Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


I also got very bad MS. Is the best we can rest at home at this moment, I really can feel the BIG difference on my body's reaction when I go to work and stay at home.

Some of my gal friends also resigned even before confirmed +ve.

Really MP sinseh really vy gd,all t long I seeing JE sinseh,both my hubby & me feel tat we need 2 change sinseh since we dont c any much results.
KK hospital doing IVF is it good,so how much u had spend on it,I saw fm other threads tat KK hospital the waiting time vy vy long.

Yes lor yestday type 1 long story end out cannot posted.Vy angry.
Even u give birth in July,I dont think u will throw yr bb at home & go enjoy.I think by t time u cannot bear 2 leave yr newborn bb already.
Boss not around I also come bk on time nver shop,anyway I really lazy 2 do any shopping.
U know yestday tat idiot give me words 2 listen.
1st-she went bk on t dot on Mon & tue she came in she wrote 7pm,every1 just keep quiet but I voice up & told her she wrote wrongly on her timesheet,then she not happy told me in front of t colleague said she change her timesheet already.U know my boss will always see our timesheet so she always said she always t last 1 2 left t office.So u know even she play some tricks on her timesheet,boss also wont know.
2nd-I just couretous of informing her 2 let her Indo staff know abt t billing,some billing no extra % cost which was instructd by Operations Manager,I just said hope it would be like last mth dont ask & gay qiang posted in t extra cost,then u know wat t idiot told me is not they gay qiang is they dont have any knowledge.Gay qiang is gay qiang still side her girls.

So shiok now can stay at home shaking legs & an tai.
Koala, It's important that you and hubby are comfortable with the dr. But if you intend to change dr then have to source asap.
Last time when I in my first tri, I'm very clusmy. I even slip and fall in the bath room during week 6. Lucky this baby very strong. I nv slip and fall at home before. that is the first time and after that I have another few encounter but nv fall. Then very forgetful also. I throw away all the veg I just bought from the supermarket cos thought it's rubbish! That one I really broke down and cry. And my hubby smells very bad everyday he come home cos of his car refreshener. So he always kanna scold for nothing. haa!

Jac, me also type one long story then cannot post and in the end kanna delete off! I have to retype the whole long story again.. kaoz.
If I go beach resort then I will bring the baby along. But if go korea then too bad lor. Actually what you say also true cos I did tell my hubby we might not bear to leave her in singapore alone. Then worst come to worst, bring her with us and feed her beer everyday. haa! kidding.
U all nv punch card one? that is so unfair then you write 8pm lor. ha!! Aiyo, for work things you should email her and cc your boss mah. Last time I always use email and shoot people one. Cos when I just join the company one b*tch always use it to shot me then I blur blur always kanna. In the end my accountant teach me to shot back and cc all the bosses.
I not so "kian" than her,I just cannot do it.Sometime think abt it we work just 4 t sake of money y must give each other face 2 c lah plus we c each other more than our own family member in a day,y make life so difficult.
Tat time I heard 1 story,if u preggie & fall,t bb is yours mean yours,so nothing 2 worried abt.like mine t bb dont belong 2 me mean not belong 2 me.
U know nowsday I told my hubby 1 story,I told him tat I heard fm 1 myth saying tat child is come bk 2 take bk things fm u cos previous life u owe them something,so now we dont have any children also good,it shows tat in our previous life we dont owe any1 anything at all.Seow hor me.hahaha.......
I think people in the office sometimes just nothing better to do then start to gossip and make politics. It's quite entertaining at times when you are just watching beside but when you get involve in the politics then the feeling sucks.
Ya lor. Dr also say if you fall this time and nothing happen then don't have to worry. It's holding on tight.
I also believe children is back to 'tao' debts from us. How many children are really good to their parents or maybe how many children can pay back what they own their parents. Most of the new age kids just neglect their old parents. Not like last time. I can say I also not very good to my parents. I took them for granted and believe my children will treat me the same too.
the tv I mention that starhub is giving away is here yesterday. It was not as small and flat as expected lor. Anyway the quality also not really good. No choice lor. Me already sign for 2 years so just keep the tv.
Nv really sleep well. Slept last night at 3 plus then wake up at 7 plus. Now need to get some rest. Afternoon then i log in again. bye
I also did chk w my hubby abt t starhub plan.He calulate said not worth signing 2 yrs so we still stick bk 2 singtel.
Enjoy yr nap sweet dreams.

