Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Thanks for sharing your journey and uplifting the sisters here. I too have fear of needles but unfortunately need to subject myself to it again tomorrow.

Reading your posts brings tears to my eyes. Thank God that he is with us, through rough or smooth roads, through every season of our lives. How are you and family? Hope to catch up again soon

I am so glad to know that your path is very clear to you and you are a happier person now. I think that is the most important thing, to find joy and peace. I am also reading steams of the desert but online version on some days too, very inspiring.

I am so sorry to hear about the ordeal. Sometimes, God does not give us what we want, because that is not the best for us at this time. May you continue to find peace in Him in deciding what to do next.

Welcome. I am already 40 years. Same here, never in my life would I imagine I would have to go through the long and windy road and yet still have no chance to have my own baby. Where will you be doing your ivf?

Congratulations! Thanks for posting here to encourage the sisters here. May you have a smooth 9 months ahead!

I believe that it must be difficult to submit to your husband. But it is biblical to do so. I am sure if God wants you to go for any assisted procedures, God will speak to your husband somehow.

Thanks for sharing the verse from Proverbs, it was what I read yesterday during my quiet time and it encourage me very much too.
You are a great mother and sister in christ. Even though in the midst of your challenges, you are still encouraging the sisters here with your testimonies. May God have mercy and heal jo and the 10 yo girl with cancer.

I am at a crossroad..Lord will you heal if I have more faith or I just cancel all diagnosis and declare my child is well. Whatever I just have to trust Your hand.... There is something more to life...

Joy- I should know you..thanks for your encouragement! We all need that here!
Luvi: big congrats!! Enjoy the next 9 months and eat well with good nutritious food.
TH: not sure if I had shared with u before. My ex church mate rejected doc's diagnosis of his son being autistic. He claimed in the Lord's name that he is ok and send him to normal school. By God's grace, his boy topped his class in 2-3 years already and seems to be as normal as anyone else. Continue to pray and ask for His guidance.
Blackberry: how are u? Thank u for praying for my babies. They are growing very well and are now 8.7kg and 6.2kg at 3 months of corrected age. The boy is perpetually having a congested nose though. Continue to pray for him for a complete recovery. Thank you.
To the rest whom I have never had a chance to say hi. Jiayou and know that God will always gives u the best (not second best).
From the lone guy in this forum.
Hi ladies, DH and I went to Biintan "walk walk the heart" for the weekend. I took the opportunity to write while my DH is watching "life" from Channel 8 now in our hotel room. ;)

Hi Joy, thanks for your encouragement. I am seeing Dr Sheila Loh at Raffles hospital right now. My church friend recommended her, so I decide to give it a try. I was seeing a gynae at Mount E initially (also by referral). Did 3 rounds of clomid and 1 iui with her last year with no success. We tried natural for 7 years before treatment. I have slow spillage on my left tube and a polyp right at the middle of the uterus. Dr Sheila suggested to remove the polyp before IVF and so I did last Mon. I am due to see her coming Mon to review the op as well as to discuss the details of the ivf. I have not seen much postings abt her but she sounded knowledgeable and experienced. DH and I are comfortable with her. 14/15 May should be my next AF, so should be starting 1st injectible first day of the cycle? I am rec' acupuncture treatments at the moment. I am too very squeamish abt needles. I hope I have the courage to poke myself when the day comes. Lord help me. Very scared. Any cycle buddies here?
DH (man in the house) - hey!great to see u here! will pray for your boy's congestion to go away in Jesus' name!

Red Velvet - for a while, i got confused and thought that you are the wife of DH (man in the house)! Haha! As i read on, I realised certainly not.All the best for your review on Monday. Yes, may you have the courage to poke yourself. It is no more than an ant's bite and once the needle is in, you will feel fine. Try to relax, do your needle insertions while watching a movie, tv show, or listening to a nice piece of music. Jiayou! Sorry, I am not cycling, so cant be your cycle buddy but will be here!
Aiyoh, sorry hor. Didn't mean to mislead anyone here. I am referring to "the man in my own house" lah. Keke...

