Gleneagles Baby

hi all,

i was told some other hospitals giveaway free glass milkbottles upon discharge....does gleneagles do that as well?

Hi Lovedogs,

Do you mean those bottles used for storage of breastmilk? U can request from them if you want. I requested and they gave me some.

hi jasminetea,

yeah...those i believe...oic...okie, i will remember to ask next time

any recommendation what breastpumps to buy? also, how many milk bottles do we need to buy?
hi lovedogs
when is ur BB due? mine due in mar07, intend to hv a Avent Manual pump, 2 milk bottles with teats and 3 storage bottles for milk. just in case no milk, so don wan to get electric pump 1st.

mummies U think e above enough for NB BB? don wan 2 get too many unecessary stuff..
Hi mummies, after ur recommendation will choose the following:
Anaesthetist - Dr Dicky Tay
PD - Dr Yip YY.

can any mummy here share how much was e cash payment after claiming from CPF u paid for

a) 2 bedded Natutal w Epi
b) 2 bedded Cesaran w Epi?
Hi Fion,
Gleneagles Price list should be available from your Gynae's clinic. I have a copy with me...let me know if you still need it...i can scan it as soft copy and send to you.

My sil gave birth in early Dec this yr and she only managed to get 2 bottles of the glass bottled milk this time before her discharge... I hv told her that I got quite a lot when I delivered there during 02' and 03' so I hv told her in advance to ask for more, but it seems Gleneagles are getting more ngeow. She stayed in a single bedder but somehow the nurse just refused to give her any more than 2 bots.
Think the sample milk is 2 bottles at discharged. Empty glass bottles can take more, need to go to the nursery to ask from the nurses there. Best to go early in the morning or evening time.
hi Fion,

me only due in May 07. I am thinkg if there is any major dept sale in the next few months, i better go grab.

at the moment, i am keen on the single Avent Electric.

Hi m&m,

this is so sad of gleneagles. they are the most exp hospital to give birth in yet so ngeow. sigh...
lovedogs, I am due in June 07, mth right after yours. If you have the time, you might want to check out Singapore Yahoo Auctions for breastpumps. I hv bought my brand new Medela Dual pump at almost 50% off last time. It depends on your timing and luck lah, so no harm surfing since u still hv quite a bit of time.

annissa, I remember I used to be able to get quite a bit of sample milk from them leh, but it seems that they are a lot more uptight these days. Dunno why. Cost cutting???
hi m&m,

u got the medela PIS or the medela mini electric Plus? i am worried whether the mini electric plus is suitable for frequent daily use.

i think i may end up buying a single side electric coz it will be cheaper.

i will check out the Yahoo Auction side too
Hope i can grab such good lobangs as well

I've 1 2nd hand PIS Traveler to let go at S$380. Cooler Bag is stil new, as i used the FTG bag. PM me if you are keen.
hi keann,

i heard mini electric its not suitable for frequent use...

any idea how much is the medela mini electric single side?
Hi AnnissaKoh

thanks for the url.... so we can go to their store to purchase? the medela mini electric like a good bargain.

any idea whether they are durable? Will Avent ISIS UNO be better? But Avent is double the price.
hi annissakoh,

how often will we pump during the 3 mths maternity? if we are working, how often will we need to pump again? sorry, me first time so dunno anything.

i am hoping to BF for 3 mths...then if possible to continue for another 3 mths when i return to work...
Will we definately need a breast pump?
I dunno if i should get soon and prepare or wait till baby is born, then i buy it...any advice from mummies?
hi keann

my EDD is in mar 07. so far only got a preowned avent manual pump and, 4 milk bottles w teats and 3 storage bottles (like e milk bottles w/o teats) for BB. don kw if hv milk 2 pump so don wan invest in a new or electric pump. most impt is got something 2 help u squeeze and milk bottles for BB.

heard fr freind u may get during BB shower from F&F. further, if u find that hv milk, can always get ur hubby to go n buy. don waste 2 much money hor.

btw, can mummy share w me how much clothes they get for thier NB BB? is rompers not suitable for NB, as in just give birth and come bk home? heard diff for BB to put on... any advice?
hi fion,

i am thinkg if there is any major sale during this period, more worthwhile to grab it leh....if after birth...maybe no sale...then have to pay the full price heartpain...
Hi Mummies,

Lovedogs, just to share my bf experience with you. Different mummy has different ways. Anyway I'm still breastfeeding my come-to 9 mths old gal by EBM. She don't latch since she 4 months old.

During ML, I expressed 4 times a day, latch 4 times a day. When my gal is 3 mths old, somehow she don't enjoy latching and since I was about to go back to work, I didn't try to latch her back. So I increased my expressing session to 7 times a day to replace those latching session.