JE Sinseh

I was with Jurong East Sinseh from Feb 2003 to Nov 2005, can imagine abt 3 years !!! How much $$ we spent?? and some more need to q in 5 a.m. in the early morning...

She asked me to go to Chris Chen, I went, did the lap as she said I must do it so that I can conceive, but after the lap, Chris Chen told me I must go through IVF but she told me not to listen to him just take her med and keep on telling me I sure can conceive, that time I also "gong gong" to believe her, she told me I am pcos, endometrises lah, everything I believe her. Then she recommend me to see Fang Yang, I also went.

Until I have seen LC Cheng from TMC, (not the doctor she recommended) he said confirmed that I am not a pcos, then I start to doubt her.

After that I know Dr Xia Rong from Forum, so I went to see her, she told me that if somebody told me that she can pa mai to confirm she is a pcos or not, this definately is not ture, in TCM, NOBODY CAN DO THAT !! The later blood test results confirmed that I am not a pcos...

So we stopped immediately to see her. Y I keep on delaying my IVF?? cos she is the 1 keep on telling me that I can conceive naturally but must take her med, end up 3 years passed, nothing comed out. I don't know may be I was not fated to succeed under her.


Yes, I think KKIVF is good, at least is better than what I expected, most of the nurses are quite friendly and skilfull, (of course there is one of two nasty type lah). The most important thing is Dr Loh is very skillful doctor, he really got "magic" hand, the gals I know who are under him did the IVF in Dec, Jan and Feb cycle respectively, all of us succeeded, one of the gal is having twins now !! One of them even the embroys quality is not good, but she still can make it.

The q is a bit long, average is 3 months, but I think you can use this period to take TCM to tiao your body first while waiting. No point of rushing into the program if the body is not ready. Who know u can strike within this 3 months like my friend !!

I spent abt $2,400 cash upfront on top of the $6,000 CPF medisave, so total is less than $8,500. I am a high FSH bearer, so need to use 400 iu puregon, (same as Gonal F) if the usage is lower, like standard is 200 i.u, you may not need to spend so much, my gal friend just spent less than S$1,500 cash.

Let me know if you want to know more abt KKIVF.
I w JE sinseh also abt 2-3yrs already.She only diagnosed me as PCOS & Endo,while my hubby t sperms count+qty not good 2.In fact both of us eat her medicine vy patiently w/o any complain.Cos we feel tat chinese medicine take longer time 2 tiao,but recently we start 2 have doubt on her,her medicine.
My case different fm u,she nver introduct us 2 Chris Chen,she highly recommand us 2 FONG YANG.Talk abt Fong Yang,full of complain abt him.We waste a yr plus in him,just keep calling us 2 do IUI,t lapascope,IVF,t worst things w him is tat w him 4 yrs we nver ever go 4 bloodtest 2 chk our FSH etc.I rmber once when my hubby sperms count is out,his count + qty no good at all,tis fong yang still insist us do IUI instd of canx it.
When 1 friend introduct me to LC Foong & fm Dr.Foong hand I then realise tat when tat time w fong yang I wasted such a precious yr plus w him luckily we switch 2 Dr.Foong,fm him we get 2 know more abt my infertility & I even went thrg IVF w him.
I vy scared 2 go gov hospital cos all t long my impression abt gov hospital is t Dr. & nurse always not fixed when u fixed appointmt w them plus t waiting time really vy vy long.
Talk abt KKIVF,t cost is really vy cheap as compare 2 pte clinic.
Dr.Xia Rong is t MP sinseh?
Hi there....
I have been checking if I am ovulating on time since cd11 to cd16. Results turns out to be negative. So I went to see doctor to scan to see why am i not ovulating this month. But the it shows that i already ovulated. Doctor explained to me that this is bcos of poor egg quality. Now i worried will this happen next month?
Me t same case as u.Scared tat had already ovulated w/o realising it.I did do t homework since 1st day of my menses.I did report my BBT everyday & D12 start 2 test OPK,& now already D20 still cannot detect at all.XIANZ........
Vy funny is during my menses my temperature at high side & start 2 drop 3-4 days & up again until now sometime can reach 37.0 something.So my case is it same as u.
Jac, i never take temp. find it so troublesome and to be honest i doubt the accuracy of taking BBT. Then you cant stop using OPK, you might have ovulated.
I really dont know.All I know is my body vy hot 4 9days already even knowing whether have I ovulated a not.Anyway I just send Dr.an email hope he will reply me soon,so I can share w u t details.
MP sinseh is it Koala refering tat Xia Rong?I might switchg 2 c tis MP sinseh vy soon.Be4 I go chk w u,tis sinseh use wat method 2 treat both party,t brew medicine is it vy bitter,tis clinic accept nets anot.Next appointmt will they accept tel booking or cannot.


