Dr Joycelyn Wong from KKH

hi wanli,

hahah... the other day i was asking hazel and she told me can book anytime. So i filled up the form and nothing had come back to me yet.

Never mind, guess I will wait for Dr wong to arrange for me again. Are u taking the delivery package recommended by her?

Hi GingerCat,
no leh, she never tell me any delivery package. I did ask how much she charge for normal/c-sec, but she never said need to sign up package.....
Hi Wanli,

That is strange, cos Hazel told me they have a package which consists of the doctor's delivery and ward charges and 3 days 2 night stay in TMC 4 bedded ward. This package is without epidural and cost abt $1800 or $1900. So i was wondering is it cheaper to get it this or seperate package.
In dilemma now.
hi gingercat,

I went and ask abt dr wong's package too and was told the same price but clarified with Hazel that the price was not fixed. It's just an estimated price. The only fixed price is dr wong's delivery charge only. The rest include the hospital charges and other miscelleous things which will incur in our bill depending on eg: labour time and things we use in the ward and bb's nursery room charges. No package to sign up....Think they just wanna let us know how much we roughly have to pay when we deliver.... About $1800 onwards depending on individual.
Hi yoyo,

From what I understand from Hazel is this package includes only Dr Wong's delivery charges, 3 days 2 nite in TMC ( 4 bedded ward ) and day visit charges for 2 days. And this package does not include epidural administeration, baby's nursery room charges, etc... Other misc things, we will have to pay and top up.

Think I need to clarify with Hazel next saturday again on this cos now I also very confused. Cos when I ask her abt if there is any delivery packages available from Dr Wong, she showed me this.
Better get my hubby to clarify with her. By the way, how many wks are u now? Giving birth soon??
Hi gingercat,

You are somehow right. That's also what she meant. So it isn't call a package coz the bill u receive when you discharge will be a breakdown of everything so there's no fix price to our delivery inpatient bill. Unlike the $598 which is fixed. I only know dr wong normal delivery fees is fixed @ $738 if no complication and delivery is smooth.
Hi Yoyo,

Probably you are right. Haha, anyway, tomorrow I check with Hazel again...

Take care of urself and enjoy ur pregnancy.

After u hv signed up the package with Dr Wong, how much do u need to pay for her vitamins during each visit. Beisdes the vitamins, what other things do u need to pay during each visit other than detailed scan and blood test?

For those who has given birth, how long do u take to heal fr the wound? The last time i gave birth, it took me 3-4 weeks b4 my wound fully heal. do u take so long? Thanks,

I would like to find out fr those mother who has already given birth, does Dr Wong do a swap for u b4 giving birth? Thanks.
Hi Ocean,
Actually if you don't want to buy the vitamin then you can always buy outside. Dr Wong never force us to buy from the clinic, somtimes I buy from her but if I found outside is cheaper then I will buy from outside. The most expensive one is fish oil, other than that all is less than $20. and it is also depend how frequent you eat the vitamin so very difficult to give you an exact amt.

Other test not included in package are like Grp B test (done on 36wks) and CTG. Grp B test i think should be around $30+ (can't remember already). CTG is not needed if you don't have contraction, at most it is only needed 1 or 2 times when near to delivery. It cost around $30+ also.

My stiches heal quite fast
. Now is my 2nd week of confinement and I didn't feel any pain anymore. In fact I stop eating pain killer on the day I discharged from hospital. The first week I may still feel some discomfort but not pain, the 2nd week no feeling already.
Hi Wanli,

Thanks for ur reply and congrats on ur new born

Can i check with u whether Dr Wong did a swap for u b4 delivery, it is meant to check whether there is any vaginal infection b4 u go thru the natural birth. I know some gynae does and some dont. Dont know whether dr wong does it?

Btw, how many bed-rm did u stay at, and how much did u pay for ur hospital bill? If u stayed at TMC, did u enjoy a free upgrade fr 4 to 2 bedded rm? Thanks.
Hi Ocean,
Yes, the swap you talking about is Grp B strep. She will do it on wk 36 and not incl in package. Personally think this is important loh..... I infected by Grp B strep also, so need todo injection during labour to make sure baby not swallow it.

yah, I got free upgrade to 2 bedded but it depend on luck, if the day you deliver got 4 bedded room available then you may not enjoy the upgrade. My hospital bill total is around $2800+, can't remember the amt, total cash paid is $400 plus + $600 deposit.
hi wanli, may i ask u went for natural or c-section? so u only paid $1k+ CASH? the rest is by medisave is it? Tks!
Hi Ladies, anybody can advise me on this? During 20th wk there is this test for FOETAL ABNOMALITY..is this test compulsory for all preggy ladies ? From wat i gathered it is compulsory. But my colleague said otherwise..just wanna cfm. Is there any difference from the Down's syndrome test called OSCAR? Tks!
HI Ladies,

can i checked if any1 of you are above 35 years & seeing Dr Wong now?

