Dr Joycelyn Wong from KKH

Hi noscon,
I'm also seeing Dr Wong, find her very friendly, always hv time to explain things, no rushing thru the appt, also pro natural birth and so extremely re-assuring for first time mum like me!

Hi noscon,

U r paying so dun nid feel paisay..heehee..
Like the rest of the gals here, I really find Dr Wong is really good. Before I found her (through this thread, I found her and never regret!), I've seen 5 gynaes but none as good as her and I intro my friends to her too, all of them think she's good too
Noscon: Dr Wong delivered my son in 2005 Oct. Just seen her 2 mths ago again for routine check up. she's really nice. But Dr khi is very freindly too. They were schoolmates so graduated together. + anyone of them on leave the other will take over their case. so since u are with Dr khi, might s well continue.so long u are comfortable with her. Heard fr my massage lady, Dr khi is a very responsible gynae. she will still do delivery personally even when she's doing her confinment.
Just been to Dr Wong's clinic this week and found her a friendly gynae. Like what the rest said, she is patient and makes me feel very comfortable.
I tried making an appt with Dr wong after reading all the positive comments here...wow...her schedule is really packed!! The receptionist only able to give me a date 2 weeks from today!

just to check with ladies with Dr Wong, is the waiting time a killer? :p
dear ladies,

seems like Dr. Wong is very much sought after. She sounded so nice. I am really interested to go to her. However, I am currently working overseas and will be back only when I am in my 32 weeks (in June). Can anyone help ask her:

1. Does she take in pregnant lady who is already in her 32th week?
2. Can she deliver at hospital other than TMC?
3. What are her charges like for me who is already in my 32th week?

Thanks so much for all your advices. It will be very helpful =)
hi lilac i m in my 39th wk & has been with dr wong since the beginning....cant ans 1 & 2 for you..wat i know is she can deliver at most hospitals incl KKH & Mt A..she ever mention she prefers TMC as her clinic is there.

u can email her at: [email protected]
i believe it's better to ask her directly. Take care!

IMHO, Dr wong has no reason to reject other patient, just maybe u need to pay for per consultation rather than taking on a package.
So u need to pay consultation fee+scanning+supplement and CTG scan during ur late pregnancy.

Maybe u can call and check with her assistants? I booked the appointment with them while i was in overseas too

Dr Wong does deliver at other hospitals as what she told me but it will be more convenient for her if delivery in TMC as she could just walk over to check frequently during labour.
During my labour on 1 dec 06, so coincidently that I and another of her patient were giving birth at the same time!, we diluted and gave birth around the same time!! I think she gave birth only 15-20mins earlier than me, just she's a v brave mummy with no epidural (wonder how she endure the long wait???)
I can't imagine what will happen if 1 was at another hospital?? How would Dr wong attend to both at the same time?

I think the one at TMC will have more advantage as Dr Wong just need to walk over to attend to her

The average time was around 5-15mins, usually my appointment was on a weekday morning. Once I complained of tummy pain, dr wong attended to me immediately upon arrival.
She's such a caring doctor, miss her alot

I also choose her to be my gynae among so many gynaes after reading this thread, no regret! She's the best gynae i ever seen!! (i've seen 6 gynaes be4 searching high and low for a good gynae).
Hi Lilac..
I do agree with Bestwishes that Dr Wong is indeed a ver caring and patient doctor, always making us feel at ease wih her. Currently, this is my first pregnancy and she has been keeping a vigilant lookout and check cos of the possibility that I may give birth too early.

As her packages start at week 12 or 16, you may have to pay consultation fees separately when you visit her once you are back. her staff are a bunch of nice and cheery ladies. YOu may want to call and seek more information from them. Tel no. is 6353 2033

may I check with you the skills of Dr Wong at delivery? Like her stitches and probably her way of dealing with emergencies (if you have heard of any stories) and usually, how early or late does the gynae arrive during labour? I have no doubts about Dr Wong's abilities but being a first time mum, I tend to think a lot and worry about unexpected situations during delivery.
I just went to see doctor wong for my follow up appointment after delivery. She is still as nice as ever! Really like her a lot!

wawapiggyling, I find her stitches very good. In fact I dun even need to take painkiller. I can still remember my first one was super painful. And she is really very encouraging thru out the process.
Hi wawapiggyling

I have not heard be4 how she deal with emergencies but she did reminded several times, get the hospital bag ready by 36 weeks, in case if water bag burst or painful front to back contractions, call the emergency hotline, rush to TMC and she will be there shortly

For me during labour, my bb was quite big so I've a rather hard labour pushing her out. When Dr Wong arrived, she's v encouraging and bb arrived shortly, she's v detailed in clearing the blood clots, ensured it's clean inside! Like what aquarius say, her stitches were v good, i could walk around freely the next day and i also skipped painkiller, my friends who visited me were surprised that i could crossed my leg sitting on the bed
, she gave v good advises on breastfeeding too!
hi sunrays, for me..avg waiting time range from 15-45 mins..

