Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

Hi dor, congrats! do take care during this period!

I'm with the Bishan branch. Details of the package can be gotten from the staff at the clinic.

But for your info, natural delivery is $1400 in total. Pay $500 as deposit (antenatal fee, $450 is claimable from medisave) starting from 12 weeks. Unlimited consultations and ultrasound scans. Does not include special blood tests, urine tests and medication. The remaining $900 to be paid after delivery.

I wonder how are the other girls in this thread doing. So long no posts.....

Hi meixue

Thks. I m also w Bishan branch too. Did you take the triple test (something like that), how much? And also does the $500 include detailed scan at wk 20?

yest my bill comes up to $100. $40 consultant, $15 medicine and $45 is others (so i thk shld be the v-scan, rite). Didnt really ask much qns cos also dun noe wat to ask ...keke.

I thk i shall chk on the detail durin my nxt visit. So u r delivering at Mt A ?
I took the test for down syndrome and the routine blood and urine test at Week 13, total about $260+. The $500 does not include the detailed scan at Week 20, think most gynaes' packages do not include this. Dr Lee does not ask every MTB to go for detailed scan, as his machine is good enough to scan for gross abnormality during our usual ultrasound scans. So i did not go for the detailed scan.
Hi Meixue
so long didnt post here. Does Dr Lee's machine able to see 3D? keke. I m goin to my 2nd visit this thursday. Hope I can hear bb's heartbeat.

This thread like no one in here lei. Where are the MTB of Dr Lee?
His machine cannot see 3D. Think must pay extra to go for special 3D scans. Actually 3D scans not very necessary....
For my first visit, I paid $65 for consultation, $25 supplement and scan $65, total :$155. Puzzled why Dor's is only $100. Don't they practice standard pricing?

I just took the NT test last week, and the bill was $300 excluding medications. The result is ok, but the gender of baby is to be confirmed at next visit cos still not clear.
Dor's $100 consultation is probably the rate for subsequent consultations. ($40 for consulation, $40 or $45 for scan, medication varies according to what you want to buy).

Cheona, so have u signed up the package with Dr Lee? His package starts at 12 weeks, so if sign-up, can start saving consulation costs already.
hey gals,

I'm under Dr Vincent Lee too! Just delivered my baby last mth
He is very skillful in stitches leh.. i didnt feel any pain at all during my recovery!
hi chenoa
meixue is rite. I m wif Dr Lee for a long time, way before i got married..keke. been my Dr for pap smear.. so my fee is considered sub visit. lol

hi fun
congrats. ur 1st one huh? ya.. care to share ur birth story wif us. u gave birth naturally or C-section?

allooo.. when is ur due date?
hmm.. Dr Lee didnt calculate for me lei.. i also forgot to ask. u see, me so blur :p or he is blur...hahaha
Dor, cannot be that he/his nurses didnt calculate EDD for you. It's the most basic and the first thing any gynae will do on the first visit. You forgot is it? :p
Meixue, really lei. they didnt tell me the EDD. They juz tell me which week i m in only. Wat do u do normally durin the visit and how long? Mine was quite short, not even 10mins, like doin the scannin of the tummy, print the pic out. then Dr also didnt say much, juz ask some basic qns like how m i coping. n that's it.
hey when is ur nxt visit? mayb we can bump into each other. my nxt one will b on 27Oct
on my first visit, I told Dr Lee the date (1st day) of my last period and my periods were regular 28 days. when he scan and measures the length, he confirmed that the age of fetus coincides acurately with my periodic cycle and tells me my EDD. I expect it is the first thing a gynae will inform you from the scan. In fact, on subsequent visits, he always updates me on my EDD, which may appear to be different from the earlier scan due to baby's development. Just listen out for your EDD on your next visit.

He din spend much time on my visits - about 10mins also, except for the NT scan. I spent an hour there cos baby not behaving, and cannot get the optimal position for measuring the fluid at its neck (I'm using 'it' cos still not clear it's gal or boy). I was shocked at how much blood sample was taken!!! The blood din flow well as I am anaemic so she (the blood test specialist?) had to squeeze my lower arms to help the blood flow. Numbing pain, siah! My eyes were popping wide when she withdrew the first tube and inserted the 2nd, then a 3rd and a 4th. aiyo, how come no one warn me will lose so much blood?
hi chenoa
ya.. i will sure look out for the EDD in my nxt visit. keke. does the printed scan show the EDD?
which wk are u in now? U also at Bishan branch too.
hi chenoa
ya.. i will sure look out for the EDD in my nxt visit. keke. does the printed scan show the EDD?
which wk are u in now? U also at Bishan branch too.
Yah lor, on my first visit, i was told my EDD and during every subsequent visit, Dr Lee will tell me my EDD based on scan (+ - a few days from LMP calculation).

