Cup cakes for birthday

ice lim
u are so hardworking, lunch time do shrimp rolling, hehe! Really peifu all the working mummies, so busy working still have the effort to do baking.

yr kueh bangkit looks really good. how long did u take from table to oven? i mean how many hrs did it take u to do those??
Hi Shers... think ethel has some extra designs 2 let go. I hope I can ge tat fr her. Otherwise I will go 4 urs.

Ethel... can I reserve the pooh & piglet/tigger?
finally complete my baking....

ep....i oven bake the flour b4 one day..from rolling the dough n put into oven bake takes me abt 2 over hrs...cos first time doing..having problem wif the dough..though no melt in the mouth result but taste is ok..i added rose essence n rose colour to make pink dough taste exactly like drinking bandung heee....
yr pineapple tarts looks great!! r u selling?

how abt pineapple tarts? easier to make than kueh bangkit?? :p
is there is recipe to share? anyone bought those ready make pineapple paste from PH? any good?
shers, i also bought the tapioca starch (Ng Nam Bee brand). Cannot find any tapioca flour. And the result is good too. Just that we need more coconut milk than what is being indicated on recipe.

angi_wee, if it is soft inside for the cornflakes cookies, then it is not dry enough. Let me bake it again and tell you the result later.

Pink, where r u?? din hear from u for many many days......
ep...aiyoh my baking skill can only for own consumption...not up to standard yet :p...pineapple tarts more work than kueh bangkit woh...need to peel shred the pineapple then cook for 1 hr

eileen...kekeke good luck to u! i bake abt 80 pcs already backache liao and so many washing to do so tired...but worth it loh...smell so nice when freshly baked!!
Peng, the sugee cookies so easy to make, took me less than half and hr to make one bottle. You shd make more again.

Eron, really huh? Thanks for caution me in advance. I will make sure I buy extra coconut milk.

mama to 5Js, here's the oreo no bake cheezecake:

Oreo No-Bake Cheesecake

3 x 125g packets oreo cookies, cream removed
100g butter

3 tsp gelatine, dissolved in 60ml water
Juice from 2 lemons (about 80ml)
500g Philly cream cheese, softened
150g castor sugar
240ml whipping cream

1. Prepare an 8 inch loose bottom or spring foam round cake tin. Wrap loose base of tin with aluminium foil (for easy removal of cake later).
2. Melt butter over medium heat. Set aside.
3. Place biscuits in food processor and process until finely crushed. Add melted butter and stir until crumbs are moistened by butter. Transfer crumbs to the prepared cake tin. Press firmly over base and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
4. Dissolve gelatine in 60ml water. Add lemon juice into the gelatine and heat the mixture over a pot of simmering hot water, until gelatin is totally dissolved. Set aside to cool to about 60 degC.
5. In another mixing bowl , beat cream cheese and sugar until creamy and pale. Add in whipping cream and continue to beat for another 3 minutes.
6. Add in the gelatine mixture and blend with mixer until just blended.
7.Pour cream cheese mixture over biscuit base and chill overnight or until firm.
8. Once chilled, decorate cake with whipped cream, melted chocolate etc.

Adapted from 'Oreo Cheesecake' at
Creative rose kueh bangkit. Nice lovely pink color
Pineapple tarts yummy

U v hardworking, roll shrimp roll during lunch. U intend to give your colleagues?
can use the stipula to do the pastry for the tarts. Using the cutting method. Don't know how to describe here lei. It's not difficult at all. make sure the butter is soft already. I cut the butter into cubes first and let it go soft before mixing the flour into it. do you intend to make the tarts? Where are you staying? Perhaps we can do it together.

are you the one who sent me the Home & Decor magazine?
Hi mummies, seems like everyone doing KB hor. I remember seeing this cook book at Popular few days back that states 'it will be gd if u keep the fried flour for at least a week before baking the real KB.' Not too sure the rational behind but tot can share with u ladies.

icelim, I will be collecting the stuff from Angelin and pass it to Pink. Perhaps u can email to Angelin then cc to Pink to keep her in the loop.

