Gleneagles Baby

HI Lovedog,
no problem! Me left my bb at mum's place too. I'm so tired after knock off and if i really take care of my boy, think i will sleep at my desk!!! really tiring!

Hi Dlim,
Enjoy yourself ya

hi lynda,

do u bring your bb home every night? or juz go visit and bring home during weekend? do u pay ur mum the mkt rate for nanny?

hi gummi bear,

u can call the customer service to book the hospital tour.

my gynae charges normal delivery at $1140 loh... he is very expensive... i do not think i will go back to him with bb2. but his stitching is very good.
Hi Lovedog,
i leave my bb with my mum and i will visit him everyday provided i'm not working OT. Bring him back on fri and sat and "return" to my mum on sunday. So terrible hor me! but my boy is difficult and it will be too tiring for us to fetch him around everyday.

I paid my mum $1k leh...for taking care of my boy and allowance for them lor. Not sure is it too little!
hi lynda,

thanks for sharing... i also intend to do that when i return to work. but got a little concern as my dad & bro are heavy smokers. they smoke anywhere in the house. i am also concerned with my mum's hygene's habit loh.. coz she will handle the family dog...i worried she may not be diligent to wash her hands. think i will have to drill this habit of washing into her head.

i also intend to give ard $1K including her monthly allowance from me. however, i was still thinkg to bring bb home maybe 2 or 3 nights a week during weekdays. but i guess have to see how it goes...

how long do u spend at ur mum's house playing wif ur son after work each day?
hi lovdogs,

$1140 for delivery i guess is still ok, bt 1k for his attendence and u said he only visited u 3 times, i think is abit absurb..just come and see you for awhile also need telling me who is ur gynae?
Yes, i leave office abt 6plus 7pm. I like baby to be with me at night esp when i am away the whole day. Baby is very close to me and no one else. The feeling is very selfish, but i love this nice special priviledge. So maid go sleep at night, but she has to do all the rest. I like feeding baby on my own and playing with baby... Indeed i am very tired and esp so when baby is not sleeping at night and wants to play...but i tell myself, only a few months baby should settle down! SO ENJOY while i can...since when he gets older, i am pretty sure he will not want me carrying anymore...
Yes without a maid i don't think i can manage. Now i don't need to do any housework or cook except to feed baby and play with baby. I dunno how you can be such a supermum, but i know without maid, i sure cannot.
Hello ladies,

Im now in Suzhuo surfing web cox the internet connection is free...hahaha..Just arrived Suzhuo this morning after staying @ Shanghai for 4 nights. Reaally missed Shanghai cox its really a beautiful place! Have not shop ard in suzhuo yet. Hubby is working now & im alone in hotel surfing web & checking my emails... not even taken my lunch yet. Maybe later if im bored, i will walk ard as my hotel is near to the shopping mall.

Will be back this sunday...
hi My hospital bill came up to about $7K in total of which $4K are hospital charges. I had a natural assisted delivery (using vacuum) with epidural and stayed a total of 4 nights in a one bedder (as I voluntarily extended 2 nights).

Doctors' professional fees take up the remaining $3K.

The nurses are very nice and experienced. I learnt a lot from them on how to settle a baby and other baby care stuff. That's why I decided to extend for 2 more nights.
been a long time since i log in to this link.

e nurses there are nice and supportive of BF. did u stay at level 5?

who is ur gynea? i took Dr Yip YY as PD and u thinking of epi, can consider Dr Dicky Tay

re: Gift of Love (AIA insurance w Parkway)
glene mummy, did u took up e gift of love w AIA? we sign up but my hubby had a bad exp w e agent and i got so pissed off and wrote to Gleneagles to complain. if u gals taking up, make sure e agnets get thier paper work done accordingly else drag and drag...
I stayed at Ward 6E I think.

I also had Dr Yip as paediatrician but when I went for the first visit after discharge, his clinic was so full and busy that we are now having second thoughts. There are many other kids there with cough or other illness. I didn't think it was suitable for newborns to be in this kind of environment so I took my son out to the corridor to wait while my husband registered for him. At that time, I had quite bad backache. You can imagine how tortuous it was.
hi fion,

after we submit the AIA insurance at the box, so some agent will call us up? coz actually i do not know what happens after we threw the form in. when does the policy starts and what happens next.

how long did it take an agent to contact u all after u submited the form? thanks
HI ladies,
This thread has been quite quiet for a while..
How are all the mummies, mummies-to-be?

My boy has developed a sleeping pattern for the last week. GOOD NEWS for me...he sleeps about 9pm and wakes up abt 3am, then all the way to about 8am. Only need to wake up once now...thought this day will never come! WHEW.....

Baby is very fun now with much more alertness...
So cute that i want to have 1 more....

How are your babies......
I'm just wondering do gleneagles conduct those hospital tours?
I will be delivering in Oct.My first one.. so very blur abt all the happenings...
Hi ladies,

How are u mummies doing? I had returned back to work since last week. Quite tiring but i missed my boy alot when im in office. Whenever i reached home, i will play with my boy, carry him etc. Hope he also miss his mummy...hehehe..