Ya, I also did twice IUI with FY. Both failed. Actually wanted to do IVF with him, but "luckily" don't know y that time he told us he didn't got IVF, so we switch to others hospital for IVF. He is gentle not like Chris Chen got a black face, but as you said don't know y he never did blood test for us...


Talking abt KKIVF, I can share with you to ease your fear, is true, the nurse/doctor will not hold your hand like pte and we are bound to a lot of "procedures". I did a lots of home work and have taken the "pro-active" approaches to ensure everything is alright.

Like before I start the cycle, I have made my appointment to see Dr Loh to "remind him" I am going to start the cycle; to discuss with him on the coming cycle; know more about my condition by doing a scan again, to ensure that my womb condition is good (esp I have cyst before); and request to do 1 more blood test for the FSH and LH so that they can base on the latest results; and when I have doubt I quickly e-mail to Dr Loh to clear my doubts.

So for other people only see the doctor in-charge until ER, but for me, I have communicated with him when I was on surpression and stimulation level.

Frankly, I went there becos I have financial constriants, Dr LC Cheng from TMC quoted me S$14k to S$16k as I need to have more puregon/Gonal F than others. I like him very much but really can't afford the big sum of S$. KK's med is much more cheaper, yet I need to spent about merely 3k only on puregon. So just imagine if I did my IVF in pte. After all, I can conclude that KKIVF is not really that "bad service" as first as I thought. When I requested to see my doctor, the nurse will page him, the only thing is I need to wait longer. But even we are in pte, we also need to wait right?

You can book your 1st appt with Dr Loh to see if you are comfortable with him. If yes, then you may want to consider KKIVF as the success rate is pretty high under Dr SF Loh. After you concieve, you still can switch back to Dr Foong.

Dr Xia Rong

No, Dr Xia is under Eu Yan Sang, Paragon branch. I never seen the MP sinseh before just knew from my friend that I mentioned to you. Dr Xia is good too, I was with her for 6 months before I did IVF but now she is only in Singapore for a few days in every month, so I wouldn't recomend you to see her.
MP sinseh will ask you brew medicine which my mum says it's better instead in capsule or liquid form. Bitter? get used to it already. They dont accept nets, only cash. No tel. booking, must go there Q and wait personally for your turn.

Just now forgot to asj doctor why causes poor quality egg. I will ask MP sinseh on next visit. Oh yes, see MP sinseh a few days after your menses will be better.
Imagine we just spend abt $10k on FY w/o knowing our condition,he called us do wat,we just follow,1st timer go blur blur dont know wat 2 expect,just know tat he is Dr,he will cure us base on our condition.Tat time asked me do lapascope,just do,after lapascopy got 3 jab must jab every mth & tis jab not cheap also,abt $600/jab,just follow.Dont talk abt tis FY,t more I talk abt him t more feel not shiok abt him.
Anyway thk so much 4 yr info,will discuss w my hubby abt it,frankly speaking,now we keep $$ 4 another round of IVF,last round already use up all our saving.hahaha......anyway my hubby tis round not supporting me 2 go 4 another round of IVF,in t meantime beside saving up t t/t cost & persuading him also.Sometime dont understand,is I t 1 who go thrg t pain,t jab,t side effect etc & he just contribute $$ & sperms.
I rember once Dr.Foong vy funny,he told my hubby,all t pain,t jab is yr wife who suffering & yr duty is just said everything tat she wan.hahahaha.......