Would like to know the costs & procedures done.

Pls PM me.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Belle,

This 20 weeks fetal assessment is compulsory. This test is unlike the OSCAR test. This 20 weeks test is to ensure that ur baby heartbeat is normal, the fingers and toes are growing normal and no other major disorder whereas OSCAR scan is to determine the baby normality.
Hope this helps.

Hi Vivianne, although I am not above 35 years old but currently I am seeing Dr Wong. I must say that she is a great doctor as she really takes good care of every of her patients. During my 1st trimester, I am having several times of serious bleeding that led to threatening abortion. Thanks for her, I manage to save my little baby and currently I am in my 31 weeks already. Her antenatal package starts from 12 weeks and 16 weeks. For 12 weeks, her package cost $598 and for 16 weeks onwards, her package cost $498. This package includes consultation and scanning but excludes medication and other test ( Oscar and Fetal Assessment ). Usually during the first trimester at 12 weeks, she will send u for the NT scan or Oscar scan to make sure that ur baby is not suffering from any Down Syndrome and during ur 20 weeks pregnancy, u will be send for the fetal assessment test. Hope all these helps.

I felt abit out of place here as I just had a miscarriage....want to ask if Dr Wong provide normal gynae service and consultant as I would like to do more checks and path forward.

The gynae that I am with now is rather busy and I feel that I am not getting enough attention from him.
Hi Ah kat,

Dr Wong provides normal gynae service and consultant.

Normally for her first consultation with her, you can feel free to ask any question etc. When I had my first consultation with her, it takes abt 20 to 45 mins. Depending on what you want to ask her. The only setback is the waiting time to see her may be a bit long.

You can call and book an appointment with her. Her number is 63532033.
Hi, I just had my 3rd one delivered by Dr J Wong.. Overall, I am very happy with her . She's down to earth and personal. Her consultation is also rather long and she takes time to answer questions.

During my labour, she was very reassuring and kept coming to check on me..

happybaby, the waiting time can be long at times. My appt is always in the afternoon,so normally, I have to wait about 45 mins . i realised that Mon mornings are usually more crowded.
I'm seeing Dr Wong and I'm now in my 3rd trimester. I think she is good cos at each stage she'll tell u what u should do. for eg, right fr the beginning she will tell u what are the tests to be done at which week and which are compulsory and which are not. i think this is good cos she provides u with the info and it's all up to u to decide whether u want to take the tests. my fren 1mth ahead of me seeing one doc from GEH wasnt even told abt the detailed scan.

i agree with Choc06 that Dr wong is very reassuring. my bb is having the risk of pre-mature labour and i went to seek for 2nd opinion cos Dr Wong did not tell me much. but from the subsequent visits, i can tell that Dr wong did evaluate thru those possibilities that my 2nd gynae told me but just that she didnt say it out to make me worry. i feel that she is that kind will calm u down if she knows that u r worried.

so far my waiting time is about 20 to 45min, but i think it's ok since some times i also take up quite abit of time to ask her qns. i know for some doc u wait for long time but only see him/her for 5min.
Dear Choco,

Can I check if Dr Wong's needle work is good? Whether we are going thru natural or c section, we need to be stitched up...my sis in law's gynae needle work was not good, now she having thick scar tissue which has to be removed if she wants next bb via c section. Am pretty concern about this...Thanks
Hi Tricia,

This time( my 3rd one) was done by Dr J Wong was pretty good and the stitch was about 1 cm.. Was also thinking about whether there's a difference bet the 1st birth and the subsequent ones.. This is my observation :

My first one was done by a male gynae also in TMC, the stitch was quite long and it hurt for a few weeks.. maybe for the first birth, the cervix took some time to open, so the cut was longer ..

for my 2nd one, also done by this gynae was quite ok, I was walking steadily without any pain aft the 2nd day.. think the cut was also shorter

This time round was even better, by the 3rd week, I did not feel anything at all..

Also, as my bb was facing upwards, the contractions were slowed down during labour, Dr Wong skillfully turned the bb to face downwards.. didn't know about this at all !

Hope this information helps..

