Cup cakes for birthday

meow.. swiss roll bak bak den nice to eat ma..

y the sudden green tea craze?? i made a small layer cake for friend's bday last fri too.. abit messy after bringing all the way to universal studio.. =___=


kendy...your cake looks better than from BreadTalk. Which brand of green tea powder did u use?

Mrs Teng, 1-0, Peng ....ppl who know how to wrap bak chang are getting rare. Keep it up!! We will have no bak chang this year because my mum is unwell. I missed the good old days whereby relatives will give bak chang to each other.

My first time using the silicon mould, dun know how come it's so "chia chia".. but my problem is getting it out lor.
Mrs Teng Silicon must wait a bit to cool then use a toothpick (push in motion) then wont stick liao. Invert over, turn left and right then come out nicely..

But its not shiny like mine-urs very nice. mine is damm shiny lei - after a while becomes wet feeling..

Kendy, paiseh I think is I start the green tea thing. hehe, u cake looks nice(what's the filling)..
maggie! exactly lor... i use silicon... THAT'S THE PROBLEM... shiny/waxy skin and later turn sugary/moist... but cake confirm plus chop that it's baked! ... weird...

i dun like silicon anymore...
Mrs Teng can ask u to take pic of ur silicon mould a not. want to see why ur cake dont have then shiny(wet later) part look??

Mrs Teng cant wait for it to completely cool, must invert abt 8mins time after u use the toothpick method. or put some oil before baking -half a tsp of oil just to coat and pour out the oil.
tyty, mrs teng, urs den difficult to do, see all ur fondant cake.. chio! now i starting stress july liao.. both boys wan 'CARS' cake. older boy wan white wall tyre mcqueen, younger wan the normal mcqueen.. so gota make 2.. omg.. + cookie for goodie bag.. =___=

i use the ph wan lor.. wana finish up the bottle i bought sometime back b4 i can invest in the good wan.. lol..

used red bean buttercream.. wanted to use whipped cream but scared all melted by the time we get to universal studio.. buttercream juz nice by tat time defrosted
Does anybody know where to buy bay leaves in bulk?

Have an emergency at home!

Cockroach eggs were discovered in kitchen cabinent. Duno izzit the last time I went to the JB baking shop to buy some cake containers. When I reached home found lots baby roaches in the containers. Despite washing them thoroughly, they may still have multiplied.

Now its a nitemare I m killing so many.

Really at a loss, may go nuts soon!

mrs teng,
my 2nd attempt at the butter cake failed again leh. so depressed i didn't even wanna take pix. think outcome worse then 1st try.

will give it a go 1 more time... if still cannot succeed then will find easier butter cake recipe liao
jandew, I saw a huge bag of bay leaves for sale at simei ph.
So maybe you can try calling your nearest ph to ask.
Cockroaches....eee...I hate them just like lizards!

No bay leaves, can use Pandan Leaves to get rid of Cockroaches.

Got dry them completely before using. (Put under the sun) or else sometimes put in cabinet, forgot about it and you get rotten pandan instead.

Dun stress! moulding can be done days prior to the big day.

I also got a bottle of the green tea powder from PH, but dun have the chance to use yet.

For the red bean, did you get the Japanese Canned Red beans or those packet ones from Daiso?


I feel so sorry for you. CAn you your next attempt put on hold for a few days? Cos these few days I'm busy with Bah Chang, no time to bake.

I'll try and make a batch and give you a pictorial guide.
Cos I need someone who's about to take the pictures while I'm doing. My maids dun know how to handle my complicated camera.
Arisz thanks I tot I saw bayleaves before at either PH or Cold Storage before too. W go check out over the weekend.

Now I switched on my Rainbow vaccum in kitchen use it as a air purifier duno whether it will work. Or else gota buy many roach bait poisons.

I m actually super scared of roaches but this time round boh pian gota kill one when I see one!,
Mrs Teng need to dry pandan leaves how long? I got a dehydrator can use it to dry the leaves?

I was so pek chek yesterday nearly cried. The roaches were driving me nuts!

I'm not certain if you can use dehydrator, but no harm trying...
The concept is like making tea leaves. Just need to dry a little that all and the leaves are still green.

I learnt this from Taxi Drivers who puts pandan leaves in their car for 2 purposes, to get rid of roaches and the bad odors.
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My mum did those 2 pc by 2 pc dry fry over fire. She say can store for 4 yrs but sunning is better can last 7 yrs the leaves.

Kendy advance bake cookies first at least 2 days advance(can do on the 1st day of the same week). then can rest a bit. My hint- I did this 2 yrs ago.. save lot of rushing to and fro. Oh course seal the cookies with sealer though.

Mrs Teng waiting for ur pics, hope u didnt forget.
Mrs T
Drool over the bakchang ....u bought the blue flower ya! I want learnt how to make this! Got spare bak chang can buy from you? I cant wait to next year!
aa, FM, Jandew

Thanks thanks for support. I've not made Bah Chang for 3 years already.. so standard dun know got drop or not. I dare not take order. Peiseh.

You still got the weekend to make. Dumpling festival is on Wednesday.