Hi Joy, what's is your plan? Are u still receiving treatment? Keep us posted so that sisters can pray with you.
Hi Trinity, my husband too wasnt open initially. I prayed to God that if it is His Will, God will soften hubby's heart. And He did.
Hi Diamond T, hope you find the courage to continue. Let us know your plan.
Hi Trusting Him, thank you for checking in and encouraging our sisters here. You are truly a wonderful encourager.
Hi Blackberry, today I quite free, went to read the past postings. You are a great woman of faith. Despite of all the dissappointments, you stand unwavered. 我服你!!
so how are doing? Any plans? I saw that you got a kitty. See if I can post you my not so lil' kitty's pic next time.

When doing my devotion today, I was reminded with the lyrics in this song. May it blesses your heart too. We serve a great God!
How is your review with Dr Shelia today? Hope it is a fruitful discussion. Depending on the doctor/ivf clinic/long or short protocol, the injections may start on different days of the cycle. Don't be scared, we are all here to help.
If you are afraid of needles like me (my hands are not very steady), ask your dh (not man_in_the_house ^_^) to help.

I just started with my lucrin injection for FET yesterday. Once the hormones are under control, will take progynova to thicken the lining and ET after that. If everything goes smoothly, I should be going for FET by end of this month?


My maine coon kitty likes to sit on hubby's chair so hubby has to get a stool if he needs to work at his desk. She puts her mark on everything, esp my hubby's bags, clothes and chair.

Joy, all the best for your FET. Will pray that everything will go smoothly for your procedure. Saw my doc today. She is very busy. The op looks good but she said my lining is building up again. cycle will reset after polypectomy and delay. I asked if it is a concern for thick lining as I should get my menses early next week. The lining should be thick as it is getting ready to shed right? I don't quite understand. Also did not tell me how thick my lining is. A bit confused here.
Red Velvet - WAH you have a maine coon! She looks beautiful and nice to hug! My cats leave their fur everywhere too but that's part of welcoming them into our house and our hearts... These are my first cats. I always thot I was more of a dog person. I also dont q understand what your doc says about lining. Continue to pray, what men may find less than optimal, God has His surprises!

Now, here are my 2 gals:

One is 4 years-old, the other is 5 months. They have very different character. One is like a lady, the other one very 'chor lor' - she eats and drinks very noisily. Haha!


Joy - Glad to hear that you are cycling! Jiayou ah!How are you feeling this time round? Are you back at work?
Wow, the kittens are all so beautiful. Can see that both of you love them lots. I used to have kittens and dogs as pets too when I was a kid.

red_velvet, Thanks for your prayers. Did you have lining issues? Yes, lining will grow and when there is no implantation, it will shed as menses. So is there a problem? I am a little confused too .. Did Dr Shelia said you can start on your next cycle?

BlackBerry, I am feeling not so fantastic now. Started to get mood swings after the lucrin injection. Duh! Not sure if it is because I have too much free time as I am not working. Thought I should just do this before I start working, but oh well .. Too busy and stressed is not good. Too free is also not good.
HI, just wanted to share, I started my IVF journey last year, lost my baby and converted to Christian after my baby led me to church. Yes, you didn't hear me wrongly, I converted to Christian after my baby led me to a church in particular. I wanted a support group to encourage me on my IVF therefore I went for a cell group only to hear from a pastor that she don't encourage IVF. I was like huh? Totally shocked, I asked my cell group, in short to check am I welcome?
Am glad that I was welcome, however, I still ponder about not being encourage on IVF. I know if it is not fated to be, however, if really not fated to be, even try IVF will also don't conceive, isn't it? Since we all know is not 100% anyway..
Likewise, today, if you have a tumor, are you not going to remove it? Because a surgery is not natural as well?
Hi Joy - Hugs! Gotta have some routine for leisure too! A morning walk at Botanics (since it's not too far), a breakfast, newspaper, worship, etc... hope u will feel better. I had hot flushes with lucrin!

Horsie - Am glad u found God in the midst of the difficult time. I am not sure about fate, but different churches have different stand about it. The arguments are numerous. I had to 'battle' it out with hubby who was pro-ivf and I was anti-ivf many years ago. I dont think he won (haha)! God won! Whatever it is, it has to be a decision that rests well with your spirit and that of your hubby's. Take time to pray.

Trinity - how are you doing?

Red Velvet - what's the progress?
Hi sisters again my attempt to type on iPhone...

Trinity - how are u? I was reminded of 2 Corinthians 5:7 it is v apt for us : we will live by faith not by sight. I rem my pastor telling us Abt faith - in layman terms it is like sitting on a chair n not checking first if it is stable n won't break. We have to have that trust in God that He will b there for us.
Humanly it is diff n many times we fall into pits of doubt, it is alright as long as we know we will climb out n b firmer in our faith.

