Gleneagles Baby

Hi Lynda,

Long time never log in...sry for the late reply. Celebration was great & we left quite alot of food at the end of the day.

My maid is sleeping in one of the bedroom with my son. Wanted to let my boy to sleep together with me but my master bedroom is not big enough to put in the bb cot so no choice, have to let the maid to sleep together with my boy in order to look after him. So every nite when i sleep, i will not close my master bedroom door so that when bb cries, i will wake up also. If u have no spare room for your maid, living room is not a problem.

I also heard from my frd abt this. Btw, what is the ideal month to bring bb out? So far, i only brought my boy out once to near by shopping mall to order cake. I find him still too young to go out and quite troublesome also. Also heard try not to bring bb out late cox its not good for them.

Hi Keann,

Thanks for the info for the thermal flask.
Wow..yr bb slept so late! Anyway, my boy also very difficult to look after. Dunno why these few days when trying to feed him, he keep moving ard & kick his legs. Sometimes he will cried while drinking his milk. Else, he can fall asleep while drinking his milk. We always have to make him stay awake in order to finish all his milk.

Then my BM supply seems to b getting more & more lesser. Maybe partially i also seldom latch on cox i always find that he is not enough when i latch him. After a while, he will get hungry again. Are u still BF your son?

Btw ladies, are u all using any pacifiers? Actually before i gave birth to my boy, i was telling myself never give pacifiers to my children but i didnt know end up i have to let my son use it. I really have no choice cox he keep crying & dun want to sleep even though he had finished his milk. So my mom advise me to try the pacifier so that can calm him down. So right now, my boy is use to it now. I only use it when he doesnt want to sleep or cry else we never give him. Any comment for using pacifiers??

re: pacifiers
i dun give my gal pacifier but MIL try to give and she don like. when my gal was 3.5wks old, we brought her to parkway parade. yest she just turn 2mths old... so far have brought her to nearby coffeeshops, causeway pt, west mall n peoples park

she can sleep better in e nosiy area. in face yest was at causeway pt, e moment we step to a quiet place for dinner she sts to cry, step out of e resturant where much nosier she keeps quiet...
Hi keann,
me stay in a 4 room, 1 convert to study room and another room was filled with tonnes of my stuffs!!! see how it goes...maybe i will consider quitting my work to look after him. Heard so much abt maid's issue and was still hesitating...really envy you gals who have someone helping you to look after. btw, how many times did your bb wake up for night feed now?

Hi Dlim,
Good to hear that celebration was good! so now, your maid is helping u to look after your bb at night? i think its a gd idea coz if you placed him in yr room, he might disturb your hb too and they need to work. Actually my boy is a difficult baby too! fussy and grouchy...hope he will be better after soemtime. Have you try the yao lan? can your bb sleep now? he also kick and fuss alot during feeding...exactly the same as yours.

re pacifiers
i guess there is no right n wrong, juz like sleeping in yao lan. i gave him to calm him when he is crying, no choice. if not, he can tear the whole hse down...haha
Hi Lynda,
Yes my maid is helping me to look after my bb now but i also will wake up in the middle of the night to check on my boy whenever he cried. far my boy is still ok with the baby bouncer. Afternoon, i will let him sleep on the bouncer while im in the living room. Night time, he will sleep in his cot. He is slightly better with the sleep now except when feeding time. He will make a fuss & kick & cried when we are feeding him. This only happened recently which we also dunno whats wrong with him.

Today juz brought my boy to see doctor cox he had constipation for 2 days which made us very worry. So doctor insert a pill to his anus & finally he poo. I guess partially he also feel uncomfortable cox his tummy is very bloated so this could lead to his fuss when we are feeding him.

Yup agreed.... pacifiers is not so bad abt it.
Hi Dlim,
I brought my baby out very early...abt 3weeks we brought him out already. Now he's abt 2.5 mths, he goes many places with me. But i must say that it's more inconvenient, like buying clothes cannot really try on clothes or he cries suddenly when you shopping so must feed him/change diaper etc.

I have the same problem with baby crying when drinking milk. He always GLUP down the milk so fast and sounds like crying and choking but still drinking! That was abt for 1mth he was like that, but these days lesser.