Did u take alot of bean products,like soy bean,beancurb,peanuts etc.I heard fm JE sinseh tat 4 women take beans products will have poor eggs.
Recently I went library 2 borrow 1 book abt women pain.Tis book talk alot on womb,cyst,lining etc.When yr menses come,if got clamp,headache,backache is a symptom of infertility causes.Most of t time we will reglect it cos we feel tat is normal 2 have such pain.
I'm back.. Can't sleep again. Only nap for one hour then my dog come disturb me cos of the thunder...

Angelbee, For my case, BBT is very accurate and if my egg are of poor quality and i didn't ovulate well, my temp after ovulation will be quite low as compared to the times when I ovulate well. Example when I take dr's medication to ovulate on time, my temp will be high and good. And my menses confirm come after 12 to 14 days of high temp. I feel it's very accurate. But very troublesome to take BBT. So I skip the first 10 days cos I know I won't ovulate during that time from previous cycle.

Jac, maybe you can try discuss with your hubby to try KKIVF. the cost is reasonable and you can claim $5k from medisave.
Your hubby not support you cos he heartpain to see you suffer mah.. Beg him, cry in front of him, etc.. he confirm give in one. Guy all eat soft no eat hard.
Jac, i dont really take bean products. Maybe i watch out next time. last time i dont have it problem, dont know why now always happen.
Sometime is due to our body hormones,plus we MC be4,so our body system will affect 2.

Then 4 my case accurate a not,always got high temperature.I summary my temperature 2 let u c,c whether have u encounter like mine be4.
29/3 D1 36.89
30/3 D2 36.72
31/3 D3 36.66
1/4 D4 36.50
2/4 D5 36.65
3/4 D6 36.57
4/4 D7 36.50
5/4 D8 36.53
6/4 D9 36.55
7/4 D10 36.44
8/4 D11 36.30 (Wake up 5am not accruate)
9/4 D12 36.54
10/4 D13 36.85
11/4 D14 36.98
12/4 D15 36.81
13/4 D16 37.01
14/4 D17 37.03
15/4 D18 36.99
16/4 D19 36.83
17/4 D20 36.90
18/4 D21 37.01

I worried I got early menopause due 2 tis type of temperature.
Gov hospital t waiting time is vy long while 4 pte clinic t waiting time vy fast.I dont have any more time 2 waste,anyway will discuss w hubby again abt IVF.Frankly speaking after 1st attempt of IVF,really feel tat some1 is there 2 monitor yr situation & decided 4 u when is t exact timing as compare 2 yrslf,everymth must test OPK yrslf,think dont know whether have ovulated already a not etc all t trouble things.
Jac, from what I see, you ovulated on D12. Now you are DPO 9. But strangely, after having menses your temp should be low, how come you temp stay high for a few days before dropping.
Gov hospital is long waiting time but it's cheaper. And anyway success rate is almost the same. Maybe can try out there. For my next fresh cycle (if i need one), I will go KKivf rather than private since I already know the procedure so no need so good service anymore.
Hi Wan

Me just woke up, bloated and got headache again, but get use to it esp at this hours. The 1st trim is not easy for me, hopefully ms not getting worst.

Now I also scared I will fall down in the bathroom, always scold my HB for not mopping the floor after he took shower. And now me also very hot tempered too, and very moody esp my MIL talked to me, but bo bian who asked me to stay with her so I just went into the room and don't let her disturb me.


No problem, U are welcome, I can share with you whatever I have been through.

Ya, BBT is quite tiring and very stressful. Dr Xia Rong asked me to chart from day 5 onwards so not so bad, but sometimes when I have forgotten and just "chin chai" put a number.
U realise tat log in vy slow again,maybe like yestday key 1 whole story end out cannot posted.
U realise tat my temperature vy high right,I also realise tat after my MC,my temperature start 2 get high vy often.
If u need 2 do another round of IVF,u still can use yr frozen eggs wat,dont always wan 2 start a fresh cycle.Cant u 4gotten how we pass tat 1mth jabing,if now I got frozen eggs I will straight away & do it.

