Dr Joycelyn Wong from KKH


New Member
I went to see her when I was pregnant with my 1st child. I find her skills average. Anyone thinks I should stick with her or find another gynae? If anyone has any good female gynaes from KKH only, pls recommend me. Thanks!

Well, Dr joycelyn is good and gentle... She treats all her patients with TLC. I have never see her having tempers before and always willing to help and advise pt who are in need.. She is going over to have her own private clinic in Thomson Medical Centre called ACJ Women's Clinic.

Just joined the group and was looking at the discussion groups. Dr Joycelyn Wong delivered my first baby and it was a very pleasant experience and i thought she had good skills. She is very patient and understanding. I feel very re-assured by her as she takes the time to listen and explain, so you do not feel very rushed unlike with some other doctors. She has left KKH for Thomson medical centre as ying pointed out, and i am going to her for my second delivery.
Ya, me too will always choose her as my gynae. She's so sweet!!! Well...how nice if next time my daughter's character willl be like her... Think her buddy doctor, the one that took over her when she is on maternity leave, Caroline Khi is also there too. Think ACJ Clinic is open by 3 doctors Dr Adrian, Dr Caroline and Dr joycelyn. Its located @ TMC level 3. Think the unit is #03-03 if i am not wrong.... And the best thing is that Dr joycelyn's charges is not high at all... Its comparable to KK's fees but definitely more worth it coz of the environment, equipments there. Best of all is that its a one stop place where u dun need to go elsewhere for scan as she has a gd scan machine in her room with a nice LCD screen on the wall for u to look at when doing the scan, plus collection of medications is also fast too unlike KK. Have to wait and queue at every stop which is definitely a waste of time!!! Well, i was impress when i went to the clinic for my routine check-up.
Hi, does anyone know how much Dr Jocelyn Wong charges? I know her antenatal package for 12th week onwards is $600. What about her delivery fee + hospitalisation charges? Heard that it is in the region of $1,600. Is that expensive?
Hi Mona Lisa,

are you expecting, if so congrats. I know her delivery charges is $738, which is reasonable. The rest of the hospital charges are actually dependent on how long you stay and if any complications. if everything in, $1600 hospital bill, then it is really quite cheap, but not sure what your $1600 includes.

Anyway Dr Wong is really very patient and does not make you feel rushed when you see her, I feel very comfy with her
hi creampuff,
thanks for the info. just found out last week that i am 4 wks pregnant!
my gp recommended dr liauw from TMC but i find her not very helpful. that's why looking around for a new gynae. the nurse, hazel, at Dr Wong's clinic seemed very helpful. heard so many good comments about Dr Wong, am thinking of scheduling an appt with her.
Hi Mona Lisa

oh ok, Congrats again. My pleasure to help. Yes, agree her nurse hazel is very cheerful and helpful. If you do decide to see Dr Wong, I think you would prob be happy with the experience
hi creampuff,

just met up with Dr Wong today. she's amazingly nice! so patient and friendly! it was indeed a wonderful experience. i have decided to have her as my gynae.
Actually her pricing in private praactice is already very reasonable and good. Its actually on the low side of the MOH guidelines and definitely more worth it going to ACJ then KKH. Thou i cannot use my civil service card but its definitely worth the money there coz of the service and environment..... Somemore its in the private practice.

after reading all your good reviews on Dr Wong, I am very tempted to make an appointment with her. Can anyone advise on her years of experience and also her waiting time?

thank you.
I just called Dr Wong's clinic. the nurse was very rude. her name was judy. is she dr wong's nurse? she kept recommending male gynae and i told her i want female and i want Dr Wong. Then she not happy. Ask me how i know abt this place, i say through the internet. i am very upset. can someone help me by answering my earlier questions on her years of experience. i need some reassurance. sigh.
hmm.. i was thinking of going to this dr should i be pregnant.

for some strange reasons, lastnight, i had a dream of visiting the clinic of dr joycelyn wong and i was greeted by a very rude nurse.

but, i'm still interested in taking her leh.

does anyone have any comments about her stitching?
Hi Telly

HaHa did you read Jan message b4 the dream?