I'm probably going to go off BF soon. Cos my supply also getting lesser and lesser now. Hardly 30ml each breast these days...

As for pacifiers, i am TA-HANING not to give! Same view as you that i really dun want to give him. But he cries a lot...but hubby and i try to be patient and tahan. But sometimes it's very challenging and really heart pain...
Hi Keann,

Wow..u much more better than me. I dun bring my boy out shopping together cox i find it very inconvenient as what u said. Especially shopping for clothing. I rather go shopping my own..hehehe.. Cox if bring my son along, have to take care of him & feed him, change diaper etc. Abit troublesome... Now my boy is 1mth+ & last wkend i wanted to go out shopping but my hubby dun want. He said later bb will get sick easily if go to crowded places. So end up, we didnt go. I have been staying at home for the past 1mth & im going crazy soon. Thats why i need to go out to get some fresh air!!

U r better than me, at least yr BM can last till 2mths+. I already stopped feeding when my boy is 1mth+. Abit frustrated when feeding him BM cox my supply is not enough & he also seems to be not full.

U still not bad ya...still can tahan for so long. The moment my boy keep crying non stop, i panic already & he cried so loud that I worry might disturb our neighbour late at night.
Hey Dlim,
What milk powder are you using? My boy has grown chubby chubby now he's about 11 weeks..cannot believe since he's a premmie. HEHEHEHE.
How many ml of milk you feed your baby? Your baby should be about 5-6 weeks old now?
hi keann, Dlim,

how have u been? hey, u ladies haven't post ur boys' photos leh....

keann..u said ur boy chubby chubby, i wanna see leh...sure very cute one

me juz went for wk38 2.97kg... aiyoh...think by 2 more weeks when i reached full term...hope not too heavy/big so that i can still opt for natural birth ah..

btw, what are the prelabour symptoms? me except bb very violent until my tummy ache... still ok... not swelling yet.. but i heard some mummies who have no swelling during pregnancy, can suffer from water retention after birth...
You must be due almost anytime now! JIA YOU ok and let us know all about it. I didn't have much water rentention during my pregnancy but towards the end (34weeks) i felt swollen on my feet.

As for me, my waterbag broke first. Heard symptons are different for each mummy. You may have "show" first, i had it after my waterbag broke. The show is this light pinkish blood stain. But some mummies had the contractions straight. TRUST me, you will know it's contractions. It's pretty PAINFUL! Like period cramps but very intense!

All the best and we'll pray for your smooth delivery!
hi keann,

my email addy is [email protected]

now 38weeks but dun think bb wanna come out yet. got a feeling i will carry till full term. hence, hope bb not too big else worried about having problems delivering..

i also believe that if real contractions, it is natural instinct and i shd know *hopefully*

thanks for your well wishes..

u going back to work soon?
hi keann,
when is your boy born? my boy also 2.5 mths leh
oh yes, shall we share our bb's photo? me also abt to stop breastfeeding coz ss is very low and i'm returning to work soon.

hi dlim,
share with us Jayden photo leh? Wats yr email? I will send to u n keann
my email is [email protected] u stop bfeedig already? My mum cant wait to see me stop...haha! old folks are so -ve abt bfeeding
Hi lovedogs/Lynda,
Just sent you the pictures.

hope pics inspire to deliver SOON! I can imagine you must be very excited, cos i was so excited then...even dreamed of baby every other day.
Hi Lovedogs,
Yes am going to go back to work very very soon. SIAN leh, got to leave my boy behind. But wat to do, this is reality. Women got to give birth, breastfeed and work! I think next life got to be a MAN!

Hi Lynda,
my boy born 15 Feb so about 11weeks now. I BF only 1x per day. Baby will latch on. But still have to feed him formulae after cos he's still hungry. I don't have much milk supply. I'm kinda looking fwd to stopping BF. A little ma fan lehz....
hi keann,
my boy was borned on the 14th...1 day earlier than yours
Btw, who will be loking after yr bb once u return to work? I'm sending u my boy's photo too
wish u a smooth delivery

my gal is almost as well. she is born on 2802

when are u going bk to work? me reporting to workforce on mon. i know i will miss my gal but need to earn $ ahh.

