Cup cakes for birthday

after several tries...finally my kbk got the melt in the mouth result!!

CL, Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great time today

Xiauling, happy birthday to your boi. Your cupcakes look so nice. Now wonder he is so happy. Last time when young, my mum used to make things for me to bring to school parties. Remb that I was sooooo proud of my mum then.

My gal suppose to bring some CNY food to school next tues. When I ask her whether I shd make something for her to bring to school, she flatly told me dun want. Breaks my heart.

PENG, congrats on your success in kueh bangkit. I have yet to try, got to wait till this Sun coz working this wkend. Any secret to the melt in the mouth effect?

PPP, I tot only furniture will hve label the said "SOLD". Nowadays, even cookies got to chop isit?
CL, Happy Birthday!!

xiao ling, very nice cuppies...hope I can do as good as you when my girl birthday comes....
Ha ha Xiau Ling,
Happy birthday to your son too. Hee Hee he 4 years old , me got a big digit in front of the 4 very sad.

Thanks mummies for your well wishes.
Hee Hee and with Hwee's advice, I got my Tefal Oven!!!! Not very big investment as compared to the tools you mummies have but I can finally start baking liao.

My wish today is to bake well and be able to do a eggless cake for my gal's birthday in Aug. Hee Hee.
Wow u made kueh bangkit n peanut cookies all in 1 night.

Chicken Little
Happy b'dy
U gonna start baking fm today onwards?

V nice CNY cup cakes. Enjoy your trip

xiau ling
V nice cup cakes. Do u decorate the cup cakes on today or decorate in advance?
V innovative way to make choc. How did u remove the choc fm the agar agar mould?
My boi will b 4 yr old in May

U v clever to guess how xiau ling made the choc

Cookiepie, mother of 3 princess, eron
I oso wish I will b able to make such nice cup cakes for my bb's full mth n son's b'dy

Congrats. Share your joy too
i decorate cupcake yesterday very very tired.
very easy remove the chocolate from agar2 mould. i put in fridge 10 menite in fridge until hard then can take out from the agar2 muld liao.

Today bake kue lapis prunes
shook:my son likes fishes, so happen i jus bght the dolphin mould.the minimart opp my hse selling 60 cents for a mould of 4 dolphins.

anyone knows where to get mini car OR dinosaur agar2 mould?
Xiau Ling,
nice cuppies and chocs, so sweet. Give a big kiss to Louis from auntie hammie.
ur lapis look so pro and yummy. btw, hv not meet pink yet cos me sick for 3 weeks liao..guess i really got to owe u the earing

congratulation on the melt in the mouth KPK.
happy for you.
CL....S$18.54 trf to u already ref: 100000912538166 my is uob acct, so u need to wait a couple of day k.... per some tips share by some mummies here...i did not add all the flour to the coconut mixture.. i mix bit by bit until i got a glossy n soft dough..if add all the flour the dough will be too dry n u have to add more coconut milk then!

i so happy that my colleuges commented that my pineapple tarts very nice! asking me will i be taking orders..but i dun think so many work...baking is only my leisure at the moment
Happy belated Birthday CL. So can start posting ur fruit on the thread soon ya!!!!

Xiauling, same to ur son Happy birthday. Nice cuppies design. All our effort and lesson learnt all put into use liao!!! Ur lapis makes me drool also.

Caticka, recipe for melting moment forwarded

Peng, Good good. When ppl commented its nice u will jst become more confident in your future bake and motivated to bake more!!!

3rascals need to do bit of maths here.

5:3 (Gelatine: Agar2)

so its 1.8tsp agar2 replaced 3tsp of gelatine.

I hope i have intepreated it correctly. Cos me poor in my maths. Thus far i have yet to use gelatin in my recipes as yet. But i have spoke to my cousin, she infd that the texture of reaplce agag2 is not as nice as gelatine.
Any mummies here can help to check if the above conversion is right?
Yesterday baked pineapple tarts with my sil. From morning 10.30 to at night 9.30pm then finish. Super tiring, totally baked 4kg of flour about 700pcs of pineapple tarts.
Ya hor, the elect bill sure shoot up. Somemore, we are using the tefal oven & the microwave to bake at the same time.
yes, my sil's is using tefal oven also but different model. The top layer will bake faster than the bottom layer. U manage to find another rack? If so pls tell me because we are looking for it.