Her staff r actually very nice.
Dr Wong stitching was painless and it healed very well

Happy gynae hunting
hi jane!

thank you for the info. i'm 90% sure i'll be taking her.

anyway, i'm not pregnant.
i just got my period today.
Hi Irene,
She si very good. I'm now 8.5 weeks preggie and have chosen her as my gynae. I had brown discharge in the beginning. And she would actually call to find out how I am. She is friendly and very helpful. Feel very comfortable with her. Nice clinic too. And the nurses Hazel and Judy are all very friendly.
Hi Irene! I'm seeing Dr Joycelyn for my 2nd pregnancy and she also delivered my first one. I'm must say that she is very nice ,patient and most importantly, gentle when it comes to checking the vaginal! I had a male doctor back in KK who was so rough and painful. Anyway, i paid $498 for my package from 20 weeks and delivery charge is $738.U can also check out the other thread at "female gynae at tmc".

Telly, Dr wong used to come from KK but i don't think she still go there, that's why i followed her to tmc. But the new clinic is so much nicer in TMC and shorter waiting time!Don't ever want to go back KK!
ACJ Women's clinic 63532033

She delivered my bb 2 mths back.. I highly recommend her. She's friendly & helpful and will def make yr preg an enriching one.

Prices r reasonable & waiting time is abt an hr on sat. wkday is fine.. Good Luck...

This thread seems to be very quiet.
Would like to know more abt Dr Joycelyn Wong, can someone comment abt her delivery and stitching skill? Thanks.
Hi Fiona,

I am currently seeing her, I can't comment on her delivery & stitching skill yet but I can assure you that the waiting time is short or zero, infact there is one time she waited for me. For my previous pregnancy, I have to wait for 3hrs to see the gyne for 15 mins
She is very sweet.
Hi Jaci.

Did u sign up a package with her? How much is it?Starting fr which week? What does the package include? Does it incl consultation + ultrasound scan + medicine?

Hi Fiona,
Happen to see this thread. Dr wong's package starts from wk 12 at $598, excluding GST. The package excludes medication, triple test/OSCAR test and detailed scan. The package includes NT scan, normal ultrasound scan, normal consulation and the urine test for every visit. The waiting time is short.
Can I ask wat is triple test/OSCAR test and NT scan? I have seen other thread that recommend her very well also. Between, another recommend doc is Paul Tseng, but I have not yet seen his name mentioned in those thread that I have browse through. Feel very much to know more abt him too...

By the way, I'm not pregnant yet but preparing myself for comparism.
Oh, if i dun remember wrongly Triple Test is actually a blood test that is done before wk 16 of pregnancy if i am not wrong for detection of Down Syndrome but of coz not as accurate as the Oscar Test. Oscar Test is actually a more detail NT scan + blood test done before wk 14. And the accuracy is quite high.... Well u can call the clinic and ask them abt it...

The clinic also provide Prenatal Checkup. You can go see her for that when u are getting ready to get pregnancy and am sure she will guide u through well.
I had my Oscar Test done recently. The scan is more detailed. They took a long time to measure the baby from neck to head to length, check the spine, the ribs, etc... Its fun for me cuz I get to see my baby. The blood test was not too bad. Slight prick and then hardly feel anything even when they pull the needle out.
Hi mummies to be

Can i check with u if Dr Wong delivers in other hospital beside TMC?

I used to be her patient in KKH and since now I am expecting my first, I will like to visit her again.
Hi GingerCat,
I asked her before and she said she can deliver in any hospital but of course she said she will prefer TMC
Hi Wanli,

Thanks for replying my post.
I have made an appt to see her this saturday. Actually before I was being referred to another gynae and not happy with their service. What type of blood test they doing for me I also dunno, cos when I ask them, they just tell me routine blood test... I am in my 9 weeks preggy. Called KKH and as ask for Jocelyn Wong but they told me she is out of KKH and now with TMC. Quickly search thru this thread and find out more.