When I go back to work, I expressed 5 times a day. 3 times @ home and 2 times @ office.

Keane, my personal view is better to get a breastpump standby if you intend to bf. Maybe get a cheaper, manual one first. However, if you intend to bf long, you will possibly consider buying an electric one 'cos manual one is very tedious. I bought Avent manual pump initially also. Then change to Ameda and later on my family bought me Medela PIS when they see me so determine to bf. Spent so much on breastpump.

Fion, I didn't buy any clothes for my NB girl 'cos I don't know how to estimate her size. I used all hand-me-down. Anyway, in a way, for intially, it is easier to dress them up in those top with button in front esp for 1st time mummy. After a while, you can start to use rompers (which I personally prefer).

If u find Medela PIS exp, can consider getting Ameda Dual Electric. I find it good enough and it's affordable. U can get it during Robinsons Sale at 20% off if u are OCBC cc holders. I just received a Robinsons mailer that there is members special for Ameda Dual Electric. Comes wf bag and cooler bag. Whole set for abt $360 members special price.. Quite a good buy!
hi jasminetea and serrich,

thanks for sharing.

Is ameda good? I am thinkg to use avent manual first since my fren is going to give me as she did not use it. Then if after birth, really got milk, i may then buy the avent ISIS UNO electric. Abit heartpain as it is $279 for single side only. I heard medela electric is very noisy...while avent is that true? from the look of it, i prefer avent loh
Hi lovedogs,
I have not tried Avent UNO electric before so cannot give any comments on it. But i know that the Avent manual pump is good!

Agree that the Medela electric is quite noisy. Ameda is quieter..
hi serrich,

thanks..think if i can make do with avent manual...then best... if really troublesome, then i will go buy the Avent ISIS uno..the single side one...dual too expensive
Those baby clothes are soooo cute!!!! Can't help but started to buy some already.

Fion, my EDD is also Mar 07. Towards end Mar.
hi keann, how much hv u bought? been getting Winnie e Poh sets from mummies online. don kw why when BB 1st see Pooh she starts kicking in my tummy, cant reject her lor..

then i realise from colleague, for NB BB, its better for them to wear those simple tshirt like material with ribbons tying by e sides for easy wearing...

just wondering for mummies here, for NB BB just carry home, do they wear romper or normal t-shirt material?
Better to let baby wear those ribbon kind, when their head is more steady then wear t-shirt (slip over head) kind. My girl wore ribbon kind til 1-2mth then changed to t-shirt. I got my ribbon cotton kind from John Little, think is $5.50 per pc.

Attached my girl pix on Day 10

Fion....doesnt matter what they wear home, as long as you are ok with it. I would say nobody can see, as they'll be all wrapped up in blanket.

If you are DETERMINE to feed, you sure can make it. I'm a under-achiever moo moo cow and I thought I would stop by 6mth, which is the WHO minimum recommendation but I managed to tahan till now, 10mths liao. Will be stopping in 2weeks times. Feeling a little "she bu de".
oh annissa.. she is so chubby. how heavy is she when born? aiyoh.. why suddenly want to stop breast feeding.. heard its not easy preserving as canbe very tire.. hmm.. till my turn..
She was 3.545kg, delivered at 37week. She is BIG at birth but thereafter is skinny!!!! Those were water retention on her!!!!

Not suddendly want to stop BF, It goes as planned where I want to stop by this year end, that is 10mth of BF. 7mth of TBF, now she is partial BF and I've stored BM for her to be partial BF til 12mth old.

Lovedog, Ameda pump is good. But I feel the motor wears out very easily for frequent user like me. Seems to get weaker and weaker each day. That's why my family got me a Medela PIS. But I still use my Ameda one in office once a day 'cos too heavy to bring out PIS.

I agreed with Annissa that if you are determine to bf, you sure can make it. I also do not have much ms and my ms comes in only at 6th week! First month, I don't have enough for my gal and got to supplement FM. So heartpain. Like Annissa, also thought I won't be able to last until 6 mths. Who knows, I'm still expressing now.

Annissa, your girl very cute leh. Wow, 3.545kg! Very big! My gal is 3.14kg at birth. I also share a photo of my gal here to "join" you.

My gal at 5 mth.


hi annissakoh and jasminetea,

thanks for sharing your bb pix! so cute!


gal gal we have tendency to cannot resist all the pink cutie stuff hor... her pink ribbon hairband is so cute...the softtoy too


i also bought abt 2 of those pieces from JL during the 20% sale. me KS.. btw, was your bb able to wear NB clothes since she is considered big? was it tough during delivery?
hi jasminetea,

me girl girl too...according to gynae Dr chan. he was very sure. so hor, i can't resist already bought some pink stuff during the JL sale... then kenna scolded by my started to buy some white colours. Like what i see in mothercare but dun dare to buy coz it is like a t-shirt bodysuit... i prefer buttons in front. Btw, what is a romper?
I bought 0-3mth for my girl. Didnt buy any NB. Romper is those whole pc and button at the bottom. Romper does has ribbon tie kind, think i bought 2set but never wear.

