Confidence Building In Kids


Hi mommies..I'm thinking of sending my daughter to a confidence building class. She's 5 and I find that she's waaaay too conflict adverse and very timid. Even in her childcare, she doesn't know how to stand up to her friends plus she is often easy picking for bullies. We have been trying to help her, but she's only improved slightly. During every parent-teacher meeting, I will be told what an angel she is, and how good she is, but, that, I suppose is all subjective. While I want her to be good, I also do not want her to be miserable as she grows older because she can't speak up and gets picked on. Any suggestions?!? I can't seem to find anything on the internet... So, I thought maybe I should just send her for a martial arts course, at least there, she will learn that conflict (though just physical) is not that bad.