My visits are usually 15-20 minutes. He'll ask about my general well-being, than scan the baby and point out the parts/tell me measurements. Print out the photo. I'll end off the visit by asking him any questions i have.
My birth story

2.45am waterbag broke at home..

3.30am Reach Delivery suit, nurse chk dilation was 1.5cm

Can feel mild to bareable contractions till 7am, Dr Vincent Lee came, chked dilation again, still onli 1.5 -2 cm. He decided to induce me, took the drip and epidural jab at 8am.

Dr Lee est. tat i should be delivering ard 6pm. But my dilation was faster, 3.15pm already 10cm. So by the time he arrive was abt 4pm..started to push, couldnt feel anything at all becos of the epidural jab, and very breathless for me :p so in the end needed vacum for my boy to come out

BB was under stress and arms were a little blue, so went into observation room for abt 3 hrs. Then returned back to nursery room after 9pm. He had formula milk thru out, i got to see him onli when i manage to get out of bed after midnight ;)

Overall Dr Lee is a very patient and skillful Doctor
hi fun

Thks for sharing ur birth story.
Glad that u hv a smooth delivery. Hv fun with your little prince
hi gals
no one chats here :p
juz wondering is urine test necessary for every visit. had been takin blood pressure n weight durin each visit but not urine test. juz found out that my gf's other gynae had urine test in every visit. juz puzzled.
those who did the detailed test, can check if Dr Lee is doing the test personally. thks
urine test as in the strip that turns colour? I had that for the 1st two visits. 3rd visit was my NT Scan and blood test (usu. done around 13-14 weeks) , so they take urine sample. Going to see him again next Thurs. The NT scanwas done at Mt E by Dr Lee himself, but the observations were sent to the lab for analysis.
hi chenoa & meixue

hmmm.. then why am i always the odd one out lei??? i got no urine test done at all for the 3 visit so far. is it that i went to see him too early.. cos my 1st visit is wk4, then wk 6 n last one is wk 8. The nxt visit is wk 12.
hey gals, my edd finally out. it's 3 jun 06..keke
Oh yah, now den i remember more correctly, urine test started abt week 12 for me... first few visits i also didnt have. so dor, most prob yours will start soon.

NT scan will be done by Dr Lee. Detailed scan will be done by another experienced sonographer called Prof Ananda at Camden Medical. (Dr Lee wont ask you to go for the detailed scan unless absolutely necessary).
hi meixue
thks for the info.. hey u are goin to due soon, rite! cant wait to see ur bb out hor... keke. u goin for the epi not..
Hi everyone,

I haven't been to visit this place for a long time. How are all of you? Sorry meixue for not answering your question...you must have got the answer by now!

Baby is already 16 months old. I think I shall try for the next one after this because Dr Lee has just got a new Ultrasound machine with 3D!
hi sisters
Wld like 2 know if wads his rates now for 2007 since this thread stops at 06. Some qns: if he deliver twins, wld it b more exp? meaning double the delivery charges?
Hi Ladies,

Anyone experience the C-section with Dr. lee? I have already sign the package with him, just wonder whether his skill is good for C-Section.
Hi Blessed, Congrats!! Dr lee's package is started from week 12. I paid $550 for the package. (the supplement and blood test is not included!)The delivery charges is $1500 for normal delivery, $2000 for C-section.
hi happy! thanks! so now his price has increased! think las time is $1.4k incl of the consultation and delivery rite? But nonetheless, fr this thread, i believe he is a gd gynae! How do u know ur is C-section, is he able to tell by telling us whether we shld go for C-section or normal delivery after 1st apptment? made an appt to c him next thu evening! v excited!
Hi Blessed,

Yes, the pricing is increased, after government announcement. I think Dr. lee will decide for you which method is good on the D-Day. He didn't recommend any delivery method during my checkup. Because I'm very very scare of pain, so myself decide to have C-section. hehehe..

On Epdural not pain de.. onli numb until duno how to push.. keke.. i feel tat C-sec shld not be a option if u and bb are healthy.. why want to cut open yrself when u can do it in the natural way? I also cant endure pain.. but nv tt of C-sec at all.. cant even workout after delivery leh.. how to slim down?!


