Cup cakes for birthday

ice_lim, Thanks you for your compliment. Sometime I also skip breakfast.

cookiepie, you also bake sugi cookie. Hee...Hee...I have vegetarians friends. But can eat egg and butter. Not sure what they don't eat leh.
I'm working half day today. Going off now.
Chat again.
Wld any mammy b kind enuf 2 post pink's lapis receipe. I've been scrollg up & down last half hr till my eyes bleary liao... still can't find.

Appreciate ur help. Thx!
Hi Tulip,
Below is pink's lapis recipe. Try it out.


20 egg yolks
6 egg whites (if using large eggs, use only 5 egg white)
200 gm. sugar
375 gm. Butter
2 - 3 Tbsp. brandy
4 Tbsp. condensed milk
2 tsp. Mixed spice
120 gm. plain flour

(1) Sift flour with mixed spice.
(2) Cream butter and condensed milk together till fluffy. Add in Brandy.
(3) Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff and then add in egg yolk one at a time and beat till fluffy.
(4) Mix butter mixture with egg mixture together and then fold in the flour and mix till evenly mixed.
(5) Grill in oven layer by layer in a 7" sq. tin until all used up. For the last layer, when the top is 1/2 cooked, turn to oven heat and bake at normal oven temp. for another 15 mins.
OIC thot the banana is for the flavor. Thot of trying tis wk n wif banana essence. Can't bake it tis wk n liao
Thx for your reply
Hi cookiepie, Kinokuniya at Ngee Ann City has 4 titles by Debbie Brown, each hardcover book selling for about $40 plus. Not sure if B-I-Y has them, cos' I know they sell cake deco books too. Yeah, I also love to see the pics, although I haven't attempted making any of it!
cookiepie: yeah... it's only 39!
price tag is 49... then i flip, it says 39; confirmed with salesperson... she says sale price is 39.
ppp: ... when we bake the flour, do we need to stir the flour occassionally? or just leave all inside to bake for that period of time? also, do u put them on the black color flat tray or in some aluminium deep dish? ... which is better? ...

when mixing (step 2 or 3...) do u use whisk/spoon/electric mixer (what speed: slowest - fastest?) ... and when do we stop mixing? when bubbles formed? color change? consistency? ...

sorry hor.... i just want to make 'sure' first before trying leh... hehehe... thanks.
niko/icelim/pink: okay lor... so tuesday off hor? ... i go heow heow gai gai liow... hehehehe... erm... u all tuesday need to eat or not huh? ... hehehehhe... lunch?
Hi annelise,
Wah, rather ex. I will check out amazon to see if it's cheaper to buy online. Tks.

Hmm...this thread is very quiet today. Everyone on half day or out new yr shopping?
I went to checkout the akira stainless steel mixer at carrefour today. The price is now S$59.90. You got it at a really good price. Did you get it during promotion?
But I am back now at my home lei!

Went to SNS this morning with my mum to buy abalone. It is $36plus if purchase over $10, quite good offer. So spent $200+ lor! Then saw the SKP there n buy the 50pcs plastic box n the 100pcs of donut box. My kitchen is fully occupied already & so have to put them in the study room cabinet.

Hi van
If use oven to bake the shrimp roll, what is the temperature? Need to put oil in the tray? Thinking to bake it instead of fry, may try to bake cashew nut too.
looks like everything goes up up up... even machine price also shoot up wor... hubby's paycheck no go up oni... *sigh*...

<font color="ff0000">ppp</font> ni zai na-er li??? ... i need help on my queries regarding flour... hehehehe thankew hor!

I just put flour in the flat tray to bake for 20min 130c then take out to cool it down. I din stir leh. I use mixer to mix coconut, yolk n sugar start low speed for 1 min then increase to medium speed for 7min then low speed 1min....I agar agar one....