She is a very nice, sweet and caring doctor. She cure my ovarian cysts which danger my life 4 yrs back.

Now I am married and have my first, I wanted her to be my gynae.
Have absolute trust and faith in her.
HI GingerCat,
You are most welcome
. I'm with Dr. Wong as well, now I'm 23 weeks preggy, will see her next wednesday. She is a very patient doctor, explaining everything in details. I still remember my first consultation she already spend 1 hr with us. Think the blood test you are talking about should be done on 16 weeks which include test for down syndrome, HIV, Hep B etc.
Hi wanli,

wah... u must be real excited. Is this ur first preggy??

I have already done the blood test and tomorrow collecting the report from this gynae... Going to bring over the test result to Dr Wong this saturday. Any idea what test is this??? A blood test done in 8 weeks pregnancy... actually I also dunno what is this.

Btw, can you tell me more abt her package? Heard some says her package starts from 12 weeks and some says her package start from 16 weeks... What is the difference??? How much is this package?

Hi GingerCat,
Yah, this is my first pregnancy very excited. Can't wait to see my baby every mth

You done yr blood test on 8 weeks? hmmmm, i think yr gynea separate it out from the down syndrome blood test. Dr Wong told me since I plan to take the down syncdrome test (triple test - include scan and blood test) so she arrange 2 blood tests taken at the same time. I believe the blood test you are taking is compulsory by governement, which include HIV, Hep B, thalessemia etc. If you plan to take the triple test (test for down syndrome) then you may need to take another blood test on 16 weeks. I scare poke by needdle twice that's why take both blood test at one go :p.

There are 3 types of test can be choose for down sycndrome:
1. Amniocentesis - Accuracy 100%, however miscarriage rate of 0.5%

2. Triple test + Neck thickness (NT) scan (at 12 week) + Triple test (16 weeks) - Accuracy 80%

3. NT scan + OSCAR (blood test at 12 week) - Accuracy 90% $300+

Don't worry too much, she will explain to you.

Her package start from either 16 weeks or 20 weeks. If I'm not wrong start from 16 weeks is $598 and 20 weeks is $548. The package not inc details scan, blood test and vitamin.
hi wanli

yah... done a blood test in 8 weeks but I dunno what test is it. Very expensive, I pay $105 for this test.

kk, i will ask her this saturday.
Are u taking her delivery package too?? I mean in TMC?

Thanks a lot.
hahha...actually my baby never open the legs big big. Always only able to see from the back side or bottom. but Dr said it should be gal :p because she so shy.
hi hi, don't know whether to change gynae, as my current gynae charges are quite high..do you all know Dr Joycelyn Wong is a senior consultant or just a consultant ? roughly how old she is ? cos my current one looks quite young..
Hi rnjt,
Not so sure whether she is senior or not. But she is really patient and helpful. Guess she is mid-30 with 2 kids.
I think age not that important right? Should judge during the consultation.
Hi wanli,

I saw her last saturday. She still remembers me and her memory is real fantastic.

Okay, my hubby and I have a 45 min consultation with her and she is really precise. I also arrange to do my oscar test this coming month end and my package will start from 12 weeks onwards.

How is ur check up so far??

rnjt, so far, she is the best gynae i have known. I had changed 3 gynaes and decided to go back to her realizing that she is no longer in KKH ( i dun want to deliver in KKH) I will say Dr Jocelyn Wong is very professional and the staff there are very friendly and helpful. Charges not expensive... her initial consultation range from $68 to $88 and the subsequent if you sign up her antennatal package, it will be cheaper. My one cost $598 starting from 12 weeks.
Just a curious question, her delivery charges of $738 is it claimable by medisave? or we have to pay seperately.

I am actually pretty keen now to deliver either in TMC or Mt A, hence looking for another gyne.

(Not pregnant yet lah...but look for another gyne first)


understand from other thread that some gynae can upgrade from a 4 bedded to a 2 bedded at TMC. anybody knows if Dr. joycelyn wong can do that ?