Every 2 weeks visits is onli for last trimester. before tat is 1 mth once.
hi fun, dunno y d lee ask me to go for chkup every 2 wks? my 1st visit was 9wk, 2nd visit 11 wk... but i dun mind gg every 2 wks cos like tt can put my mind at rest due to my occupation
Hi Fun,

Thanks for your advice. Firstly I'm very scare of pain, Secondly also because baby grow very fast, and C-section maybe the only way lo.. hehe.. if Vincent's stitich skill good, then can be much comfortable after the operation. So do you know his skill on stitiches?

Hi Blessed,

For the first 12 weeks the check up will be 2 weeks interval. After that, you will be given 1 month interval. The first detail scan will done on 12-13 weeks, and 2nd detail scan is around 20-22 weeks. When you reach to 28-30 weeks, then the check up will backt to 2 weeks interval. I think after 36 or 37 weeks will be checked every week.

Comfortable stitches also cannot exercise leh.. many things cannot do leh.. The stitches he did for me after natural delivery is quite satisfactory ;)
happy, my gynae aso Dr Lee, i delivered in may tis yr, i got GD & bb was quite big by wk39 & he still dun wanna come out, head not yet engaged, so no choice but c-sect. his skills not bad but my wound teared 1mth+ later, went to c him, then he helped to clean, tink my healing not so gd, tt's y tear. he's very fatherly, very gentle when he cleaned my c-sect wound. i'll go back to him if i ttc for #2. oh yah, he helped us to ttc for #1 via IUI & succeed w 1st attempt, so v.grateful to him. aso, his assistants all v.nice & helpful.
Hi Puppet,

thanks for your message. Can you manage to walk down the bed on next day? or on the third day? I heard some ppl can walk down the bed on the second day and without any pain. Mine is coming soon, getting nervous lo.. heheh...
hi happy, i m currently in my 27th wks, but so far, no detailed scan has been done. hmm, shall wait and see till my next appt in which i m 30 wks! has any1 opt for natural delivery with dr lee and opt not to do epistonomy?
Dr Lee did a normal delivery for me in Dec2006. He did it very well. According to one of the nurse that he stiched me so well that there no signs of it and it was done very well. I guess he's good at what he does
i just gave birth in last Nov, delivered by Dr Lee. My experience has been good so far.

He isn't the type who will actively give you a lot of information. But if you've question or concerns, ya can bring it up to him, he will patiently answers it. His clinic assistants are friendly and helpful too.

Am not sure about other clinics, but i find the package are quite worthwhile with the frequent consultation. He will advise you to visit twice every month during the 1st trimester, once a month during the 2nd, and back to twice a mth on the 3rd. It was my first pregnancy and with my inexperience i've frequently call up his clinic and also do extra visit for consultation. But am not charged for those.

I think he is the type of doctor who leave the decision to oneself. When i informed me that i would like to have vaginal birth, he didn't try to persuade me otherwise. And he mentioned given my health condition, it should be fine for me. He did not try to push me to use epidural too.

I had an induced delivery, admitted to hospital at 2pm. He visited me at 8pm and said he'll be back after midnight. When my contration starts at 1am, we asked the midwife whether we should contact the doctor, and she said gynae normally doesnt come during early phase of contraction. But Dr Lee came back at 2am, as he promised. We were quite impressed.

But on my very last consultation in Jan, he mentioned that he'll be going away for a short period.
he back ,I just went for 1st check up to confirm I having a baby after I use the test kit .

After scan still cant see the little one , he say is 80%-90% sure hv baby . To be confirm in 2 week appointment time .

I still have not sign any package with them , anyone bad experience or comment on Dr Lee ?
he back ,I just went for 1st check up to confirm I having a baby after I use the test kit .

After scan still cant see the little one , he say is 80%-90% sure hv baby . To be confirm in 2 week appointment time .

I still have not sign any package with them , anyone bad experience or comment on Dr Lee ?

the thread seems dead for quite long

anyway just wanna update on Dr Lee

i had my #1 on 2002 , #2 on 2004 and now i'm pregnant with my #3

i went to Dr Lee for all my pregnancy cos i felt he's a very patient doctor and answers all my questions ..

since my last visit to him was at 2004 , i was rather surprised that wen i visit him last month , he could still remember me and ask me how is my 2 boys doing ..

he even congrats me on my #3 and tell me lets hope baby to be a girl this time cos he remembered i wished to have a baby girl so badly ..
