Cup cakes for birthday

wah, so many msn to update huh? i add in mine too!

[email protected] LING
[email protected] KENDY
[email protected] KENG
[email protected] EILEEN
[email protected] CATIKA
[email protected] XIAU LING
[email protected] DEARIE
[email protected] ???
[email protected] LIM (Batam trip how?)
[email protected] ???
[email protected] FATMUM
[email protected] KIM
[email protected] ???
[email protected] PENG
[email protected] ???
[email protected] SARA
[email protected] ???
[email protected] EP
[email protected] POOH BEAR
[email protected] ANGI WEE
[email protected] YEW YEN
[email protected] ???
[email protected] VANESSA
[email protected] PINK
[email protected] HWEE

Hi, Anybody can advice why my sponge cake after cool down, the top layer is sticky and wet? Beside this problem, the cake is soft and nice.
sher, tink someone asking for it some days ago.... urs is inside the archives liao... hard to find la... muz go thru so many... hehe anyway.. those looking for sher's pandan cake recipe... here u goes:

pandan cake


Sugar 140g
plain flour 110g (sift)
eggs (60g) 6 nos - to separate white and yolk
coconut milk 3tbsp
pandan leave juice 3tbsp
cooking oil 3tbsp
pandan paste 1/4 tsp


1) Add egg white and 1/2 portion of sugar in mixer till stiff peak

2) Hand mix egg yolk and remaining 1/2 portion of sugar

3) Add plain flour (1/3 portion) slowly into egg yolk batter

4) Mixed coconut milk, pandan leave juice, cooking oil and pandan paste together. Add 1/3 portion to egg yolk batter

5) Alterate plain flour and wet batter

6) Add yolk batter to egg white batter and hand mix in 1 direction

7) pour in chiffon pan to half (will rise almost half)

8) Place in preheat oven (170C) in centre rack for 40 mins or till nude brown

9) remove from oven once done and invert to cool completely.

Please note different oven has different heating point. so dont stick to exact timing.
So sorry, can't remember this receipe belongs to who( fatmum, CL or ??)?
choco sponge cake

Set A
90gm sugar
85g cake flour
5g baking powder
3 eggs @180g
35g milk
1/2tsp coffee oil ( i replace with vanilla essence)
8g SP

Set B (mixed both)
30g melted butter
10g coco powder

1) Start mixing A in low speed, increase speed to high and beat for 5mins, reduced to low speed for another 1 min
2) Add B & mixed till well combined
3) Poured into 20cm pre-lined baking mould
4) bake at 180c over 40mins in pre warm oven. Tray should be abt 2-3 cm from the bottom of the oven and baked with both top & bottom heat.
5) Remove from mould & allow it to cool

Anybody tried this and can advice? After step 1, is the mixture creamy or light or fluffy of watery? I'm using kenwood mixer, but I can't get the it... : < Wonder why??

I tried this 2 times and failed. Pls help....
Hi ladies,
Happy to inform my table mats have found a new home.

Wah..yr handiwork very good leh!

going AY's hse with colony ar...mmmmm.....the ants... are by... one.... hurray...hurray...from Barney hahahaha!!!!

we usually catch up n hv our blast in the evening only, so that the gainfully employed baking mums won't miss anything.
a few mountain tortoises including myself hv powered up 1 level and gone to msn hehehehe!!!!!

wah piang!!! now want us to do friendster &amp; facebook, some many white hair already u know. Also, paiseh to show my face there hahahaha!!!!!

Our nightly msn hor...not only chit chat leh! got do research work one leh....u ask eileen, Js' mum &amp; Catika abt their latest project hahahahaha, laf until now still cannot stop!!!!!
sher, my pan is smaller, i used 160degee instead coz my oven tempt is 20degee higher... i baked for 30min wor. Colour good la... all sides are brown
Do you have the lyrics for the barney 'ant' song? I heard in one of the vcds that my gal watches, but is unable to catch the full lyrics. tks.
ho ho ho....

barney song "ant" song The Ants Go Marching

The ants go marching one by one hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching twoby two hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching threeby three
The little one stops to climb a tree
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
The ants go marching four by four hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching five by five hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching six by six
The little one stops to pick up sticks
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
(lower self to ground while singing lower and lower)
The ants go marching seven by seven hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching eight by eight hurrah hurrah
The ants go marching nineby nine
The little one stops to check the time
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
The ants go marching ten by ten
The little one stops to say
And they all go marching
Down to the ground
To get out of the rain
keng, my side the weather look bad... dunno cat's experiment can work today anot eh.... then she won't get uneven colour liao....
i like the thickness of your mee suah kueh n chiak chiak also. i find without coating with egg also nice.

Have a enjoyable lunch!
wow !!!...... thanks for the tips, if got chance to make it, will cut the mushroom and prawn small small lah...
your hubby come back liao ? muz be lots of present for u then.... show us leh... kekeke!

u make me jelaous leh.....
u all rock the bed at msn? do wat homework? wa piang!

me agree with KENG leh, friendster &amp; facebook ? later very "chuan".
btw, juz now we went to "Dian xiau er" at vivo, not bad lah..... get the lunch set, 5 ppl S$126.
now broke liao !

niko called me liao..... she bit busy, but she is fine... will joint us on friday.
Thanks, Keng and Ling.

For the MSN thing, I would like to join in too but not convenient to reveal my email address here. I will add all the email addy listed to my chat group. Can it work this way?
Hi pink
where got present? He very seldom buy present for me la!
Thinking to join the lunch at anchorpoint on friday but don't know to take what bus to reach there.
nevermind lah.... seldom buy present but always give blank cash cheque can liao... kekeke!

yes yes, join us tis friday leh... but then i'm not the right person to advise you wor... my street directions knowledge "TOO GOOD" liao, not suppose to share with anyone, have to keep it my self... hahahhaha!
Hi Ladies,

I am so glad to come across this thread, Looking at those yummy pic make me drool. Me jus start learn to bake. Going to practice often so can exchange pointer with wonderfull mummies from this thread.

we are newbies to baking as well.. so learn from each other.. and also if u have 'fruits' and good receipes to share, do post it here!!

they found one parcel addressed to me. not sure if it is the weighing scale but the lady said it is like a box.... think sender from bukit merah lane... is it you? anyway, they will post it out tomorrow.
Hi ladies,
Can you add me too?? I usually read more than post cos I am a newbie at cooking and baking. More of a foodie, but I always take note of the advises of all the ladies here.
[email protected] LING
[email protected] KENDY
[email protected] KENG
[email protected] EILEEN
[email protected] CATIKA
[email protected] XIAU LING
[email protected] DEARIE
[email protected] ???
[email protected] LIM (Batam trip how?)
[email protected] J's MUM
[email protected] FATMUM
[email protected] KIM
[email protected] BLESSEDMOMMY
[email protected] PENG
[email protected] SALLY NG
[email protected] SHERS
[email protected] STARLIGHT74
[email protected] EP
[email protected] POOH BEAR
[email protected] ANGI WEE
[email protected] YEW YEN
[email protected] CHICKEN LITTLE
[email protected] VANESSA
[email protected] PINK
[email protected] maruolin
[email protected] muffin
okie okie... must zor gank liow...

I love you... You love me... We are happy family... lalalalala...

welcome jane!!! *wet wet muaks*
eileen... coming on friday??? dun say i not enuff Yi-Qi...

u meet me at Redhill MRT can??? pick up point is just in front of Zheng Zhong Ping medicinal hall... right at redhill mrt.