Hi horsie - welcome. To b v honest n sadly there r many denominations of christainty.. Churches alone who proclaim
Christ as Lord also has different theologies. For instance the prosperity gospel the speaking of tongues the usage of ivf. My church is a conservative church though not openly said I know they are not encouraging assisted reproduction. But I chose this cos I had my assurance from God himself and I dont have to Answer to man as God has answered for me. Ivf is man made no doubt but the child from ivf is God-given.

Hi Joy - hang on.. The suppression part is bad but v soon u will have ur babies inside u. I was giddy from suprefact bloated from gonal f n almost died from ohss but I know God see me thru n God gave me strength. He will see u thru too n give u strength.

Hi bb-* wave*
Hi all, thanks everyone for the support. As mention, I newly joined the group and convert to Christian. A lot of things I am still unfamiliar with or trying to figure out...
Hi Blackberry, your cats are so cute!!! Nimba looks like a beauty queen and Mayo looks just like a kiddo. Haha..You are enjoying them, aren't you? So are you trying or taking a break at the moment?
Hi Joy and Blackberry, yes, I shld be proceeding with fresh Ivf when the next AF comes. Doc said AF may delay as the cycle will reset after polypectomy. The only reason I can think of is the uterus get a shock after the procedure and thus send massage to the brain causing the cycle to reset. She estimated AF arrival to be next fri.
Joy, are you feeling better now? Wah, I envy you. Take this opportunity to really rest and do something you enjoy while you are not working. I think I will go for facials during my stimulation period. ;)
Hi horsie, sorry to hear about your loss. It must be a difficult time for you. May our Lord continue to strengthen your faith and help you to grow deeper in Him. Are you tiaoing your body?
Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that God is slowly healing your pains and sorrows, just as He did for each and everyone of us. May you continue to grow in him daily.

Where will you be going for your assisted treatment?

Fancy bumping into you yesterday, but really sad not being able to catch up more. Thanks for the tips on keeping sane. I will try my best to get a routine going .. just that some days I really lack motivation!

Thank you. Today is only my 5th day, still got many more to go. I will really look forward to the day of the transfer.. haha

Wow, that means you will starting your cycle very soon. Will pray for you too!
I used to envy those who can afford to take time off work to ttc. But now that I am on this side of the fence(not by choice), I think it takes a lot of discipline to stay focus! The grass always looks greener at the other side .. haha

How are you? Hope God will grant you the peace to make the decision.

Unusual to see guys posting. Will pray for your son too.
Blackberry/vanilla: Thanks for your concern + the beautiful verse. I'm getting better. Trying to focus on other things and nvr give up trying.

Yesterday my hubby asked me when would I kw whether I'm preg (now at DPO period). I told him by next week I shd be able to tell. I also told him not to have high hopes as I'm getting symptoms of AF coming. He told me I had little faith and if I kept having such thoughts, it would just manifest. I wasn't upset. I just told my hubby I didn't want to raise any hopes eventhough we hv been 'diligent'.

Anyway, I took the opportunity to ask him abt visiting doc/treatment. He turned down again...
Hi Joy, red velvet and all....we are now leaving it to the Lord to guide us on what to do next. Any one here like me, anteverted uterus, DOR...

Wishing all the best to everyone here.
Hi Diamond T, hope you are doing well. I too have retroverted uterus. Many women have that and still conceived.

I may not be able to do ivf this May cycle. So disappointing.
seeing doc this afternoon to hear what she says.
Diamond T, me too (uterus) What's DOR?

Red velvet- what happened? Every cycle is different. The timing needs to be good and in the Lord's hands. Hugs.

Trinity- good to be 'diligent'. We gotta do our part!

Joy- hope u r feeling better...hugs
Ya diamond T, wat is DOR?

Blackberry, you are right. I may not have ample time to do stim. My doc next month is outstation. i will have to start fresh end July. Sighzz. Really, man can plan but God directs.

Joy, hope you are doing okay.

Hugs to all. God is still a Great Great God!!

Meanwhile... when i go home this afternoon, will be going back to this little gal here.
Hi all

Hope everyone is doing well.

Joy: Jia you for your IVF.

