. : Extra Marital Relationship 宿世姻缘与出轨 : .

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hapeverafter (hapeverafter) June 10, 2013 - 1:38 pm</font>
我的妹妹的孩子从满月开始就被她的老公的家人强行抱走。 自那天起她的老公就不让她单独和孩子见面。甚至还要求一定要在他大嫂,大哥和妈妈在场时才能够让她和孩子见面。 可是一旦和她的孩子见面,她们就会不断的冷嘲热讽。 所以我的妹妹挺抗拒求他的老公让她见孩子。

hapeverafter (hapeverafter) June 10, 2013 - 1:38 pm
我的妹妹现在很彷徨不知道该怎么做。 她现在想继续深造,可是又怕她的老公那里会和他讨赡养费。她想知道她应该怎么做。 如果她继续深造, 就不会有钱给她的老公。而她的老公恐怕也不会让她见她的儿子。
The Singapore's Women Charter is the "most" powerful law act among developed countries. 在新加坡妇女宪章法令,一般上孩子大致上判给妈妈。除非妈妈自动放弃,就交由父亲照顾。法庭会依据很多因素来裁定。

基本上,要是孩子判给妈妈,那么父亲该支付赡养费(maintenance fees)。要是母亲收入不错,父亲侥幸争取孩子的抚养权呢,男方有权利向女方追逃赡养费(这种例子不是没有哦!)。向谁追讨赡养费,这个由法庭来判。

hapeverafter (hapeverafter) June 10, 2013 - 1:38 pm
2。 她现在还不能和她老公离婚因为结婚不满三年。他老公现在在他的妈妈家住。你觉得应该和她的老公在今年提离婚吗? 会不会影响她现在的工作?还是会越拖越惨? 她的老公已经很坚定的告诉她无法挽回。


1. 很会读书!很聪明!
2. 家境不错!贵命!Born with silver spoon!
3. 贪恋物质享受。
4. 从小到大,要风得风,要雨得雨。
5. 美艳的女人,大桃花星坐命. 结了婚,还是有男人要粘过来。
6. 赚钱能力很好
7. 孩子没缘


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Dear Madam Agnes,







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Dear Madam hapeverafter (hapeverafter) ,

1. 并非贵命。第一. 正财没根. 第二. 2005年有破局。所以,家庭篇中下,不是生于名望家庭。
2. 很会读书!很聪明!
3. 美艳的女人,大桃花星坐命。不少朋友喜欢她。
4. 赚钱能力很好
5. 孩子没缘
6. 完美主义者
7. 似乎有给姐弟牵累,给了她麻烦。

原局日元丙火强身,大运交替成三会大火局(至2014年)。加上运柱与生效相冲,难怪她会难受了!现在她七上八下,心情乱糟糟。2015年开始会有好转迹象。 2025年40岁后,才会走旺运了。今年癸巳年,即喜亦忌的狀況, 有负担要花钱。

唉... 有贵命和没贵命的差别很大了。

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Jolyon, can you PM me in order for me to send you our 'bazi', please...
lots of unhappy incident happened to our family...
reading your above interpretion of 8th character. would u be able to help me interpret mine and husband's 8th character and advise more. i hope to hear if there's a better way to build and maintain a marriage.
Dear Madam NPL,


十个来问夫妻不和的问题,九个都是问爽。因为九个都垂头丧气,宁愿坐以待毙。因此,老师不太要插手论夫妇婚姻命。外面找人论夫妇婚姻命,要给几百块,听好听的话。老师论,直话直说,铁齿断金。No need marriage counselling, I give the truth which marriage counsellor can't do.

1. 受欢迎!
2. 爱面子!
3. 有钱!赚钱大钱!
4. 桃花重,又花心。意思是什么?女人多咯!
5. 大男人主义!

1. 无理取闹、脾气不好!
2. 自尊心强!
3. 注重金钱!
4. 大女人主义!
5. 死不认输!
6. 情绪上没有好好控制!