100pc of donut box n 50pc of plastic box how much u bought? For your zebra cake, recipe said combine eggs white batter in to the creamed butter, how u combine? spoon or mixer then how to put in the batter alternately? thinking of using my eggs white to bake that tomoro.
I use spoon to mix the egg mixture to the butter. I used the spoon to scoop one plain batter to the cup then scoop 1 spoon chocolate batter alternately.
Hi everyone. My friend rec me to this lady's blog which has quite a lot of interesting recipes. Her pineapple tart recipe looks esp interesting cos she doesn't use fresh pineapples but canned pineapple chunks instead and cooks the jam in the microwave instead of stirring for hours over the stove! I'd try it if I could but I don't have a microwave oven and my mum already prepped the pineapple filling for me. If anyone tries her canned pineapple/microwave method, do let me know how it turns out ya?

Forget to ask can use silicon cup to bake? n can I have the dimension of the donut tray? can hold how many donut? U bought 100pcs wanna to share with me?.
I don't know anything for silicon leh but I think shld be ok. The donut box can hold 6pcs n I used it before to hold mini tarts. I think some of mummy sharing sometime ago. No problem to share with u because 10pcs is $2.50 so 100pcs is so much cheaper.

Just to double confirm the zibra recipe needs "1 tablespoon" of baking powder for 500cc egg white??
I used self rising flour so I didn't put baking powder but pink's recipe state 1tbs. I bake half of the recipe n I skip the condense milk n reduce 10g of sugar.
This is the picture of the donut box.

Thanks for showing me the pic.
how many u can share? U stay @ jurong west right? I ask my despatch to get it from u next week can?
I followed someone here, she said bake 180 dec for 20 - 25 mins... I didn't put oil also, but I've tried 1 small batch with a little pool of oil in the tin, the effect was not bad.
hi all baker......

i`m 3-4 days not login this thread coz my monitor spoil oredi. Now borrow my BIL comp. HIks... hiks.....

I always bake so far ok leh not chaota not have problem like u leh. Yesterday bake kue lapis ok leh.
my son coming birthday next week must prepared anything liao.
yes, I used half of the recipe self rising flour n it is ok. U need how many just tell me 10, 20..or 50? I am staying at Taman Jurong near Lakeside primary school.
How much u pay for the akira mixer?

$36+ cheap. My hubby bot @ NTUC few wks ago New Moon $43.90. He arh saw promo $39.90 went to grab. I told him I remember seeing only for NTUC dunno wat card. C lar, tis is the consequence for not listening when I talk
Can bake cashew nut. Dat's wat my mum does

Xiau Ling
I think I know wat's layang layang. Is it made of flour n sugar?
overlook your enquiry on the question. I didn't use any special receipe, just followed the receipe given here (some archives away). Just like that lor, the pastry turn out to be very soft. When I removed the tarts from the tray after baking, it almost 'chui'.

Consulted a friend and she said add some egg white. So i added and it turn out to be slightly better.
Annelisse i have tried ur banana cupcakes... yummy! tks for sharing... oh yes it taste like my banana jemput jemput (we dont bake we deep fry it)
Hi ppp, thks for offering to share the sago flour. Always scare of buying but just used a bit then the rest stays until spoiled in the cupboard. Where you staying? I'm staying tiong bahru area.

Wanted to try the kuih bangkit receipe asap, but tmr got to work so think got to wait til next wkend liao.

Xiauling, your pdts looks so good. Drooling...

Annelise, thks for helping to chk out the conversion. Any mummies who tried Annelise's banana muffins receipe and managed to convert in grams? Can help? Tks...

i tried the kuih bangkit (van's recipe) and succeeded. I like van's recipe better than what I used in the past. However, I think mine was a bit wet as the cookies did not retain their shape well.
xiau ling, how to make e layang2? its popiah roll skin ya? thx heaps! do u rmb who mentioned bout popiah roll w/seaweed? ur lapis looked way better then even bengawansolo selling!!! gogogo!!!

i got a silly qn...sugi cookie wat is sugi meant hur?? i tried out ccokiepie recipe yesterday..i added 1/2 cup grounded almond and added 2 more tbs of oil to the mixture...crunchy and tasty :p

