Cup cakes for birthday

ppp, u bake the tapioca flour and sago flour instead of fry? Must keep on stir the flour or not?

platsplat, Good try and continue practise will make perfect. We all are learning from one another too....Your brownies looks good too....

May Wong,
I want 6 peach and 1 SHOU.
Js'mum wants 2 peach and 1SHOU (Hope I'm not wrong).
Will email you shortly...Thanks..

dearie, sure. I left it at home, tomorrow if remember i sms u lar, ok? Around 5:20pm reach your office. See, so nice, got free delivery some more. my version for sponge cake..

Vanilla Sponge Cake


4 Egg Yolk
60g Milk
60g Vege Oil
60g Sugar (reduce amt if u find it too sweet)
1g Salt

120g Cake Flour
3g baking powder
0.5g vanilla powder or 1tsp vanilla essence

4 Egg White
2g cream of tartar
70g sugar

1) Mix ingredient B together n shifted, set aside.
2) Whisk egg yolk, then add in milk, vege oil, sugar and salt, whisk until all combined, make sure all sugar are dissolved.
3) Next whisk ingredient B into the egg yolk mixture until well blended.
4) In a separate bowl beat egg white and cream of tartar . Add sugar gradually until firm peak formed.
5) Scoop 1/3 of the egg white foam into Step 3 and mix until well blended.
6) Next stir Step 5 into the balance egg white foam.
7) Finally pour the mixture into a 18cm tin ¾ full baked at preheated oven 180oC for 35mins
8) Invert cake to cool down .
MDL, can help to order from angelin spree? I can't post due junior member.

)Item: Hamilton Beach Silicone Mini Rabbit Pans- Set of 2 URL:
Qty: 1
Amt: US 1.97

2)Item: Kitchen Collection Set of 2 Silicone Baking Mats - Red
Qty: 1
Amt: US 7.99

3)Item Name: Hamilton Beach Silicone Mini Heart Pan- Set Of 2
Price: USD1.97

I will transfer $ to you tonight. Can?
MDL, sorry but I just realised can email her my order. So shall not trouble you liao. I will order thru her directly. Thanks for informing us here.

Bo bian NQ very stick to me so have to wait till she sleep then can bake.
after reduce sugar to 110g, your bangkit still sweet?


Flour will become lighter after bake. I use mixer to mix the ingredients then use spoon to fold in flour and then use hand to knead.
I can't find fresh coconut milk so use packet coconut milk.....


welcome welcome.


yes, I just put flour on tray n bake 130c and set time for 20mins....just take out to cool it down after oven 'ting'!.
ohh..forget to say I bake them seperately....
Pass your cutter to Hwee liao. Please liaise with Pink once she collect from Hwee.

Chrilee, Eileen
Mailed out for you at the post office during lunch. Keep a lookout

I wait for Gunjan to reply before letting you know what you will get hor
ppp, thanks for posting van's Kueh Bangkit Recipe.

sweetie_hamster, here are my pictures for the third tray. What do you think? Is the colour light?


Details for my attempts:

First tray (Temp: 180 deg. 14 mins, with top & bottom & fan heating, tray put on middle slot of oven). But fail. The cookies on right side of the tray chao ta but cookies on the left side colour still very light. But bottom of the cookies already going to burnt.

Second tray (Temp: 180 deg. 10 mins, with top & bottom & fan heating, tray put on higher slot of oven). But fail. The cookies already burnt not even 10 mins.

Third tray (Temp: 120 deg. 25 mins, with top & bottom & fan heating, tray put on middle slot of oven). Look successfully. The cookies did burn at all. Inside also cooked. But the timing seem very long.

Forth tray (Temp: 130 deg. 14 mins, with top & bottom & fan heating, tray put on middle slot of oven). Look OK. The cookies slightly darker But inside seems slightly uncook.

Any comments? My hubby's boss said should add baking powder. What is the different between baking powder and baking soda? First time using Ghee. What is that?

I think the cookies is slightly sweet. Might reduce the sugar next time. My hubby said should add nut? If add nut, should the nut be raw one for baking or cook one?

Anyone want to share Cookie Monster Cutter with me?
Thank you leh, so nice of you to personally delivered to me.. but hor tomorrow I'm on MC, going for my monthly check up. Monday can anot, I give you some almond cookies for exchange.
cl, thank you for taking the trouble to meet and pass me the stuff just now.

pink, the cutters are wif me now. see how we arrange for meeting..... me no gahmen....
Fellow Mummies, I need help!

First time baking pineapple tarts. Pastry turn out to be very soft. How to make it harder? Do we have to glaze the whoe tart or just the top of the tart?

Can advise, did u weigh the flour before bake? Normally reduce how many % of the weigh? Eg if need 300g of flour, how much do u put in to bake 350g?
cookiepie, my oven brand is Smeg. Which I have bought few years back. Tackling oven is a big problem to me.

mummies, should we discuss more on how to handle oven? Like timing, temperature, setting, and position on placing the tray? Please give comments.

The tapioca flour I bought is 500g only so bake almost all. I keep the balance after that....difficult to agar leh so better bake more...baked or fried flour can keep for months....
Hi everyone, I posted a few days ago but forgot to intro myself
I'm a SAHM with 2 girls 6 and 4 years old. Living in the East and crazy about baking and collecting cute kitchen accessories. Looking forward to knowing all of you and learning from all the experts here!