Try to search see can find or not.
if u happen to see the rack let me know too ya.
So the top layer must take out firt is it or must cover with foil?

Saw this pic from one of the blog post my the mummies here.
is it the way u place your two racks? one in the centre n one lower near the heat?

ya something like that but my oven looks smaller. For the top layer, I didn't cover it with foil just turn the baking tray after baking a while. My sil said because the oven heat not even so inside one baked faster so shift the tray. Ya lor, not easy to find the rack n my sil looking for it very long. Unless got someone dispose their old tefal oven than can take over, hehe! Or can get it from the tefal?
Xiau Ling
I hv to dig agar agar out fm the mould so wonder if choc will break if dig out fm the mould
Put choc in fridge 10 min only cannot put longer is it?
Do u use white choc n add coloring to it?
U v v tired still hv energy to bake the prune lapis. I prefer prune lapis to kueh lapis

Does your son like all sea animals? Do u keep fish @ home?

U muz b on cloud 9 wif your colleague's compliments

11 hrs of work. Wow..... nice pineapple tarts woh

The moussie cookies v eye catching
Tis way of baking save a lot of time. wonder how big is the oven n how to ctrl the temp n timing

Nice meeting u. Din know we stay so near ea other.
This is my fruit today.

Promise my sis to bake a cake for her maid birthday that is tmr. Very Oor piang design. But something better than nothing. ha...ha...Jst hope taste wise is ok.

Have also tried out another batch of pineapple tart. Find the dough taste better then the fenying recipe. Yum Yum. Will stick to this recipe next time round if I were to bake pineapple tart again. I dont like 'ting siang' so I replaced choco rice to make the 'branch'
Gd morning angi, u are early!!! I only have the dough recipe. The filling I used ready made.

Heres the recipe. Happy baking!!

Pineapple tart

Set A
250gm Soften Butter
1 egg

Set B
¼ tsp vanilla essence

Set C
350gm Plain flour }
20gm custard powder } Sieved
25gm milk powder
Little bit of Salt

Set C
2 egg yolk
Some choco rice

1) Cream (A ) till light & creamy
2) Add (B) and mix well
3) Add Set C into (1) and used hand to mix well * Do not over mix the dough. In order to have the melt in mouth effect, stop once ingredients are well combined
4) Shape dough into ball shape, wrap and placed in the refrigerator for 15mins or more.
5) Dough is ready for use. If using mould remember to dust some flour to the cutter to avoid sticking.
6) Shaped dough of your liking and glaze with egg yolk to give the yellow shine. If ball shape, place the choco rice to make ‘branch’ after glazing.
7) Bake in preheat oven at 170c for 10-15mins till turn golden brown
<font color="ff0000">Eron,
Can email me at [email protected] ? not sure if u receive my PM on the mould.</font>

I am so busy with CNY stuffs and was sick for a few days. many posts to catch up. I saw many yummy "FRUITS" so envy u all. Too busy with office stuff and I am too tired to bake anything for CNY. Just bought off the shelves. Will check the thread again later..bye..
Hi everyone. I made this cake for my niece this morning. Used Red Man whipping cream to cover and pipe. The Ariel is using buttercream.


Hi Xiau Ling, your cuppies and kueh lapis look great! Happy birthday to Louis! He must be so proud of his mummy!

Hi Eileen, your tarts look very pro! So fun, you bake with your sil!

Hi fatmum, your cake is very nice - how do you ice it so smoothly? I couldn't get mine to be smooth that's why have to use the "comb" to make the wavy patterns!
PPP, yes red man fresh cream. Used fenying sponge cake recipe. Very dry this time round. Don;t know what went wrong?

annelise, ur cake is sooo pro. Mine is not smooth lah...think hp camera resolution is not clear that's Y u see

Wow how u do the Ariel with buttercream can teach me? I'm not a creative person so all my cake design very or piang!!! If i can reach half ur cake standard happy liao!!!