Happy baking mummy!!!
fatmum, i have some order from Angelin under the additional batch one. Can help to collect when in? You staying Bishan, right? If not, pls pass to Pink, and I will collect from Pink's house. I will email Angelin as I cant post in overseas forum. Thanks a lot.
Eron, I'm staying Yishun. You jst let Angelin know that you collecting from Pink, then she will trsf the item to Serangoon (Angeline Friend hse) which I will pick up frm there. When the items are with me I see if I can meet up with u @ AMK or Yishun. If not will pass it to pink.
angi_wee, regarding the cornflakes, do you add enough crush cornflakes in the dough? The cornflakes is those 275g packaging one (big box). Add half packet crush cornflakes into dough and mix. Take 1 spoonful (teaspoon) of mixed dough and press in somemore cornflakes (the remainder half) before put into paper cups. Repeat the spoonful steps till dough finish.
eron, i only use half a zip lock bag of cornflakes.... i pour in e crushed flakes but nvr coat xtra on e outside...
i think e dough was too oily also...
haiz now i cant stomach e rest too tough to chew hahaha...
angi_wee, hahaha...experience that before. must put enough cornflakes into the dough and bake enough too. In fact, the papar cup comes out a bit oily too. But once bite it, its so crunchy that forgot the oily part liao....
angi_wee, the whole recipe will actually use up more than 3/4 of one big box of cornflakes. and the timing and temp must adjust between 130C-140C for 30-40mins or more(till golden brown). But my experience is less than 40mins lor.. I suppose different oven behave differently...must know your oven...hahaha.....

Wow..your r very creative! can bake kueh bangkit in diff colour! n your pineapple tarts looks yummy!.


Just now I bake doggies cookies! taste good.


Hi Tulip/Apple,

sorry, all my cookie cutters have been taken up. Have to try whether ep has stock.

Hi Lollie,

Err... not going to North these few days, postage will be $0.80. I can pass to a fren who works in Science Park 3, convenient?


ur doggie cookies are so cute!!! looks yummy...
Kathy: For yr nonbake cheese cake, can use agar agar powder for replacement? How much to 60ml water? Is non bake version easier or bake?

Anyone can advise if I use silicon pan to bake/non bake cheese cake,do i still hv to use aluminum wrap?

When receipe call for bake but never mention steam bath? jus bake like normal?

Peng: Looks yummy. Pls share yr receipe..
angi_wee, I tried corn flakes cookies 2 days ago, forgot take pic. Baked at 180c for 10 min. Din use cup to hold, just put directly on top of greased non-sticky tray. Hehe, save money for the cup mar. Quite good taste
PPP, u also very creative!! ur doggy cookie so adorable i dun bear to bite it leh kekeke...

3rascals...i assume u want the pineapple tarts recipe??

Pineapple Jam (using microwave)
3-4 pineapples (net wgt 2kg)
320 gm sugar (can cut down sugar 280g if dun one too sweet)
4 cloves, 3 star anise, 1 cinnamon

1) grate pineapples and squeeze out juice. Do not squeeze too dry.
2) Add in spices and cook on high 40-50 minutes uncover till it is almost dry. Stir occasionally. After 40 minutes add sugar and cook on high till the jam become rollable. Cool and store in airtight container in fridge for further use.

Note : if baking 'outside' jam tarts, do not cook the jam too dry or else final results wiil be too hard..

Pastry Ingredients (inside)
360g shifted plain flour
250g salted butter
40g milk poweder
50g sugar

1 egg
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla
2-3 drops yellow colouring

C) for glazing
1 egg yolk + 1 tbp egg white
1-2 drop yellow colouring

1. beat butter and sugar together. Add in egg yoik mixture (B) and beat again.
2. add in milk powder and flour, mix well. place dough in fridge for 1/2 hour.
3. divide dough into small pcs and wrap dough with pineapple jam and form into shape.
4. place on cookies tray, glaze with egg yoik. bake at preheated oven 200 degrees for 20-22 minutes.

Pastry Ingredients (outside)
340g flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbp sugar
250g unsalted butter

mix together 1/2 egg, 1/2 tp vanilla and 1-2 drops yellow colouring

1. shift flour, add in salt and sugar. mix well
2. cut butter into small cubes, rub butter into flour till mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
3. add in beaten egg mixture to the flour to form a pastry dough, chill for 1/2 hour.
4. roll pastry to 0.5cm thickness, cut with a special tart cutter.
5. fill tart with pineapple jam
6. place tarts on a greased tray and bake at 180 degree for 25 minutes.
OIC. I used the frozen butter using the rub in mtd. I guess dat's y the pastry I made is not soft. Massage too much liao

I wish to bake for CNY but my mum n hubby oppose
esp my mum said baking v heaty oso pantang preggie cannot bake. Early tis morning nagged @ me for baking cup cakes. So sweet of u to invite me to teach me to bake pineapple tarts @ your plc

I stay in Pasir Ris on wk day n Sengkang on wk end. How abt u?

V cute doggies cookies! Can share the recipe?
R the ears made of coco crunch, nose n mouth choc?

