Cup cakes for birthday

chicken little
I have received the cutter, thanks! Pls tell me how much shld I transfer to you & yr account number.

Thanks then I take 30pcs from u ok. will sms u next week to fix the date n time.


I m at depot road! very near u.....I can give u 300-400g.
u wanna to come over to get the sago flour from me or I can meet u at commonwealth or queentowm mrt station @ aroud 5 45pm weekdays....


Congrates! .


Your sugi cookies looks nice! u use who's recipe? thinking of trying too....
no problem!

what is sugi cookie? I saw a lot of u baked it, it is peanut cookie, one of the CNY cookie? Today not feeling well a bit fever, I think my boy has passed his flu to me.
why all of ur sugi cookie got the yellow topping on top... whatz that huh? by the way, it's hammie's recipe huh? ... want to try that out too.. hehehehehe :p

ppp, thanks for the ans. hopefully my kueh bang kit can succeed!!! think can do that on tuesday... son will be in school... if cannot, i think i will need ur advise leh!!

kathy, ppp, we all stay v. close to each other... hmm.. hmmm... goody goody...
happy.gif asking the same qn ask u loh...wat is sugi meant??

PPP...i am using Cookiepie recipe..cos i added 1/2 cup almond must increase the amt of oil or else very crumbly the cookie cannot hold together

Catika...the yellow topping is actually the egg yolk grazing...brush wif egg yolk b4 popping into oven to bake...
Eron, I'm keen in making Huat Kueh, what is your recipe like? The one I have uses muscavado sugar, but I don't think it'll make the huat kueh as brown as yours.
realityBytes, I'm using the recipe from DJ fenying blog. She uses brown sugar. My other recipe uses gula melaka, but it is not brown enough and cannot huat. So tried this recipe and not so bad, but also doesn't huat enough.

Xiao Fa Gao
1. Self-raising flour: 250g (sifted)

2. Brown sugar: 200g

3. Coconut milk: 220g (½coconut, mixed with 100g water,
Squeezed out coconut milk)

1. Mix Self-raising flour & Brown sugar into a mixing bowl
2. Add in Coconut milk and mix until well-combined
3. Line aluminum cup with paper cup
4. Pour batter into cup till 90% full, steam with high heat
for 15 minutes
hi ladies,

while everyone is busy baking CNY goodies, I'm such a novice at baking that I don't dare try any (though I LOVEx3 Kueh Bangkit and Kueh Lapis!).

This weekend, I try my hands at baking my 2nd cheesecake - this time is a baked version.
Baking Cheesecake is really not easy(and ingredients are costly too) but the results are very satisfying. It's an instant crowd-pleaser! Here is my hardwork:

Ahh, sweet success!
very nice cheesecake! Where u buy the blueberry fillings? I bought one from Fairprice the tin one not nice & waterly. I like blueberry!

I bought the blueberry from Phoon Huat. $7.90 for a tin (600g) I think. Am eating my cheesecake, so yummy...ah, hope I can repeat the success each time I bake it! I am a 'recipe-follower' when it comes to baking
Eron, I do think we need double acting baking powder for the huat kueh to "huat" nicely. I have not tried the recipe I have, but just to share with you here:

Huat Kueh (Fatt Koh)
200g muscovado or dark brown sugar
400ml water
300g Hong Kong flour (low gluten flour used in Chinese pastries, substitute with cake flour if unavailable)
60g rice flour
4 tsp double acting baking powder

Bring the 400ml water to a boil and add sugar. Stir until the sugar has dissolve. Leave the sugar solution to cool.

Arrange Chinese tea cups or a 12 bun ½ cup muffin tin in a wok. Add water to the wok and bring it to a boil. At the same time the tea cups will be heated up by the steam.

Sieve the Hong Kong flour, rice flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl. Slowly add the sugar solution into the flour, using a whisk to mix. Alternatively, if you are lazy like I am, use a standmixer. Make sure that there are no lumps in the batter.

