Had to share !


Well-Known Member
I first came into this forum while ttc via ivf. I had my girl on my third ivf and 3yrs later, tried and miscarried. During that time, I got to know I had bulky uterus and had not only painful but extended period pain. I tried so many things except going back to taking hormones for it. I eventually took the plunge for hysterectomy along with bladder sling op.. which saw me having to go to US for another op because nobody could help me and I went through all kinds of intervention. Looking back, if I had known redox molecules, I could have avoided hysterectomy and all these whole chain of events .. spent time and money and treatment. Now I had to share this life saving technology .. if I could help another on it. My health is better, my bowels better, brain fog better too. It helped with my painful frozen shoulder that was frozen for months and on using it, I could move my frozen shoulder.. v good for pain.

It’s for young and old .. I gave to my pet dog as experiment to see if it will help her to be off steroid due to arthritis, inflammation as she was having poor skin due to the medication .. now her skin is clearing up, she could stand and walk without medication.. it’s just amazing.

I read of others telling how it helps balance hormones in their bodies and they conceived naturally too.
Had to share :)
