Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Thanks!! Yes Christmas is drawing near and there's no sign of snow yet here

Thank God! So sweet they are born! Im sure your wife and 2 babies will be under great care of the LORD & the hospital, keep your faith!

DH, thanks for dropping by and sharing a little about your family. May God indeed keep them safe and sound, heal them and they can all be discharged and return home with you.

Chrisl - how was your ET? Hope it went well. Take good care!
it was good Blackberry, i transferred 2 while 4 were frozen down. It was satisfactory as compared to my 1st cycle where none was frozen
now im in my 2ww
Thank you ladies for praying for my family. My wife is back at home. I praise and thank God that my babies are out of ICU and are even off the drips. They are beginning to learn how to suck. I am praying that they can go home before end if the year.
DH, so happy to hear that your wife is back home. Will pray that your babies, u and wife can celebrate the passing of the year together at home! Take care and keep on hoping in the Lord!

Chrisl - think good, +ve thoughts, dwell on His word!
Chrisl - how exciting! keep on praising the Lord, dwell in Him and take good care! let us know your progress and prayer requests...
Chrisl, this is great news! Keep safe and warm over winter.

I am so glad that it is Christmas, time to celebrate Jesus and His birth!
Have a bless and joyous Xmas, my dear sistas!
My boy and girl had their feeding tube removed as they are sucking well now. Praying that they can go home by end of the year. A bolder prayer: for them to celebrate Christmas with us.
My boy is above 2kg now and my girl is still below 1.8kg. Thank you ladies for remembering them in your prayer.
Hello ladies n one daddy

Blessed christmas! trying year though but rafael is out of hospital last week n out of tube feeding too ... n now we trusting God to see us through just as He did in the past..
Hi i really need to testify on God's goodness. when the A/P Dr Chan saw my son, she was so sure what she is seeing n start telling me whole list of things i need to do.I was devastated n keep praying and crying to the Lord.

However 1 week later, she was really unsure about whether she is right about her assessment. However, she told me she will see him in May. I thank God that at times Jo might keep crying or screaming but i am thankful that he started picking words like greeting us and repeating after us. We are trusting God for a miracle.

I really appreciated all your prayers and support.. Really couldnt have gone so far if not for so many sisters here.

So remember that our God is faithful... and Psalm 73 really reminds me to look to God and it is for His Glory in everything we do.

I am still learning..
Trusting Him: yes. My wife and I had been bringing the breast milk to hospital everyday for the past 18 days or so. We are quite tired but seeing them each day makes us really happy. My wife is also very stress with how much milk she can express. So do pray for her in this area. My boy should be out this saturday to join us for Christmas while my girl needs a few more dys to meet the 1.95kg criteria to go home. My boy can't do a complete vacuum suck as the line underneath the tongue that joins the tongue and lower palette is almost at the tip of the tongue. So he waste more energy to suck and is also sucking in more air. Do pray for his tip of tongue to grow longer or he might need a minor surgical procedure to cut the line below the tongue.
Blackberry: thank you for praying for my family!

God has been good and faithful. He intervened and we successful got downgraded to class b2, else, we will have to pay a super high hospitalisation bill for my babies. God's timing is perfect on boy's discharge, that is right after me serving in Christmas Cantata on 22-24 dec, yet in time for him to celebrate Christmas ith us.
Ladies: do let me know how I may pray for you.
Thank u Lena for praying for them too. My wife's ivf journey was so tough with many problems along the way. First was cyst of 5.8 cm found during the lucrin suppression period, then OHSS, to near miscarriage ( did bed rest for 3 weeks), to antibody found in my wife, to possibility of down syndrome from Oscar test, to baby engaged at week 28. Without God, we couldn't have pulled thru till today to carry our babies in our hands.
Ladies, you are all amazing with the things you had gone thru. This ivf process had let me see the other side of my wife and I love her even more so. I am sure your husbands feel the same way as I do too.
I have a question to ask all the ladies here. My wife and myself have 19 frozen embryos and we are not sure what is the right thing to do. Is it ok to 'discard'? is it a formation of life at the embryo stage? Thank you.
a song for us to rem Him:

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
I will keep you in prayers! I also been through this. My son stayed for 2 weeks n was tiring to bring milk daily to him! But it is worth it. Do take care. You can contact me by pm if you need any helptoo
Sisters and one daddy

hello to all! It's been awhile since I logged on to the forum. Have been following trusting on FB and praying for her boys. Glad both boys are doing well.