Thats a good news! Is your boy 4mths+ now? Mine coming to 3mths soon. He still need to be feed every 3 hours but when come to night time, sometime he can sleep till 4 or 5 hrs then wake up for milk again. I wish my boy can be like yours too so that i dun have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed him. Very tiring especially i have to work the next day. Now my boy also start to drop hair. Im planning to shave his hair when he is 4mths old. Have u shave your boy's hair already? Did u bring him to normal hair salon?

Now I started to bring my boy to my room & sleep with me even though i have to work the next day. Except when my mil is at my hse, i will let my boy sleep with my mil in the bb's room.

Also i start to feel jealous whenever my maid keep carrying my boy. So i spoke to my maid & told her when im ard, i will take care of my son like feed him, carry him, change pampers etc. I told her to focus on her cleaning & cooking etc. I will let her know when i need her help. I think she understand what i mean. The reason for doing this is i dun wan my son to be too close to her.

How is Lynda? Didnt heard from u for quite some time.

Lovedogs, how's your coping with your bb? Everything ok?
hi all mummies who have delivered at Gleneagles. May i know how do u find the services there? in terms of nurses, environment, etc?
hi Dlim,

how's working life? its good that u have a maid and can get home to see bb immediately...most impt thing also is u dun have to do housework...can juz play wif bb when u get home

wann ask did u bring ur son for pneumococcal vaccination? if yes, which week did u start? i was told can start from week 6 .,.,... but meaning at 3rd, 4th months normal 6-in-1 or 5-in-1 jab that time, bb will have 2 injections instead of 1 ...coz for 2nd and 3rd dose of the pneumo jab... i dunno leh..veyr confused now coz dunno wanna subject bb to so many jabs or not...

how was your holiday? must have missed ur bb so much during that time

my CL left last sat morning. Full month party on last sat nite... was very busy as other then hb's frens... i had a few diff groups of trying to talk to everyone, running ard... luckily bb slept from 7.30pm to 12 midnite!

since then i have been handling bb alone with some help frmo hb. even when hb works from home (eg today), he helps only to carry bb when she cries...coz he is so busy working!!
eg now, he is in a project call with UK and can't even help me to cook rice when i was BFg! hiaz...
Hi gals,
I'm back! Too tiring and too drained with work and hence, did not login for quite a while.

wow, so fast u wanted to have another 1??? think i will try either next yr or the yr after! hopefuly i can have a gal..

Hi Dlim,
you're back, how's yr trip? I brought my boy to a nearby salon for shaving as he drop alot of hair prior to that. He cried of course as he hates pple touching his plan to shave yr boy too?
Hi Lovedogs,

Its quite tiring especially u have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed bb & work in the morning. Yah, actually im very lucky to have my mom & mil & maid to help looking after my boy.

Im not too sure what is pneumococcal vaccination leh....hehehe.. So far, i have brought my son for 2 injections already but i think pneumococcal vaccination have not done yet. End of this mth, i have to bring my son back for injection again. Maybe i will check with the PD.

My holiday was great & really enjoy myself there.
And of course i miss my boy alot alot...i even bring his photo with me so i can see him when i think of him..hehehe...

So how is your CL during the 1 mth stay with u? Finally she has left but then u will start to b very busy handling ur bb alone! At least yr hubby got help to carry yr girl when she cried. Maybe he is too busy with work now. Dun worry too much, i believe he will sure help u when he is free.

Btw, can u share your girl photo with me?


My trip was great but abit tired cox i took the midnight flight & reached spore in the morning ard 5am+. Lucky still can sleep the whole day before i start work the next day.

Oh really. Which salon did u bring ur boy for shaving? How much u pay for it? My boy now also drop alot of hair. Im going to bring him for shaving when he is 4th mths old. Any recent photo of your son to share with me?
Hi Lovedogs,
give yr hb some hb cant even carry bb now
when my boy cry, he will ask me how huh!!!!

Hi Dlim,
i will send his photo to you...u share yrs with me too ok? I paid $5 for his haircut...just bring him to any salon...those neighbourhood salon will do. My fren bring her boy to Suntec children salon...paid $16 for the haircut + watching Hi 5...
hi dlim,

can u give me your email addy

so envious that u can go for holiday... i feel like going for a short holiday before i go back to work as well... but i wonder what shd i do with the breastmilk loh....pump and throw? like very wasted leh... also, hoping to go to a place which is cold coz i almost went crazy during confinement as it was so hot!!

My CL overall was good... juz that she had to leave 1.5 days earlier...would have been nice if she was still ard during the full month.

been handling bb alone since then. when hb goes to work, me all by myself. so far ok but very busy loh... me now start to give bb 1 FM feed ard 11pm... sometimes, she can sleep for 5 over hours... after that, i will latch her again..

btw, how does it feel to be back at work? r u able to wear ur pre-preg clothes? me cannot leh... dunno how...

hi lynda,

i shaved my bb's hair on her 1 mth too... but i engaged the taimaobi who will come to my house to shave loh.. then they will take the fetal hair to make into the brush...
wow, u engaged them to your hse ya? how much did you pay?

