Christian ivf mums or mums to be


NZ and me have a mutual friend who has a lovely talented 9 yr old daughter, Hui Xuan. Recently the gal complained of a headache and it is a long story. but only last Thu the neuro dr from NNI referred her to KKH to do a mri and found out that she might has cancer of the brain and it is at the brain stem and there is no way they can do an operation. it is either radiation or chemo but it is quite massive and she m ight have a few months left. so the doctor suggested maybe doing nothing so that she can have quality of life with her daughter.

They are Christian family and NZ and i are really inpain. Please pray for a miracle... it is too sudden.. she is my secondary school classmate's daughter and NZ's friend.

Please pray that she will be healed when medical science failed Miracle science stepped in.. She might be going for radiation in few weeks time..but the dr is worried cos it is at the brain stem and it is very serious and they are only prolonging her life! ..there is a 1 percent possiblility that it s a wrong diagnosis but Jesus can use that 1 percent.. He can bring the dead back!! He can do miracles.. We are holding on to this and we will not give up!

Please pray against any spiritual attack on the child and if radiation is needed her good brain cells will MULITPLY n the cancer will just be removed completely..

That gal is a very very talented very joyful and really a blessing!

thanks sooo much!

thanks Sunny...i actually tell her about this but now not possible as she is still giddy n i think cant go crowded places cos might start radiation soon and her immunity cant be compromised..
Hi All,
I will be starting my first lucrin jab tomorrow...first step towards my IVF path....Was down with a very bad flu these few days and it's still lingering...Pray that everything will go smoothly and that my body will adapt well...
Blackberry: my twins are zapping up all our energies. They are 3 months old now. Boy weighs 6.6kg and gal 4.8kg. I am at the end of my 5 weeks leave and will be back to work on Monday. I pray that wIfe, mom, maid can manage. Continue to pray for them, especially the boy. He has umbilical hernia. He cries till his belly button pop up.
thx th for posting this prayer request for hui xuan. We hope all ladies here will cont to pray for this little gal.

Hi serene, hope u r well and started your lucrin smoothly. One step at a time.

Hi Dh, I hv a pair of twins too and I fully understand wat u n ur wife are gg thru. It's not easy taking care of twins but it will surely get better. I m glad u hv ur mum n maid to help out. Any help is surely a big help at this time. I also pray that ur boy's umbilical condition will recover fully.

Msfamily, my dear friend. How r u?
Hi sunny,
Hui xuan's vision is affected by the brain tumor. She is seeing doubles now. It's very disheartening. Pls cont to pray for this little gal. In Jesus Name we command the tumor to disappear from her body and that her eyes will be protected and made whole. It will not deteriorate further. Pray for her parents who are going through this tough journey with her.
thank brave girl Hui Xuan will start radiation. please against side effects and the dr n all involved will be skilled... remember it is the brain stem..n nothing can be done actually cos it is the most impt part of the brain except God's intervention!
iread in website that they need to wear a plastic mould over their face n some might feel uncomfortable n clautrophobic so please pray against any discomfort at all but feel Gid strong presence in the room.. she is only 9 and has to go thru all these...

the parents decided no chemotherapy but radiation instead.

When i think about what the parents are going thru i find my cross sooo small.. my son Joash is not in any life threatening situation but most importantly is God is a God of miracles.. and i read few testimonies about God's healing on autism and i claimed them all for Joash..

yesterday in Ot in kkh i read an article ont he board about having kids with disabilities..

you have been dreaming about going italy all your life and might even been to italy and you planned for italy bought the right clothes guidebook etc....but when you touched down you realised you are in Holland but instead of buying new guidebook and read about their cuture about their food about their scenary.. you keep tinking about italy and keep blaming yourself why you end up in went for years and years n during this time you choose not to seee the windmills smell the tullips n enjoy what y ou see in Holland... and keep dreaming about Italy the place you have been before or never been at all..