1. 妻子给孩子拖累了。要不是孩子,你早就离婚了。对吗?
2. 妻子为了丈夫的钱。讲白了,没有办法要留在他身边。对吗?
3. 妻子是大女人主意,丈夫也是大男人主意,你说两个人相处会有好下场吗?
4. 妻子要寻死,骗老师是吗?老师知道你不会甘心妥协,要得到你要的。坦白说,你不会成功的。


1. 妻子的脾气不要这样臭!因为丈夫不喜欢,因为嫌妻子非常难搞。不简单!拜托你,修修内德。
2. 给你丈夫一点地位。为什么是要你改不是他改?理由简单,因为你有影响力,从你开始。
2. 吃素、念经、积德。你要夫妻感情好转,老师传你经文,死拚命的天天作功课。这个就是修外功。

简单的来说,you only have two options.
Option 1 妻子要向命运低头、妻子认为丈夫在你眼里犯死罪,就准备离婚的一天。

Option 2 妻子要颠覆命运不想离婚,就要吃素、念经、积德。信不信由你。

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Hi Jolyon,
Has been reading this thread but decided to try my luck asking for advice if you are able to.
Hi Jolyon

i chanced upon this thread at the lowest and darkest point of my life. I know u might b too busy to help me but i still hope that i can get your advice.

I went to Taiwan for a trip a few yrs back to a 貔貅(天禄)shop and the 师傅 there accurately calculated with bazi that my husband has taohua in the marriage. She also said that though i am very 弱 in 子女缘 but i 有机会 that i will b pregnant in 2012 to the first half of 2013. My husband's 子女缘 is not bad so may 加分 She said even if the child has the chance to come to earth, he/she will not be up to my expectation as a child. They all came true.

At the time of the trip, my marriage was healing from my husband's affair. He admitted to liking a lady he met at an overseas conference and admitted that it is a one sided love affair on his part.it was just initial liking. Nothing else. He later felt guilty and decided To let go of the affair. At that time, we just had our customary after 4 years of rom and 12 yrs of being together. I forgave him and we both had a gd look at what went wrong. We throughly sorted the problem. I always want to have a child to enhance our relationship as my husband is work oriented and never family focused.

True enough i got pregnant in 2012 naturally but it ended as a miscarriage. I went for 2 ivfs subsequently and one was chemical and the last one which was done last mth was a failure. I felt it was game over for me. If i follow what was being predicted, my chances are used up. My 流年运 is used up. I think i would never have my own child and at the back of my mind, my husband might father his own child else where in the future. It makes me always 怀疑他 and 心不安。

A few mths ago, my husband felt that we r communicating on different levels and he felt like we r living like flatmates. it really hurts to hear this. I told myself, Just like the 师傅 in the shop said i have to 承认我命不好。 but i was still hopeful then that we can have a child to link us together. Mayb things will improve.

Why is it so difficult to have my own child and a faithful husband? I feel i have not been doing enough good deeds this life and past life and i wish to amend for my this life (hope its not too late) and next lives to come. Sometimes i try to 看淡 and 随缘but i am a 凡人its easier said than done. I promised Guanyin niang niang i would go vegetarian if i can give birth to my own child. I am willing to 抄经 念佛 now but i dun know how to go about doing. I hope u can read my post and 指点我。 万分感想!感激不尽!
Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
i chanced upon this thread at the lowest and darkest point of my life....and 指点我。 万分感想!感激不尽!

Ms Wong (ms_wong) July 03, 2013 - 12:03 pm
I got something to ask u. Appreciate that you can PM me. Thanks you very much.

Sue Lee (slee73) July 03, 2013 - 9:59 am
Has been reading this thread but decided to try my luck asking for advice if you are able to.

K. Alethia (kissyalethia) June 25, 2013 - 6:00 pm
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Dear Madam WSJ,



13. 与孩子的关系alright. 祖父母喜欢孙子。

Year 2013 (癸巳年)
1i. 5 June - 6 July 这段期间是否哪里不爽呢?有观察到吗?
1ii. 7 July onwards lasting for 90days, 暂时可以喘气。Year-end and getting towards Chinese New Year, 又要有戏上场了。
2. 家里有事。是不是跟房产有关?
3. 面对极大精神压力。
4. 钱财有关。Sibling似乎要跟他争东西。
Year 2014 (甲午年) 与Year 2013 (癸巳年)相比,好不到哪里去。

2013 - 2022(己未运) 稍微难熬。
2023 - 2042(庚申运) 偏向好一点!


