Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Any good news from u?

Its so long since u last post here.. Dont know if u still checking on this thread.. Just wana know how u are getting on now.. Drop me a post here when u free ya..

Babies AF: How have you been..? Did you manage to succeed?

Does any mummies know Dr Ng c-section delivery rates?
Baby79 & Soho: Yes, I have succeed. Now quite excited as HCG Levels were high, so now waiting for next week scan and see if it is twins.

Do you have morning sickness and feeling extremely tired?
YIPPIEEEE..congrats BABIES AF! So happy for u...the feeling is so great rite? After all the hard work.

What is your HCG Level? What at wat day? If high can be twins!

I didn't have morning sickness but I hated home food. Now I am 3 mths but looks like 5 mths wor...tired quite easily too, i bring axe oil out cos sometimes walk until dizzy.

So nowadays I cut back on shopping a lot.
Yes, in fact i was crying when i broke the news to the family and they thought I failed.

Day 14 - 429
Day 16 - 1029

What about yours?

Recently got alot of crampings and morning sickness.
Babies AF
Congrats to u!! A very happy cny for u!!
My hcg on day 12 is 356... Day 14 is 599.. Day 16 is 1200..
Dr f is worried that my hcg did not double every 2 days.. Told me i may have twins but one may not be viable thats y my hcg did not double... But scan show im really expecting twins... And both is viable...
So hcg may not tell everything... So hang in there ya! Update is on yr scan!
Hi ladies

I am a patient of Dr F but not into any fertility treatment yet. Can I know how much does it costs for IUI and IVF journey?
Babies AF: I actually cannot recall my hcg level also cannot find the report LOL...

Hey how ur scan today? Singleton or twins? So excited for you.

Angel: IUI shld be about $3k whereas the latter range from about $15k up. Latter can use medisave $6k 1st time.
Soho: it's singleton.
Good also, then can do natural birth.

Do you experience cramping at the sides of ur tummy? I have and it is affecting my work. Don't know if Dr F issues medical leave for us to rest during this period?
Ya babies AF can opt for natural delivery for singleton.

I didn't experience cramping. Dr F shld be able to issue MC, u can ask from him. But i think its for a few days at most.

It could be from the treatment that's causing it, do highlight to Dr F I believe he has medication to ease your pain, meantime, try to reduce your movements by bedresting and drinking more water. Also try warm water for drinking and for your bathes.
Soho: Lucky for you.
I did asked and he said it is because of ivf, stimulation. My ovaries are still pretty large therefore I experience sharp pains at times. However, it will go away in 1 to 2 weeks. (Never speak of MC though) His recommandation is to take panadol if the pain persists. True enough, the pain was quite unbearable during CNY and worst, I had morning sickness. Therefore, I rested alot during CNY.

Btw... When is your EDD?
That's my birthday month.

I'm feeling so much better now. No more cramps and eating well. Mine is late September though.

Dr Foong doesn't seem to give multi vitamins. Are you taking any as supplement?
Yes, I am taking tonnes ov supplements, Ibaret Folic 500, folic acid, aspirin (not the ones we normally take) and another one that looks like royal jelly (for brain development of baby).

Are you taking folic acid? You actually need to take this, if doc never give u can just go pharmacy buy much much cheaper. Take one a day for baby's spinal growth.
WOW. that's alot. All these are not prescribed by Dr Foong right?

Initially, I was taking an tai medicine by Chinese Doctor cause of the cramps. Now, I'm only starting folic acid by Dr Foong, so I don't know if I should consume others.

What is the aspirin for?
No, they are not from Dr Foong I understand Dr Foong is quite good , he doesn't prescribe much medication and jabs. Which also help mummies save money.

The aspirin is to thin my blood so more nutrients go to

Do not take chinese medicine already, if you still taking them.

Is this your first pregnancy?
I was told by my gynae when I was expecting he said do not take chinese medicine. I asked then what abt essence of chicken he said only the plain ones can.

I think not safe for pregnant women. My 1st pregnancy I also did not take during 1st/2nd trimester. Only took after delivered like black chicken tonic soups, tang gui. etc.
hi soho..

im new to this thread.

can i take chinese medicine during ttc period? how about acupuncture? any good recommendation then?