Red Velet/Horsie: Take care of yourself for the coming IVF

Lately, I have great 'prosecution' at work
Looks like there are some staff who are 'ganging up' to make thgs difficult for me. The rootcause is probably because I have been too task oriented & direct (having been praying for wisdom). I have never scolded anyone but will point out the mistakes to the staff (not in open but 1-to-1). I know the 'leader' of the gang has been 'holding against' me due to somethg which I was 'instructed' by my boss to tell her (long story).

I've been praying for wisdom and patience but I must say, I'm kind of affected cos these pple have been spreading untrue rumours, twisting my words. I know and am assured that my Father will fight this battle for me.

Wanted to share what I've read. My tears just flowed when I read it.

God's Promise to Fight for His People
"The LORD your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you, according to all He did for you in Egypt before your eyes…No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 1:30 and Joshua 1:5)

I thk all of us have somethg to 'fight' be it fertility, health, wk issue... Just want to encourage everyone to remember that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you! Amen!

PS: Do pray for me that I'll be able to endure and to listen/obey to God's direction.
Hello all! Am glad to chance upon this Christian group for ivf mums or mums to be. It's encouraging to see so many ladies here who keep their faith strong when in times of doubt. I always thought I should leave e whole baby making thing to God and ivf was going against all my beliefs jn trusting God to work at it while I rest., My husband was super insistent about going for more aggressive treatments(which resulted in a lot of unhappiness before), hence the ivf starting next week. But one post caught my eye and it's about submitting to my husband. ( got me thinking really) Maybe there is a lesson for me to learn and seeing the support here, makes me feel I'm not alone.
Hi all,

I am new as well! Chanced upon this and wanted to ask if any of u did IUI and then subsequently SO-IUI?

Wanted to also ask if any of you felt disappointed with God in your TTC journey? Or maybe not with God, but with fellow church mates? Cos I had an MC and I find that many a times, our fellow frens in church who have never experienced MC do not know how to respond or how to comfort. Anyone had similar experiences?
Hi Miracle and Emma, welcome.

Miracle, all the best for your IVF next week. Will pray for success in your procedure.

Emma, I am very sorry to hear about your MC. It must be a terrible time for you. I am sure that God is comforting you in His perfect way.

As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is proven: he is a shield to all those that trust in him. Psalm 18:30
Thank you Velvet for your kind words. I'm praying that everything goes smoothly for me.
Emma, mine was IUI then straight to ivf cause my doc felt if I had to go through the injections, I might as well go straight to ivf. I suffered a loss few months back as well and that same week, Nerida Walker (author of God's plan for pregnancy) came to my church. She called on anyone who needs prayer to go up to her. Together with my husband, we went up and before I knew it, she put her hands on my tummy and said " there will be no more loss, be fruitful and multiply." i am still hanging on to the words she said, as I didn't even tell her about my mc. My friends and church mates would say they understand what I went through but if you have not had a loss before, you probably cannot imagine the guilt, disappointment and hurt one has to go through. But know 1 thing, friends and family may fail us, but God will never.

Hope this has encouraged you to push on like I do. In the meantime, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
Welcome Miracle & Emma

Emma - I had an MC too. Some church members can be quite at a loss what to say; they are afraid anything they say may trigger a negative reaction. They may be trying to be sensitive, and have good intentions. I wasn't disappointed. Maybe the length of relationship has helped me to understand them. During the MC, i was focused on letting go and receiving healing from God. It was painful but the grace of God helped me to get through. Ecclesiastes reminds me that there is a time for everything and I should not expect a trouble-free life. God still blesses in immeasurable ways...

Miracle - thrilled to hear your experience with Walker. May what she said come true very quickly! Amen Amen
Yup Berry! Amen amen! Period has came so am going to start either tomorrow or day after! All in God's timing! Today also happens to be my last day of work so everything fits nicely..
Went for my blood test today and guess what, my hormones are not suppressed enough! So, got to have 2 lucrin injections a day for the next week! God, can I walk a less windy road please?
Parkway East .. Are you with Doc Roland? Have you started treatment? If you have questions, you can also post or pm the sisters here and we'll try to help.

Have you considered going for TCM? What is DOR?

Tks for remembering and encouraging us. How is work for you so far?

Sorry to hear that your treatment will be delayed. Don't feel bad. This is His timing, so maybe you can have more time to prepare your body for it.

Thanks. Will remember you in my prayers.