1. 弱土命。天干甲己对克。婚前婚后同样常不如意。
2. 身体是不是有疤痕?如果,有开刀也不奇怪。
3. 跟孩子的感情不错,跟父母的感情也很好。外祖父们(指的是女命的父母)都会关心外孙(女命的孩子)。
4. 女命父母和祖辈有不合。有可能是女命的母亲与她的家人(娘家的人)不合,或者,男命的父亲与他的长辈不合。
5. 聪明绝顶又孤独的妇人。聪明反被聪明误的一天。唉...

虎年(1986, 1998, 2010)、马年(1990, 2002)是否有亲人往生了呢? 随口问问罢了,不重要的。

2013年癸巳年,天干化火。今年没啥重大要事。5 June - 6 July, 不知道有什么事要分享吗?7 July onwards(lasting for 30days),一瞬间透口气儿罢了!不是叫你买4D/Toto!
2015年乙未年,午未化土!Fairly good.

你好的话就顺利,你不好的时候就差点死。你坐的过山车,跟RWS Universal Studios Singapore的roller coaster有的fight了。还要继续说的话,人生看尽很累,多没意思啊!老师劝你现在吃斋吧!作做好事,积德来得及。到时出了麻烦,求神拜佛来不及了!估计你对吃斋念佛难接受。呵呵...

Addtional Tips:
八字喜用为‘火’‘土’。凡万象与‘火’‘土’有关,对女命有利有利而无害。‘火’代表南方、长辈(母亲)、红色、粉红、等等。黑色(水)、绿色(木)、白色(金),对你有负面影响。不多写...。你自己google查一查五行(five elements代表什么)。

Part 1
No.1 老师看男命和女命有自己的法则。看男命是要妻子了解丈夫。他有不好事情的时候,就要设法避开。他可能有个癖好,你自己观察。老师吃长斋,不可以教你。如果教你怎么做,就侵犯你丈夫的隐私,有违道德。
No.2 那么,看女命呢,是希望你有心理准备,接受不好突如其来发生的事情。


Part 2:
你的情况得要先保身. 不然的话,你一下子要顾家,一下子又要担心丈夫。除非你有三头六臂,才有可能做得到。只要你肯吃斋念佛,就容易办。短时间,看不到效果,最起码要六个月,你才会看得到你自己有起色。老师即使骗你,也只不过六个月的时间。你不会少一根头发,不用牺牲色相,不用出半分钱。吃斋念佛绝对不勉强。

全新加坡就只有三个forums,老师给人解答命理。Singapore Motherhood forum is one of them. 说得再准没有用!若没有补救,又不去做等于白讲。求问者有大劫,老师绝对不会透露。不信者、不强迫。
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Hi Jolyon 老师

Thank you for your reply.其实我对接下来的日子没什么期待了。 我竟量看淡与随缘,不过我觉得很信苦。感谢你您能指点我。 pls pm me. Hope to hear from u soon.
Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
True enough i got pregnant in 2012 naturally but <u>it ended as a miscarriage</u>. I went for 2 ivfs subsequently and one was chemical and the last one which was done last mth was a failure. I felt it was game over for me.
你暂时别做IVF. 必须先尽快处理你的流产。“注生娘娘”帖子提到,人工流产/自然流产棘手。再来就是祖辈犯杀业(卖鸡贩、猪杂汤、fishmonger等等),子孙一个都逃不掉。

老师曾在美国住过,故事还很多。一个ang-moh吃饱太闲空,整天go for hunting. 两个幼小外孙被水淹死、妻子中breast cancer, 女儿kepala gila, 女婿在Orange County jail被囚犯捅死。

五年前,遇过一个住Lor Ah-Soo的马来Pest Controller,干了十多年的pest controlling. 活了40岁才生了儿子,很不幸的就这么唯一的度独子kenna leukemia,最后‘kong-kiiang’了。

大约五、六年前,老师与一位曾经在60年代Keong Saik Road(牛车水附近)卖身的伎女聊天。现在是个老aunty,算是位贤妻良母型。她年轻的时候,劝人离婚、介绍人去堕胎还抽佣金、买鸦片给顾客。因果没断,中她儿子和孙子,下场不说。最后一次,在两年前,巧遇她在Geylang的一间佛寺大殿内猛磕头。当时,老师没去叫她,相信不认得老师了。


Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
If i follow what was being predicted, my chances are used up. My 流年运 is used up. I think i would never have my own child and at the back of my mind, my husband might father his own child else where in the future. It makes me always 怀疑他 and 心不安。
那是你认为。暂时把命理丢一边先吧 !

Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
A few mths ago, my husband felt that we r communicating on different levels and he felt like we r living like flatmates. it really hurts to hear this. I told myself, Just like the 师傅 in the shop said i have to 承认我命不好。 <u>but i was still hopeful then that we can have a child to link us together. Mayb things will improve.

Post 240 (May 13, 2013 - 10:51 pm)的例子不一样。老师虽没见过她,却知道发生事。以这对夫妇的情况,需要孩子。她与夫家的关系不好是其二。

Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
Why is it so difficult to have my own child and a faithful husband? I feel i have not been doing enough good deeds this life and past life and i wish to amend for my this life (hope its not too late) and next lives to come. Sometimes i try to 看淡 and 随缘but i am a 凡人its easier said than done.

Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
I promised Guanyin niang niang i would go vegetarian if i can give birth to my own child. I am willing to 抄经 念佛 now but i dun know how to go about doing. I hope u can read my post and 指点我。 万分感想!感激不尽!



Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 12:18 pm
其实我对接下来的日子没什么期待了。 我竟量看淡与随缘,不过我觉得很信苦。感谢你您能指点我。

你准备提供address and recipient name. 夫妇的命理,迟点才看。Enable your pm system.
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Hi 老师

I think I have enabled my pm settings. If u still have a problem reaching me, pls email to [email protected]

My miscarriage was over a yr ago. I went for 2 unsuccessful ivf from last yr to this june.
We been together for 9years, we married for 2 years plus, now I am 7 months pregnant , and he is having affair with a married Malaysia woman since my 3 months pregnant. Even things been found out by me two months ago, they still continue. I am very upset, and worried for the unborn baby.
jolyon, if you have time to help pls pm me, i saw in another thread regarding copying jinwen, interested to know if it will help me. if not it's ok, understand you are busy. Thanks.
Hi Jolyon, can you pm me? I need your help too to enlighten me on my marriage problem with my husband. Thanks in advance
老师, hope that U can enlighten me how to carry on to my marriage..I have been with him since 18yrs old..everything was so sweet n good..I thou he is the one tht I can 托付终身..but things started to change after a year later..I found out that he had an affair with a Malaysian gal..at tht time I was pregnant..I ask myself y..did I do anything wrong..y u want to do this to me when I having yr bb..quarrel at all times till 动胎气, admitted to hospital for c-sec..cried during confinement period..but both side parents none of them knew this matter till now..thou of leaving him after confinement but one day he come n tell me..he will leave her n take care of me n bb..yes, he did keep his promise..but I dun trust him..as last time we did went for 算命,he was told tht his life will hv 桃花, even got family or child so wat..when it comes, it will comes..depend on whether he want or dun want..as this things come into my mind after this incident..can this man he trusted again? My story might not be as serious as others, but r we really not fated to be together? Need enlighten on my bb too as he was born in the lunar month of seven..as a mummy, I want to give him the best as I can..hope tht u can help to see his bazi for me..thks


(1) Recipient name
(2) Mailing address
(3) Specify whether you want English and/or Chinese book

i. 谁都适合读。
ii. 看了之后,可以跟其他人多多分享。
iii. 看了“sian”之后,可以转送出去给(尤其,你觉得会对他/她有帮助)。
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JJ (chibichibi) July 12, 2013 - 10:31 am
can u PM me? I have marriage problem. Thanks

JJ (chibichibi) July 12, 2013 - 10:38 am
We been together for 9years, we married for 2 years plus, now I am 7 months pregnant , and he is having affair with a married Malaysia woman since my 3 months pregnant. Even things been found out by me two months ago, they still continue. I am very upset, and worried for the unborn baby.

孩子出世之后,才教你作其他的(90% 念经),‘修补’婚姻裂缝。
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dreamy (dreamybeary) July 12, 2013 - 5:32 pm
if you have time to help pls pm me, i saw in another thread regarding copying jinwen, interested to know if it will help me. if not it's ok, understand you are busy. Thanks.

