Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Hi sisters, i will hang in there. Thx for your encouragement and prayers.

Today the nurse helped me to jab on my left buttock, coz both my thighs buay tahan oredi. As long as the jabs are good for embryos, i will hang in pain can put me off..heehee

Thistle, how many injections do you have to take for soiui? Isit for stimulation? You are really a strong gal...i admire you fighting spirit. This time will be a success coz we are all here praying with you. God, pls see Thistle's heart and grant her deepest desire this time.

don be discouraged. u r def not alone..

we shall all persevere and God ll surely provide..

yes, im w dr loh. there is always a long, long queue at his clinic. but i believe we are in gd hands = )

if u r planning to go for ivf again, we shall support each other here.. in the meantime, don stress yourself and let your heart be open.. just as thistle has mentioned, God ll always work out things perfectly for us, in His perfect timing. this, I can testify o'er & o'er.. = p
Hi Gals,

Thanks for kind words and encouragement. U know ... i always feel very guilty after i posted cos so far, i always dont have good positive words.

I woke up feeling upset today too cos i am supposedly ovulating today so last nite will be the chance to catch the egg. But HB and i could not BD. Think i was simply not motivated to be in the mood. End up we just flip our backs against each other and slept. This month will be a goner again. This TTC path is really very trying on our relationship.

Anyway, i am not sure if God has finally gotten tired of seeing me run in circles and chase my own tail that he had to send someone to interfere directly and knock some sense in me - my pastor called, how timely. I have been wondering for months if i should call my church and ask for advise, counselling and prayers but keep procastinating cos i fear they will tell me IVF is a no no and shut off my last hope. So its just timely that pastor called yestday.

I shared about our conditions and our state emotionally and spiritually now. Pastor urged us to return to church - first step and reminded us that marriage is between hb and wife not either party and baby, so children are really by the way kind and not something we should take so hard. But pastor also encouraged us that we should still pray and ask God to grant our hearts desires and have faith that God will bless, meanwhile to be strong in our relationship with each other, enjoy sex and dont think it as a mission and relax. Dunno why after hearing this, last nite i still act up and lost the mood to BD. Haiz ...

Pastor also touched on the issue of IVF which i am quite glad to have heard that my church dont frown upon IVF. I dunno, maybe God is telling me its ok to do IVF? Pastor said if IVF can help, why not? But have to pray about it and remember IVF is just a tool, its still God behind the procedure.

After this call with pastor, somehow i felt lightened. All these while, i struggled with IVF cos i am not sure if its right for christians. But hearing from my pastor yestday, now i feel less worried about incurring God's wrath to go with IVF. I just hope and pray this time round, it can be a success.
Rejoice, are you starting your jabs soon? I probably wont start so soon. My plan is from now till Jul (about 3 months) to conscientiously watch diet, go for TCM and weekly ACU. Then in Jul, do another round of blood tests. If blood test results showed hormones ok, then i will go on to IVF in Aug, meaning ER and ET will likely be in Sept.

I am concerned with my hormones. The last i tested was last month. My FSH was high and i still have adenomyosis to worry about. I am hoping my FSH improves over the next few months and my adeno dont aggravate before i start next IVF. Its my 2nd try on IVF so i really want to be more prepared. At least then i can tell myself, i have done all that i could, and just leave the rest in God's hands.

U are doing TCM and ACU too? With dr zou at AMK?
hi momobear - u may want to check on another thread... i think some one is taking wheat grass for lowering her FSH levels....let me search the exact thread for u later. Take heart that God is powerful and that we will be strong becos He walks with us...

Hi NZ - good to hear that u are taking the injections well... continue to be strong...

Hi Thistle - glad that u are starting on ur iui soon....

HI rejoice - ya I think u are in good hands with Dr Loh..alot of girls are under him.
hi Momobear - it is in the thread - IVF - low ovarian reserve - under this girl called Jenn ...she now takes Evening Primrose oil and wheat grass to reduce her FSH cos she read that Vit B will help.
wow thistle- that's so fast!

was having cramps yesterday n today so know that my menses coming..going to call Dr yu and see what should i do next.. i told husband he must be on leave this time round if i go for the full ivf so maybe can only try in aug as he is busy now.

momo bear- so nice of your pastor to call about going back to church too? do take care n hang in there..i understand how u feel cos the act of marriag e for me n hubby is like confined to ovulation day cos so technical n tiring.. sigh how i wonder how those who can be pregnant by accident feel?

nz- how are u feeling now? how about your meals?
Thanks Vanilla, okie, will check it out!