do u gals watch channel 8 Mars vs Venus? was teling my GF cant stay at home else become huang lian po. today went to do hair rebond to prepare myself for work on mon... so fast the day is back for me to go back to work force
hi fion, fast back to work? how many weeks of ML did u take? i took 2 more weeks of AL after total will be gone for 14 weeks... am thinkg to ask employer after ML, can give me flexi working, work from home at least 1 or 2 days a week...else i worried will be very tiring...

hi keann,

thanks for sharing pix of your cute boy boy... he is so chubby and adorable
yes, be a man easier hor..since nowadays, both men and women have to work and support the family....
Hi Keann,

Im giving my boy Enfalac A+ formula. My boy also very chubby & hes 6 wks now. I think my CL overfeed him cox she was giving 120ml to my boy & the doctor commended he was slightly overweight. Now, i have to reduce to 80ml - 100ml for my boy.

How heavy is your boy now? Can send me your boy photo also? My email [email protected]. I will send u my boy photo also.

Hi lovedogs,

So long never see u in this thread, I thought u have gave birth already.

Dun worry, u bb is at the average weight & u will be due anytime from now. That time I was due on wk 39. Remember to pack everything & get ready ya.

I had contraction during my check up with my gynae on that day & also 2cm dilated. During scanning, gynae realized that there are some particles in my tummy & gynae suspected bb poo inside so I have to induce immediately. Surprisingly, I didnt feel my contraction at all. Maybe mine is quite mile so I didnt feel anything. I had water retention on my face, nose & feet.

Hi Lynda,

I have sent my boy photo to u already. Yes I have stop BF. Now my boy is fully on formula. Pls share your boy photo with me too ya my email [email protected]


Does your bb poo everyday? My boy got constipation recently & I brought him to see doctor last wed. He havent poo for 2 days & it made me so worried. I can see he trying to poo as his face was red but he juz couldnt poo out. Now finally he poo already but still didnt poo everyday. Hopefully he poo tonight else I have to insert the pill for him tmr already. Doctor said it could be too heaty & must drink lots of water, I did gave him drink water but still didnt poo everyday. my poor boy
hi dlim,

can also share wif me ur boy's photo? email is [email protected]

me still working and have been quite busy...actually was just working due to a major customer escalation....

i have no symptoms so far leh..during week38 check my gynae did not even did any dilation check. He just say see u next week.

anyway, i am now worried abt my final bill. juz found out from mummies from the same gynae that my gynae's charges are very very high
his attendence fees alone is $1K. (thats excluding surgeon's fees). Per hospital visit is $250

can u share how much was your gynae's attendance fees?

actually i like him very much and was hoping if future got bb2, will go back to him. But if his charges are so high, i may need to switch gynae if i get preggie again in future.
Hi Lovedogs,

I have sent u my boy photo. Pls check yr email.

U still working right now? U dun plan to take a break as u may due anything from now?

U can actually request your gynae to check for u to see whether u have any dilation or not. If u never mentioned to yr gynae, normally they wont check for u.

My gynae is not cheap either. Surgeon fee is $750 & attendance fee is $300. In total, I have to pay my gynae $1050. Beside gynae, i have to pay for 2 other doctor fees as well. They are Anaesthetist fee - $300 & Paediatrician fee - $650. My case is special cox bb poo inside my tummy so during labour, PD has to stand by once my boy is out to make sure he is ok.

Im still thinking whether i shall go back to my gyane if im planning for the 2nd one also. My gynae is not bad except the long q & waiting time during the check & also she is quite exp.

Remember to update us when u have give birth ya... Rest well & take care.
Hi Dlim,
Send to you my boy's picture. So in the end, how much cash did you pay to Glen E? I have paid abt $300 after CPF deduction and i was there for 4d3n!

so gals, are you planning for 2nd one? My boss hinted me not to have another bb...and not to pump during office hour...guess if i really hv 2nd one, i might be thrown into "cold palace",...haha
hi Dlim,

thanks! got your email! ur boy is so dimple leh...