Daddy - I am sure your gal will come home soon. I have a pair of boy girl twins too, like NZ, twinnies, and trusting welcome to the twins club! I pray you and your wife Samie will enjoy the wonderful journey ahead of parenting twins.

For me, my two boys have been sick over the past few months. With my younger boy having ongoing cough to my older boy down with viral and mycroplasma infection for 10 days. I was in and out hospitals, as an outpatient. Then my gal was down with fever too. Thank God for his protection and healing, we all recovered before our holiday trips.

Sisters, should we organize a gathering when all is settled with trusting?

Vanilla - how's ur new pl?

Joie - are you delivering soon? Is it a boy or a gal this time?
DH - wonderful to know that the boy is coming home on 24th! Will pray for the tip of the tongue to be of the length as it needs to be, for your gal to gain the necessary weight as well as for your wifey and God's provision. i am personally very glad that u joined the forum and shared your heart. for many of us, our hbs seem clueless but u are proving me wrong. as for the frozen embryos, that's a tough call but I believe He will give you peace. that was one reason why i hesitated so long on ivf but God told me to submit to my hubby and pray concerning the frozen embryos. i am the other extreme. having removed a 4.5cm cyst on my left ovary, i do not yield many eggs. I did fresh cycles 3 x and frozen once without any leftovers. You are God's beloved. I believe He will give you an answer and it many not be a scientific, philosophical one as our minds suppose. it may be something simple... you shall hear Him as you seek Him.

Trusting Him - thanks for sharing. it is encouraging how you have clung on to the Lord in all the ups and downs. Phil 4:6-7 and Prov 3:5-6 come through for you.

All the sisters & brother(s?) - may the spirit of Christmas- the at we are so very, very loved by God that He GAVE His Son - fill our hearts, heal and empower us to love ourselves and those around us. Blessed Christmas!
thanks TH - she is still in hospital..have yet visit her again.. will most prob do so next week. thanks for all ur prayers

hi Thistle - hope ur children will recover and all enjoy christmas. new plc is cool... i like the proximity to work but the sin city part i am still getting used to. i am growing fatter too with the good food near me

hi blackberry - God bless.

DH - take one step at a time..dun worry abt the frozen embryos first. Like what my doc told me -- they are happily stored.. anyway.. they can only be stored till ur wife is 40 or 42 and the MOH's laws is that they must be discarded.

to all sisters and brothers in Christ - Blessed Christmas. While we bask in His love and mercy, pls do rem the least fortunate and the unsaved.
Hello all!

Hope every1 is well! Haven't been posting much here these days but have been a silent reader though..

Here wishing all sisters and brothers in Christ a very merry and blessed Christmas!!!
Miracle has happened. My gal usual weight gain is about 15-20 grams per day. She had a sudden spurt of weight gain by 45 grams last night to reach 1.965kg. Both babies are going home to celebrate Christmas with us. Thank you for praying along. This is the BEST Christmas gift that I have EVER received.
Merry Christmas to all and have a blessed holiday!
DH - that's wonderful news! YEAH! Praise the Lord indeed! Have a great family time. take lots of pics and rejoice in His love.

