New Member
hi joylon,
can i have the book in english? thanks
can i have the book in english? thanks
老师一直提倡忏悔、吃斋、积善,是最好颠覆命运的办法。Meow meow (meowmeow1234) July 19, 2013 - 12:08 pm
It is so interesting to read your post, and so nice of you to provide free service & good advice for those ladies in need of help.
i also wanted to have my bazi read but alot of so call master charge $888 - $1888. Which i gave up the idea. Really, your advice has let people do in deep thoughts and reflect on what to do next
Dear Madam Bear,
1. 离婚命。
2. 超级风流又好色!
找marriage counselor恐怕浪费时间。外面找人算,恐怕不会说到那么直接,因为要赚你的钱。
自己学看,无师自通不行的。Hi toblerone,
can i know what apps is this and how to read it?
你要做好心理准备了没。要吃斋念经。Hi toblerone,
I have read the book, also have Some difficulty understanding as it's not in simplified Chinese. However, could u please share with me the 经文 that can help, is 观音灵感真言 ok? after which we will have to nian 迴向 one time at the end of the day? or many times? and the last page has this "解冤结咒" also to nian mah? seriously i am clueless on how to go about it.
To nian 经文 has to be at quiet place? can we do it anytime of the day to chant at heart?
I have answered you in the other thread.老师,想请问您,农历七月可以试怀孕吗?会导致阴气?
1. 没出生时间,又没有注明男的还是女的...老师,你看得出此人的婚姻命吗? Born english date 27 march 1977 (sorry not too sure about chinese).
Hi Jolyon,
How do I contact u for readings?
命越看越坏。光拆开八字就对你们不好了。Hi Hi,
I need readings of bazi for me and hubby. Can you pm me pl? thanks!
回复你了。Hi Toblerone,
I replied your email on the 25 july but not sure if it went through as i am having problem with my gmail. it was locked up due to suspicious login activity from overseas. i have resent the email now that i can get in again. Thanks!
老师,可以分享玄学。很多人不信,但不会勉强。Hi Toblerone,
I may have posted in the wrong thread. But I hope you will be able to provide some advice.
My sil abt a year ago suddenly turns very hostile towards her parents. She will blame her parents for what she is now, blame them for not taking care of her when she is young, blame them for making her marry her hubby and many more.
She was bought to IMH for consultation but IMH discharge her soon after that.
Till now, she will send her parents messages every day and blame them.
We are lost and don't know how to help her to lessen her hatred.
老师怕你到处问。问到一个装神弄鬼,来骗钱骗色的就麻烦了。Till now, she will send her parents messages every day and blame them.
We are lost and don't know how to help her to lessen her hatred.
暂时没空。Thank you for your reply. How can we help her? My SIL thinks she is normal. We are the ones who are not good and causes her much stress. Will I be able to PM you?
I have things to ask. Can i pm you?
业障 - 可以是前世或者今世。What is 业障?how do I know what is the root
understand you are busy and do not accept PM now..if able to, please contact me. I be giving birth next month, but my husband suddenly got himself an a affair within days, and now want a divorce. He has also totally changed into another person.. really hope to get some advise..thanks!