Btw anyone kn how to coat the choco rice nicely on the side ah? mine can't make it leh!!!

angi, my SIL &amp; cousin also say the dough is nice but milk powder not stong enough. Cos i use my ger milk powder 'Peadiasure'. Otherwise i think the texture is right (at least for me la)
next yr, can i order pineapples tarts from u??

yr cake is sooo pretty!! goodnes!!! i envy those talented bakers here

i did 2 batches of the peanut kueh.. then told myself to buy next yr.. manage to make 200 balls.. it doesnt look delicious.. i used a whole beaten egg to glaze the top.. when ready, it look a bit dark.. how to achieve those yellow top glaze?

your Ariel cake is SO beautiful! You must have spent lots of effort on it. But it's worthwhile as it must have brought a BIG SMILE to your niece's face when she sees it. How blessed to have an aunt like you. Well done. Can share with us how you did it?
can learn from you!
ethel, I used only egg yolk for glazing. Can;t remember where i see this where they used only the foam of the beaten egg to glaze.

Or u may even consider reducing the temp or shorten the baking time.
annelise, wow!! so nice. If I can bake this for my girls, they sure very happy....must work hard liao...

fatmum, you very creative leh..know how to replace the 'ding siang' with choc rice on the pineapple tart. For me, I just go without it. So look more like Penang tau sa piah....

Eron, u got a nice golden glaze on the dough. See mine? machiam not enuf hor? initially I'm still worry that the choco rice will affect the taste lucky it did not.

I 'm very tempt to bake another batch but scared hubby yelled this time round. Still pondering!!!! 2 more days to go!!! Haiz!!!

To me, your deco is very nice already.


Very nice birthday cake too! which type of 'comb' u use?


Baked yeast donut yesteday n today. yesterday, mix ingredients till forget the egg! so add in last minute so don't know because of this, my donut a bit hard n dry or I over baked or knead to much n put too much flour as I use donut try to bake.....

After do some research thru net, I din totally follow the recipe.I reduce the salt n nutmeg to 1/4 tsp n add lemon essense as in my 1st attempt I found that the yeast smell is very strong! this time round, the texture is similar to those we can buy from outsied( stick type). but the lemon taste a bit strong so if tomoro I got time, I wanna to try without the lemon essence again see still got yeast smell or not.

1st attempt...over bake.....the testure is not right. a bit dry n hard.
but can get a nice shape!


2nd attempt, texture like bread but if use cutter really difficult so ball shape more easier to manage...


Fatmum: Thanx for the conversion. Update u once I;ve tried... Yr cake looks good too. Yest went to get a bdae cake cos I dare not even try to bake one + no time to trial &amp; error. Hope the nxt time mine will turn out s nice s yrs too.

Shook: My son loves animals &amp; fishes. his last bade I set up an aquarium for him. Got a scolding fr my hubby cos I'm not suppose to b lifting heav stuff while preg :p

Annelise: Yr cake is so pro &amp; nice. Much better than Bengawan's!
thank you for the bottles.. So tired today cos fren came over to bake her pineapple tarts yesterday..

your peanut cookie dun look yummy? but taste yummy anot?
Eron, how you glaze your tart until so nice? As you can see from the tarts i gave you, only the top part was glazed. YOu glaze with yolk only? Why you need to put the tart on the papercup? Nicer presentation, is it?
fatmum i love ur recipe! i also modified a bit... erm balls cracked alot thou.. not as pro as u all.... haiz nvm la self makan only hehe..
i love it when still warm, crisp &amp; melt! but not sure if still good aft storage hmmmmm...
i baked 2 trays of 20 balls, then 1 tray of open tarts, i took 4hrs!!!! now i know y ppl buy homemade ones then 1 bite coming $1!!! hahhahhaa... thx heaps!

1236818.jpg u did not use machine to mix the dough hor?? the dought not sticky rite?? maybe the other time i half the recipe maybe got the proportion wrong or wat...will try again much doughnut to manage to make with that recipe??
u must be joking, my standard is far behind! My sil got more experience n I only helping hand. My hubby has a big family so the pineapple tarts only enough for own consumption.

Hi all
so busy for these few days as my uncle suddenly passed away. I was very so sad that he cannot eat the pineapple tart which I have baked for him....
Fatmum, Eron
V delicious looking pineapple tarts! I dun hv pineapple tarts tis yr
Can only eat during hse visiting

Won't the choc rice on the pineapple tarts melt when u bake it?

1st glance I thot it's tau sa piah. The tarts r v nicely n evenly glazed

Your 2nd attempt donuts look v pale. 1st attempt ones look ok to me, not over baked leh

Your son muz b overjoy wif the aquarium

My pleasure
U baked pineapple tarts somemore. Tis 1 v taxing.
Thx for the cookies. I haven't open yet. Keep for CNY

So sorry to hear abt your uncle's news
