Dr Caroline Khi from TMC


Now Dr Khi is in the same clinic as Dr Adrian, they set up the clinic called ACJ, A for Adrian, C for Caroline and J for Josephine.

Dr Khi gave me her hp and email and she will promptly answer her hp when i call her. And during consultation, sometimes she will answer her hp when her other patients call her too. Email she also reply very promptly. So far she has been very reachable.


It's great that Dr Khi gave u her hp. I think it's important to hv gynae's no for all patients seeing them in case of emergency.

She can still remember that she is a very friendly lady. I change my gynae on my 2nd pregnancy is bcoz she left KKH & I dunno who she gone too. Dr Adrian is actually intro by my best friend.
i think all gynaes should give their hp right, else if going to deliver on weekends or after clinic hours, how to contact them right?

How do u feel about having a male gynae? My hubby don like the idea.
not all gynae will give lor.. especially those gynae fm KKH.

I dun feel comfortable with male gynae but that time no choice ler.. I wanted to go back to Dr Khi but dunno where she gone. Then my best friend told me Dr Adrian is really good, furthermore my SIL is also with Dr Adrian at that time. So I just go ahead thou I'm still shy.

Frankly speaking, Dr Adrian's stitching is really good too. I hv no regret having him as my gynae as well. As for Dr Khi, I not sure bcoz she did not delivered for me due to the Sars problem at that time.
So weird, i thought Dr Adrian set up clinic with Dr Khi he should have left KKH at the same time as her.

U went through vaginal birth right so the stitching is for the episiotomy? not painful hor? the stitching is below, how to see whether good or not huh?
Dr Adrian's clinic is at Choa Chu Kang ler.. Think 1 more is Sengkang if I remember correctly. I see him at his CCK clinic at that time. U mean he was fm KKH as well ? If so, think he left much earlier than Dr Khi.

Yes, both my pregancy are vaginal birth & stitching is for epi.. of course it's painful. I feel it's good bcoz it is not that painful after the 1st day. My 1st experience was bad (stitched by the so called on duty doc in KKH), the wound took me abt 1-2 weeks to heal.. I dun even dare to go toilet to pass motion ler.. bcoz it's painful.
gers, u are talking about different Adrian!

Irene talking about Adrian Woodsworth and belle talking about Adrian Tan
ya my friend who delivered prematurely went to KKH because of ICU for premature baby very expensive. the doc on duty did C section for her, she had to be on wheelchiar for 2 weeks, because the cut hurt the abdomenal muscles. So die die cannot let a duty doc perform any surgery one. sure jia lat.

Dr Adrian got two clinics i think. one in TMC and Chia Chu Kang.
haha... yeah.. I'm talking abt Dr Adrian Woodsworth not Adrian Tan. The one who got clinic at CCK.

Think most on duty docs r junior doc... so better be careful.. After the very bad experience in KKH, I'll always say no no to my fren when they want to choose KKH.. the nurse also not that helpful in KKH when I were there during my 1st pregnancy.
ya Dr Khi is nice.but so far i havent come across someone recently to tell me how her stitching is. only got very old posts.

hopefully hers is also very good so we can recover faster
hi all,
My baby was delivered by Dr Khi on August 06.

This was my first pregancy. Mine was vaginal birth with epi. I don't feel pain for my stitches at all. Just like what Irene mentioned that it was not that painful after the 1st day.
hi belle,

Haha..., the contraction is so painful that I feel nothing when they inject epidural.

The contraction is so painful, after contraction gone, my back pain, than contraction come again.
ok i think i got the idea. the pain from epidural is nothing compared to the pain of contractions....OMG
hi gals

I recently went to visit Dr Khi. She is as what everyone mentioned very sweet and gentle doc. Compared to other gynaes I saw(for female problems, not pregnancy), she is more particular during ultrascan. She will insist I drink a lot of water and it was very painful to hold the urine as she started to see other patients after my turn. So I had to wait several turns before my turn to go in though I was there first. I think thats ok cos im not very particular but I think she is more particular than other gynaes(I've seen gynaes on and off for 10 yrs for females problems) in term of must drink a lot a lot of water before ultrascan. Other doc only require a half filled bladder but she insist I must feel like bursting. So even after the ultrascan, I feel very painful in my bladder the whole night after i got home...so my opinions of her is mixed mixed lah....