yes i am working from home so can work until i deliver

ur gynae's fees sound reasonable leh... my gynae normal delivery surgeon's fees is $1K and he charges another $1K juz for attendance. Then very visit is $250. So imagine, I probably have to pay him up to $3K juz for delivery.... (if he visits me 4 times in hospital).
this is excluding PD and anaesthetist fees. i can't change gynae liao since already last stage. I have to say he is good and very experienced. but his charges are sky rocket high. Per visit with normal consultation and scan is $210 u know...
hi lynda,

how come u only paid out so little cash? the lady who used the same gynae as me for normal delivery paid out more than $5K cash after CPF leh.. coz our gynae's charges are juz too expensive.
Wow, all yr bills are quite high leh. Can i know how they go bout charging, as in if we already on the package with gynae then still gotta pay all these attendance fees, etc ah? How bout the package given by the hospi as in like 3 days stay for natural delivery, etc which we can claim medisave rite? Pls share what's the average amount of $$ to pay...
Hi Lynda,
My mum is helping me to take care and i have a php maid at home too. So they can help to care..but i think i will miss my boy boy. What about you? Who's helping you? In SG, this is the constant problem with working women, we got so much to think about when it comes to kids.

Yes i do want to have No.2 SOON. But how can your boss ask you not to have kid? Your boss no children is it. I think they are such wonderful gifts from God. We are planning for 1 more hopefully next year or following year so that little daniel has companion.
Hi Fion,
Gg back to work on May 14. I am gg to trim my hair before i go back to work. Booked appt with Shunji Matsuo. Never try him before but heard he's quite good. Tell you all after my cut, maybe will make me a super looking mum! HEHEHEE...
Hi Lovedogs,
Was wondering too if i can request for flexi-hours. I would also like to work 1-2 days from home...wish me luck, will go ask my boss when i go back to work!

Yes both man and woman got to work and support the family, but woman got to do more especially at home. But fortunately, my hubby quite helpful. These days, man also got new responsibilities!

Agree with Dlim, please remb to pack your bags. You won't have time if you suddenly have contractions. Save your hubby the stress also to pack. So when you are ready to go hospital, just take and go.
Hi Dlim,
Sent you pics already! Check your mailbox.
Dun have poo poo problem with my boy. But his poo poo reduces from a few times a day to only abt 1-2 times poo poo. Read the book and i tik this is normal, but will check with PD the next appt.
There's a really good book that a friend gave me called What to Expect in the First Year. Very informative and useful for first time mummies!
hi keann,

all the best with regards to requesting for 1 or 2 days to work from home
i think that will really help a lot in handling the new role as a working mum

hi tots,

for my package, the $$ paid from 4th month onwards to full term only includes scheduled visits and multivitamins. Any additional tests, unscheduled visits, must pay etc. CTG extra at $105 per session. Eg week20 detailed scan all these extra $$.

During delivery, u have to pay gynae for surgeon's fees, attendance fees, hospital visit feers. Other doctors' fees go to PD and anaesthetist. but their fees are not a killer.

So it depends on your gynae loh... different gynaes charge differently. Eg as u can see above, some gynaes charge only $300 for attendance gynae charges $1000
Hi Lynda,

I have received your boy photo...very boyish look!

I have to pay $1,134 after CPF deduction & mine was there for 3d2n. Did u deliver by natural without epidural?

Im planning for a 2nd one but maybe 2-3 years later. How can your boss ask u not to have another bb? Somemore ask u not to pump in office? Are u working in a local company or MNC?

Hi Lovedogs,

How are u feeling today?

Although your gynae is good but his charges are really very exp. Maybe u can consider to change to another gynae if u plan for a 2nd one. I thought my gynae is very exp...never expect yours is more exp than mine.

Hi Keann,

Thanks...i have received your boy's photo & he is very cute!

My boy dont have constipation now but two days ago, he got diarrhea. Poor thing...on mon, he diarrheao for abt 5 times. Now he is slightly better but sometimes the poo still abit watery.

Thanks for your info, will look out for this book. Anyway ideal where can i find this bbok?

Juz to check did u all shave your bb's hair when he is one month old? If not, when do u intend to shave your bb hair?
Hi Dlim,
I intend to shave his hair on the 4th month. Yup, me delivered without epi, maybe thats y its so cheap.
Hi Lynda,
May i ask why didnt u plan to shave your bb hair when he is one month old?

We didnt do so cox we worry he might catch a cold since he is still so young. We also intend to shave his hair when he is abt 3-4 mths old.

