Cup cakes for birthday

aa, Jandew

Mrs Teng, FM,
Delicious looking char siew fillings. Nowadays pau so costly, good to make your own especially for pau lovers!

Finally recovered from almost two weeks of bad throat and cough. Baked a green tea chiffon cake which somehow expedited my recovery.

I finally used the green tea powder you gave us sometime back. It is really really good. Can you still remember where it is sold? Thank you.
want to ask where u all get the green tea powder.. Me want to get small small quantity to test out lei... Dont think worth it to get those pkts saw at the japan counter..almost $60+ at Plaza sing
maggie, u must get 'better' green tea powder... else, ur green tea bakes will not look like nor smell like... let alone taste like (or if you can even taste any!) green tea...

get from isetan (keng... cl's lobang) or other japanese counters in shopping malls... ichiban!
My fresh cream doreamon cake.


Use fresh cream to pipe but it melts very fast.
How did you all prevent it from melting fast ah?
I put my fresh whipped cream in the fridge and take out only when i need but after I pipe for like 3 mins, the cream start melting liao...
My baking kakis got very angry with me once for recommending green tea powder bought from Sunlik (not cheap).. but not my fault because it was highly recommended by someone from another baking forum

From Cat's reaction u know what I mean...hahaha.

Because we are pasionate about using green tea powder and have tried those from PH & Sunlik but by far this is the best. Colour is dark enough and smells very pleasant, not over-powering.
jacquetlc wah those very exp lei... any mummy got, I buy abt 2 tbsp first to try... then can save $$ first.. do the test first mah..

ask one question- our those type drinking green tea is it the same as those baking types...

Mrs Teng U power lei. U as a SAHM can do so much.. I also SAHM but limited time as kids still small...

nice cake arisz. Very nice, the red color is gel right..
good effort! not easy to pipe using fresh cream. there is a stabliser for it. tried searching for it locally but can't get.
Keng U got I buy 2tsbp worth from u to try lah.. can a not.. as I dont like some green tea taste. So need to find one that's good and mainly my kids liking.. as big pkt too exp and wait my kids dont like=the whole pkt goes to waste $$$ down the drain
keng... u hv the recipe for the green tea chiffon to share? I bought a pkt of green tea powder fr Anna Phua's shop sometime back bt dunno wat 2 do wif the powder. Since tis cake u make has green tea, mayb I can get the recipe fr u. else I oso dunno wat to do wif it. heeee
If u talking about the g/t powder CL gave me, I don't hv any to spare because I have used almost all already. But if u want those I bought from Sunlik, I can give you. This is not superior but still ok lah. PM me your address.

My twins are not even 2 yet.. I'm the workaholic type. think even until the last breadth I'm still trying to look for things to do.

Think my only plus side is I'm a SAHM with 2 maids.

I've just turned a SHAM and is now trying to improve my baking skills. :>

Mrs Teng, your cooking interest are so diverified. envy... I can only cook simple meals and my hubby is dropping hints for me to improve my cooking...

haha, my interest in cooking is still limited to baking.. ">

just bake a Opera coffee cake for my family "> nearly die

wah, keng.... u see mi veri up leh.... kekeke. mi oni wan a simple recipe to try out the taste of the green tea I bought. U gave mi such a challenging one.

will wait for ur recipe thru PM. Tks in advance.
Sorry lah
I also bake those once in a while for the challenge and to "impress" only hahaha. Or else my supporters will get tired of eating my simple cakes.
no prb lah, keng.... juz pullg ur leg oni. I oso sometimes make mousse cakes or slightly more complicated cakes fr RG's bakg classes I attended. Dunno whether this pkt of anna phua's green tea powder gd or not. or is it like phoon huat's standard oni. So dun wan 2 use the powder to make a complicated cake then realise the taste nt nice. Waste my effort.... kekekee
Hi all
saw so many nice cake, pau till my heart very itchy, hehe! But super busy for the past few weeks, so only bake winter plum blossom flower flaky mooncake using AY recipe in order to finish my lotus paste b4 mooncake festival coming again, haha!

Anyone making dumpling (bak chang) for the coming festival? Been preparing the ingredient for these few days till very tired.

craving for swissrolls THANKS to fm's weekend temptation! hahahahaha...

one go baked two rolls... 14"x11"... but can't roll till nice and tight and slim... *sigh*

Chocolate roll and Green Tea roll... J&J prefers the Green Tea... they knows 'good stuff'...

Keng, since u still can msn me after ur G.T.... means CL's bottle still ok... i've dumped into the roll liow! hahahah...


iphone pic very small... taken from FB... let u see enlarge one... see how UGLY i rolled... but overall, satisfied with the texture (very soft and moist) of both rolls.

I have no choice, thought this yr mil fell down n still in wheel chair, so my hb side may not making it. Who know my hb sisters still want to make and want to do it at my house, so I have to prepare everything.

We making it on this sunday, then monday have to bring mil to hospital to review again. Then tuesday have to help my mum to make bak chang again. Super busy!
your winter plum blossom flower flaky mooncake getting pro.

hahaha...your swiss roll reminds me of "Garfield" snoozing. That blue tupperware can fit the swiss roll meh?
Haha, I only wrap the lotus paste with the skin. Hb help to make it round, cut, brush with yolk n put the sesame seed. His work is better than mine.
Mrs T
I also like to kakaeng but sometime hear the machine noise hor jst get me worry haha....think in the instruction manual it states for bread dough cant exceed speed i kiasi haha...

nice ding dang! the blue colour is well achieved. Thumbs up!