But she is also the nicest and gentlest gynae i ever encountered.
Hi noscon

so weird, when i went to see her, i asked do i need to drink water, she said no need. hmmm....perhaps i was week 12 already so she thinks no need to have full bladder to see. How many weeks were u when u did the scan?
hi belle

I'm not pregnant but TTC. So probably she got me to drink water.... Pregnant ladies may not need to drink so much water? I guess maybe she is pregnant now so she didnt want to press hard for ultrascan... ok lah... she is very nice lady and answer questions patiently... i will still be seeing her next month...
But I wonder whether i shd still cont to see her cos she might be delivering this yr n will not be able to work for some time?
i asked her and she said after she deliver, she will start working 1 week thereafter. it is her third kid liao, she is very experienced and that was what she did for her 2nd child. don worry.

when i had some problem with menstrual cramps last time, i went to see a ultrasound scan specialist, also ask em drink a lot of water in order to see the uterus, and press very hard too. so i think no choice,if not preg then must drink a lot of water then can see.
hmmm... 1 week after birth so fast? Do you know about Dr Wong from the same clinic? Do you know whether there is any differences between the 2 docs? I'm deciding on a gynae to stick to...
i dunno Dr Wong. but apparently she is very popular. but i think Dr Khi is very nice already. i feel comfortable with her.

my friend delivered under Dr Wong. But she had a trumatic experience maybe not due to any fault of Dr Wong lah. First she tried natural delivery, then bb head too big, got to do emergency c section under epidural. my friend so scared that they cut her before the epidural has taken effect. then after surgery, she complain very pain. haiz....
ok.... i think i will cont to see Dr Khi for the time being first...

so are you pregnant now ? how many children do you have?
Dr Khi delivered my baby on 29 dec 06. She's been a very nice gynae throughout my 9 mths. She arrived within 20 mins after I am dilated enough to start pushing.

Her stitching is gd. I tried to see using a mirror but can't find it. It's almost invisible, and it was not painful after the delivery.

So your child delivered almost on the last day of 06? Is it a boy or girl? So can i ask you whether it is painful for childbirth? How long is your delivery? Does the gynae stay with you often during delivery? Sorry for the many qns.... mountain tortoise

How did you take care of yourself during the first trimester? Do you take any chinese med or any med during pregnancy?
Hi noscon,

No worries abt the qns.

My baby is a boy. I had epidural and so I cldn't feel a thing from waist down, so no pain at all.
I was actually very scared of childbirth and was thinking of opting for C-section. But after this experience, I think childbirth is not that scary afterall... thanks to epidural!

Dr Khi was with me throughout the birth process. I gave birth at 5 plus am. She chked on me later in the day (twice I think) and also the subsequent 2 days when I was in the ward.

congrats. so nice to have a pleasant childbirth. i am scared of epidural. is it painful to inject the epidural? How long did u tahan the pain before u had epidural? is it true after epidural u cannot eat but must be on the drip ? so with epidural and not feeling any contractions u can still push well?


i did not take any chinese med during my 1st tri, i had very bad nausea and constipation and Dr Khi was very understanding. she gave me medicine for my nausea which was helpful.
crayonmum and belle

Did u all particularly ate anything that is supposedly good for pregnancy? or anyone advise you to eat anything?
nope didnt eat anything. all i did was try to have the activity around the time of my ovulation to conceive. i based on the basal temp to guage when is the ovulation.
Hi belle,

The doc waited until my contractions came then he inserted the needle into my spine coz he said I wld be distracted by the pain caused by the contractions rather than the insertion of the needle. At that time, all I wanted was to relieve the pain of my contractions, so the pain caused by the needle is bearable.

My labour was induced at abt 10 plus in the morning and I was admited to hosp at about 10 plus in the evening. The contractions only became painful at about 8 plus pm. By the time I reached hosp, the contractions were quite painful already and so after clearing my bowels and washed up in the hosp, I asked the nurse to call the doc to administer the epidural. He arrived after 30 mins.