No prob. will see how if I can help. But can you let me know what's you original template's name. That way, it's easier to find out what size should you're photo be.
my grandma and uncle all within a month in dec 09. follow by granduncle & grandaunt. Last year real bad! everything so sudden!
mrs teng,
i paiseh then is true.. cos everyone baked n got nice n soft cakes except me.. just don't know what went wrong. think i need to go attent baking course!

no worries, i'll try when i hv time. if still cannot, then when u free to do the pic guide, i try again lor.

but hor, HB & my 2 gals very "give face" lor. all say nice.. hahaha.. though top n bottom almost like biscuits liao n middle still "wet"?
nice cos lotsa eggs used :D
okie, here's the story of my failed (again) butter cake..

- butter taken out then i separate the eggs; all other ingredients prepared
- whisked whites
- cream butter & sugar
- put in 8" round tin
- bake 60 mins
- cool 5 mins, invert, let cool
- cut, middle VERY "wet"
- put back into tin, upside down, bake 20mins + 30 mins, cake did rise a little in oven
- took out, side n bottom (originally was top) like crust, middle "wet"
<font color="ff0000">
** proportion of sugar put wrongly.. dump too much into whites instead of butter.
** maybe overcream butter again cos i kept forgetting to add stuff :p</font>

<font color="0000ff">was trying to see if can salvage the cake, that's why "re-bake" after it cooled :p</font>

so depressed till i din take pix of the cake..
YewTee...u must also beat the egg yolks well. Btw u also need to test the cake by poking in the middle to see cook or not b4 the ending time, if not continue to bake, cannot cool down then sent back to rebake again, it dun work :p

Wah! it sounds like you did a wrong lab examination that sends the test tube blowing away.

You must always work fast on this recipe.

Suggest you cream the butter &amp; sugar first before whisking the egg whites. Egg whites always last to do.

For you, dun bother about melting the sugar completely.
Once it light and fluffy, add the eggs den fold in the flour.

Next is whites, finishing whisking it. Pour 1/3 into the butter batter and blend it together (not fold if you can't do it fast).

Den pour the butter batter into the remainder of the egg whites (not the other way). If you have problem folding with spatula, use your hand to fold. (yes, I know it's messy but that's the fastest) As you fold, use the side of your index finger to scrape the edge of the bowl. Always tilt the bowl when folding, that's easier.

When baking, do not open the oven until almost the end of the baking cycle. Test with wooden skewer (the one for satay also can) to make sure it comes out clean.

No No ~ for putting cake back to oven after it cool down.

You got to read your manual on tips to bake cake for your Convection Oven.

For a Check ~ have you baked cookies with your oven before? Does is come out crispy on the outside and damp on the inside?
Mrs Teng this silicon looks the same as one found at cold storage from the look of it... oh it must be soak in water with salt for 1 day.. (I dont know why) but after that my cake didnt stick .. your chang looks so nice.. yummy..

got any recipe to put shrimp in types??

Yew tee mum whats ur heat ???

Oh I like eating this.. Kueh Kosui

KK will soak with soak for 1 day.. And I did get it from cold storage.


Have already upload the video clip on my FB.. will do so for my blog later this evening. Taken with my handphone, so it's not so clear.

Will upload the pictures after I cut the cakes.

Hope it is useful for you. Otherwise, the problem will probably be your oven liao.

I was in a hurry to go out, thot the FB clip wasn't up yet. I've haven't even watched it yet. My hubby was the one who took the clip with my handphone.. I'm a bit serious in it tho. hehehe.

I couldn't get everything in so certain part got to cut away.

Btw, I tried creating another blog for the index that you wanted to do.. quite easy leh
Insert the picture for the title den copy all the index and paste on the new blog. And since your original is linked to the respective pages, it will automatically link but to your main blog also..

My list is pretty short, so I do not intend to link to the new blog yet. Until there's more post, den I link it.
YOu should try it... your blog will look very cool after that, just like the way you wanted it.
too sad with real baking.. now bake @ Baking Life.. lol.

got beat the yolks leh.
tested cake with satay stick, came out clean le.. but most times cut up, inside is "wet" (or all along wasn't done properly)

mrs teng,
lol.. i dunno blew how many labs le, wahhaa.
erm.. what's the diff between ur blend &amp; fold? blend = anyhow stir with strength n mix properly
fold = mix gently ?

erm.. i did mix 1/3 whites with batter, but i pour remaining whites into batter, NOT pour batter into whites.. so this step also wrong alr?

i tested with satay stick, came out clean..

ya, i know can't re-bake but desperate alr :p

cookies, baked b4, well done, not damp inside.

i set 160 degrees celcius.
Mrs Teng,
thank you for the video! wow, see u bake like so easy.. i bake like so many stuff on table n tabletop too small..

1. think i didn't cream so long for the butter, cos scared overcream this time. but i *think* the butter was fluffy when i add the yolks leh. will use ur vidz as ref.

2. admire the way u used spatula, so like.. it's part of ur hand. i don't dare "mix" so hard cos scared deflat the whites, but looking at how u do it, think i can be more rough, since anyhow also "die" lol.

3. can use fresh milk for plain butter cake?

4. will dig out the manual for the oven later. dunno can find or not.

ya, will jiayou!!
<font color="0000ff">with so many pple encouraging, will find time to bake later, since the 2 todds at my mum's plc, hehehe</font>

now will go get some sleep first.

thanks again, Mrs Teng!
Yew Tee mum Set ur oven for preheat to 180c first then down to 170c when u put in ur cake time.. This must trial and error.. Not all oven heat is the same.. Seems not hot enough to cook it throughout. Try again.

I saw a Malaysia book, they use hand to mix the flour in instead , say it work better for not so good at stirring. DOnt know can a not. I never try before.-any mummy know is this good???
