Cup cakes for birthday

CL, if I were you, I'll never take transfer maid. Not that I've anything agst them, but my own experiences with them made me vomit blood and made up my mind never, NEVER take another transfer maid! You knw why the ex-employer dun want to get involved? Bcoz they got nothing good to say abt the maid and yet they want to quickly trf this maid so that they can stop paying the maid's levy. Always take what the agent told you with a pinch of salt. You knw what my agent told me when other people want to tok to me regd the maid whom I brought back? If I dun want to continue pay the maid's levy, then I dun say too much. Bcoz I really got nothing good to say, in the end I said I dun want to be involved. Hope this help.

Mama_mya/ mama to 5Js, I'm so agreed with both of you. When our maid 1st came, she was very good, and we really treat her like part of the family. Brought her travelling, and buy things for her. Then she started to change. Let her hve hp, and thats where the nightmare starts. She started sms every moment, even while showering your little ones. Leaving them in bath tub full of water. Let her hve off days, you can expect one day come back frm work and there's a man hiding in your cupboard. My sis's maid stay overnight at boyfren's place on her off days and only return the next morning.
Oh, one more thing, if she ask you where you stay, then it means she has friends or auntie/uncle/ old neighbours married to Spore, whom she's keeping contact with. Very soon, you will get visitors knocking on your door looking for her.
chrilee & shook,

I use gain iq but those who eat my cookies all said very nice leh...I myself taste n find that there is no odd milk powder taste leh......


I seldom buy things from them....just walk pass there everyday n see all thier CNY cookies got a label 'sold'!!! make me wonder soooo many people order from thme meh???
I have transferred $13.34 to you already.
Please check.

Transaction Reference: 1554401146
Date & Time: 31 Jan 2008 10:51 PM
POSB Current 757-03942-7
i dun hv mickey minnie alrdy.. only hv mariecats , pooh tigger..:S

any peanut recipe or cashew recipe to share?
So many scary maid stories.

Peanut cookies recipe
Plain Flour 600gram
baking powder 2 tsp
baking soda 2 tsp
sugar 225g
coarsed peanut 400gram
corn oil 1 1/2 bowl(small bowl, normaly i gaudge using my own estimation)(according to Peony who did half a recipe, this should be ard 400ml of oil)

1. Sieve flour with baking powder n soda.
2. Add in peanut and sugar.
3. Add in cornoil and mix well. Dough should form
4. Divide into small balls and poke center with chopstick.
5. Apply eggwhite and bake at 175 degrees for 20 mins
Kathy, Mama mya, BM, Eileen
Thank you thank you for helping me to sort out the thots. b4 i sleep last nite I was going to confirm this maid actually , after i wake up, I think I give it a miss, HP, asking me where I stay, work in taiwan 2000-06 and yet have a 5 years old daughter ( must be preggy 2002/03 then can give birth in 2003 right). Just too many loop holes.

I doubt you want to consider her after all the above feedback hor. If you still interested, you email me at [email protected] and I can forward you the biodata
I emailed u leow..
baked half recipe of kueh bangkit last night.. Much better this time, but they are crunchy instead of crumbly.. the dough really dry up fast..the first few ones are a bit wet and the last ones are dry..
Then made some more peanut cookies.. 3 bottles.. enough leow.. Now only to use up the 4 egg whites in the fridge in almond crispies..
peanut cookies recipe that i used
300gm coarsed peanut.
225gm icing sugar
300gm flour
enough corn oil to form into a dough.. (cannot rem how much at this moment)

1. Sift the icing sugar and flour into the peanut.. Will need a big bowl and do it in the sink..
2. slowly add the oil and mix until a soft dough is formed..
3. use a measuring spoon to measure out bits of dough and roll into balls. Option to apply egg on them and/or press a half peanut on them.
4. bake at 180 for 20 mins.
PPP & Eron,
Yesterday night I tried doggie cookies again. This time I used the fernleave full cream milk powder. My hubby said taste not bad.
Chicken Little, I have done the trasfer.

From Account DBS Savings Plus
To Account POSB Current
757-03942-7 Chicken_Little
Amount S$6.27
Transaction Reference 1554995900

I didn't received yr reply. Yes, I am keen to get the mickey & minnie cookie cutter. Pls send me by post n give me yr account no. Thanks!
cl, have done the transfer to you. pls confirm. trans ref: 1555074439

hey, happy birthday, ya!
may all yr wishes come true!
Didn't log in past few daz, was so busy and there goes the rocketed thread..