I bought neutral colors, white, green and yellow as scan showed 95% gal but 9 out of 10 pple told me i expecting a boy. ONLY bought pink color after she is out. Now I need more pink as her hair is very little, like boy!!!

Yes, i did heard about Ameda wore out as you used too often though is cheaper and quieter. Do consider 2nd hand, juz need to need to change whole set of accessories. I heard Medela's can last 7yr under normal usage.

Lovedogs.....ceserean at 37weeks. Looking at you nick, do you have dog? I've 2 toy breed, hehehe.

Jasmine...u gal is sooo sweet.
hi annissakoh,

yes, i have a dog
you have 2? wow...what dog do you have? mine is a mixed poodle.. also toy breed

i think i will use the manual avent pump first...if really got milk..then invest in an electrical one. my gf, she is a SAHM...yet she only BF for 2 days and gave up. She told me direct latch very painful... i think i wont know how i will react to breastfeeding until the actual thing...

wishing all mummies and their little ones (plus doggies) A Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year!!
Fion, have you found out if you expecting boy/girl? Am expecting boy boy...girls got more cutie clothes though....
hi keann
me expecting a gal gal
fat fat gal gal. tummy very big and pp always think its twins or popping out soon. told them EDD in Mar only.. abt 75days more to go.. getting anxious as not much prepare for her.. this weekend getting many stuff from mummies
hi Annissakoh,

your doggies are soooo cute! they are also very well groomed
how do you maintain their hair being so neat and tidy ?

btw, are your dogs jealous of your newfound attention on your baby?

my dog is being groomed by my mum
we sent him to groomers a few times but he came back with dried blood here and there...heartpain
I will also be delivering my 1st baby boy at Gleneagles this coming April'07. I have not gone for the hosp tour yet but have decided to sign up for a 2 bedder. Any concern if I go for the tour after i signup for the hosp package? My gynae is Dr Tanny Chan.

I have just finished reading the postings from this thread and gosh.. so many things to take note of. Like what is provided by hosp which are chargeable and what are not. Btw, wil these be shared with me when i sign up for the hosp package?
hi evejosh
my edd in mar, yet to go tour as well. but in mid to end jan will very likely to be paying for the payment for hospital stay.. don think anyone wil tell u cos my infor is also gotten from mummies who had delivered in glene

if u do hv any udpates, so keep posting ups... btw u intend to go prental class? if u are better mk early preparation as feb is a short month w CNY
I have went for the Glen hospital tour. Brought us to the delivery suite, 1-bedder, 2-bedder...Gave us a Dumex goodie bag at the end of tour. Must book early to secure a place as they are usually full.

At the end of the tour, the lady explained to us the various charges and the breakdown...she will also answer any questions you have then.

Just finished Mrs Wong's prenatal class (Mrs Wong)..very good as she is humourous and the class is quite informative. Bought a few items from Thomson medical which is pretty good. Wrap towels which can be a blanket as well (lint free and good for babies) as well as Bold Wipes (something like tissue paper used to bathe baby--1 piece can last 1 month....quite good)
hi kean
wow u so fast go matrenity tour. hv u paid ur depsoit? called glene on fri and they told me since my EDD in march, we norm pay 1 mth b4 EDD but in full price... not really a desposit..

hv u decided hw u are giving birth?
Went to Mt A and Glen as my gynae deliver at these 2 places. We decided to go with Glen cos the facilities seems to be better and newer.
I haven't pre-register yet...was told that 34th week is good time to do so.

Decided to go for ALL NATURAL if i can. But all depends on how the baby is position and if the pain is really bearable...what about you?
hi keann
my gynea told me 3 wks bk BB seems a little big in size and likely go C. heard from my dad i was also C out and not natural birth.. when i was born was 8pounds.

seeing gynea this thurs on my 29th week, see how big size my BB is now

btw juts wondering if u hv any red itchiness on ur tummy. been havin it since Xmas eve and see GP on fri, don seems to heal.. so scare got scars.. AHHH... hope this thurs gynea can tell me better what are those mks.. feelin real vex
not too much of red itchiness but occasionally, it itch a little. I use Loccitane's baby and mum's balm as well as Palmers Oil for itchy skin. It works for me so far.....

STRETCH MARKS on the way!!!!! Used lots of oil-based moisturiser. I used Clarin Treatment Oil, apply as and when you remember.