Ya Toy, it was unexpected of pastor to call. But lately i have been grumbling to God that i feel empty, loss of directions etc ... maybe God heard and thus send pastor to preach to me.

yes, tml ll b 1st lucrin jab. getting nervous n excited.

gd to have some plans. i believe God wants to assure you that His presence is with you at all times.

need to do blood test b4 embarking on ivf? cos dr nvr say anything. i did e hormone blood test quite few mths ago n i rem dr loh said it either means pregnant or stress. or i guess my body is always under stress.

i just want to commit this whole process to God and let God provide for both my hb n i. sometimes can just forget that ivf is just a tool. Yes,God is the main ic, im sure He would bless us and make all things work in His perfect timing.

only took first dose of tcm. don intend to continue as the nurses said don take chinese med during ivf. so i am only doing acu.

yes indeed, gd western doc, chinese acu but above all, a great God who provides wonderful people and tools to help us conceive. YES, God would bless us all! = )
hi rejoice - ya... i thank God for giving me 2 good gynaes and making them clever!

i rem once at sunday school, i was teaching the young ones (N1 and N2) abt God.. so I asked them who is clever to make tables and chairs so that we can use them... the little ones said people. I told them no, God is the clever one cos He makes people have brains and teach us how to make these things... So He is always the most sovereign!
Hi rejoice, how is your first lucrin injection? Is your hubby helping you to jab or you do it yourself?

Toy, my hubby has been cooking lotus soup or ABC soup for me everyday b4 he goes to work. I got a bit tired of it by now. We didn't order tingkat in the end. I kept eyeing on the packet of instant maggie curry noodles and wish to cook it but held back. That day, my hubby was hiding to eat KFC and the next day i forced him to buy 1 piece for me...

MomoBear, it's very nice of your pastor to call you and talk to you personally. God is really at work.
hi NZ -- haha...i also had craving during my first 1ww..still can read makansutra and place order...but when OHSS kicks in...gone man!

It is actually ok to eat what u want to eat provided it is not the cooling type of food...then can be relaxed...

When will u do ur beta test? God will bless u ok...take care..
NZ u are really hubby dun even cooks maggi noodles he will give me a cup noodle n add hot water... sigh his only interest is zzzzzz.. that why i know the desire for a child is greater on my part.. cos my husband likes to play but when it comes to chores he will think either me or a maid will be the one doing..

i still asking God what i have done wrong..why did my tubes is blocked? i really shiver at the thou of ivf.. it is too scary for me.. maybe the blood test scares me quite a bit. i will talk to Dr yu when my menses come most prob something to unblock the tubes..
Toy, Dr Yu, didnt ask me to check my tubes. She did mentioned last year that there are test that can be done to check out if the tubes are block.

Is it possible to have a BFP in IVF if tubes are blocked? I dont want to spend more $$ to check all this out. as Im so strap now with IVF.

Oh God, please help all of us. Its gettign alot harder each day.
yes..IVF bypass the tubes so it is suggested for those with blocked tubes.. for me i am traumatised by the earlier blood taking n the ER trauma that i think i better go for something not so intrusive like blood taking for a time being. i dunno why but just very disturbed by sight of blood..

i am thinking of tube recanalisation to open my tubes n try cos i am not ready for any more needles for the time being.

really i feel ivf is not the faint hearted like me..i salute those who can do it and some do it so many times..
hi NicoleG - IVF initially started to help women with blocked tubes to conceive. Hence it is possible to be preggie if tubes are blocked cos the fertilised egg is placed directly onto the womb (that means the fertilised egg does not need to travel down the tubes to the womb).

Hi Toy - when i first found out that my tubes are blocked (hsg)...i was devastated too...i was alone at the clinic and was crying my heart out. Immediately 3 days later i was scheduled for a lap. I was still holding hope during the lap ..that the tubes are not blocked it was just some spasm during the Hsg test. i was praying v hard and before i was wheeled to do the operating theatre, there was a waiting area and I was wearing my contacts and I saw a birth of a little girl... I was delighted cos i knew God was comforting me that I will be a mummy and that will be a scene I will xperience.

But after the lap - confirmed tubes are blocked. Initial thots that went thru my mind is what did i do wrong -- was i mean to my family n this is a punishment, did i do this wrong, did i fail to do something right. Then i angrily asked God - did u make such things to happ to me to make me weak? That was when God answered me. From then on, I know i had to stopped asking why I am in such a situation cos I know God will be with me in this walk of fertility treatment.

