Gleneagles Baby

From what i remembered:
Its compulsory to have a padiatrician on standby for cesearan case (my case la), natural is up to parent $400. You may choose your preferred PD if you have someone in mind. I dont so my gynae chose for me.

Anaesthetist fee for me is $450.
mummies, just to check stg with you. I delivered both my kids at Gleneages in 02 and 03. I am currently pregnant with my 3rd child and will be using the same hospital again. I was provided nursing gowns when I gave birth last time but when I visited my sil who delivered there last week, the nurse told me that they dun provide that anymore coz too many were stolen. Can someone shed some light on this? Do you bring your own nursing tops/gowns?
wow.. mummy can u share w this 1st time mummy whats a nursing gown? is is clothes that has buttons open in front for breast feeding?
i mean free gown with the delivery...cannot believe if we have to pay for the gown. PRIVATE HOSPITAL lehz...
seems a lot of 'hidden' cost leh.. any other items we shld bring along during delivery else they will start charging? under those circumstances, if don bring, sure kena chop by them.
There'll be a pre-registered admission booklet which you need to bring for admission, this booklet have a list of things to bring and not to bring. As advised by my gynae, I did my pre-registration around 33-35weeks. This is the time where you need to pay the $1.2k deposit.
think there's really a lot of hidden cost. they seems to charge for every single item u use. i am gg to bring my own nursing gowns, maternity pads & newborn diapers. those who already have ur own binders can bring along so tat u dun have to buy from the hospital..

The gynae, anaesthestist & PD charges are more exp if the consultation falls on weekends or PHs..

U mean the deposit must be paid during pre-registration? Does it include GST?
Serrich....not inclusive of GST yet. Good to do this pre-registration. They have your details on hand like name, prefer choice of 1 or 2bedded, gynae, pd, medical case you delivered early or emergency, can go straight to labour ward, no need to wait at the lobby.
i also delivered my bb in gleneagles in may 2005. most of the things provided are free leh. eg. nursing gown,slipper, diapers, wet wipes,maternity pad (they use the loop kind so i used my own). they even give milk samples and the pail ( fitted onto the toilet bowl for disinfecting cleaning the wound)when i was discharged. i was pleased with the service too. the nurses are very patient and caring. and they have classes to teach mummies how to breast feed and bath bb.

but i am disappointed with the pre natal classes. they have theory and practical but in the end i din really use the practical tips cos eventually i use epidural. in my opinion, if u r using epidural, pre natal class is not nec. cos most of info can be obtained from books/friends.
Hi Ann, I too delivered at GE in May 05, but I din get what you got. No nursing gown, and the special pail that fit into toilet bowl. I am delivering my second baby there again next month. WILl surely ask them.
Thanks for the info, AnnissaKoh! I guess I hv to bring my own then... Sigh... so troublesome. I actually liked using their nursing gowns last time coz they are quite loose and comfy. Sigh... go 'ngeow'. We are paying thousands of $ leh.
I tot the pre-registration is done by my gynae's nurse leow.. Anyway will confirm again when i go for my checkup tom..

Wet wipes and maternity pads are free one meh? I tot they charge ley.. Think i better go dig my previous bill and check again.

Oh binders are meant for those who delivered via c-sect. They will put on a binder for u immed after the ops, i think to support the wound so that we wont feel so much pain when we walk ard?? Anyway the binder comes in handy.. I have been putting on the binder throughout my confinement as well. Even those malay massage also use such binder. Helps in flattening our tummy!
U can buy the binder from ur gynae.. My gynae charge me $20 for a binder.

As for the malay massage, I am engaging Mdm Naini. Her charges are quite pricey bt her jamu herbs work wonders ley.. Can see the results within a day.
hi serrich,

for the binder, if go for c-section, they will put on for your automatically after the operation right?

wow, can u give me the contact of your malay massage? does she go to your house? how much does she charge?

thank you
Hi mummies,

I'm awfully shocked by this gown business. I delivered there late 05 and will be delivering there again soon. Very concerned... We're talking about the greyish colour gown that you change into the moment you're in the labour room right? The one where you tie around yourself? Why should they charge if it's returned? So pay $55 and we get to bring that home? But why would anyone want an operating gown at home?

Very perturbed. Now must think of additional things to pack.