What a good illustration ..yes i been to italy ( i have a normal Rafael i see how fun it is for a child to know what you are tlaking to look into your eyes to be naughty that you have to pray for wisdom for him) but now i end up in Holland( i have a child that dun fancy windmill but loves to run n cries quite a bit n does nt seem to understand what i am saying n i have to catch his eye contact)

but i tread this article n remember wow Joash is such a blessing He laughes n i dun understand why and just laugh with him.. h e is tha hapiest child cos he does nto care about things around him ( i so scared at ttimes cos he doesnt know what is danger)

but Joash is still a blessing a mystery for me to know him... yes Dr ot , st all say he is...... But to me He is my greatest birthday gift when iwas 35 and he is prayed for and he will be best Birthday gift from God! yes i tried so hard for them i hate needles i hate blood test n i go thru soooo much pain n do an emergency c n i breast fed him soooo long BUT he is a gift from God and i thank God for him..

I still believe in miracles i might end up in Italy one day oe maybe france nearer or what ever but i will make my stay with him in Holland the best experience for him and me.. and for the fmaily..

Jia yOu Joash..i am not giving up on you to live life to the fullest and what God wants you to be,
TH, *hugs* God loves Joash and God has his perfect plans for Joash. And He has given Joash the best parents - you so Joash will always live his life filled with love and joy and go to the furthest he can go. Take heart. God loves you too!

Will pray for brave Hui Xuan. I believe there can be miracle healing. At my church, at the miracle services link i sent you, i have heard and seen testimonials of many believers cured and rid of tumours, cysts, pains that even the doctors can only say they also cannot understand. God loves Hui Xuan. God will provide for her.
thanks Sunny..actually i told NZ i want to bring jo to your church cos i saw a testimony about healed from autism too.... with God all things are possible..

i did tell my friend about your church but i think now her gal cant really go out often cos scared immunity compromised and also she is tired easily..
hi all something to share:
many times we dont understand why w go thru so much pain, heartaches, pain and all these crap.. but always rem God does not ever ever put us through more than we can burden.

when E was born and went thru wat he did.. i asked his doc this before: can he live till he is 3? can he run? can he kick a ball?

the pain of losing a kid is v real to me as i wheeled him in when he was 7 days old to OT. I told him i havent read the whole bible to him...

God knows my burden... He is a good God.. He didnt let me go thru more that what i can go thru.

Docs have been telling us to go thru test on his genes..w have been skipping it for the longest time. Last week as it was his usual blood test for his kidneys we did and we are very blessed that his chromosone and genetics specifically 22 is ok. Normal. He does not have a rare genetic disorder which wld affect him for the rest of his life.

I thank God, i thank Him I has to go thru all the pain all the sadness.. cos I know He was with me. He didnt burden me more than I can bear.
TH dont need to bring her there, we can pray in proxy. The good thing about God is he is omnipresent. We can pray anywhere, anytime to him. I am just recommending in case your friend wants to go but if not convenient to then dont. Let us pray in proxy.

Vanilla isnt that great news! Praise God! E will grow up fine and strong and achieve big things God has in store for him!
Vanilla - that's fabulous news! SO very happy!

Whatever it is, i remember these words:
John 16: 33b “... In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Life is not a bed of roses. But He is Emmanuel.

Am sad cos recently a couple in my cell both lost their dads in less than a month - one was a buddhist funeral and one a christian. Makes me think of my dad, and i hope that i would be able to give him the latter should that day come and there would be no doubt in my heart.

Will remember huixuan too. Wave, wave to all sisters!
Hi thanks for remembering her.she very strong.due to steriod she put on wt but she did not complain when her mask is tight but just bear with it.
Me m nz pray she will be a living testimony of God's faithfulness! We kerp reading father depressing stories of cancer pt in the papers. How are u sunny
Hello sisters! It has been a long time since I posted here as I was away in China for the last year.

Anyone undergoing or planning to undergo ivf/fet? We still have 4 frozen embies and all planning to do FET for next cycle. Hoping to get some support/prayer partners
Hi Joy, my ex-cycle buddy!!!
So nice to hear from you! You went China for work?