B4 i attend RG class i also very tempt to do Opera cake but after knowing got so many steps I told myself when i have enuf time then can do cos find it kind of 2 tedious.

i want to try the link you post. looks gd. I oso have some green tea powder in the cupboard bought from JB. so so nia! cant achieve the nice green colour when making chiffon cake.

busy neh....bak chang! I have never try doing my own. will go mum side to play play oni. This yr no bak chang for us cos grdma jst pass away in dec. want eat must go packet liao!

yap swiss roll can get addicted 1...can see the texture of the cake is soft. For the choco did u 4get to slit the beginning of the sponge cos can see the green tea is more compact. But the skin is very nice! all intact
Ya, if the green tea powder is not so good, the colour can be like a bit LS.

Baked this G/T Mousse cake using the G/T powder I bought from Sunlik. Green colour looked weak.

can the bao skin use hand knead or normal mixer to made?? i dun hv KA to knead... my hand mixer only 3speed.. but lookin at the baos, make me tempted... =p
poky, hand knead can... but u REALLY MUST KNEAD hor... hahaha... arms tired... jelly... also must knead!!!
(maciam like bread...)

dun try normal mixer... can tired it out easily... not worth it...
you mean the gooseberries? Didn't see it at other Cold Storage but the one in Jelita have.

I feel like making paus....hahaha, but must make the char siew first. I like my char siew pau filling to be reddish, sweet and juicy like the ones sold by the stall near Lim's fil's house - good!
hmm... paus arh... ok lah... i not a 'big' fan of 'steaming' hahahaha...

i always link steaming to kuey kueys... hahaha.. .

ooh... zhu long guo = gooseberries arh? ... now i then know... hahahaha... think cold storage, somemore JELITA sells expensively... if it is in season, we shud go 'shop' at boon lay market there... they sold it cheap(ly) last season. Note: NOT 'big' mkt hor... kekekekkee...
keng I pm u already.

Mrs Teng U power, twins lei.. U must have squeeze like no tmr provided u NVD(normal delivery).

My house only I look after 2 boys -3 and 5.. elder one need to study so limited baking in the middle of the night and HB is (MIA types).. and my mixer is hand-held and oven is those small old model type..

below is my bakes of the month:


very big- not a cream lover myself..


this my son did it himself with the hand-held mixer and put little cream and blueberry jam(like no tmr) his second attempt at full cakes


this is mango yogurt and mango drink plus real mango to make. was gone in 5 mins- cold.

my monthly bake cookies to last 3 mths. this is only a few.


this is my first attempt to make MMF elephant and orange roses.. looks a bit ugly hoh.. how to make it look dry??
maggie, thanks! yah. the red colour and yellow bell is piping gel.

Thanks keng! Do you know where can I get the stabilizer overseas if can't find locally?

FM, thank you! I still need to learn a lot from all of you here! Btw, I'm a reader of your blog! heehee
Saw here that meow mentioned that can get 'better' quality green tea powder in malls or isetan but any idea about the price?

I bought 2 small packets of green tea powder from sunlik and used some for the green tea tiramisu but the colour is indeed weak.
keng, your G/T Mousse cake looks so high class! Like from some hotel like that!

maggie, nice bake! I like your swiss roll! nicely rolled!

I'll be making Bah Chang this weekend... For 3 years I couldn't make bcos my hubby's maternal grandma passed away and it's kind of chinese pantang thingy, cannot make for 3 years. Wait so long and finally this year lights turn green liao... yeah!


I also dun know where I throw my manual liao. Wah! at speed 2 hor, sometimes the dough can't even move leh.


Bcos of Brixton Hicks (BH), I was supposed to admitted early in the morning (7am) for observation at 34 weeks, chun chun that morning at 6 am I started spotting. So just go hospital.

Gynae say BH getting more like real contraction so got to observe carefully and thong a few more days. Think babies hear liao "buey ta han" want to come out.. So the contraction got worst. Almost 48 hours of labour but dilated only about 4 cm... Somemore, heartburn got so bad until I throw up what ever I ate.. sway sway got gastric big time.. Aiya! everything bad you can think of come altogether.

No choice, I'm too weak to go natural liao.. go for emergency C-section lor. Blur blur go in, and blur blur come out...


Wah! the swiss roll looks so yummy and soft. drool leh.

This afternoon tried to make Black Glutinous Rice Chiffon Cake.


I did not follow your steaming method.. I'm so lazy to do that.. Just took the AY's Pandan Chiffon cake recipe and substitute 40g of Cake Flour with Black Glutinous Flour.. Den my stupid silicone mould ~ I first time using, don't know how to remove the cake, anyhow pull and end up the top torn off.

hmm... silicon mould can achieve this 'chia chia' effect? ... so far, if i touch silicon, my skin of bakes will be 'waxy' ...

nice nice!!
mone... about a small bottle kind... SMALL... can't get '15g' in recipes... about 16+ - 20++ liow... can get from Isetan, Taka Basement etc. ...

Hi Mrs Teng

Can u add me to your blog please?

My email add is [email protected]

I love baking too but simply no time to bake. Your bakes are very awesome and how i wished i can bake as well as you :D

Hopefully I get the chance to see your creations. Thanks alot