Me still cant wear my pre-preggy clothes and i got another 5kg to lose. still 60s sad...
hi gleneagles mummy, can i chk if in labor, where shd i go? the A&E? cos i dunno where is the delivery suite... i got no x to go for the hospital tour ... and thk any x i will be giving birth le... fl v scare
hi lynda,

actually, the haircut and home visit is free if u buy a brush that is more than $100. if u select a brush which is less than $100, then pay $20 for the tranpsport fees can liao...

quite to prepare 2 red eggs and some spring onions as the master will do some ritual

hi bulma,

labour ward is at the 5th floor... all the best

I have sent u my boy photo. U may check yr email.

$5 is very resonable...$16 is too exp lah. Somemore so young, how would they understand what is hi 5..


My email is [email protected] No need to throw away your BM wasted. U can actually store in the freezer & it can last till 2 mths the most. Juz note down the date u pump out on the bottle so the person who help u to feed will know which to take 1st.

I also have the same feeling as u...when CL left, i was so sad & worry i cant handle my boy.

Its better in this way so that u can sleep longer during the night. Or u can use those BM that u have store in the freezer to feed your girl too.

Yes, i can wear back some of my pre-preg clothes but not all. I think still need some time to slim down again.

So how much u pay for the brush ya?
hi dlim,

but if on holiday, how to carry the EBM back to singapore? so i guess must throw away?

I selected the brush which cost $138!!! u can go for cheaper ones thou...

so good u can fit into ur pre-preg clothes...envy leh... i stgill cannot
Hi Lovedogs,

Ooppss.... sry i didnt know u r referring to on holiday. I was saying, u can try to pump more & store in the fridge b4 u go for holiday. While u are on holiday then no choice liao...have to throw away..abit wasted ya.

Wow... $138 very exp leh!!

Dun give up so fast...i took 3 mths times to wear back my pre-preg clothes leh. U only 1mth ++. Give yourself some time ya...
Can moms that has had a c-section at Gleneagles share with me their hospital bill size? My baby is in breech and doc said we might need to do c!
hi frog

i had epi cesion in Feb 07 and charges are as follows:

4D3N C-section Glene Std Package $2415
Equiment and Supply $64.74
Lab Clinical $98.28
Pharmacy $233.1

Total Hospital Charges $2,811.12

Gynea C-section charges $1,680.00
PD (Dr Yip YY) $262.50
Anathetistc (Dr Dicky Tay) $450.00

Total charges $5,293.62
Less:Medisave claim ($2,600.00)
Less: Anetnatal claim (450.00)
Net Cash Payable $2,243.62
U may also like to see anothr link i created some time bk w more mummies sharing
would like to seek some advice from mummies here, when should i book for a hospital tour with gleneagles? i m at 23 weeks now.

I did mine around 32weeks. As my gynae asked me to prepare my hospital bag at 32weeks.

I think nearer EDD is better as when u in labour, the admission procedure still fresh in both of you.
Hello all,

I will also be delivering at Gleneagles. My gynae's Dr Chris Chong. Any one has the same gynae here?

I think you can do the hospital tour now when you're more mobile. Anyway, I think they only conduct the tour on Tues & Thurs (can't rem issit day time). You may call the hospital to check.
Hi Mummies,

I'll be delivering at Gleneagles too. My gynae's Dr Chris Chong.

Wld like to seek advice fr the mummies here, whether there is a need to bring along a breast pump during our hospital stay. I was advised by a friend to do so.
During my time, Feb'06, they'll loan u the Medela hospital grade but is only pumping 1 side at a time. U need to ask them, not automatic.
Hi deedy. Glad to know you have Dr Chris Chong as gynae too. Think he's a very nice gynae!

Mummies, is washing the breast pumps very cumbersome? Many parts? I can only imagine...hasn't got them yet, thot still early. If I pump a few times a day, does it mean I have to wash/sterilize it each time? If I only have a pump, I'll have to only rely on that one pump..
deedy, i will not bother bringing the breast pump. i just delivered at gleneagles on 28 jul and brought along my breast pump. i did not use it at all becos first few days, your breasts produce colustrum only so not as if you will encounter any engorgements so painful that you need to express it out. also, becos you will not be producing full supply of milk yet, you should let your baby suckle all the time so by the time you get home, your breasts will produce enough milk for baby's consumption. breast milk is all about supply and demand. mother nature is great, your breasts will trickle milk when its time for your baby to feed. it is a miraculous natural reaction. so bizarre! happy motherhood.
Hi TweetTweet, agree that Dr Chris Chong is great. I'm very comfortable with him as my gynae.

Mummies, thanks for the advice.
I've also read somewhere that within a couple of hours after delivery, they will bring the baby to you for breastfeeding. I'm just very curious how do all 1st time mummies do it. As i've nvr done bf before, i'm just wondering how am i able to do or if i cld even know how to do it at all.
Deedy....don worry. Nurse there will help you.

I delivered via cesearean, my girl was in NICU from day 2-3 , I didnt really get to do it in hospital. Struggled for 1 week, went to see Mrs Wong, TMC's lactation consultant for help n get through it.