FET also good, i never succeeded with fresh, only FETs haha .. When you planning? All the best, will keep you in prayers.

Hi TH, she will de. I believe in our loving Father. I am fine dear, thanks for thinking of me.
How are you and your 3 lil musketeers too? hehe
Hi, I have been a silent reader. I applaud the faith that some of you have.

I'm childless...not by choice. I started praying & believing and now... I don't know what to ask. I believe that God has the power but I always have the fear that I would be like Sarah or Hannah...

I really dislike the 'waiting' part but silence is always what I receive when I cried out...

Sorry... I'm just venting out my disappointment and sadness...
Trinity, i also applaud the faith sisters here have. I believe it wasnt easy for them also. Yet they are always steadfast in faith. These sisters kept me going when i was facing the lowest points of my life.

There are many times i try to pray but nothing comes out becos like you, i also dont know what to ask for. Then i just tell God "God you know my heart and my mind and my desire right?" and i say "God cos i really dont know how to pray." A few times i was brought to my knees, tears just fell but i know God knows every bit and every tear even though i just wasnt able to speak my thoughts.

I also dislike the waiting part and especially when cycle after cycle, i just keep getting BFNs, even from IVFs. But something tells me its all in his time so i just keep trying and hope its soon. Sometimes i wonder should i even wait cos what if God dont ever intend for me to have children. Then i prayed God let my desire for a child diminish so i dont hurt so much. Somehow God helped me to slowly turn my centre of focus away from TTC and to enjoy life, to enjoy my hubby, my family. In the process, i found myself a much happier person, more relaxed and maybe thats when God allowed the prompting in my heart again to try and i went for another IVF cycle again last year. I had alot of peace during the cycle. I believe i had God's comfort and strength thru out that cycle.

That cycle i failed, it was my 10th embryo transfer. In the past i would not be able to grieve. But becos i had slowly let God, now i could grieve. I remember crying to God but i felt peace, i felt him telling me its ok, my turn will come.

When i see sisters in the other threads all passing their IVFs, some even started out same time as me and now their kids are over 2 years, i remember feeling inferior and inadequate. In the past i would bottle up but now i could sort of confide in God. I used to think God only give blessings to other people but not me. I used to think i am an outcast, can only sit 1 corner and watch others with their joy but God corrected me. In a church session, God delivered that message loud and clear to me. Pastor say "who say God's blessings are always for others and not ourselves?" I was startled cos that struck the very cord in my heart. That session i teared thru out.

I dont know if you are planning or trying any treatments. Most of us here have tried IVFs. I wish for you to know what you want, your limits to trying and to commit to the Lord your plans. Slowly but surely, God will see you thru.
Actually not only TTC, over the years, i see sisters here struggled with their challenges, some over their children's health and well being. I know God is with us and he will see us thru.
Trinity - this is a space that u can be free to share your disappointments, frustrations and hurts. We are here to listen. Hugs to you. Even in the silence, God is there. He never lets us go.

Sunny - thanks for sharing! Your embracing all that God has laid out for us is very encouraging. Indeed, I strongly feel that there is a greater good even if we do not get what we deeply desire. I got myself kitten no2 for my 40th birthday as I felt that it is another season in my life right now. It amazes me how the desire could diminish, and I could still feel at peace. God works in wondrous and mysterious ways.

Nonetheless, I am grateful for the aches, pains and grief.... They are the necessary colors in the tapestry of life and have enriched me in so many ways. Of course, I am glad for the sisterhood and friendships formed here too...
My dear cycle buddy! So nice to hear from you too! Was there for missions.

Hopefully will be able to start the FET in my next cycle. Thanks for praying, I really covet and appreciate your support.

How are things on your side? I hope that your work is less hectic now.
Thank you for your sharing. I can really identify what you went through, the inferior and inadequate feeling, like we are not good enough. I am so glad that God was able to speak to you and mend your heart.

