetan PP today, definitely cheaper to get from HKG heehee....

Can lah...you just need to look out for some stuff you can use...from Daiso then add decals...then swee swee liao!


Yeah, the red chair is the nicest...I ended up taking pics of stuff I can't carry back! There was a diecut table and 3 tier drawer so nice...I hope TH brings it in.
The chairs are so cute...and yes, Sanrio was having sale...but with hubby around...so controlled and he always comment about, please be mindful cos we have a son....don't want him to be interested in KT! But after I started packing, he ctually passed the remark about buying the chairs and the Fan. He already commented after going to BKK, he is having 2nd thought about the Japan trip in October.

I saw the SKS picnic mat @ Vivo city on the day when sanrio H'front opening day. I think that's the branch where they have the biggest range of sanrio products.

U still have the pics u took? Can upload here?
ya loh...shiok rite when u saw them opening the cartons slowly?? Like so excited wana see wat new stocks they hav loh.

Tink Vivo Daiso has the mat leh. I saw it last few wks when i went to the harbourfront sanrio loh. I feel that IMM daiso has more sks stuff loh. That time i went, i was so happy when i saw so many sks stuff there men. Even bought the sks wipes frm there.

Hmm...who can i pass ur mini lock to? Or u wan me post to u?

U looking for a MM toothpick holder meh??

There is a kitty diecut on similar to this KT head but full body carrying the bear 3 tier drawer. So gian, but hubby gave a killer look! Think my boy deleted that pic!
Nice pink container. You very good ley, always managed to find such nice pink stuff.
When i went BKK, saw alot nice pink stuff, but difficult to lug back

Thanks for the suggestions for sandwich fillings.
Shall try next week.

You lucky gal!!! Love the chairs and tees though usually cannot find my size..

The material is ok but the HK is so FAKE!! Disappointing as i was so looking forward letting my gal wear..

Thanks for the payment. Will pass to you when i get the balloon hor.
I bought the transformer from Carrefour. Thanks to Kittymum who told me.
I think it costed $105. Brand ah, not sure. Lol. Only available one.
DH says he may be going again end of year. Hehe. . hopefully there'll be sale.

The t-shirts also very cheap. Around $8 only, but quality kind of thin.

Actually DH does complain, but he'll still let me buy when we are overseas. Told him it's the only hobby that I have and I don't really spend a lot nowadays.

Hehe. . Lionel doesn't know and don't think he'll complain. I was like, "ah. . .you only bought a few toothpaste for DS but bought a big Coach diaper bag for me." He should have at least filled the bag with stuff for DS.

I was like "of all things you bought a diaper bag for me and so ex", but now realise the bag is of very good material and useful (so ladies who want to get a diaper bag can consider).
Hee...ya lah, maybe he's still young, got presents for him, he's happy enuff liao.

Wa...u still has another coach diaper bag ah? Show us the pic leh...must be nice nice bah.
Haha. . it's the one that you saw before, the black one with blue trimming. One enough cos very ex. I was very xin1 tong4 when DH gave it to me.

No need to lug pink stuff from BKK lah...here can find liao...sometimes I go to like interchange those shops, walk pass they have nice containers and pails...in fact saw a real nice rose pink pail too. Actually no need get pink also can. White also very nice, you try?!

i am staying at SK...
most likely will mt kittymum bah, cos i have tings wif her for collection..but dun tink will be that soon as still waiting for her to update status of collection. u need the bowls urgently or not?

btw, dun mind u xfer thru IB? will pm u my acct shortly. tks.
Thanks ladies for the SKS picnic mat tips!
Think I'll pop by PS tomorrow evening, hope they will still have stock! Vivo & IMM a bit far for me and the last time I was at the Vivo, I wasn't into SKS for my baby yet hehe... I just got him a SKS melamine bowl today though must wait awhile for him to be able to use it ;)

If you will be meeting Lili, think can pass to her cos I am buying some of her extra loot and I was thinking of going to TH one of these days
Or else posting is fine too...

Hope you don't mind, I ask Spunk to pass the mousepad to you ok? Next time we meet then you pass on to me since I'm not in a rush to get it, thanks!
msblur.. my sil did get me some hk stuff.. but so super sad lohz.. she managed to get the me a hk fan.. but it was lost in transit.. they waited 1/2 for the box, but it was never found.. 2 possibilities, it went on the wrong plane, or some asshole took it.. sorry for using that word.. but damn upset lohz.. sianz....

Absolutely no hurry...can..PM me ur account, k!


Sorry to hear abt ur lost item. Got report? Maybe lost and found, they will call you if it appears!
thanks for the help i've transfered the $ pls check ur account if u received . can u pass to kittymum if u see her can thanks

kittymum pls help me collect the bottle holder from t-ling if u see her thanks!
Hi ladies,
Sorry to put the price before I log off just now, the price for the mixer cutter set is $109n then less 10% is $98.95 i think if not wrong...pay then go already cause dh with me..heehee.

Next time when your dh give you the killer look you give him the 'mang ja'look back la... then if he dont "eat your this suit" then tell him if dont get then go back Sin you will keep thinking then cant sleep then the heart feel bitter then no mood for "XXX" then die die he also let you buy want lei....heehee I always do that then he very scare of me then will say buy la buy la if not later you regret then scold and nag at me....heehee. Just sharing with you some tricks...

BP Seat Cushion...
Ladies dont go collect the Seat cushion first...sorry wrong info, the cushion has arrived in Sin but not yet arr in the shop...will confirm again...Most likely tomorrow evening...Please tt the amt to my acc for those that have not cause need to pay first before collection..
Good Morning ladies.. Monday blues??

Oh no.. how come like this? How was it packed?
Used the HK plastic bag mah?

You ordered too? Well, maybe i just been fussy.
Maybe you will like it? If not, sell it away lor.
Those mummies who's not as siao as us abt HK shd be fine..
Hi ladies..

ai yo..so heartpain..all the effort then MIA. Got buy issurance? can claim?

tomo can meet me? pai seh har..so long liao..

me monday bluez...so late liao still no mood to work..hehe
Morning Ladies!

Please confirm if I can get the HK 3 Tier Drawers from your extra loot for sale? If so, I will do the transfer
Hope you don't mind if msblur pass you the mini lock and I collect both items from you together?

So sad for you, hope the package will turn up or there was insurance so can claim for loss! It's a small consolation but not big enuff comfort of course... Same thing happened to me once, but my case someone took the package off the baggage carousel & I couldn't claim cos it was food haha ;)

btw, I've got a few extras to let go at HK Loft. Please refer to link & scroll to bottom of post for pic & details, thanks!
Good morning Ladies...

OMG, so heartpain leh...hope yr SIL did lodge a report b4 she left the arrival hall. hope that person will return...so bad, kapo ppl's things...

oh yah, 4gotten to reply u abt the 3-tier, ok will let go to you. will pass to you after msblur pass me the lock yah? can pm me yr contact and let me know whereabt can meet you?