The Singapore MOH's rule is you can't start the fresh cycle unless you have fully utilise your frozen embroys.

Anyway, you can request to transfer your frozen embroys to the hospital that you would like to carry out your FET.
U vy funny chin chai put a number 2 answer.hahaha......
When next round yr MIL talk 2 u & u dont feel like answer her,telling her tat u vy tired dont wan 2 be disturb or like u said walk into t rooms & ignore her or next round told yr hubby tat now u preggie temper change ask him talk 2 his mum not 2 disturb u lor.
Dont worried MS is good,I always told t gals here at least u know u suffer fm MS while 4 yr bb is safely in yr womb.
Sometimes, i also find my MIL talks alot, especially when i am in bad mood and i answer her in short in sweet manner, she will still continue and dont get my hint or she will repeat and repeat the same thing at different times Then I go back to my room. I can understand it can be pek chek at times.

I don't have much communication with her since married, cos she can only speak teowcheow and I can't understand tc at all ! My hb last times always complain me never "kuan xin" his mom, please lah, I told him hey I also got to work, sometimes need to work over the weekend too, myself so tired where got so much times to talk to his mom?? and the most important thing is I am willing to stay with his mom. Man never understand how could we treat his mom like our own mother ? I mean I don't think his mother can treat me like her own daughter too !! This is natural mah. And now he slowly understand.

His mom very funny, always complain here pain thare pain, but just refuse to see doctor, i think she just want the son's attention... and end up make all her daughters comes to my house to see her and think that I "bo chap" her. But I don't care. Just let it be, I have done my part as DIL.

You also stay with your MIL?? I always tell my gal friend, I really "look up" on myself think that is easy to stay with MIL before getting married. Next time, I will ask my daughter to think twice to make such decision. Ha ha...

When my 1st and 2nd year of marriage, the main topic for HB and I to fight not $$, not fertility issue, but is his mom and his family member !! Can you imagine how pek cek I was when I still need to face his mom every day !!
Although I dont stay w my MIL,I can understand yr feeling 2.Sometime I also vent all my anger here cos we will know each other feeling of having a trouble maker MIL.hahaha.......
Now u preggie better ignore her dont let her affectd u.
Koala, my PIL stays with me. We are OK except generally except sometimes my MIL tends to be abit lor sor and FIL can have mood swing sometime. Other than that, we are quite close.

Is your hubby only son? Some MIL likes to get attention. How old if your MIL? Does his sisters come over every other day?

Angel, you are rite, my HB is the only son. The SILs are not coming so frequent now, after Hb and I had a big fight. I remember in our 1st year of marriage, almost every week end can see all sort of ppls (including their sons and HB) come to my house, lie flat on my sofa, eating my snack, watching my TV, they even on our computer to play games !!!! and at last before going back will have free dinner at my house.... scary, rite? And now nobody dare to do all these nonsense when I am around.

My MIL is 76 (or 77?) this year, my mom always asked me to ren loh... saying that she is so old liao...
Yalor, your MIL so old already, ren lor, bo bian.
That is your house or MIL house? Why they very daring hor, dont know how to behave. Speaking of this, few weeks ago, my hubby's friends (couple) came over to our house, they also like that, open the rice cooker , touch this, see that. talk loudly, as it this is their house. That time, i am giving my hubby face, no more next time, if they are going to behave like that, i will tell them off.
I vy envy of u all can stay 2gether w them.I cannot tolerate/stay 2gether w them,I feel tat my MIL like 2 interfear our relationshp.Even single thing she will askd my hubby,like must report 2 her every min,which I cannot stand,his mum like 2 ask him where is he,is it w me,eat already a not,yr wife not around I come over yr place & stay overnite etc.All type of little things.T most I cannot tolerate things is always like 2 pop 2 my place when I not around.Vy stickening 1.
My hubby is t only child,my MIL stay a few blk away fm us.But I still insist of not staying 2gether w her,anyway she got boyfnd wat.

I agreed tat husband & wife quarrel is not becos of $$ / infertity is all becos of PIL.XIANZ......

