Cup cakes for birthday

I have chill the cake overnight with the mould but it still stick on the mould when unmould. U mean put it in freezer?
congrats, peng!!
Thanks. Carrefour out of stock. hee Dunnoe when the stock will be in.
Today I attempt to make bread without using bread maker n mixer (cos my no brand mixer cant handle, scare spoil), hee, veri shiong but happy with the results.
assorted bread
sausage & chicken floss buns
with nutella fillings
pandan buns n crown buns
Veri soft. Yummy. hee

Eileen n Kendy,
Nice nice fruits lei.

I'm new to this thread, would it be possible I join in?

Been a keen baker but always get my recipe wrong or things turn out awfully bad.. Like to join this thread to get some pointers.

Currently also learning to make fondant decorated cakes, cos my gals' bday is this weekend, hope I can make it..
SN.. wa seh.. so much bread.. recipe ez? borrowed a bk frm library bout breadmaking.. lazy to test out..

mrs teng.. welcome!!!
Shiong to do w/o a mixer or bread maker. Super tiring. I use the recipe from Bread Magic (Y3K) by Alan Ooi. I wish I have a good mixer when I doing the bread. Think I wont attempt to do bread again unless I get a bread machine. hee

Here u go:

*Basic Sweet Bun Dough(Straight Dough Method)
Ingredient A:
330g high protein flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tbsps milk powder
60g caster sugar

Ingredient B:
1 egg (grade A)

Ingredient C: mixed together
120ml water
10g instant yeast

Ingredient D:
40g butter
1. Combine ingredient A together in a mixer. Give it a slight blend before adding in ingredient B and ingredient C. Beat combined ingredients for approximately five minutes to form a dough. Add in ingredient D and beat dough for a further five minutes till dough has a smooth surface. Check whether dough is fully developed by stretching a small piece of dough with your fingers. If the dough can be stretched into a thin layer without tearing, it is ready. But if it does not stretch well, beat dough further till it passes the next stretch test.
2. Remove dough and leave it in a big bowl, covered with a piece of damp cloth or wrapped the whole bowl with a plastic bag and tie bag loosely. Leave bowl in a warm place and proof dough for about 30-40 minutes till doubled in size.

Important Hints:
1. Dough must be well kneaded till fully developed whether it is a process done manually or by a machine.
2. Do not pour in all the water at once as different grades of flour have different absorbing strength.
3. Covering the bowl with clingfilm or a damp cloth or wrapping the whole bowl with a plastic bag can help to seal in moisture.
4. Bread dough can be left to proof in an electric bread proofing unit with instructed temperature maintained. But if dough is left to proof at room temperature, it must be fully developed before working on the intended recipe. Do not hasten the proofing time as a slow proof gives better results. Sometimes a place may not be warm enough, hence an extended proofing time is needed before it can doubled its bulk.
Kendy, nice looking swiss roll!

Sally, happy to hear from you again and seeing your bread creations....keep it up!!

Mrs Teng, you are welcome to join us. We are all amateurs too with plenty of "oh no, WHAT THE !!!!" encounters
However, we do have plenty of helpful shifus here as well...enjoy.
Kendy , Keng

Thanks for welcoming me to this thread.


May I know what type of cream did you use for your swiss roll? I'm searching for a fresh cream recipe for layered or swiss rolls. Been using the buttercream recipe from most American recipe book which used a huge quantity of icing sugar, seemed very sinful for some ppl lor.

Anyway, my Twin's 1st Birthday Party was held yesterday and I made a Precious moment fondant cake for them...Also cupcakes for the kids. On the exterior it look just okay but the interior was a great disappointment. My fruit cake was a bit too dry..

Today make vanilla cupcake using bakingmum recipe. Frost n deco the cake using AY buttercream recipe. The cream was very soft so I make till very messy, hehe! But my son was happy when he wokeup n saw the cupcake, he said today is his birthday, haha!

TL, Keng, Eileen

Seriously, I'm not expert in that, still got lots of things to learn.. din even have time to go for any classes, everything learnt from books, hopefully I din do it wrong. Bcos of my twins, I can't afford to leave the house for more den an hour.. so can't go for courses lor.. only way is look n learn from other's baking experiences. This is my 4th time making a fondant cake but first time making a tiered one.