U r so brave! U can actually delivered without epi. How long is your labour time? Mine was epi with assisted thats why so exp.
hi Dlim,

me still around... no symptoms leh... this friday will be week39 liao...dunno when bb wants to see the world yet

agree that maybe when ur boy is abt 3 mths then shave....1 mth old abit too young leh..
Hi Dlim,
I din shave when he is 1 mth becoz his head is still very soft. When he is abt 3-4 mths, head will be more steady too. I was told by my coll to shave so that their hair will grow better coz now, my boy has been dropping alot of hair.

I wanted to try to deliver without epi so i endured but of course regretted lah..haha! cannot believe i did such a stupid act too by enduring coll all scolded me silly to go thru the pain. My labour pain was abt 7 hr, yours? I was assisted with vacuum too and thats y my boy's head was very protrude when he was borned. Yours was assisted with vacuum or forcep?

Since i stop bfeeding these few days, my boy was sort of suffering fm constipation too. u know what my mum say? Quickly give him some bm and he will poo!!! OMG...when did my bm becomes laxative????

Hi Lovedog, be brave and your bundle of joy will be in yr hand soon
Hi Lovedogs,

U still around ya...
Be patient, your bb will pop out anytime from now. Arent u excited?

I also dont agreed to shave so young. My mil & hubby wanted to shave my boy's hair when he is full month but i worry he catch a cold easily so we decided to shave later.

Hi Lynda,

So im not the only one who have not shave my boy hair. Agreed their head still very soft so 3-4mths is the best time to shave. My boy still have not drop his hair yet...maybe have to wait till he is 2mths +.

Actually is not a bad thing for not taking epi. Most of my colleagues ask me not to take epi cox there will be side effect but i doubt i can do it. So u r really very brave. "Pei fu ni"!

My labour pain was abt 14 hrs. I was induced & yet very slow. I was assisted with vaccum too & my boy's head also protrude. Now ok already.

Hahaa...your mum very cute. I think this is very common. Since my boy also stopped bm, he also suffering from constipation. So we brought him to see doctor & doctor gave us Enfalac HA for my boy. He told us Enfalac HA is very similar to breast milk. U know wat...after feeding him with HA, he got diarrhea. Doctor was telling me that this is very common & told us not to worry as bb is adjusting & will be back to normal.
No lah gals, many women delivered without epi too...

btw Dlim, do u hv any idea where to bring bb for shaving huh? Thot of bringing him to those kids salon but its exp leh. I dunno where to bring him for the cut...

oh yes, my mum is very funny. always discourage me to bf my baby...always tell me not to eat too much coconut stuff but when she cook, she say its fine...OMG, only the things she cook will not harm my bm...aiya, old folks are always like tat, stubborn

Enfalac HA is good? I started my boy with Similac but he vomitted a few times. Switch to Nestle Nan 1 and he seems to be taking it well. The powder is much finer than Similac tho..Maybe i should try Enfalac HA???? Me finally decided not to hire a maid...mum is willing to help but she is now abit possessive over my son...haha! Will your MIL n mum take turn to take care of yr boy at your place or u bring him to their place? I think it will be very rush if we bring him back everyday, so, we have decided to fetch him back only on weekend and go see him everyday. No choice, have to work n i started work very early and dun think my hb can handle him!

Gals, is yr hb very hands on when handling bb huh? My hb dunno anythign one fed up!

Hi Keann,
Me work in a MNC in orchard road, my boss is married but no kids. U boss allowed u to work from home for 1-2 days every wk? we can only work from home whenn we have valid reason

I know there is one kids salon at suntec level 4, same level with toy r'us. Just opp the "Cloud 9" maternity shop. I saw alot of kids go there for hair cut but not sure how much is it. Actually, u can bring your son to the near by salon for hair cut will do. I intend to bring my son to the salon opp my hse for hair shave.

Hehehee...old folks are like that but i curious why yr mom discourage u to bf your son? I stopped bf my boy & my mom keep asking me why stopped so fast...

Enfalac HA is almost the same with Nestle NAN 1. My doctor also recommended Nestle NAN 1 which is very similiar to breast milk. I continue Enfalac HA is bcox he gave me tried one free can of Enfalac HA so i continued using it.

My mom & mil will take turn to look after my boy at my place. I think this is better as i dun have to run so many places in the morning. Then night time, maid will look after my boy.