Try natural birth first.. i was very tempted to go thru c-section for my first one.. thankfully .. I didn't, recovery is better for n-birth and there's no need to wash the wound
plus lesser pain

Cheers !
hi i just had a miscarriage and was taken care of by dr joycelyn wong. she was really nice and reassuring. after i build up my health and get preggie again, will go back to her again.

btw, dr wong is really young and pretty! does anyone know how old she is? does she have a kid?
No. U will not enjoy discount on the package ($598. But you can enjoy 5% off the doc fees as Dr Joycelyn Wong is one of the participating doc. I think her delivery fee starts from $738.

U take care of your health.
Dr Joycelyn wong is in the mid 30s. She was featured in the Simply Hers mag a few months back and I learnt that she is so young and a mother of 2 kids.
hi all,
after reading all comments on Dr Wong, me decide to make an appt with her.

I'm not preggie yet but planning for one, read frm past thread that she have a checkup for those planning for BB. Can anyone ps advice me whether to have a talk with her first or book an appt with her to do the test first??

Thanks a million.

For me, I actually made an appointment to see Dr Joycelyn Wong for a pre-natal checkup. But because of some reasons, I was seen by another doc in the same clinic-Dr Caroline Khi.

Dr Khi spent about an hour on consultation and scan. She went through my HB and my medical history. She also performed scan (both abdominal & vaginal scan) for me to check if my uterus is ok, any fibroid or cyst. I also did a pap smear that day. After that, she recommended us to do some blood tests which are critical for those planning to conceive.. eg Hep A/B, Thalessamania, HIV etc.

I think the same procedure should go for Dr Joycelyn Wong. I went back to her after I was pregnant.

Hope this helps.
hi babyjan,
thks for sharing. Still need a few advice;
Can all the tests include blood test to be done in the same day?? Do you need to stop eating before 12pm(the night before)? How much is the test?? sorry for so many qns
The blood tests were conducted straight after the consultation. I did not abstain from food cos wasnt prepared for it in the first place. But i think such blood tests perhaps dun have to abstain from food anyway cos not measuring cholestrol or sugar level mah.

Btw, need to draw your hubby's blood too to check for Thalessamania.

I think I paid around $280 for everything... first time consultation, scan, pap smear and the blood tests.
Hi All..

What's the normal procedure when we go and visit the gynae?

I have been to 2 checkup to see Dr Wong, but she only took the Blood pressure and weight.

But my frenz who is with another gynae told me that she will have urine test to test for protein..
hi vivien when u reach the clinic dr wong's asst will first ask u to go to the ladies with strip (sorry duno wat's the name for that) that she will pass u, then call ur name for wght, blood pressure test.
hi all,

my baby was delivered by dr wong.She's really a nice lady.my baby was admitted for jaundice on the day he went back for his checkup after few days and dr wong keep telling me to be strong and look at the bright side that i can have few days of good rest.she even advise me on quite a lots of thing on how looking after baby.

i would def go back to her for my 2nd pregnancy!
hi all

my bb also delivered by dr wong. i had some problems with my pregnancy half way thru and went to another dr for 2nd opinion. in the end i still stick to her cos i find that she actually knows quite alot she is very assuring.

if i'm going for #2, i'll also go back to her.

Dr Wong just delivered my ger 2 weeks ago, I've contraction on the previous night and so relieved to see her in her clinic next morning. I've hard time pushing out my ger who's 3.6kgs and Dr Wong was v encouraging in the labour ward, keep "jiayou" for me, telling me bb coming out soon, giving me motivation to push even harder
, stitches were good too, i could walk around freely the next day despite having a hard time in pushing.
Throughout my pregnancy, she's v assuring and caring, doesn't take any symptoms easily and answer all my queries and doubt.
Feel v safe with her.
Like the rest, i will surely go back to her if I'm preggy again

I am planning for bb too..

Pls advise whether we shld go for a pre checkup b4 TTC?

Thinknig of getting a female gynae..

Fion Wong
BBC, you can go for check up before TTC. Else can start taking folic acid.
I am seeing Dr Joycelyn Wong...I find her good. You can consider.
hi ladies

I've seen Dr KHi before for a checkup. She is a nice gynae but there seem to be more positive posts abt Dr Wong in other threads as well. Just want to find out from pple who have seen them both, what are their differences... thanks

thats what i shd do but i already visited Dr Khi so if I go to their clinic(which i think is the same) then bump in to Dr Khi will not be nice lor.... anyhow im not confirmed whether to stick with Dr Khi who is also very nice....
oh... im so undecided whether to go with Dr wong or Dr khi...

hi noscon, my gynae is Dr Wong, and I find her really good. Felt not much pain after the stitches compared with my previous gynae. I think Dr Khi is preggie now right? Will she be back by then to help with your delivery?