The cupcakes are beautiful, I like the clown. I'm still having problem learning how pipe.
wa seh.. mrs teng.. lidat still say no nice? *faint*

i used buttercream for the filling, but is not too sweet. fresh cream scared will melt

That's what I'm worried about too. Fresh whipped cream can't last also.. Is it possible to share your buttercream recipe?

Here's my final cake for Wilton Cake Decorating Course 1. Too bad the icing is too sweet for my family and I've to scrape it off and redo it again with whipped cream.
Just noticed your cupcakes cups very chio. AY's buttercream is very soft type and you managed to pipe designs, very good leh
It is durian season! I made a durian mousse cake for my mother's birthday.. Share the pic with you.

Extra mousse went into cream puffs.

mrs teng

buttercream recipe

i'm using kenwood, using paddle, beat 250g butter wif 120g sugar till pale, add in 75ml HOT water 1 tablespoon at a time, till mixed. change to whisk, beat till whitish.
mrs Teng, welcome... and WOW... like that call is NOT amateur lor...

1-0... finally i've logged in!!! phew... these two days kee-siow... busy packing the house... flooded with toys and LOTS kids stuffs... *sigh*...

suddenly evening down with flu, sorethroat and cough... H1N1??? *choy!!* hahahahahaha... itz the weather bah... *sigh*...
I have been in for such a long long time as i thought this thread was removed till pink told me abt this...

WOW, mrs teng, ur cake looks SO SO GOOD...

I need some help!! I havent been practising for such a long time as no motivation.. ehhe.. Hence, can't do any fondant. Can I check where can i get cakes figuries e.g. snow white.. wanted to play cheat and add some design to my cake without the hard work..

Thanks for the buttercream recipe... will love to try it.. cos yesterday I tried using the Wilton Buttercream recipe... my goodness!!! it was soooooooo sinfully sweet.. Will try out yours. Thanks very much again!!! BTW can I substitute with shortening or margarine?

Thanks for the comment... ummm... I still got a long way to go..


Wowww! Durain cake!!! yummy.

Here's a pic of the cupcakes that I also made together with the PM fonant cake on my twin's bday!



This was the super sweet buttercream cake I was mentioning... First attempt. honestly, I've not learnt piping so dun have the proper skills. Admire those who can go for Wilton Decoration course. I can't even leave my house for more den an hour.


Put longan and peach for the fillings

mrs teng.... think your cake skill and deco skill... can surpass some people who even had taken course before....

which book is your teacher? ... maybe i should flip through also... i'm also stuck at home with 2 kids and can't attend any lessons at all... be it weekday or weekend!! *sigh*
nice cakes & bakes everyone

Mrs Teng.... agreed with meow... ur cakes look so good... never attend class but can do till like that... if attend class... u can start to hold class already.
Catika, Kendy and MissyLing

Thanks for the comments! Aiyo.. really a novice lah! Anyway, these are the 3 books that I learnt my fondant decoration and gets most of my inpsiration from. Didn't follow any of them but improvise lor!

First 2 books are my favorite ~ cos it really show step by step methods



This one Wilton's collections ~ give me the basic ideas


This one super professtional ~ can't follow any


This is my Second attempt on fondant cake ~ can see that my fondant a bit too dry, cracking already!


My first try on Fondant Cupcake


First time doing figurine modeling ~ The bear a bit fierce lor!

mrs teng... wow... these few books can equip us with the skills liow... but must say u got talent lah... ... think they in my hands... will only collect dust... hahahahahaha...

u really got patience also... i think of doing the fondant... already scare!
Catika, MissyLing

aiya! mine one 'packaging' only.. outside looks good, inside horrible. But I must say, this really need a lot on inspiration to keep you going. Back den, I was inspired bcos of my gals' 1st birthday.. Now, not time liao.. Even cooking their meals also need inspirations.. dun know what to give them also..
<font color="ff6000">Mrs Teng</font>
Wow!!! You are really really patient and your fondant cakes/cuppies all look so nice! My goodnes... with books as reference only you can do it. Wow... You are very creative too!
Mrs Teng,
Really like your fondant creations
simple yet nice. Hope you can share with me.

1) How you fixed the bees to the sides without it dropping off?
2) How do u do the small little dots?
kns meow.. lol.. but is cute de lo.. :D

mrs teng.. my recipe bk oso collect dust de.. u use marshmallow fondant or normal?