This is me and Hb house. But, you know through out the years, they use to it liao, all SILs and their kids thought this is "ah ma's house" so they can do whatever they want.

Even until now, one of the BIL still "suka suka" come to our house without prior phone call. I complained to my Hb cos esp now I am braless at home !! Of course I also never say want to stop them from coming, as long as they know how to behave and respect ppl.

Huh, you HB's friend so rude? Must show face, if not next time they will be getting more "wild" in our house !!
Koala, must remind yourself not to be lazy lor.. cos when your foot is lazy then you will not hold well to the ground. Most of the time I slip cos I nv step well. And most important is watch where you are stepping on. Of cos hubby must co-operate as well. My hubby bought non-slip mat but in the end we also nv use it as it will trap dirt. So my advice is better not get that. Get a slipper to walk at home or in the toilet will be better.
Ya I know must use finish the frozen embryos but I already start to worry they might not survive the thaw as they are not of good grade. So plan my fresh cycle now. I won't transfer them to other hospital cos it might be too troublesome. Anyway dr foong there only cost abt 1.8k to frozen transfer. Fresh cycle then I go gov hospital.
don't mind me being frank. I think your relationship with in-law will turn worst after you stop working. More time together means more time for conflicts. Even me and my mum also always quarrel when she is on a month MC that time. Can't imagine have to face a 'stranger' everyday and almost every hour. But what your mum say is true lah.. Already 76 years old and not much time. So just bear with it for a few more years lor.
I eat with my SILssss almost only once a year and yet already got full of complains for them. That time my hubby treat CNY dinner which cost $1k plus and yet they still complain abt the abalone too big strong taste, the soup salty and fish no meat... Kaoz! Then I tell my hubby next year we just go normal restaurant will do and he say go hawker center can already since they so kao bei. haa! CNY dinner with my parents and sister only spend us $100 and both old people so happy. Why in-law cannot be like our own family like that? Your MIL old already but my SILssss still got many years to go... Sianz!

Jac, I dun mind all those jabs and blood test but I very scared of OHSS lor. I don't wanna be that bloated again and imagine if i go through a fresh cycle and suffer OHSS, I still have to take care of a baby the same time. How to handle all that stress??
The MC might have change your body system therefore the temp become higher. But from what i feel higher is better than cool temps. cool temp sounds like weak body.

Angelbee, seems like you are the only DIL that can bear with in-law. you are really a nice person.

Ya, agree with WanBB, you are the only nice DIL here.


Your SIL's also quite choosy, eat all good stuff still "hiam" and make so much comments.

Oh, frankly I don't want to stay at home if I can go back to work, but now no choice, got to rest for the sake of BB. Last nite just talked to HB to go back to work next week if everything ok after this sat scan, his face turned black and asked me better to rest for 2 more weeks at least. I can't tell him becos of his mom, I don't want to stay at home, rite? So just keep quiet.

Actully I also feel bad lah, see the MIL a bit lonely and nobody talk to her except the maid.. Hb always coming home late recently. But, when she asked me more questions, I will start to "boil" again.

I asked my youngest SIL and the BIL (wife passed away) came to our house for re-union dinner, I don't mind the cost, but please lah, he always always late, (is his habit) end up every body waiting for him.. Very annoying. Sianz...I told my HB off, if he still take his own sweet time, I will exclude him for next year re-union din.

Ya, now I am very careful esp in the kitchen, scared of the oily floor.

Hmm, KKIVF definately is a good choice but you just need to bear with their protocol, a bit different from the pte practice. But, of course the high success rate is the main factor that we should consider. Most of the singletons and twins are boys too ...
I also vy scared of OHSS during IVF,rember I admitd 2 hospital 4 tis OHSS also.
Ppl is like tat if t dinner is not pd by them all kind of nonsenses will said out fm their mouth.Vy sickness 1.Wat 2 do endure lor.
My hubby side is small family. My ILs looking after his niece. Usually big family is like that but they also gone to much specially that BIL's suka suka come. What is his reason for coming? Next time, tell thim to come ontime, reunion dinner will start ontime. will not wait for late comers as they are not 'superstars'