Anyway, I remember that the nurse at the labour ward wiped me clean after i delivered, like a little baby. Think she gave me a new gown to change into. Maybe i was dreaming after delivery. But the labour ward nurses are very nice.
hi pianokey, nursing gown is the yellow one with flowers (with openings on the front so as to facilitate breastfeeding). The blue operating gown will still be provided.

I am very pleased with the midwives there but the nurses leh, depends on your luck lah.... My 1st delivery there was quite terrible. The nurses were shorthanded, so they were very grouchy and snap whenever I asked any qns. Scary but I went bk again coz of my gynae... 2nd time was much better coz I was staying in a one-bedder.
i likely not going for e antenal program at Glene (the one which cost $180) but was thinking of going for "Help with Breast Feeding", indv class costing $40. will it be useful or after delivery they will give u hands on to ur own BB?

any mum took e baby massage, looks interesting leh
Hi m&m and Annissa, Ah.... yellow with flowers nursing gown. Ok. Less disturbed now.
I've not seen the nursing gowns before.

M&M, like you I'm going for the one bedder this time round. Yes, the nurses were not terribly helpful then. I was also referring to the midwives who were a gem.
yah pianokey, it is also precisely coz of the midwives that I am choosing to give birth in Gleneagles again. My hubby is leaving for an overseas posting in march while I am due in June. He asked me to deliver overseas but I told him that I will give birth here simply coz the midwives made me feel very assured when i delivered my babies the last 2 times... Hopefully, it will be as pleasant this time round. When are you due??
U can bring the binder to the delivery ward / op theatre wf u and tell the nurses that u want to use ur personal binder. For c-sect, they will put on the binder right after the op.

My massage lady is Naini. Her contact no is 94562817. She charges $450 for 6 sessions. Per session is abt 45mins 1hr. Her schedule is very tight. U gotto call her and check for her availability then book her first..

Nursing Gown:
I have never seen nor use their nursing gown before.. I think it's better to bring our own night dresses than to pay $55 for a nursing gown! I can buy 3 sets of Karmy night dresses with $55!!

I wont be gg for the antenatal pgm at GEH too.. After u deliver ur bb, i think they will show u a video on how to bf ur bb. U can call the LC for assistance if u have pbm bfg ur nb.
Oh wat a coincidence. Think Mdm Naini is very popular. I had my first post-natal massage in Jul 05. She was very good then. Thou the sessions were short, I am very happy with the results. My tummy shrank by abt 3inches. How's ur session wf her? Are her jamu herbs still as effective??
oh the nursing gown is yellow with flowers? maybe i made a mistake, cos they gave me blue/grey gowns to wear with opening in front for breast feeding. i tot those were good enough. i get to change 2 times a day leh. i stayed in a one bedder room together with my hubby. tot the service was quite good, my hubby also ordered the food there and they gave him menu to choose from too.

serrich, really they give us one pigeon wet wipes and maternity pad with loop type.

koalabear, actually dun need to sign up the breastfeeding cos during ur stay in gleneagles, they have such claaes and it's free. any prob u can ask the lactation nurses there.

i agree that the midwife there is good. they are patient and really experience. i rem i have great problem pushing and she really gave me a lot of encouragement.
Hubby stay-in is additonal charge, meal is another $75 per day.

Pamper Premium NB (1 pkt), wipes (1 pkt), maternity pad (1 pkt), big blue sheet (1 pkt) is all in the package, need to pay.

If intend to breastfeed and WANT to keep expressed BM in glass bottles, PLEASE collect from the nursery early in the morning or evening time. I collected but gave away, cos need to buy separate caps.

Serrich.....i can see result after 1 session. She gave me good advice. If doing massage with Naini, PLEASE bring home the left over loop maternity pads, she used tat to cover the cesearean wound for binding. I left pkt behind cos i used those normal stick-on kind. Only used the loop when I was bed-bounded on day 0-1.
Hello Serrich,

Many thanks for the contact. When should I book her ? I mean, i heard if c-section, cannot go for massage until 1 mth later or? how abt natural birth, how soon can we go for massage?

Hi Jen
I choose Glene cos I was born in Glene. Later choose a gynea from Glene. Hubby mcp must be female gynea.

Seems many mummies choice is as follows:
Anaesthetist: Dr Dicky Tay
Malay massage: Mdm Naini

Any recommendation for PD in Glene?