God never makes us go thru something that He knows we cannot go through. He knows our breaking point. Take heart that He is with us in this journey...
thanks Vanilla.. still devasted cos i think if i can even manage to do ET would not have felt that my natural ivf is wasted and so traumatised by it..all the blood taking n scan wasted.. and now i have a phobia of ivf ..and started getting upset why i have blocked tubes.

yes vanilla i really wish that the hsg was a mistake too n i need not go for ivf or any other procedure but maybe at most so-iui,,i also scared of getting to put the plug in my was so painful ( er was not painful but the plug into my hand was..i was holding on to the nurse so tightly cos my instinct is to pull it away..)

i guess time can only heal my fear of ivf. maybe i also fearful of failing again after putting so much hope.. in iui n now ivf

u know last wk cell we are told to share abt a blessing over the past wks.. n i have nothing to share after going thru a failed ivf.. i feel like God has forsaken me and either God forgotten about me or i have done something really bad ( too obsessed with having a child again) n He is turning His face away from me.. i wish some one can tell me what to do next.. i dun seem to hear God now.
some time i am so down i will sms to God but cant sent ..wonder does he has a secretary or some angels assisting HIm and He can answer my questions.. n i even open my bible and flip randomly hoping the verse will just jump out at me..

wonder if God is reading thru all our entries now?

i know i have 2 ways to react to my situation 1 is to rejoice and really let God in my situation and stand strong or keep knocking on His doors until He let me in and answers my prayers..
hi Toy,

"After the night, the morning, bidding all darkness cease, after life's cares and sorrows, the comfort and sweetness of peace.

The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. Psalm 121:5-6

This is the day to thank your Creator for your hopes, your dreams and your faith in what is to come".

Hi toy, God has never left your side...He is still here with you. It will be His timing but your dreams and prayers will come true.

Let me PM you later... i want to share something with you.
Hi Toy, I know what u mean.I have those days too. I have been feeling down all ove again. My best friend just went for her scan. she told me can se e legs & hands moving about. Im so happy for her n I started to feel sorry for myself. Than I start to question God. Im not the perfect catholic in the world but I do pray to god n give my thanks to him. Y me? I always ask myself that. Y me to go thru all this pain mentally physically n emotionally n all this $$ spent when its so damm easy for everyone else. Y ME! I just hope n keep praying than after all the pain I go thru I will be able to have a baby.

We just give ourselves totaly up to god n he is there for us. He has a plan he must have a plan for each of us.

I wish u strength n peace and I wish myself the same.
God bless u.
hi nz,

not yet. gg for it soon.. hb on standby so cant go with me. guess i have to do my own jabs. pray that my skin ll b thick thick till i feel minimal pain. hehe..

update all of u tonite..

so when ll u know ur results?
hi sisters - just came back from my RE visit. all is good to go - no leftover follies in my womb, so starting jabs td...

nz - how are you feeling? re soiui - i need about 10 - 14 jabs in an average cycle. my longest cycle required 18 jabs...
hahhaha oks.. I notice alot of overseas's website use that term too RE. hehehehehehhe... I call mine doctor only.. n also my doggies vet I call him doctor too.. hehehehhe
Wow MSFamily, i think 4000+ is very high leh but i m not sure also. Are u looking fwd to have twins? How many embryos did you transfer?

Thistle, so fast you are on the move again...very encouraging. :p

Rejoice, so you will be doing the jabs on your own tonight? Dun worry, the needle is super fine.

Toy, actually my hubby also loves to sleep a lot and quite lazy with housework. But he is quite soft hearted, whenever he sees me in pain, he is willing to do anything..heehee. i went to look at the videos, the babies are so so cute...

Vanilla, i have been a good gal these 2 weeks so i think i might eat tomyam instant noodles tonight...yum yum

Nicole, Toy, take one step at a time as God opens one door after another for us. I am also trying very hard to be strong during this period. Today i saw some staining and was very disappointed, thot it was my menses. Really have to cling on to God.
hi sisters, my beta test will be next wed. i think i will take half day leave in the afternoon coz i want to be at home when i know the results. Pls keep me in prayers...
NZ, i think you might be pregnant! Day 7 - 12 is implantation and you might just have encountered implantation bleed?!

When i was doing IVF the last time, how i wished i saw stains during day 7 - 12 too, at least i could hope that its implantation but i didnt have any then lor.