Yah, it's true that we can't eat but I think it's not becoz of the epidural but to prevent the passing of motion during labour. I was quite hungry and wanted to drink Milo but the nurse said cannot. :p

The epidural is actually a drip. The doc will insert a tube into the spine and the epidural will be administered into the spine thru the drip throughout the whole labour.

I push on the cues given by the nurse and Dr Khi lor coz I can't feel anything...not even my legs! I asked the nurse how to push and she said push like I was having bad constipation while in toilet. Hee....


I din take any chinese med during my pregnancy but only bird nest in my 2nd trimester. I only take the supplements that Dr Khi gave, namely folic acid, multi-vit, calcium and omega. It's best to chk with gynae any med or supplement u intend to take pregnancy. It also applies to any cream you wanna apply.

Oily fish is supposedly good for pregnancy so I took tuna and cord fish almost everyday in my 2nd and 3rd trimester. I cld barely eat in my 1st trimester as I had very bad morning sickness.
Oops noscon, just realised that you r not pregnant yet but trying to conceive. I believe you can start taking folic acid now. That's what my fren's gynae asked her to take when she was trying to conceive.
is inducing labour painful? Is it inserting of pill into the vagina?

I must say ur induction was successful, insert in morning and evening already in labour. was it because ur cervix was already dilated?

if u hungry and cannot drink milo, then how u get energy to push leh? after epidural is gone, did u vomit? could u eat immediately?

no problem, good luck!
hi belle,

Inducing was not painful. Yah, it's insertion of a pill into the vagina. My cervix was already dilated about 1-2cm at 37 weeks but din dilate further after that. During my regular chkup at 39 week, my amniotic fluid was found to be borderline low and Dr Khi advised me to induce labour instead of waiting until 1st week of Jan (which is my original EDD). So on that day, I decided to induce labour. Din want to make another trip down on another day.

I also din know where I got the energy to push... just push with all my might lor.

I din vomit after the epidural is gone. After I was pushed to a normal ward, the nurse gave me miko and cream crackers and I wolfed them down. Hee....

But I shivered uncontrollably during the whole labour process. It's one of the side effects of epudiral. :p

Hi noscon,

gd luck to u too!
hi all

I would like to use this thread to check if anyone has any comments on Dr Adrian Tan CJ who is in same clinic as Dr Caroline Khi.

ANy comment is welcome.

have the same bad experiences as Fun. caroline is damn money oriented. When I delivered in KKH, she was so nonecareless unlike the caring and nice comments here....i suay or wat?

when she ask me to sign her package, i say need to go back discuss wif my hubby, she gave me a disgusted unhappy face.....

mayb now own biz not workin for KKH, different liao?
Hi Fun

Can you share more? I'm currently with Dr Caroline. She seems ok so far, very gentle and patient.

During my first visit, she did not ask me to sign the package until I asked the next visit.
Haha Sharmaine maybe I also another unlucky one which got her 'black face'. Anyway some of my friends also anti-Caroline Khi based on various reasons.
my bb was delivered by Dr Khi last mth

so far my experiences with her has been very good and pleasant. I hv nvr seen her black face infact, i find it comforting talking to her esp when i hv problems in my preg as well as post preg. And i felt very welcomed at every visit. She did discussed abt package..but nvr ever hard sell. i mean every doc must explain abt their package mah.. i tot that was quite common.

After delivery, i went back to see her abt my stiff fingers, and she was showed concern with regards to my bf-ing issue. and spend some time advising me on pumps n answering my bf-ing problems.

must say it all depend on luck and chemistry betw patients & doc.

I am seeing DrKhi now,in my 4th mths. I dont thk she's money faced cos she always try to help us save $ ler..eg: i am carrying twins,normally ultrasound scan willbe charged per bb head, but she didnt charge me double,she said dun want us to spend too much as she knows it's a burden for parents..And she also told from beginning,if i have complication during later stage, she will refer me to KKH to save $. As private hosp is kinda exp for twins.
So far for me, she considers good lor.

Just delivered (my 3rd child) by her not long ago. She was really a caring doctor. She never showed any irritation whenever I popped up the subject of contraceptives, and she went the extra miles of reminding me the pros and cons and cost-saving matters too. Also, once I got such unbearable rashes that I made a last min visit to her, she didn't charge me a single cent at all except for the medicine only.
Our O&G is Dr. Caroline Khi from TMC, recommended by one of our friends, whos 1st and 2nd baby managed by her.