Any mummies can advise me after giving birth, how long did u stay at home b4 going out.

Btw, hear hospital gives out goodies bag after preg. is that true?
lovedogs.....if you don mind, i may answer you. I booked her around 6mth preggy. Then she called me closer to my EDD to ask how am i doing, blah blah blah. SMS her when you delivered, natural or cesearean.....

She recommended Day 15 (that is 14days after delivery) for cesearean, tat is why i did on day 15. Natural i heard is 1 day after discharged.
Hi Kolabear,
Friend introduced Dr YY Yip. Said pretty good.
But i checked with gynae and they will have a recommended PD they will tie up with.
I think the Gleneagles PDs are pretty good from what i heard from friends....cos the Singapore Baby and Child clinic is there....but doesn't come cheap though....
HI Kolabear

I was assigned catherine Tan (i'm not sure abt e surname) but i think is ok lah...

can i asked wat's in e goodie bag? :p
Now tat u mention abt using the maternity pads to cover the wound, i really must remember to bring the maternity pads home if it's really included in the package.. Hahaha.. I really forgot abt tat!
Glad to hear that her herbs still as effective!! Hahaha..

U can call her 2-3mths before ur EDD to tell her that u wanna engage her service. For natural delivery, can start the post-natal massage 2-3 days later. For c-sect, she recommended us to start after 2 weeks. After u had deliver, can call her to confirm a date. She will then get ur wt & ht to gauge the concentration of the herbs to prepare.

I have booked Dr YY Yip also. Strongly recommended by a fren too. For my first baby, I booked Dr William Yip bt find him so-so only ley.
Hi Annissakoh and Serrich,

thanks for the info...think will call her ard CNY period to book her services. Thanks for your recommendation

For PD, we have to book in advance too? btw, was your PD willing to split the bb and mummy's hospital bills? in order to claim bb medisave?

Hi m&m, I'm supposed to be due mid Jan, but told to be on standby... Hopefully baby is Jan baby rather than year end. But I guess such things can't be controlled!

Am going to stay one bedder this time. 2 bedder was rather cramp, and baby next door kept crying.

Does anyone know who's the lactaton consultant at Glen now? I heard the previous one left? I hope to have better luck this time with bfeeding. The last time, sigh, I delivered late at night, husband couldn't stay with me cos 2 bedder, middle of the night, nurse passed the baby to me and said, "baby hungry, feed." And she left! Duh! My first time and she didn't show me how. fumbled and fumbled.

My pd is also YY Yip. He's nice, patient. The nurses call him Uncle Yip.
I think he's a premature baby specialist. William Yip is the urinary/kidney specialist.

lovedogs: my pd was recommended & booked through my gyn.
wah pianokey, u are almost to the finishing line liao. So envious!! hahaha.. I hv just past my trimester, still hv half a year to go! Tahan huh, you will see your lovely baby very soon!

Dun worry abt breastfeeding since this is not your 1st time liao. For me, I always request to bf my baby right after delivery in the labour ward. I think it helps a lot to bring in the milk soon. My sil just gave birth there last week and even the nurse was quite good in helping her to breastfeed for the 1st time. Yah, she said the new lactation consultant is quite nice, din ask her the name tho.
hi keann,

i was actually thinkg abt it. i plan to remember to ask my gynae for his opinion during my next visit.

a fren who is in the pharmaceutical industry, told me that cordblood storage companies actually have not found a way to utilize the cordblood when the day it is required to be used. I am not sure how true... think need to do more research into it on exactly how beneficial it is. I have asked ard my frens and most did not take it up...
Good morning Ladies

My baby's PD is also Dr Yip YY. He is very experienced and good. I still sticking to him for all my baby's injections. Last round when my bb was sick, she recovered the moment I bought her to see him. Before that, I had bought her to see 2 other doctors and no improvement at all.

Hi Lovedogs, for natural birth, my massage lady recommend to do the massage after 4 days. My massage lady is also very good. If you want her contact, you may PM me.

Hi Kolabear, I was so stressed staying at home, I asked my CL to let me go out to unwind after 3 weeks after delivery. She is okay with it so long as I go out during the day time. I also went out at 4th week to go back office to give out cakes to my colleagues.