Ttc should be fine with chinese medicine. There are some herbs that can pssoibly help u conceive. U can ask the shopkeeper. I know of one that resembles a 'wood' is good for ttc but super expensive like 1 jing is $30-$50 something like that. Really pricey but ppl said is good, didn't try it tho.

Sorry but perhaps I am not quite a believer of acupuncture. I am more a massage person. Massages can also help your blood circulation.
hi soho..

thanks! its not advisable to take chinese medicine for pregnant women, but its okay to take for during ttc period. am i right? the 'wood' is 冬虫草?
mrswee: Ya..err...actually i cannot remember the name only know how it looks and it looks exactly like a piece of wood. and very costly.
hi ladies,
i'm not new to this thread. i was here a year ago to go through iui. after i failed my first iui, i was so sad and depressed. i cried a lot. because my dream was to be a mother and we've tried for 5 yrs. finally after 3 failed iui and 1 failed ivf fresh cycle, i'm pregnant from frozen embryos. i can't believe it!!!! my hcg is high D-14-2000+ and D-16-6000+. dr foong said looks like twins. but we are worried that it'll be triplets as i'm a small size person. going for scan on this saturday. so excited!!!

hi soho,
this is not your first one, right? natural or ivf? have u delivered at gleneagles before? do u know the charges for delivery? sorry, long winded. i'm excited as this is my first time.
hi angeline,

i remembered you! Congrats! I'm so happy for you!! After my last entry, which has been quite some time, I've also tried IUI for 4times..but hvnt really mustered the courage to do IVF..but yes, congrats!
hi angeline,
ya i'm also seeing dr foong..but kinda stopped since my last iui ah... couldnt take the emotional rollercoaster and thot of closing the chapter of trying for a 2nd one.. so now only trying it naturally... but hearing tat u r successful really motivates me to try ah..but my close frens feel tat i shldnt coz i tend to be quite weak emotionally...
hi lena,
i'm also weak emotionally. i cried a lot whenever i failed. but now it's worth all my hard work and tears. and we r on the top of the world
u got naturally for the first one?
i went for scan last saturday. it's not twins, only one. a bit disappointed. but dr foong said it's better for me.
now the morning sickness is killing me. but it's nothing compare to my ttc journey. i told my husband we will try for another one once this baby is about one yr old. we can try it only when we r young. so if u really want second one, don't think too much. i encourage u to go for it.
hi angeline,

u conceived thru IVF? i talked to dr foong he seems like dont really encourage me for IVF. under what circumstances will dr foong ask us to go for IVF?

i have irregular menses. he now prescribed me with clomid. n wait for my menses to come. what if the menses dont come, what should i do.. im in a lost..
hi mrswee,
dr foong usually doesn't straight away go for ivf. my first consultation with him on december 2009. i was like u, wanted to go for ivf straight as we were trying to conceive for years. he monitor my cycles and started with iui. only after i failed 3 iui, he suggested me to go for ivf. so i started my ivf on october 2010. i heard there are many patients got pregnant through iui too. that's why he always gives chances to patient. ivf is more stressful and need to spend a lot of money.
i never emailed dr foong before. i don't know his email address too. usually i call the clinic if i want to speak to him.
don't give up. stay positive.
hi angeline,

Not my 1st, but I am not picking Gleneagles to deliver. I have compared the hospital rates and quite similar to most other except their suites are higher priced. For delivery rate with gynae u have to check with Dr F.
hi angeline,
my first child was conceived naturally one lor...first attempt then got it liaoz...haiz... so now no.2 seems so impossible...hubz feels tat i will die if i try ivf..coz really weak emotionally..i sunk into depression when dr foong diagnosed tat we had infertility issues...and tat took abt 1 yr to recover.,.so i scare later if ivf fail, then jialat...
Soho, do you have remaining embryos frozen for future use?

Are you considering to try again next year? I have the intention and wonder if Dr Foong allows in such a short period of time.
Mrs wee
U can email dr foong.. He usually will reply within a day or two.. U can call the clinic to ask his email add.. I forgot liao..
I always email him whenever i have questions.. But now that i have delivered.. I totally forgot his email add... Haha..