We did much research on a diverse range of topics relating to O&G prior to asking her questions that are usually not found in books, journals and reliable web articles.

She has been very kind and helpful to our list of uncommon and common questions and she took her time to attend to our needs and concerns - a vast difference from our initial KKH experience with other another very senior O&G, who was seemly very rush (perhaps it was a bad day for her).

It certainly helps that Caroline has two babies of her own, therefore her O&G knowledge is way beyond theoritical and academic-practical handson.

The items that she proposed when we asked her to, eg. milk powder, stretch mark creams, multi-vitamins were also validated by us and price wise, are mostly lower than the market. Content wise, is either the same or in most cases, better than the more more marketed brands in the market.

Facilities in TMC are also fabuluous, just recently found out that wireless connectivity are available for $10 a day; free in delifrance. However, if I've to pin point some weaknesses in TMC, it would be (1) price wise, is steeper than other hospitals; (2) car park is seemly always full, thus, have to trust the valet parkers, which I am a little uncomfortable still.

Will be looking to buy some THOM stocks from the market soon... so that the much $$$ that we've spent and will be spending can in a way come back to us via THOM dividends and perhaps stock appreciation :)

We trust Caroline to manage and later, deliver our precious one.
Our O&G is Dr. Caroline Khi from TMC, recommended by one of our friends, whos 1st and 2nd baby are managed by her.

We did much research on a diverse range of topics relating to O&G prior to asking her questions that are usually not found in books, journals and reliable web articles.

She has been very kind and helpful to our list of uncommon and common questions and she took her time to attend to our needs and concerns - a vast difference from our initial KKH experience with other another very senior and 'recommended' O&G, who was seemly very rush (perhaps it was a bad day for her).

It certainly helps that Caroline has two babies of her own, therefore her O&G knowledge is way beyond theoritical and academic-practical handson.

The items that she proposed when we asked her to, eg. milk powder, stretch mark creams, multi-vitamins were also validated by us and price wise, are mostly lower than the market. Content wise, is either the same or in most cases, better than the more more marketed brands in the market.

Facilities in TMC are also fabuluous, just recently found out that wireless connectivity are available for $10 a day; free in delifrance. However, if I've to pin point some weaknesses in TMC, it would be (1) price wise, is steeper than other hospitals; (2) car park is seemly always full, thus, have to trust the valet parkers, which I am a little uncomfortable still.

Will be looking to buy some THOM stocks from the market soon... so that the much $$$ that we've spent and will be spending can in a way come back to us via THOM dividends and perhaps stock appreciation :)

We trust Caroline to manage and later, deliver our precious one.
Our O&G is Dr. Caroline Khi from TMC, recommended by one of our friends, whos 1st and 2nd baby are managed by her.

We did much research on a diverse range of topics relating to O&G prior to asking her questions that are usually not found in books, journals and reliable web articles.

She has been very kind and helpful to our list of uncommon and common questions and she took her time to attend to our needs and concerns - a vast difference from our initial KKH experience with other another very senior and 'recommended' O&G, who was seemly very rush (perhaps it was a bad day for her) and extreme no-nonsense personality.

It certainly helps that Caroline has two babies of her own, therefore her O&G knowledge is way beyond theoritical and academic-practical handson.

The items that she proposed when we asked her to, eg. milk powder, stretch mark creams, multi-vitamins were also validated by us and price wise, are mostly lower than the market. Content wise, is either the same or in most cases, better than the more more marketed brands in the market.

Facilities in TMC are also fabuluous, just recently found out that wireless connectivity are available for $10 a day; free in delifrance. However, if I've to pin point some weaknesses in TMC, it would be (1) price wise, is steeper than other hospitals; (2) car park is seemly always full, thus, have to trust the valet parkers, which I am a little uncomfortable still.

Will be looking to buy some THOM stocks from the market soon... so that the much $$$ that we've spent and will be spending can in a way come back to us via THOM dividends and perhaps stock appreciation :)

We trust Caroline to manage and later, deliver our precious one.

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