You should rest more, dont go back to work so early. Go work see boss-sian, though at home got MIL - at least not that bad can relax abit. Your MIL must be lonely, she can talk to maid mah or you go rent some teochew opera show to pass time. hahaha.....
Ya lor, my SILsss still thought they are rich man daughter meh.. Always complain even when people are already good to them. I think they are just trying to make things difficult for me and my hubby lor. That day go sweep tomb even worst. meet at 5am but in the end they drag and drag go market buy fish for dinner, etc until 8am then go! Still demand us to fetch them from their place and send them to their individual destination. So angry. Not to mention that time when we treat CNY dinner, they are 1 hour late and we waited in the restaurant like idiot! So I can imagine how piss off you are with your BIL for being late.

You can find a part time job if you don't wanna stay at home so much. Can also stay on with your current job since after MS period you will be back to normal self. Can work until bb come out. Then you will be busy with BB to bother abt MIL.

Jac, I endure in from of the sisters then come back home and nag my hubby. Haa! anyway he also cannot tahan them. Keep taking advantage of us.
Fresh round then go KKivf. So when you decide to try again? Ya hor, you are admitted to hospital cos of OHSS. I nv go hospital. 'Ren' at home. But how much it cost to stay one day with drip huh?

Angelbee, I notice something diff leh.. me only comment on how to deal with in-law and make their life worst. But you very nice leh. you will give suggestion on making the relationship better. I guess I'm just plain evil... Haaa!
I remember you will even prepare bird nest and share with your MIL. So nice... I prepare bird nest but even my own mother I also nv share with her.. So bad..
Wan, no lah, this is a win-win situation. The MIL will be happy, she can repeated see the opera, she will also her DIL care for her. If you ask me to cook without sharing, i find it wired. Pai-seh. Nevermind lah, my MIL also treat me very good, help to do household chores, cook dinner, run errand for me.
We planning 2 go tis sun.Thk 4 t offer.Wat we need 2 expected since is 1st time c tis sinseh,will tis sinseh give u time 2 ask/tell u our health situatn.T medicine is it expensive a not,roughly need how much do we need 2 pd,scared later bring not enough.

Yestday print out 1 posting fm Kaolo show it 2 my hubby.I tried 2 hint 2 him tat since KKIVF t cost we can manage,y dont we tried 1 more time.hahaha......

Chk u w yr cost 4 1 whole fresh cycle is it tat amt or some of t money u nver stated at all.Can roughly give me a rough idea total u had spend on tis cycle plus consultatn/medicine etc.
Jac, Yes, if you have questions for him, he will answer all your questions. I can only tell you the estimated cost. Usually around $80plus for 2pax. Dont worry, there have POSB bank opposite the shop.
T price reasonable,u know we c JE cost around 100-200plus just 4 2wks medicine.
U know I really spend a huge amt on seeing sinseh/gynea & doing IVF end out till dont have,sometime really feel like give out tis infertility treatments.Once we got money sure will use out.Sometime think abt it 1yrs spend around 10k on treatment must well go 1 long holiday.Sori dont know y 2day full of complain.
Angelbee, Actually sometimes I also pai sei nv share with my mother but the bird nest really not cheap lor. moreover the Bird nest I eat all absorb by the baby. Sianz! I thought of cooking 'xue gei' my friend say got same effect then whole family can eat also. So much cheaper than bird nest.

Jac, so after you hint your hubby what did he say? Take it slowly and he will accept it one. In the meantime, be a good girl and make him happy abit. haa!
my hubby coming back today! hurray. But later need to drive to airport fetch him. I very scared of driving alone leh. still need to find a carpark and park the car! STRess!

Until now I also don't know y this BIL come to my house, he will sitting down there watching tv most of the times, (like his house has no tv) and chat with my MIL a while only.... Never mind lah, this type of people will make us realise that how nice we are.
Sometimes, really not worth it to fight with my HB becuase of them, so try to now "see open"..


Sure, I can dig out all my invoices and will try to list down the expenses for my ICSI, so that you all can have a better idea how public hospital charged.


I will "dong" until my merternity if possible, I mean if my big boss as long as he doesn't give me unbearable hard life, I will just "ti gong ti gong" until Nov.