I can sense the pain and anguish that you have. Just like you, I was a silent reader for a long time before I met some of our friends here. They have been so encouraging and if you would like someone to talk to, you can post in this thread or pm us for privately.

Are you currently undergoing any treatment?

Just a little history of myself:
We have been married since 1998 and I got pregnant in 2004 and lost the baby in my 9th week. In the same year, my group of best friends also got pregnant and all of them delivered their babies. It was hard, very very hard for me and I kept asking God why? I withdraw into a shell and did not want to meet anyone.
In 2009, we finally embarked on ivf(after much struggling), but did not manage to do transfers due to OHSS. It was only a few months later then we have the courage to do FET, but it was bfn.
So fast forward to 3 years later, we have decided to try our 2nd FET. I am still afraid sometimes, and need more faith. Praying that this time God will grant us the desires of our heart. But it is not up to me to tell God what He must give me, I have to submit that everything is under His authority and will.
Dear Trinity

I understand your anguish. I got married in May'05 and decided to ttc in Sept 06. I was put on clomid, all 6 cycles fail! I couldn't face the reality of fertility issues that got into our way. Quarrels with hubby become so frequent that we almost divorce!

Fast forward. age is catching up and we decided to try so-iui in Mar'10, failed both cycles. I question God countless times. the question "why me" became my daily affair with God. We seek 2nd opinion with CARE & was told my chances with so-iui was close to zero!!

we decided to embark on ivf, I have to overcome my fear for needles!! Thru God's protection & blessing, I finally got pregnant in Oct'10 & have my precious little girl in our arms in June'11

Trust God, in His timing everything will be made perfect. I pray & believe you'll be able to hold your little precious in your arms very soon!
<font color="0000ff">hello sisters, hello old frens - sunny, joy, blackberry, hello new fren Trinity,

i read when i discovered i was infertile that 20% of the women are.. and i was scanning thru all my frens and i was like they have no probs why i must be that 20%.

Lookign at the most active thread in this forum - it is the IVF/ICIS support group and i think the stats are wrong... it certainly looks more than 20%.

it is hard to have something so unpleasant to brand us. To some, it is like God's punishment to us. Make us feel unloved unblessed ostracized.

but is our Father like that? No, He is not, He is our Father and He who cares for even little sparrows loves us so much more than we would never cld measure His love for us.

We are meant to walk rough roads, smooth roads, in the rain, under the sun, in the breeze or under a rainbow. Take heart He is always and i really mean it ALWAYS there for us. Humans fail us, they leave us when we need them most, but our Father never leaves us at all.

I like what Joy posted.. everything in His will.</font>
Yes Joy, in the recent years God touched me more. I realised my miscarriages were also a way he used to break me, humble me and make me seek him. And when everything else in my life starts going against me like work, family etc ... God also stood by. In the end i was less focused on babymaking, i took a break of a few months and in the process i renewed myself, lived happier and felt i could appreciate God more, the past and all too.

I received a blessing from God recently and found myself posing a qn, will i grieve and hate God if its one day robbed from me. Strangely, i have the peace now to say No i wont, very strange. I also read the bible and this book Streams of the Desert (given to me by a very dear sis during one of my lowest points) the other day and was reminded should we only thank God in good times and not in bad times. And suddenly my path ahead is clear to me.
Hi all,

I just completed a round of IVF - 2 eggs retrieved, only 1 was mature. On day of ET, I was told the mature egg was abnormal and didn't fertilize so no ET.

I am not sure what next - anyone here had success with natural IVF? Or should I just give up ART altogether??

God said knock and the door will be opened unto you, not sure why He is not hearing my cries? I have since failed an IUI and one IVF...
Hi DiamondT
Welcome to the thread. Must have been distressing and disheartening when they told u an ET could not be done. Hugs.

I have done 3 IVFS and one frozen cycle. My last IVF was a success but I mc-ed. With every cycle, the doc has a better idea of what works for your body.