Most times i go on wkday mornings..
ever went on a sat..think abt at least 30 mins.
Hi Aquarius88,

This is sinkor, remember me on the slimming cream?? didnt expect to see u here in this thread!! haha.... my gynae also Dr. Wong.... :D
can any mummies advise if Dr Wong have free upgrade to 2-bedders from 4-bedders at TMC.. I read that some gynae have such free upgrade loh.. so wondering if Dr Wong have a not..
hmmm.. i thought free upgrade depends on availability of ooms?? I read from somewhere that TMC has only 1 4-bedder room, which is why a lot of mummies got free upgrade to 2-bedder. I'm not too sure.
Wah, sinkor, u also in this thread reading arh. keke!! Aquarius also from SB forum?

Doc Wong deal with my case very tactfully., During my 1st trim, I keep on having severe bleeding for no reason and quickly call the hotline and less than 5 mins, doc wong call me back. Instead of asking me to admit into emergency room, she opens up her clinic at 11 plus and treated me. My baby is safe. Then during my 28 weeks, my cervix starts soften and she prescribe the nepidefine for me to take... and ask me count my contraction regularly. Managed to pull through my pregnancy until my dear boy poke a hole in my water bag and leak. Birthing process went smoothly and after I delivered, I even told Doc wong in the labour ward, I dun mind giving birth to no.2

Her stitching skills is good... i can walk freely the next day. Skip pain killers some more.

My next baby, i still opt her as my gynae.
Good to know that Dr.Wong has so many good reviews. I am planning to engage her services when I return to Singapore in July.

By the way, does she have her own clinic or is she based at TMC?
Hi Lilac, Dr Wong also has a clinic i think in Bedok MRT, but i think only open on friday nights.. you can check with her. But the clinic is not as class as TMC one lor, so i still prefer to go TMC

I gave birth on dec 2006 at TMC by Dr Wong. Really like her and her skills are good, did not feel much pain after the stitching and can get up by next day. She was very encouraging throughout the whole process and the nurses at TMC also good.

Was also upgraded to a 2 bedder even though i choose for 4 bedded in TMC, so total only need to pay about $300 cash after deducting from medisave. Mine was natural birth without epidural so i guess is cheaper
I just wanna add my comments on Dr Wong..

Just delivered my babt one week plus ago at TMC and i must say Dr Wong is fantastic!! Right from my first appt to the delivery day and subsequent visits, she is always ever so professional and assuring.. will go back to her for my 2nd baby..
haha..... aquarius and iggymummy..... we all use the "spicy cream" before having baby one..... keke....
hmm...hope i can skip the pain killer too :p
sinkor, I remember my first one...stitches done by another gynae...woah! Painful painful! This one I standby pain killer but dun need it! kekeke
thanks bear and sunflower for the reply. I am planning to deliver at TMC as well.

Wow, sunflower, you did not opt for epidural? Brave mummy. Could you share with me the breakdown of your hospital bill? I am planning on giving birth in TMC as well, 4 bedder. Still deciding on if I want to administer epidural. I reckon your delivery was a smooth one with only 2 days in the hospital?

Wawapiggyling, if you don't mind, could you also let me know the breakdown of your hospital bill? I think TMC has increased their charges because I last I checked on TMC website, there were a revision of charges in Jan. Thanks so much in advance =)
Hi Lilac,

