Cup cakes for birthday

Hai, i saw the recipe for baking of Japanese cheese cake using water bath. May i know why need the water bath? I tried just now, it tooks very time but still not cook, inside still moisture and very soft. Pls help...
Siew Lai, most cheesecake use water bath to prevent the cake from drying & burning. Usually waterbath takes at least 60mins at 160-180 deg cel to be ready.
BbeEthan...most of us experienced what u gone thru lah...try a few more times cos u only bought ur oven, after a while u will understand how ur oven works
mrsteng/ Peng
haha... cant bear to throw away the failed projects and yet eat until scared. but i will still try.

i saw this discussion abt richard goh's class. can i know where he's holding the classes? any website with details?
Mrs Teng
Thanks for adding. Hehe like the 1st recipe I saw, chicken rice!! (No $ for guessing which dialect I am, hehehe) Did u mold the rice into the balls? I ate that in Malacca, v famous coffeeshop.
Mrs Teng
I also want to see your blog, pls invite me [email protected]. Thanks!

My mil fell down 2 weeks ago and only discharge on last monday and new maid also just came. So these few weeks was super busy so can't do any baking. Want to bake also feel very tired, hope can find some time and energy to do some baking, sian!
Mrs Teng,

Thanks for the invite!
I hope to learn more from all of you here as I just started out on my baking journey also!
Hi Mummies,

Read many asked abt Richard Goh's baking class at CCs. Live in the North, hence I only keep track of the 3 CCs. Hope the information is useful to those interested.

He's starting a new Stage 1 class @ YCK CC on 01 Jul 2010. Every Thursday, 1.30 pm - 4.30pm.

The 1st class for Stage 1 @ Nee Soon Central has begun last Sat, 29 May 2010. 7 more lessons before completion. Every Saturday, 2.30pm - 5.30pm.

As for his Class @ AMK CC, Stage 4 will begin on 20 Jun 2010. Every Sunday, 2.30pm - 5.30pm.
Yew Yen

Thanks for the info, does that mean for the Nee Soon Central one, we can still go n join from stage 2 onwards?

Cos I can only attend weekend classes leh.

See Fatmum go and attend, my fingers and heart also itchy leh.
thanks Mrs Teng..

Yew Tee Mum, my blog only got 3 pics...hahaha still in session. next week do more, hairclips, tissue paper holder, bear bag(stitching in progress, Lots of strawberries(felt sewing in progress), cookies(knitting in progress)

U see I everything doing halfway..haha

I did my house own curtains and some new clothes..

You are welcome!

Wah Curtain ah! I remember sewing new curtain when I was 5 months pregnant with my Twin... nearly collapse men!


For the RG course hor, must pay full course fee ah? or stage by stage one?
Just as I've discuss with Fatmum, I tried looking in a Taiwanese Swiss Roll recipe book. Oh! my gooooooooodddddnesssss! They know me, I dun know them! My mandarin F9 standard... Took me soooo long to figure out what one single page is writing about.

Really envy a lot of you who can read mandarin well! Today just baked Coffee Swiss Roll

I did the fastest and easiest way to sew.. was done like 30mins with 1 3m cloth...hahaha. I did sew a patchblanket for son when preg,, that really I gone bonkers(I did faint-heng was sitting on bed and sewing machine can move type).. it was so hard with a big tummy.. understand what u mean also..
Mrs Teng
You only pay for the stage you join. But his class is not hand on one except the cake decorating one. He demo how to bake cake, tart, pizza, curry puffs etc and maybe too easy for you, hehe! I only joined his stage 1 and 2 many years ago and I have missed a few lesson in stage 2 as I follow hb travel a lot that time.
hi yewyen,
May i know how much is Richard Goh's class? any hands on or juz demo?

mrs teng,
thanks for invite me to ur blog!
btw, ur coffee swiss roll so pretty, very nicely done! i always lazy to 'decorate' my swiss roll, partly also bcoz i dun wan to else extra calorie (from the cream) will go into my tummy... haha

i tried the choc swiss roll recipe from ur blog today, i'm sooo happy with the result, it is so SOFT, very close to the swiss roll tat sold at breadtalk, which my favourite... *happy*
Eileen : Thanks for responding to the questions regarding Richard Goh's baking class.

Mrs Teng : Eileen is right. He teaches different bakes at each stage. Payment is made stage-by-stage basis. It is not necessary to begin at Stage 1. Judging from your bakes, I don't think you might benefit from his class at all

Jess : YCK CC - $70(M) / $75(NM). Nee Soon Central CC - $55(M) / $65(NM). AMK CC - $67(M) / $77(NM). Material fees is excluded.
Eileen, Yew Yen

Thanks for the info.. I just want to be taught by someone professional. There could be better ways of doing certain things that I dun learn it from books.
mrs teng is rite. I attended all of RG's bakg class at amkcc some 5-6 yrs back. all 5 stages. He gives gd tips for all his recipes. I can say among all the cc teachers, he is the most un-selfish one. Watever he noes, he will tell u.

even if we can bake, no harm listeng to his tips. Oso he will show u the way to stir in meringue with yolk batter using hands. Really works coz all the cakes all come out soft, fluffy & gd to eat. He will even tell u for kitchenaid mixer must beat butter wif sugar at wat speed for hw long to achieve the right batter consistency, etc.

Hope this helps
For those gg RG class later at Nee Soon Central. He may have enough student so best to give a call to the cc 1st!

Mrs T
RG class is not hands on except for the creaming class. His class is one off payment and like wat other mentioned can jst sign up at diff stages. I started at stage 3. For you if you really intend to take up course, I wld suggest u signed up Mong's fondant cake class.

very soft roll hor! jst now try again. think the skin not dry enough end up skinless haha....