Make sure water in the wok is at a roaring boil. Pour the batter into the hot tea cups to at least 80% full. If using muffin tin, place cupcake liners in the tin before pouring the batter. Steam for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the cake. Do not open the lid for the first 10 minutes however or the cake may go flat.
I have received my disney cookie cutters. Thanks you. Please let me know how much I need to pay you for the cutters and postage. Also you POSB or DBS a/c no. So that I can transfer to you.
realityBytes, the other recipe i have is using plain four, so must use double acting baking powder. Wheresle, this recipe from DJ, using self-raising flour. So I suppose it has the ingredient in it. Thanks for your sharing and I may try your recipe another day.
happy.gif nice you stayed so near. Can pick it up frm you
Is Mon a gd day?

Catika/ PPP, we all stay so near. Can organise baking party...hehehe...

Angel, your cheeze cake looks good. Can share the receipe? I never hve much luck with cheezecake, dun knw why everytime try everytime failed
Hi kathy,

No problem! Just pm u my address n tel no.

Just now baked zebra cake.
I use silicon cup and also round tin to hubby said taste good ( he seldom praise me one leh!!!)but I myself not really like the texture....




Very very tired...I think must rest for few days before can try new recipe liao...last few days always bake till mid night!!! Actually tonight wanted to rest already but afraid that my egg white spoil!
ppp.... can I ask u hw do u pour the batter of the zebra cake such tat when u look at the plan view of the cake (aka fr the top) it forms water ripples. thx
Wow!...Today so quiet. Everyone busy baking CNY goodies isit?

PPP, thks, I will msg you. You very ON leh! I saw the timing on your pict. 12:51am! I knocked out liao. Your zebra cake looks very good. How you achieve the 'zebra stripes' huh? Next time you can do Pink's rainbow cake already. Dun hve to worry abt egg whites spoiled. You can freeze them and keep for later use.

Sunny, your banana cake looks so appealing. Are those walnut on top?
ya lor, today very quiet.

I baked cashew nut & some of the shrimp roll. The nut a bit overbaked & the shrimp roll is too overbaked & have a burn smell. Lucky some of shrimp roll I fry it. So rush to Jurong point to buy the spring roll skin. Have to redo another 200pcs again, OMG!
Tulip n kathy,

Just use spoon to scoop 'white' batter n pour into tin then scoop 'coco' batter n pour on top of n middle of 'white' batter..repeat till your tin fill with 3/4 full....can get what I mean??.

Aiya, last night throw away 100+ml of egg white already!!don't know that can freeze them.
Thanks for your advice....


The overbaked shrimp roll u throw away hah?? Oh no got to redo 200pcs again!!!
$36+ still got $9 voucher. The $9 voucher is per can or per purchase? Any condition to enjoy tis promo?
Another 200pcs!! U v patient

I like the type of pastry u made. I only achieved once but it's almost there, not chui. I only put egg yoek leh. Did u put salt water?

Xiau ling
Oh layang layang made of popiah skin then not the type I thot
r u go back to JKT to attend your grandpa's wake?

angel, ppp
beautiful cakes!
PPP...nice zebra cake...ur baking skills getting better each day!! ur cheesecake so appealing! i can only make nonbake one...where u got ur springform baking tin hur?? got once i try to bake bailey cheesecake using springform tin leak loh!! dun dare to try again...haiz...
apple, Eron,

Your cookie cutters are with me liao. Pls contact me to arrange for the collection. Thks!


Your Wilton decor set is with me hor. Let me know when you want to collect your stuffs, hopefully b4 CNY hor.

Angel, ppp, Eron, sunny,

Nice 'fruit' there. Yummy...

Everyone must be busy with baking and spring cleaning for CNY hor. Pretty quiet for the past 2 days.


Nice meeting you and also thanks for your sugi cookies.
I also tried out almond sugi over the weekend, but using essence. Taste good, my best bake so far, haha...thot of trying choco sugi later...
Didn't throw away leh, see whether still can get or not, hehe! Because I saw the skin still white so keep on baking till it turn a bit brown. But inside already overbaked.

the $9 voucher is exchange from SNS stamp. I think purchase $15 get 1 stamp & accumulate 12 stamps can exchange a $9 voucher. I purchase $200+ so can exchange the voucher immediately lor!
Cookiepie...kekeke simple than making pineapple tarts! first batch i roll the dough too large become jumbo sugi cookie hahaha...second time cookie can juz pop whole thing into the mouth ...
can use the cutter to cut the dough for sugi cookie? Thinking to try it for the disney cutter. How is taste of sugi cookie? Is it very sweet?
Agree that it is a simple recipe, dun even need a mixer. There's also a step by step kuih bangkit guide in the same blogspot. Will try that out too when I can find the time.
Just to kaypoh a bit, if you use the disney cutter to cut the sugi cookie, the cookie likely turn out to be rather flat, then the kou(3) gan(3) may not be as good. But then the disney cutter will definitely entice the kids to eat more.
hi mummies,
the baking here is HOT!!

can i order the cookie monster cutters? anyone can advise price?