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24hrsmummy (24hrsmummy) July 12, 2013 - 5:38 pm
I need your help too to enlighten me on my marriage problem with my husband. Thanks in advance
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Sad Gal (sadsadgal) July 12, 2013 - 10:47 pm
hope that U can enlighten me how to carry on to my marriage..I have been with him since 18yrs old..everything was so sweet n good..I thou he is the one tht I can 托付终身..but things started to change after a year later..I found out that he had an affair with a Malaysian gal..at tht time I was pregnant..I ask myself y..did I do anything wrong..y u want to do this to me when I having yr bb..quarrel at all times till 动胎气, admitted to hospital for c-sec..cried during confinement period..but both side parents none of them knew this matter till now..thou of leaving him after confinement but one day he come n tell me..he will leave her n take care of me n bb..yes, he did keep his promise..but I dun trust him..as last time we did went for 算命,he was told tht his life will hv 桃花, even got family or child so wat..when it comes, it will comes..depend on whether he want or dun want..as this things come into my mind after this incident..can this man he trusted again? My story might not be as serious as others, but r we really not fated to be together? Need enlighten on my bb too as he was born in the lunar month of seven..as a mummy, I want to give him the best as I can..hope tht u can help to see his bazi for me..thks

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Jolyon, i am willing to do it long term, understand cannot anyhow copy so ask you here first. Pls pm me to let me know what is needed to figure out which jin to copy. Thanks much.
Sad Gal (sadsadgal) July 12, 2013 - 10:47 pm
hope that U can enlighten me how to carry on to my marriage..I have been with him since 18yrs old..everything was so sweet n good..I thou he is the one tht I can 托付终身..but things started to change after a year later..I found out that he had an affair with a Malaysian gal..at tht time I was pregnant..I ask myself y..did I do anything wrong..y u want to do this to me when I having yr bb..quarrel at all times till 动胎气, admitted to hospital for c-sec..cried during confinement period..but both side parents none of them knew this matter till now..thou of leaving him after confinement but one day he come n tell me..he will leave her n take care of me n bb..yes, he did keep his promise..but I dun trust him..as last time we did went for 算命,he was told tht his life will hv 桃花, even got family or child so wat..when it comes, it will comes..depend on whether he want or dun want..as this things come into my mind after this incident..can this man he trusted again? My story might not be as serious as others, but r we really not fated to be together? Need enlighten on my bb too as he was born in the lunar month of seven..as a mummy, I want to give him the best as I can..hope tht u can help to see his bazi for me..thks

Sad Gal, we have very similar situation, I also find very hard to trust him any more. But for the baby, we will become strong . 加油。为了孩子
JJ (chibichibi) July 14, 2013 - 12:41 pm
But for the baby, we will become strong .
你要经文保胎的话,enable your pm setting.


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Hello Jolyon,
Can I have the marriage book in English?

By the way if my in law is fishmonger , I can 颂什么经 to reduce the 罪?药师心咒可以吗?
PoCoYo (burp) July 15, 2013 - 5:28 pm
By the way if my in law is fishmonger , I can 颂什么经 to reduce the 罪?药师心咒可以吗?

首先提要的是,跟人品、人格完全没有关系。一位小贩卖海南鸡饭,personal character或者是对家庭很好,没有坏心肝。


举例,小贩一天斩5只鸡(叉烧肉),每个月营业26天(minus four sundays), 每一个月就(5 x 26)130只鸡。
经营一年 (130只鸡/month x 12months)= 1560只鸡。
经营十年 (1560只鸡/year x 10years)= 15,600只鸡。



情况一. 以身具来的福报,随着杀业/缺德事而减少。减少到有剩下,算幸运咯。Example $100 - $99 = $1 怎么说还有剩。
情况二. 以身具来的没有福报,随着杀业/缺德事减少。若减少到minus zero,就非得要等时间。Example $50 - $90 = -$40.

See post 253; May 15, 2013 - 8:20 pm (ending post story about an uncle selling "char-kway-diao" )
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Those replied my private message, I have noted.

已经邮寄出去了。明天/后天,查看letter box。

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Sad Gal (sadsadgal) Can i have the book in English?
Can i have the book in English?


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Wow Joylon

It is so interesting to read your post, and so nice of you to provide free service &amp; good advice for those ladies in need of help.

i also wanted to have my bazi read but alot of so call master charge $888 - $1888. Which i gave up the idea.

Really, your advice has let people do in deep thoughts and reflect on what to do next