Well, it was painful but i opt for using laughing gas and also the thigh injection (some painkiller called petedine, can't remember the actual name), it's cheaper than epidural. Guess must have lots of perserverance to endure the whole process cause it was like 14 hours of pain. Of course, the pain was bearable for the first 7 hours or so as the interval is about 15 - 20 mins before the pain starts. Yes, i stayed only 2 days at hospital. Will find my invoice and let you know the breakdown tonight.
Hi Lilac
I can't really remember the breakdown... but i paid abt $2k+ cash (inclusive of deposit) after deducting $1.7k from medisave. fyi, i stayed in single bedroom with hubby staying in as well. my delivery was natural with epidural. hope the info helps.
Hi just found this thread and feel obliged to share my very positive experience with Dr Wong too. The visits and delivery were all very pleasant experiences. Apart from being a very patient and warm Dr, I greatly appreciated that she spent more than 1 hour with me just listening to me pour out my heart when I went back for post-natal review. I was facing some form of pressure after having a 2nd baby and when she asked how my elder one was doing, my floodgate just opened cos I was not coping well. Though her husband was a psychiatrist, she didn't use that opportunity to find business for him but instead, kept reassuring me that the difficult period for me and my elder one would pass. What I like most about her is that she treats her patients as a fellow human being, not just an object for making money like so many Drs out there. I am eternally grateful to her for what she has done for me.
Hi Lilac,

Sorry for the late reply, totally forgotten about it until today :p

Here's my breakdown (Due to I have the FBI card so I got abit of discount on hospital charges and also doctor's fees, so the figures shown are after discount):

1) Total Hosiptal charges for
Normal Deliver (4 bedded) 2 days + Medical Supplies - $785.62
2) Total Doctor fees - $997.50
3) Grand Total - $1733.25 (of this $1700 is claimable from Medisave)

Baby's package:
1) Total 2 days + Medical supplies - $450.68
2) Total PD fees - $180
3) Grand Total - $612.68 (of this $517.08 is claimable from Medisave)

So I only need to pay $33.25 + $95.60 (cash) for everything..
Hi sunflower,

Thanks for the information. This is really very helpful. I reckon I might have to pay a little more upfront cash as TMC just revised their rates. But the cash you paid is quite minimal. Thanks good! By the way, I understand that you have to pay a deposit first. How much did you pay for that deposit. S$1000 or $600?

Another question - is this your first delivery and how long was your labour?
Lilac, i paid $600 cash deposit and was refunded $450 plus.

Yes, my first delivery. My contractions started at 10pm at night and i check into hospital at 5plus morning, went into delivery ward at 6am and delivered my boy around 12 noon. The actual pushing and all that lasts for an hour
very fast and smooth.

If you going for all natural without epi, try to relax and breath as usual. having your hubby at your side works wonders too as he really encourage me during those painful moments
oh i dont know if it helps but i did drink raspberry tea once a day when i am around 36 weeks and also coconut once a week after 36 weeks.
Hi sunflower,

Wow.... that's a pretty good and short labour for you. So glad to hear that. Oh ya, did you have a natural tear or did you opt for epitosmy?

I left it to Dr Wong to decide whether to cut or to tear.. i think only they will know what is best during each situation. I did have an episotomy, but it is not as painful cos i think Dr Wong has inject painkiller, anyway contractions are more pain lah. Her stitching was quite well, can walk about on next day. Overall experience was very good, if i have next child will surely go back to her.

When's your due date?

I left it to Dr Wong to decide whether to cut or to tear.. i think only they will know what is best during each situation. I did have an episotomy, but it is not as painful cos i think Dr Wong has inject painkiller, anyway contractions are more pain lah. Her stitching was quite well, can walk about on next day. Overall experience was very good, if i have next child will surely go back to her.

When's your due date?
Lilac, I've checked with Dr Wong on the episotomy during my last checkup. She told me most Asian women will require episotomy and its better to 'cut' than to 'tear' as 'tear' is zig-zag while 'cut' is straight.

And, I was told by Dr Wong that we won't be able to feel it when she 'cut' with or without epidural.
Thanks sunflower and Bear for the replies. Put my mind at ease. Seems like Dr. Wong's skill is really good.

My due date is Jul 24. Currently still overseas but will be back soon else airlines will ban me from boarding their plane. Am looking forward to see Dr. Wong.
Lilac, no problem at all.

Hey, have you made an appt to see Dr Wong? You should do it early to get the date and time you want.
Hi baked bean,

I usually see her once every 4 weeks so sure can get a date and time. If I didn't remember wrongly, I also have to wait for around 2-3 weeks before I get to see her the very 1st time.

If you just found out you are pregnant (4weeks), I suggest you make appt immediately so that by the time you see her, you will be 7 weeks pregnant and just nice you will get to see your bb's little heartbeat in your womb.
Hi Bear

I'm into my 8th week now and thought of using Dr Wong - I'm not too comfie wiht the previous gynae.

Think I'll give her a call now since all the comments are so good.

Baked Bean, I see...just make appt and go see her. If not comfy with her still can change gynae as you are still quite early into your pregnancy.