Xiau Ling
Lor hei is the dish I like best
Thot u went to JKT

Your recipe uses diff mtd - beating for ingredients inside pastry; rub in mtd for ingredients outside pasty. How come? Is the texture diff
For rub in mtd, is the pastry soft?
angi_wee, here you go...

Cornflakes Cookies

Self-raising flour ....300g
Fine sugar....180g
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 big box of cornflakes
cherry for decoration

a)Crush half box of cornflakes and put aside.
b)Another half box of cornflakes light crush.

Mix butter, sugar, egg till sugar melts. Add in vanilla essence, add flour slowly bit by bit. Finally add the crushed cornflakes (a) to stir.
Spoon mixture and press in with the balance lighly crush cornflakes (b) and put into the papercup. Place small piece of cherry in the middle.

Bake in a preheated oven at 175'C for 15mins or till golden brown.

· Some might experience soft texture inside. Can also bake at 130-140’C for 30-40mins or till golden brown to achieve crunchy cookies.
· Can bake without papercup. Just spoon the mixture into non sticky tray. Put far apart as mixture when expand when bake.
ppp, your doggie cookies so cute. Kids will sure like it. But can imagine time taken to decorate the eyes, ears and nose....WELL DONE!!

nikonnet1, glad that you like the cornflakes cookies.

angi_wee, you may try nikonnet1 method without using papercup. But must 'jaggal' the oven temp hor...
Hi everyone,

Been MIA for a long time...not much to contribute though. But just had baked the kueh bangkit the 2nd time and also ham&raisins muffins y'day.


Nice...and really melt in the mouth. Thanks Van for your recipe.



Left quite a lot of hams in fridge, so just bake this for kids' b'fast tis morning.

I use silicon baking sheet and cup for both bakings and can easily come out. Easy to wash too.
Foreverfriends...hmmmm...only bake pineapple tarts once a yr...inside one baked 2 yrs back!! cannot remember liao...first time doing outside one the pastry is crunchy outside but dissolve in the mouth!
Thanks for mummies' compliment.
Actually, my 'shifu' is fatmum!.
She teach me a lot of things and this doggie recipe is also given by her...


Aiya wasted!....I bought a big box of koko crunch leh just because wanna to bake this cookies...


I m a copy cat lah..hehe...


u preggie, must rest more.
here is the recipe:

Set A:
180g butter, soften at room temperature
80g Horlicks (original flavour)

Set B
200g top flour or cake flour
25g corn flour
25g milk powder

Deco & filling
50g chocolate chips
some chocolate rice
some Koko Krunch


1) Pre-heat oven to 140deg C. Lightly grease tray
2) Sieve B.
3) Cream Set A for about three minutes at low speed. Do not overbeat.
4) Put in Set B and beat for about one minute to form dough.
5) Divide dough into about 10g each. Put 2 chocolate chips into each piece of dough and roll into balls.Placed 2 pieces of Koko Krunch to make the ear, chocolate rice for the eyes & and a chocolate chip for the nose.
6) Bake at 140 deg C for about 25 minutes.
7) Leave to cool on wire rack
8) Stored in an airtight container


Ya, really time consuming to decorate and weigh every 10g dough...but satisfied with the result!!.


your kueh bangkit sooooo many patterns....nice!
Eileen, shook

Me no time to do lor so only way is to make during lunch time for own consume heh heh heh. Who knows i cant even finish rolling hundred pcs how to give leh...
But hor, i think i bot the wrong size leh, i bot the largest size n got egg 1 somemore. Din c clearly just grad the least sheet which is 20 sheets cos dun expect to do so much. So dunno will taste nice with d egg flavour 1 anot. 1 Sheet i cut into 4 pcs, den i roll 1st pc skin so thick. So, in end i cut another 4 pcs of the 1/4 sheet. Now become mini shrimp roll liao... 1 large sheet cut into 16 mini pcs. Do urs oso like that? or buy the med 1 n cut into 4pcs?
ppp, thanks for the recipe. What is top flour? Is that the low-protein flour huh? Got to wait I bought my horlicks first. Other ingredient I have it at home. Roughly before bake, how is the diameter of one "dog" huh? Oh, just realize this recipe is eggless, so vegetarian can eat ler. Good!!
ice lim
I bought the small type spring roll skin, one cut into 4pcs. I think u bought the big one, then shld cut it into 16pcs.
me now making the shrimp roll but hor i use corn flour mix w some water cannot stick the skin leh. keep coming out.
ice, use egg white...
i bought small pkt w/egg le cut into 4...

eron! diff recipe! now i oso forgot i took from where le hahaha.... shall do urs maybe tml thou looks longer haha thx....


Got other method other than egg white as me bring to office n make during lunch time so everytime can only make a few if to use egg white will be v waste leh