i am so thrilled that a pre-believing couple is going with me to church tmr! hope that their eyes will be open to the love of God and His care for them! Have a great weekend everyone!
Yesterday pastorpreached about miracle of breakthrough an he prayed that any one need a miracle can go to altar n I went for Jo! But pastor also prayed for those who want to have kids. I pray that all of you who yearns for kids can have a breaktho miracle too! Amen
Hi Trustinghim, think we attend e same church as u!
was serving as part of e choir and was very touched by e presence of God... Holding onto e promise of a child.
Serene let me share what happen to me. I started praying for a childeven before I marry at age 21. When I marry I suffere from vaginimus n I have to seek medical help n only when seeking help I realise I have pcos nhb. Has low sperm count n Dr say it is unlikely we can have bb. However she. Gave me Clomid. Took once n stopped cos a Christian from another church say it is not biblical to take Clomid cos women in e bible just prayed n have bb.
Then in June 2002 if I remember e month correctly we attended. A propheticmeeting by pDom and he told us te exercise our gift n to partner with a stranger. My husband partner with a guy whom we never seen him n that guy just told my husband that God knows our desire to have kids and my husband kept crying cos this guy is a total stranger to us. I met this guy again in Jan 2003 in a sectional meeting and when they asked prayers request I told them that this guy in our midst told us our heart desire but till now still no bb. They pray for me and the guy told me vetw boldly that God has answered my prayers and I will have a child soon and two weeks later. I found I was pregnant. And yes I took Clomid and it was my 3 rd Clomid
So serene God really knows our heart desire. I do have my share of doubtabout my twins butwhen I was at pits I clearly heard Jesus telling me that He knew Jo when he was a cell n He told me that He loves Jo very much and told Jo that even when Jo is in my womb. N He told me that He loves me very much too. It is just like what was written in psalms1. Some days when Jo will cry a lot I will remembe what He said to me that night and just trust Him.last 1 months plus has been a trying time for me but I could not have pulled thru without God and all e support I have from e ladies here. I prayed that you will not give up n may you and me and e rest of e ladies experience the miracle of a breakthrough. In e coming days! Press on!
TrustingHim, thank u for sharing ur story n it was indeed comforting to me. During the altar call, I submitted my hubby n I to God once again n told God tt whatever His plan is, we will follow.
I would love to exchange contact with u so we can also pray for each other so do pm me if u r ok.
Hey TrustingHim, I had enabled my profile to rec pm so u can try pm me again? I tried pm u too but couldnt too.
Hi Serene, we are all in the same church and my wife and i are serving in choir too. Having kids are what desire since we got married. We ate not young anymore and month after month is frustrations after frustrations. Crying seems to be a routine when AF come.
It was during last year sermon preached by ps Danny, when he challenged the guys to go for MIT trip, that we had a breakthrough. I heard God telling me to go for Taiwan MIT and see how much He is going to bless me. I obeyed and miracle finally happened. My twins were just delivered and home after 1 month stay in hospital.
If miracles happen for me, it will happen for you.
If you would like someone to talk to, my wife is more than willing to do so.
TrustingHim and Serene, maybe can arrange to meet up in church one day for some fellowship, together with our spouses.
Jiayou! God is a God of possibilities.
Hi DH! Wow, first was one and there's more of us attending the same church...Praise God! Like ur suggestion to meet up in church for some fellowship, when your wife is stronger..or anytime u need prayer partners, u can sms/watsapp us....
Praise the Lord for all His goodness!
It is good to hear testimonies of our different sistas and 1 bro in this forum.
This fertility journey is hard and for many of us, we have been praying for a miracle and a breakthrough. A few had experienced their miracles this year. PTL!

Thistle, thanks for asking. I had a successful ivf but miscarried in my 10+ weeks. It was a very sad and trying period for my hubby and myself. My faith was tested but I commit my circumstances to the Lord.

As the year ends, let's remember His Goodness and Faithfulness.

Let pray forcloser walk with God in 2012! Mricky's daughter is still in kk let pray for speedy recovery n that she will be protected from all viruses and bacteria!