Fatmum, Eron, Chrilee, Annelise

Here is my contribution, made CNY cupcakes last night for family members.
Will be going off for 2 weeks from now, so WISHING EACH AND EVERYONE


Hwee, chrilee
Thank you thank you. Me on leave today and will go pak to with hb from lunch time hee hee.

very nice cupcakes so CNY
Hwee, thanks so much for the Pooh cutter.
Should you be going to Japan, please get me the rest of the designs ya..
TQ so much!

Please advice your a/c details and $, so that I can do the transfer today.
Leaving off today at noon and will be back on the 15th Feb.
So. if didn't get it done today, will get back to you when back ya..

CL, heard itz your birthday, Happy Birthday to you!!
Ha ha later go orchard, see can pick on my own from best denki or not ha ha. But the one that Catika posted very attractive price
PPP, Chrilee, Yve and Hwee
thanks for all the kind words..

orange is made with fondant.
very simple..
my daughter infact help me to roll it but me doing the finishing touches.. hehehe!!

you should try someday.
it is fun, and I love creating designs for the cupcakes..

I have sms you.
If possible, do sms me your details so later when I go airport can do the transfer before leaving for flight. Xie xie!!

Happy Birthday! Enjoy ur special day.

You r right! Nothings beats the thots, think i will be more disappointed if he never bring any back! hee.


Very nice cupcake for CNY, very CNY mood, i like it!
Thanks, got your sms and email.
Have replied you both..

Thank you too..
Glad you feel the CNY mood, "Sin Nien Kuai Le".
aaaw so beautiful cupcakes! now i cny mood already!!

u r right! good thing ur brain work fast. how to be preg when she is working huh?

happy birthday!!
Hai, JJ:

Your cupcake is really attractive... Well done.. How wish i can do that as well... But i still haven't learn how to bake the cupcake.. ACtually waiting Pink to start the workshop on it... Hope she will start soon...
Mama to 5Js and Siew Lai,
Thank you..

Don't worry Siew Lai, you will be able to make it in no time..
hi all,

after following the thread for so long ...
finally gonna post here..

this is really a nice thread where i can learn all the baking ...

last weekend i have made pineapples tarts... taken pic but never upload to here ...


i am keen in pooh and tigger cookie cutter.u still have ? can sell to me?
nice cupcake CNY theme.

Yesterday 1 days bake cupcake for my son birthday.

Happy birthday.
Today my son also celebration birthday in school.




Goodie bag made chocolate for them.
Hi cookiepie,

I have view the green bean almond cookie recipe on the link that you have posted. It is a simple recipe. You can also do it if you do not have mixer. Sometime I don't use mixer although I have it. Cos lazy to take it out. So don't have to keep so many things in the end. Ha..Ha..
Fatmum:yr cuppies very colourful. getting nicer each time...

Thanx for the explaination. Kathy receipe 3 tsp gelatin to 60ml water.if ratio 5:3 (agar), I use only 1 tsp? Look thru kraft webpg, a lot of non bake receipe do not call for gelatin or agar. Hv u tried not adding any to yr cheesecake?

JJ:u getting very pro in yr cuppies. Love yr creations *(^.^)*

Xiao Ling: Did u use agar agar mould for yr chocolate? I got a similar clear plastic mould dolphin shape. Wonder if it can be used to make choco? use coating choco,melt it then pour into mould fridge, correct?
Hi Xiau Ling,
Your cupcakes also very nice and colourful. Happy Birthday to you boi Louis too. Your boi name Louis, right? Saw it written on the cupcake.
Wow, you have so many difference type of cutters to made chocolates. Those kids must be very happy.
yup rite i use agar2 mould for chocolate. I also use plastic mould. Double boil water after tat pour into mould & put fridge.
If I use hand whisk to mix, is it going to take a long time before the mixture becomes light & creamy? Tried using hand whisk for kuih bangkit before, the mixture didn't become light & white even after 20mins... Agree with you that keeping and washing all the utensils is the unpleasant part of baking!

Xiau Ling,
I hope I can do something like this in 6mths time for my gal's birthday, heehee...