Congrats to u! Yr hcg really v high.. Abit surprise u are not expecting mutlitples... Did u ask dr f abt it?
My d12 hcg is 356 and i have twins.. Yrs is so much times of mine...
Feel free to ask me any qns on delivery at glen e..
hi lena,
so u conceived naturally for the 1st one. i have a friend who conceived naturally for the 1st one and she tried again for the 2nd one for about 5-6 yrs. but i think she never see any dr for ttc. she is now 3 months pregnant again. also naturally. i can see that she is very happy. so u don't give up, ok.

hi Angel,
if i'm not wrong, i paid around $1000 each for iui. but it depends on what type of medication u need. for me, i paid about $400-500 for medications and iui cost is around $500.
for ivf, i paid around $16000 (ivf+embryo transfer). but i failed the first time. so i paid again about $3000 for frozen embryo transfer. day ward stay included.

Hi baby 79,
tks. yah, i'm also surprise that i'm not having twins. dr foong said when he saw my first hcg which was 2600+, he thought it's twins or more. and when he saw my second hcg which was 6000+, he already knew it may be single. he said first hcg was very high, because baby is healthy. i don't know because of my high hcg or not, my morning sickness is very bad.
so u deliver your twins at gleneagles? natural delivery? for me, i may need the c-sect as my cervix is narrow. how much u spent for delivery and hospital stay? by the way, how old are your babies? u r so lucky that u had twins.
When my hcg is 356 on d12.. Dr f say its high and likely is twins... Then when its 599 on d14... dr f says maybe one twin implant but did not grow.. Cos the hcg did not double..
So im surprise when the scan shows two sacs... Totally didnt expect it.. Not prepared at all...

High hcg usually will cause morning sickness.. It will most likely go away after first tri.. So hang in there ya..

Yes i delivered at glen... C sect cos i have total previa.. Cant deliver naturally... My delivery charges is abt $7k.. Cos i went
thru emergency c sect...

My twins is 3 mths old now... Yup i count myself lucky to strike with twins.. But i succeed only at the 2nd fresh ivf cycle... I failed numerous of iuis too... Dr f says my twins is to make up for lost time haha..But its really not easy to take care of two bbs... So it may be good to be a singleton then try again for the second one few yrs later...
babe 79,
i also wanted to have twins to make up for the time that we lost. but i'm thinking, if it's twins, my morning sickness may be worst. so like u said, may be good to be a singleton, then will try again for the second one later. i still have 8 frozen embryos.
i'm a bit scared of c-sect. was it under GA? was it painful after that?
$7K is including ward stay? i heard we need to stay about 6 days in the hospital.
congratulation for your twins!!! boys or girls?
Yes my c sect is under ga.. U can opt for epi.. But cos mine is emergency c sect so must be under ga..
Ga yr hb cant go into ot with u... Epi can...
The wound is quite painful when u move yr tummy area.. But the pain is managable.. Painkillers is given.. Put a binder.. It will help with the pain..

Im having two princesses...

I stayed abt 4 days i thk.. Cant remember...
hi babe 79,
oh, u strike two girls. they must be very cute. if i see twins, i can't take my eyes off from them. last time, my dream was to be a mother of three daughters. i prefer girls. but after i went through my hard ttc journey, now all i want is just to have a child. doesn't matter boy or girl. we can't choose anyway.

my husband said i'm just two months prgenant and already worry for delivery. my EDD is on 14 oct.
Haha.. When i look at my girls.. I cant get enough of them..
It feels like a dream sometimes when im looking at them... Cant believe im finally a mummy.. A dream comes true..

I do not have a preference of boy or girl.. Being able to get pregnant its aldy a big blessing.. But of cos i did hope to get a boy-girl twins.. Hehe... But im just as happy to have two girls!

Do enjoy yr pregnancy now.. Cos i miss my pregnancy alot now that i have delivered.. Miss the big tummy.. Miss the bbs movement and kicks.. Miss the shopping with bbs inside me.. Miss the couple times with hb... Miss those long sleeping time... Cos once bbs are out.. Sleeping and couple times without bbs are a luxury...

Btw taka baby fair is starting soon.. U can go take a look.. Thou its still early for u now to buy bb items... U can go take baby list from taka to have a idea of what are the tins u will need to buy..

babe 79,
i also feel like i'm dreaming. still cannot believe that i'm pregnant. i'm enjoying it. but i think i will enjoy more when my morning sickness is over. and i hope i'll get twins for my next ER. ha ha.
i must go to taka baby fair. even though it's still early to buy, just going there with hubby will be some kind of pleasure, right.
by the way, what kind of binder did u use and where did u buy?