There are no easy answers to your questions. I have learnt that when I knock on the door, God is there to open it definitely and welcomes me with open arms. He has an answer but not necessarily one that I want. I have to trust His heart and that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. God knows every single tear we cry, DiamondT. He knows your heart and aches. Raise your 'whys' to Him. Find your all in Him alone. Hugs.
Hello everyone, I am new here and find this support group very encouraging. To be honest, it was never in my wildest dream that I cannot conceive. As of now, I am still trying to get pregnant. I am two months shy from 39 years old. It is daunting to know that the clock is ticking away and I cannot do anything to get it back. The early days were spent chasing dreams. Now the baby just didn't want to come.
I am starting my first fresh cycle of Ivf in May. God has brought many ppl along my path to encourage me to take this leap of faith. I always believe that the sovereign God who loves this world in His time will answer my prayer. I just got to keep believing and take good care of my body in the mean time. This faith journey is much challenged and it is still challenging. Nonetheless, I will keep trying and have no regrets from here. Cheers.
Blackberry, thanks for your kind words. I know that God knows what is best for us and has His reasons but I just cannot understand why He is not listening to me...maybe He is but I am not listening to Him?! Do you have a baby now, Blackberry?
Hi Red velvet, saw ur nick in the other thread. Welcome to this thread. I am 38 n my DH is 40. Did my first fresh ICSI recently n now 5 weeks pregnant. We hv been TTC for 4 years n didn't expect that we would hv problem conceiving....we were e classic case of unexplained infertility.... Took me a long time n struggle to embark on IVF as I had e misconception that it's by man's effort. I shed tears of failure n anguish. I was connected to a couple friend in church who went thru IVF n they helped me along the way, answered all my queries n concerns. I finally felt a sense of peace n hope when I decided to do IVF.
The events that lead to my actual commencement of my program was really God-orchestrated n I truly believe that God is there patching the way for you too, just like how He did for mine. I recommend u reading this book by Nerida Walker on pregnancy n fertility, really ministered to me thru out n now too. We r all here to support one another in our journey so jia you!
Thanks for your encouragement.

Curently, I'm not undergoing any treatment. I wanted to but my hubby didn't want to. We kind of argued abt this a few times. He didn't even want to go for a checkup.

My hubby's point is all about faith. He believes that if we believe, we will have it. So he is not going to trust docs' report &amp; treatment.

Though i argued with him abt seeing docs/treatment, sometimes I'm secretly glad that my hubby is against them cos I'm so afraid that if the treatment fails, then what is next?

Sunny: Thanks for the beautiful song. My tears just can't stop. And I'm amazed by your cheerfulness and faith. I did ask myself if God decided not to grant me kids that I always wish to have, would I still love Him? I know I shouldn't love Him less but I also know I'll hold it 'against' Him in this lifetime.

My hubby &amp; I bought a new home. I insisted of having a 3 bedrooms because I plan to have 2 kids. The truth is I'm so disappointed that I've recently told my hubby to knock down 1 bedroom so that we can have a bigger living/dining room. If my kids will never come, then what is the point of keeping all the rooms... Have I lost my faith? I don't know. I don't have the courage to think...
Hi trinity.
I have so much to tell u but with my p
iPhone typing now I know I will lose some along the way.. Typing on small screen not my best..
When I first embarked on ivf I was pretty much clueless ... I bot this dress before I started the program n it was bb doll cutting n I rem thinking ok if I preggie I can wear. Before I was confirmed bfp I had to wear it cos ohss.

