明白。可以理解。hapeverafter (hapeverafter) June 10, 2013 - 1:38 pm</font>
我的妹妹的孩子从满月开始就被她的老公的家人强行抱走。 自那天起她的老公就不让她单独和孩子见面。甚至还要求一定要在他大嫂,大哥和妈妈在场时才能够让她和孩子见面。 可是一旦和她的孩子见面,她们就会不断的冷嘲热讽。 所以我的妹妹挺抗拒求他的老公让她见孩子。
The Singapore's Women Charter is the "most" powerful law act among developed countries. 在新加坡妇女宪章法令,一般上孩子大致上判给妈妈。除非妈妈自动放弃,就交由父亲照顾。法庭会依据很多因素来裁定。hapeverafter (hapeverafter) June 10, 2013 - 1:38 pm
我的妹妹现在很彷徨不知道该怎么做。 她现在想继续深造,可是又怕她的老公那里会和他讨赡养费。她想知道她应该怎么做。 如果她继续深造, 就不会有钱给她的老公。而她的老公恐怕也不会让她见她的儿子。
老师可以在命理方面给你指标。让后你妹妹自行作决定。hapeverafter (hapeverafter) June 10, 2013 - 1:38 pm
2。 她现在还不能和她老公离婚因为结婚不满三年。他老公现在在他的妈妈家住。你觉得应该和她的老公在今年提离婚吗? 会不会影响她现在的工作?还是会越拖越惨? 她的老公已经很坚定的告诉她无法挽回。
回头来找你。吃斋念佛好吃斋念佛好办多了。坐以待毙,到时不能生就糟。Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
i chanced upon this thread at the lowest and darkest point of my life....and 指点我。 万分感想!感激不尽!
有空会来找你。Ms Wong (ms_wong) July 03, 2013 - 12:03 pm
I got something to ask u. Appreciate that you can PM me. Thanks you very much.
有空会来找你。Sue Lee (slee73) July 03, 2013 - 9:59 am
Has been reading this thread but decided to try my luck asking for advice if you are able to.
观音化劫。K. Alethia (kissyalethia) June 25, 2013 - 6:00 pm
你暂时别做IVF. 必须先尽快处理你的流产。“注生娘娘”帖子提到,人工流产/自然流产棘手。再来就是祖辈犯杀业(卖鸡贩、猪杂汤、fishmonger等等),子孙一个都逃不掉。Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
True enough i got pregnant in 2012 naturally but <u>it ended as a miscarriage</u>. I went for 2 ivfs subsequently and one was chemical and the last one which was done last mth was a failure. I felt it was game over for me.
那是你认为。暂时把命理丢一边先吧 !Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
If i follow what was being predicted, my chances are used up. My 流年运 is used up. I think i would never have my own child and at the back of my mind, my husband might father his own child else where in the future. It makes me always 怀疑他 and 心不安。
上天不赐孩子有原因。不是每一对夫妇,认为有孩子就能弥补婚姻不美满。Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
A few mths ago, my husband felt that we r communicating on different levels and he felt like we r living like flatmates. it really hurts to hear this. I told myself, Just like the 师傅 in the shop said i have to 承认我命不好。 <u>but i was still hopeful then that we can have a child to link us together. Mayb things will improve.
宿事累计的业障,慢慢算。宿世因果没了结,今世会来。老师见神鬼见到'siian'了,不小心作错事比别人更加害怕。Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
Why is it so difficult to have my own child and a faithful husband? I feel i have not been doing enough good deeds this life and past life and i wish to amend for my this life (hope its not too late) and next lives to come. Sometimes i try to 看淡 and 随缘but i am a 凡人its easier said than done.
老师在“注生娘娘”帖子提到,愿发出去‘输不起’的。Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 9:59 am
I promised Guanyin niang niang i would go vegetarian if i can give birth to my own child. I am willing to 抄经 念佛 now but i dun know how to go about doing. I hope u can read my post and 指点我。 万分感想!感激不尽!
先处理流产,然后才来怀孕。若老公没有在捏拈花惹草的话,暂时抛开一边。明白否?Helen (dewdrop01) July 04, 2013 - 12:18 pm
其实我对接下来的日子没什么期待了。 我竟量看淡与随缘,不过我觉得很信苦。感谢你您能指点我。
老师忙不过来。JJ (chibichibi) July 12, 2013 - 10:31 am
can u PM me? I have marriage problem. Thanks
老师给你经文保胎重要。每天两次,早上一次、晚上一次。JJ (chibichibi) July 12, 2013 - 10:38 am
We been together for 9years, we married for 2 years plus, now I am 7 months pregnant , and he is having affair with a married Malaysia woman since my 3 months pregnant. Even things been found out by me two months ago, they still continue. I am very upset, and worried for the unborn baby.
‘抄经’得要抄对经,才会有效。不是抄两、三天就行的。dreamy (dreamybeary) July 12, 2013 - 5:32 pm
if you have time to help pls pm me, i saw in another thread regarding copying jinwen, interested to know if it will help me. if not it's ok, understand you are busy. Thanks.
老师忙不过来。24hrsmummy (24hrsmummy) July 12, 2013 - 5:38 pm
I need your help too to enlighten me on my marriage problem with my husband. Thanks in advance
拜托,别到处去算命。老师怕被命理着迷的人。骗子也很多!Sad Gal (sadsadgal) July 12, 2013 - 10:47 pm
hope that U can enlighten me how to carry on to my marriage..I have been with him since 18yrs old..everything was so sweet n good..I thou he is the one tht I can 托付终身..but things started to change after a year later..I found out that he had an affair with a Malaysian gal..at tht time I was pregnant..I ask myself y..did I do anything wrong..y u want to do this to me when I having yr bb..quarrel at all times till 动胎气, admitted to hospital for c-sec..cried during confinement period..but both side parents none of them knew this matter till now..thou of leaving him after confinement but one day he come n tell me..he will leave her n take care of me n bb..yes, he did keep his promise..but I dun trust him..as last time we did went for 算命,he was told tht his life will hv 桃花, even got family or child so wat..when it comes, it will comes..depend on whether he want or dun want..as this things come into my mind after this incident..can this man he trusted again? My story might not be as serious as others, but r we really not fated to be together? Need enlighten on my bb too as he was born in the lunar month of seven..as a mummy, I want to give him the best as I can..hope tht u can help to see his bazi for me..thks
你要经文保胎的话,enable your pm setting.JJ (chibichibi) July 14, 2013 - 12:41 pm
But for the baby, we will become strong .
你是第二位要这本书的。很好。Divy (viene) July 15, 2013 - 2:25 pm
没那么便宜,不容易哦。PoCoYo (burp) July 15, 2013 - 5:28 pm
By the way if my in law is fishmonger , I can 颂什么经 to reduce the 罪?药师心咒可以吗?
随缘。dreamy (dreamybeary) July 15, 2013 - 10:54 pm
currently away, will send info soon. Thank you!
老师目前手头上剩下最后一本了。正在想谁要时,你就写来了。Sad Gal (sadsadgal) Can i have the book in English?
Can i have the book in English?