Be careful and rest as though you are pregnant! Btw, will you cheat and take a HPT? If HPT is postive then high chance le!! So far those that took HPT a few days before beta, even though its too early and results may not be accurate, turned out BFP!!
Vanilla, i went to post in the low ovarian reserve thread. I asked them if FSH and E2 can be lowered via use of drugs or TCM ... cos what i understood was FSH and E2 no cure one. Will be surprised and elated if actually can cure one.
Actually i think i am more doomed than most of you here. Of all fertility troubles, i kenna those that are either no cure or very hard to cure or ... even IVF also may not be viable.

My high FSH and E2, meaning low egg reserve or quality - how to cure or improve? IVF also may not be viable also cos low egg reserve or quality means may not get to harvest many viable eggs.

My adenomyosis - unlike endometriosis, cant cure and the only solution is remove the womb. Again, even with IVF, even if have embryos from IVF, the adeno growth may impede implantation rendering IVF futile.

Haiz ... u see, its like problems after problems. And all no solution. Start with worrying about low egg reserve then if managed to get some embryos still have to worry about impeded implantation ... I am really jinxed and really doomed. If God doesnt grant a miracle, by my own strength, even with IVF, i might just not conceive still.

Thats why till now i am not confident to go on another IVF. Thats why till now i am more and more inclined to believe i might just not have children my whole life. Thats why i am always grieving, always in despair. My heart rains everyday.

Wonder if God ever takes a pity on my poor soul? Haiz ...

just continue to cling on to your faith in God. He will surely provide for u!

went for my 1st lucrin injection ald. initially was afraid to poke it into my skin. but thank God there was no pain. can i check if there will be any side effects during lucrin stage?

perservere on! don give up ya.. u have so many sisters here gg thru this journey together with u. 'see ur glass as half full, not half empty' jia you k..
Hi momobear - maybe u could try what Jenn tried and see how ur FSG level react? Another thing - for endo and adeno - avoid soya bean products - so bean sprouts, soya milk, even tau pok also skip. Soya will increase female's estrogen. Dont give up, keep on walking...the road is not smooth, but u will climb that mountain with God's help.

Hi rejoice - yes, during the Lurin stage will have menses. For me, i took suprefact (same function as Lurin) - got giddy -- floating sensation, nausea and also bloated... the giddiness is not flush, mood swing r more normal side effects...i think i mood swing only once (my hubby v lucky) for staining, like what Momobear said...sometimes it is implantation bleeding. For me, i did not have any... i was too preoccupied with trying to release urine (cos I got OHSS)....

i got a little emotional last nite. dono if its a side effect or im just too sensitive. thank God that my hb supports me by praying with me every nite. but i just got upset so easily n teared last nite.. i wanna enjoy this journey with God n my hb..
gd morn ladies,

just found out tt my colleague is pregnant this morning. happy for her but upset at the same time. ever since i was on this trying journey, been afraid to hear n see frens pregnant or even go for 1 mth celebrations.

i wan to b positive and pray that i will join her soon..

now praying hard that i would not have those mood swings but to stand strong in the Lord and go through this journey in faith..
NZ, i have done transfer for 2 embroys and both of them the quality is good both 8 cells at day 3.

I am hoping for 2 then i can close shop already.

Was reading the IVF/ICSI support group, there are a couple of ladies preggy but miscarriage .... or no heartbeat.... Very upset, very upset. Will my bb survive ???
hi good morning....

Hi rejoice - u will def be strong becos God walks with u!

Hi MSFamily - yes this is indeed sad but must leave everything in God's hands. It is a long pregnancy journey..there are lot of things to worry along the way so we have to trust in the Lord and His will.
MomoBear, thx for your reassurance. I dunno if i want to test earlier using HPT coz i m not mentally prepared yet. Btw, dun be discouraged with your existing condition. Our health can improve over time if we take care of it.

Rejoice, during my lucrin stage, my menses came on D9 of lucrin. After that, your menses should not come all the way until you have given birth. Wah no pain at all? You must be rly good at jabbing. After a while, you will find some softer spots which are painless whereas some are rather hard. I did not have much side effects while on lucrin, only some hot flushes and slight nausea once or twice.

MSFamily, pls take care. I understand that the worries to motherhood are never ending. Every stage is a challenge but God is with us. Is your work stressful? If yes, u nid to be extra cautious. Actually i am thinking of quitting if i have good news but will work out the financial part first.

Today i m back to work oredi. The train was so packed and suddenly i felt everybody was walking very fast except me.

hi NZ..take care..walk is ok...i too walk v slowly now and pple will give me the dirty look for blocking their way, so i ignore.

hi Rejoice - saw ur question on the lurin injection. when i was doing my suprefact, i did it in the morn cos was advised by nurse. But must be around same sat and sun will wake up early to jab and then go back to sleep.