Cookie Monster Cutter
1.syeda 1
2.mama to 5Js 1
3.jj (jjsan)+ Eron 1
4.spicegal 1
5.Fatmum 1
6. chrilee + Shers 1
7. Maya + Chic lil 1
8. Eileen Tan + Mdl 1
9. cookiepie 1
10. EP 1
PPP, Aiyo...sayang lah, next time dun throw the whites away. the trick for the zebra cake liao. Will try it when I accumulated enough egg whites

Eileen, you very patient leh. Last time I tried to make shrimp roll too. But too tiring liao. So this year I just buy those ready made.

Today not working, waiting for people come to do CNY cleaning for the house. Dun knw what time will finish. Thinking of making oreo cheezecake later.
Thanks cookiepie.


Tonight I might need to bring my bb to see doc cos she keep coughing last night so If I really need to go, I will put the flour on my shoe rack n u take yourself ok...hope that she is ok with her old medicine then I can see u in person.
re: the blog that u gals post.

i tried the cornflake cookie. it turn out to be more like cupcake leh, not crunchy at all. anyone of u tried before?
Good afternoon ladies! Finally can log in after a busy morning at work.

<font color="0000ff">Eileen, Mamato5Js, Kathy, J'smum, Shook</font>, Glad you all like the cheesecake photo I posted. As I predicted, all gone within 1 day. Have to find time to bake it again next week as I still have some blueberry left

I got the recipe from:
There are plenty of good recipes to follow here.

<font color="0000ff">Peng</font>, I bought the spring-foam pan from Phoon Huat. I wrapped aluminium foil beneath the pan before baking in waterbath to prevent water seeping in. You can try this method too
Hai, Angel:

Are you the mummy who share with me the No bake cheese cake recipe previously? Actually i tried to make last Saturday....Its my first time to make... Haaa ... You know the result, the cheese layer is too soft &amp; the biscuit base is too hard... finally my husband asked me to put into the freezer...after few hours, the cheese layer become harder, and today its become ice cream type liao....Actually i like the taste, quite tasty only the texture not as expected... May i know how to improve? Thanks...

Wah, now you make your 2nd cheesecake, so nice &amp; envy... Pls help... haaaa...
mamato5Js - if the cornflakes cookies not crunchy, then you have to adjust your temp to around 130-140C and bake for 30-40mins or till golden brown. I have no problem getting the cruncy taste. But I do get some feedback from friend using the same recipe that their cookies is soft. So I would normally sugguest the above. Try again. It should work.
Js'mum, I will probably collect from you on weekend, maybe SAT. Will call you to confirm.

ppp, I like the mini zebra cakes. will try this mini size too..
anyone can help? ... i want to make the zebra egg white cake...

1. 500ml of egg white... about how many huh?
2. the 4 tablespoon of condense milk, can we use formula milk (powder put into water kind) ... ?
3 if we subst. condense milk with milk, then we need more sugar?
4. 1 tablespoon of baking powder??? really arh?? ... versus 1 teaspoon of tartar... i copy/read correctly hor? ...


Can someone post the zebra receipe again? Thanks alot.

eron, have you tried out the pineapple tarts? I have finished all the fillings liao. Got good comments from friends though the tarts ugly looking.

I didn't add anything else. I add the salt to the flour. For my sebsequent trays of tarts, I added some egg white. was told it could harden the pastry a bit and yes it does.

instead of the baking soda added to the banana cupcakes/muffins, can we add baking powder? I tried by adding baking powder instead of the soda yesterday, and it looks like the lava errupted from the volcano. And it was the first time i used my mum's built in oven to bake, didn't take care of the temperature and timing too. Are these the cause of the erruption as well? Kindly advise.