Here're a collage of some of my previous bakes. Cheers
Hi mama5J, no lah, I'm not expert - bake for fun only. Usually busy with kids and housework so no chance to practise! Btw, I've got a simple banana cupcake recipe to share with all of you. No electric mixers needed and a good way to get rid of over-ripe bananas! The texture is very nice and soft - different from muffins which are a bit coarser and bread-y. Lemme know the outcome, ya? You may wanna go easy on the sugar cos bananas are very sweet. I've got a sweet tooth so I just follow to the T!
No-Fail Banana Cupcakes

1 and 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs
1 cup mashed banana
1 tsp vanilla

1. Mix flour, baking soda and salt.
2. Whisk sugar, oil and eggs until smooth. Add banana and vanilla, beating well. Add flour

mixture and beat until smooth.
3. Bake at 180 deg C for about 25 mins.
Btw, I noticed from the archives that quite a few of you like fondant art. There's a very good author called Debbie Brown who writes pretty interesting books about 3D cakes. I borrowed a few of her books from NLB before but got no time to try.
My EDD is 19 May 08. Now almost 6 months liao.. my tummy very small so can't tell lor.

The cake you bake all very nice leh.. think we need to learn from you instead. all the cake look so pro.
ice lim
I have an extra chilli shrimp floss, do u need it? But I am staying in Jurong.
I also fry 500g of the topica flour because u may need it to apply on the tray when u kned the dough then won't stick. And incase yr dough too wet u must put more. Somemore, I put the baking paper on the baking tray & apply some flour on it, the kueh bangkit will not stick to it.

still the same sweet, but I don't eat kueh bangkit so to me no different.
Juring which part? Later me gg to jurong west Ave 1. i everyday go my parent's hse at toh yi. If am not wrong ur parents oso at toh tuck rite?
Hi marc mummy, I don't usually put milk - will make the mixture too runny. Omit the milk in your recipe and that's the proportion I usually use. When creaming the butter, make sure that the butter is soft but not melted. If too melted, pop it into the fridge for a while to firm up a bit b4 creaming.

Hi Dearie and Christine, I haven't baked for quite a while. Reading all these posts have rekindled my baking interest!
Hi ice lim
I am staying at corporation drive, near the lakeside primary school. My parent is staying at toh tuck road, signature park. Tomorow I will be going there. So u want to come & take from me?
From the picture u post shows that u are an expert in baking. I will not have that type of skill in my life, hehe! Because I am very poor in art so my cake always look ugly.
Hi mummies,

this thread is running very fast!!! :p

Re Mixer : I just came back from Robinson, they hv special offer for KA mixer - $769, very tempted to buy leh.

n2inpink - ur kenwood chef also not cheap, $660 and $783.

My budget of $300 is definitely a no no unless i get the cheap ones. Haiz, which one shd i choose? *dilema*


i org a KC spree and now still bargaining shipping charges w vpost. Can i check what is ur box size? i wonder if there are various boxes, i have 2 different shipping charges for 2 orders, one of it is almost twice my goods value!
Icelim, where you staying? I went to tiong bahru just nw, saw tons of glory shrimp floss. You may want to check it out. Or if you dun mind coming pick up frm me, I can help you buy. I stay at tiong bahru/redhill area.

Vanessa/ PPP, can tell me what brand tapioca flour you all use? Just now went NTUC, cant find the sago flour. Where can I buy that?

Always wanted to buy the Sponge stabilizer, but was shocked that it cums in such big quantity. Find it wasteful just to use once or twice then chucked in cupboard. Any mommies want to share?

Any mummies going sunlik recently? Can help me buy the pineapple filling. Saw in this thread that their filling taste better, so itching to make pineapple tarts since no need to cook the filling..hehe...

Annelise, your end pdts look soooo pro! you must be good. Keen to try your banana muffins but I dun knw how much grams is 1 cup leh. Can advise?

Dearie, our EDD very close. Mine is 12 May. Counting down to the day we pop, but sad after that got to stop baking for a while
This is my 2nd one, is this yr 1st?
annalise, which part of the east are you staying? Pasir Ris? I hope you are so i can learn from you since you are also a SAHM.

Your cake art is very good. Same like Eileen, I can never draw such nice drawings, not even on my cupcakes!
Re: KitchenAid Mixers

By the way, you can wait for the Mayer Warehouse sale which was where I bought my KA too. I got it at around $600+ but warranty is only for 6 months and not 1 year and only for selected colors, but I still managed to snag a white 1! Btw the KSM150 which is the cheaper is not heavy duty enough for kneading bread doughs.
I'm here. I dont know whether angelin accept my order anot. I just placed the order and transfer the money over.
dearie, can help to post below message in angelin spree that i have emailed her my order and paid liao..
Hi Angelin,
Transfered details.

Total USD11.93 X 1.52 = SGD18.13

To Saving a/c 126-45593-3 ............SGD18.13
Ref: 7363

Thanks so much for your help...
Dearie, gonna deliver at MtE. My gynae practices at MtE and only delivers there. So I bo bian, actually dun like the hospital. Feels its quite old and eerie. My 1st one they put me at the very last rm along the row, hardly got anyone walk past. Scary. I heard TMC is good with hotel service
Dearie, thanks so much..
Hopefully she accept my order..

CL, thanks so much for the effort. Will collect from pink when she collect from Hwee..

Hwee, also thank you huh...don't collect fee lah..we all 'gagilang'(baking kaki) one another mah...
ppp, thanks for your advise. I will try bake instead of fry...

maruolin, how is your pineapple tart? sorry can't help you on the tart. I myself have not bake pineapple tart before...lets hear what other mummies say..
As for the brush, just put in your order and pay. She will refund if cannot accept, but i doubt so since already pay....

anybody want to share cookie monster cutter with me? i need 1 only.. also i can share pooh cutter from cl.. yet to collect from her yet... will do so next week..

cl, i meet u near yr workplace next week ok?