My church mate told me once Abt having a child like faith. A pastor's daughter aged 3 jumped from a table n went uncle x catch me... In her belief uncle x will n he did after doing a Jackie chan jump. He asked us do we have this child like faith?
But then again having faith is not say dun seek medical attention. Not sure if u heard of the story of the stranded man asking God for help..
We dont know Wat God has in store for us. We dun know if He would give us Wat we asked.. But not giving us now or ever does it mean we r less loved? I dun think so I think
There must b a reason n we will know at the end.
God promises us one certain thing and it is our salvation
When we accept Him in our hearts n live according to His ways.
Hold onto Him n His words. Our God so great.
I sang this song to my Sunday school kids .. My God is so big so strong n so mighty there is nothing that He cannot do( for u-- the kids will scream these 2 words w delight). We must believe like them too
u are welcome. the sisters here are always ready to lend a listening ear and walk the journey with you. No, I do not have any child, on earth at least
I turned 40 this year and somehow i feel that God is leading me to another season of my life. There are no easy answers to your questions but consider questions that are more life-giving such as "How can I walk closer to God at this time?", "How can I affirm my own identity despite this issue?" rather than life-depleting questions like "What's wrong with me?" which was a favourite of mine in times of darkness and I believe it delights the devil each time i ask.

your hubby's position was my position and my hubby's position was yours when we first started. It was a BIG struggle for me to get started with IVF. Eventually God answered me in the most mysterious way. It was not concerning the science or ethics of IVF rather He simply told me to submit to my husband. He has a sense of humor.
I pray that you will keep your faith in the storm, and know that He is Lord and you are His beloved. Hugs.

Missing you and hope to see you soon! Thank you for being our faithful 'poster' even when it's challenging on the iPhone!
Hi Juvi, wow. Your message brought tears to my eyes. God is indeed gracious to me. We both have the similar experiences and past views regarding "man-made" conception. It took me the longest time to embark on IVF treatment because of this matter. I thought I can conceive naturally, Sarah pleaded and conceived. I thought I could too. But God gives each of us different trials and experiences. It doesn't mean He loves us less. If God wants me to go through this path to get closer to Him and encourage others along the way, then so be it.

Thanks for your encouragement and congratulations!! Your good news give me loads of hope.

Hi Blackberry, Vanilla and Trinity. My heart goes to all of you when I read your threads. May we continue to persevere in our good Lord Jesus Christ. God bless!
Hi Blackberry, it's so good to see all sisters-in-Christ here lending the support to each other. Thanks for sharing. We are about the same age. I am now taking things one step at a time..
Hi Vanilla, thanks for your words. Clinging on faith is so difficult esp when time passes... Is esp difficult when people around keep asking when...

Blackberry: You are so right. It is not about science or ethics but simply I was told to submit to my hubby. I'm quite a stubborn &amp; strong-headed person. But God wants me to submit &amp; that's why I did not seek consultation/treatment. I have been asking my hubby but each time, he said no.

Sorry for sounding so negative but I am very disheartened when I learnt that my SIL (a christian) who is pregnant actually didn't plan to have the child. She kept telling my MIL that the child came at a wrong time cos she nvr expected his arrival (is a boy) &amp; was negative abt her pregancy. This set me wonder... Why God gives her a child when she is so ungrateful? And people like me can only cry in silence, hoping so desperately for a child...
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
was once like all of you but now I m facing new challenges.i thought I accepted it but I doubt so..i sent jo my God gift for all therapy n they just to improve on his weak point but today first assessment by sgh occupational therapy n she sort of point eme to my greatest fear..all the checklist just point to autism. I thought I csn accept it but it is difficult and in my down time I saw the verse proverbs 3 and yes iis for us..i cant write or share my struggles ever since I found out friend 10yr old girl has cancer....i just feel mine is so small..i prsy that God allow me to go thru different life crisis cos He has his plans and also given me yhe faith to carry on living..i think maybe in life our faith nd to go studying..
Hang in there sisters! God will make a way I speak from my life experience..i survived all the failures n heart b.reak

re..may we be used as God vessel to help others as we jourey together in Faith!
U wont believe how God lead me to a cell n the new mbr who joined has a high functioning autistic son..n my new cell leader is the lady featured in a show I see you a caregiver story..u can goggle and xin msn episode 2 or 3..she is amum to her son with multiple disabilites...God really cares fr me by sending me peo who been thru what I am going..thank you Lord for been so good to me

Thanks to all sisters. Feel better today and hope that I can maintain this way. Is really tiring when my emotions go up &amp; down.

Trying to focus on other things and to keep beliving.