Thats good...your mum can help u to look after yr son. Mum is always much better than maid as u wont know what they will do to your children. So if have maid, is always better to have a adult to watch after them. Is your mom staying near u? At least u r seeing your boy everyday after work, if u only see your boy during wkend, i think u will miss him very much. What time u start work?

My hubby will help me to feed my boy & carry him when he cried. I told him i looked after my boy whole day until very tired so he shld help out when he is back from work.

Your company so good. Allow you to work from home if u have valid reason. My company dun allow at all! So sianz....


How often u cut your boy nails? The CL helped to cut during his 1st mth. Now his nails are long & i wanted to cut but i worry i may hurt him. I also check with doctor is it ok to cut his nails now, he advised me not to cut cox he is still young. If i dun cut, his nails will grow longer i quite worry abt it.

Seems like every one is busy & im the only one who keep posting questions.

Btw, do you get your maid / mil to bath baby and change diapers for your bb or you do it yourself? I leave it for my maid to handle most of the time & i realised that my boy is quite close to her & my boy also recognise my maid voice when ever she talked. Im quite of worried that my boy will stick to her more than me. Any one of u have this problem?

And did anyone of u make the hole of the teat slightly bigger to allow more milk flow into your bb's mouth? Today i tried on some teats & indeed he can drink better. Now, he only need 10-15 mins to finish his milk as compared to last time, he can take abt 30-45mins to finish his milk. Any comments abt making the teat's hole bigger??
Hi Dlim,
In fact, i have nvr bathe my boy guilty!!! coz my wrist is very painful. My mum is also the one who changed him most of the time...haha...anyway, my coll told me they will sure know we are the parents! My coll is the bo chap type and throw both of the kids are the MIL's place till 3. But both kids are still very close to her now

I changed the teats monthly and recently been using Pigeon Perilistalic Nipple thru' recommendation from 1 of them mum here...indeed he is drinking more n faster now
you can try it! Robinson having sale tmr and I'm getting a few more
Also, I have been cutting my boy's nail every week coz i have removed his mittens and worried he might scratch himself.

I start work at 6.45am and me staying in hillview and mum staying in Tampines!!! haha...far right? No choice...must see him to build some bond coz like wat i mentioned earlier, i have not been doing much for him...wat a lousy mum i am rite!
Hi Lynda,

Mee too! I tried a few times but i find it difficult to turn their boby from front to back so i leave it to my maid to bath my boy better.

Oh must change monthly? I didnt know.... How good is Pigeon Perilistalic Nipple? Hmm...ronbinson sales start tmr then im going down to purchase some baby items for my boy. Is it true that when bb is 3mths old, we have to stop letting them wear mittens?

Wow..u start work very early! Where u working at? Hey...wat a coincidence, im staying at hillview also!! Mine is end of hillview which is near to Bt Batok. U r staying in which condo? If u working place is in town area then its not so bad to go to tampines. No choice, if i were u, i will also travel every day to mother's place to see my boy.
My boy doesn't have much no shave until more hair is out!
Sorries hasn't been posting much, cos STARTED work already!!! Very tiring esp when my baby is the screamer type where he keeps crying so much and ONLY AT NIGHT! I am working on min sleep and still go to work for 1 full day. WOMEN really quite amazing!
I do have a maid too but i really didn't let her handle my boy until when he's 2.5 months. But only to carrying him and feeding him milk. I do the rest on my own and my mum helped.
hi keann,

me dischaged today... gave birth on sunday morning... yeah! mother's day! heehee...

i managed to engage dr dicky tay ! thank goodness as I went to the hospital at 5am. contraction pains were really painful! after epidural it was thank goodness!
HI Keann, me STARTED work tiring hor?

Hi Dlim,
so qiao!!!! Which condo are u staying? maybe we can meet??? so nice that you actually stay near me

As for mitten, i think do try to let them go without at times. But my boy always sucking his fingers and so i m still wearing it for him at nite...

Hi Lovedogs,
congrats!!! so happy for you...whats yr bb weight? Is it a boy or gal?

hi ladies,

good news if any of u haven't delivered. Glen E has successfully tied up with SCBB for cord blood donation. I'm seriously considering donating to the bank now instead of pte.