You are never alone. God is always with us, and he also gives us loved ones (dh, family and sisters in christ here) to support us. All the best to your IVF! May what N Walker said come to pass!

I have done 1 IUI before proceeding to IVF. Are you going for SO-IUI soon?
Sorry abt your mc. I experienced that too and I remembered the sorrow and bitterness at that time. I asked God why he had to give and take away. It is hard for others who had not gone through the same experience to know how we are feeling and comfort us. I am also not very good with my words, so I can understand why people are not able to provide comforting words sometimes.
Diamond T, I went to research abt DOR. There are 2 ways you can improve DOR to prep your body for next fertility treatment. One can take royal jelly to improve egg health and quantity. However, if you are prone to cysts or fibroids, then it is not advisable. I am taking it in low dosage even though I had uterine polyps. Honey also contains some royal jelly and good vitamins which is really good for our body.

I also heard Dr Zou mentioning abt DHEA to improve FSH level. You may want to suggest to your fertility doc if they did not advise you on that.

Hope this helps. Take care and well wishes to you.
Trinity, challenges at work are countless. I can totally understand how you feel and it is even more so when we are TTChing. Double stresses!! I hope things are better for you. God is in control and remembering you in prayer.

7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

2 Corinthians 4:7-9
Joy, also remembering you in prayer. Praying that the duo jabs suppress your hormones well for the next step and God will sustain you throughout the entire treatment. Hugs.

As for me, my doc will be putting me on the new drug called Elonva. One jab to replace daily injection. Got to wait one more month. Like what you said, I will take this time to build my body up. Patience is what I need.
Thank you for your hugs & prayers. For regulated FET in SGH, the hormones need to be suppressed using lucrin injections so that the doctors have complete control, very similar to IVF(long protocol). So yesterday I had to do a blood test to verify if the hormones (I think E2??) is suppressed before I can start to take provygnova to thicken my lining. Was praying that I can do with less injections but alas not my will!

So by using Elonva, you will only need to jab once? That is really good news! Maybe you can share more with us when you have more details when you start cycling. Excited for you!

Are you going for TCM now?
I was under Dr Roland when he was still in SGH. He is a good doctor, I believe you are in good hands! Since he left, I was transferred to Dr Yu in SGH. Have you started the ivf cycle?

In my quiet time this morning, I was listening to this old hymn, sharing with you all

What a Friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Thanks ladies for all your kind words


I have made an apptmt with the Dr (am also with Dr Yu!) for 28 May and we will hear what she has to say. Havent gone back to her after the MC cos emotionally not prepared. Really praying that God will give her wisdom to direct us on our next steps! Baby dust to you too!
Red_velet: Thanks for your encouragement. Amen!

Few days back, my hubby asked me whether I really want to see a doc. This is the 1st time he mentioned seeing a doc cos he has been against this idea. I asked him what made him chg his mind. He said "Deep in my heart, I don't want to because I've faith in God. But I know you are upset and disappointed and I didn't want to see you like that"

I almost cried. I claimed to submit to my hubby. But did I do it willingly? Perhaps my action did but my heart didn't and he can see it. I guess God knows I didn't submit fully and He is reminding me...
trinity - hugs. what ur hubby said must have moved u deeply. his heart aches to see u in anguish. perhaps both of u can pray over the issue of whether to seek medical help in this area or not, and to align with God's thinking, and most of all to feel His hand in a tangible way. may u have a breakthrough, trinity.
Good morning my dears! I'm going KKH now for my scan and if everything is alright, I will start the ivf today!
Please pray that everything will be ok for me ah.. Thanks!
Lord we pray for miracle on this special Ivf day. You are the Alpha and the Omega. Lord you be with her from the beginning to the end of this treatment. Your mighty hand put on the doctor and nurses and grant them wisdom. We pray that miracle will respond well to the treatment and most importantly keep her safe in your arms. You are the Emmanuel of our life. We love you and commit all these in your name. Amen.
Velvet dear, thank you for the prayer. It's very sweet of you! I just got home and had my first jab today. Prayed this morning and felt really good and confident knowing that from now on, it's all in God's hands.

My dosage is really low, 133.3 units of puregon for 3 days and then go back for scan on Monday and see if I need to increase the dosage or not. For once I am thankful I have fats in my tummy area!

Blackberry, here's a great big hug for you too! *hugzzz*

Hi Joy, DOR is diminished ovarian reserve.

red velvet, I was on DHEA for 3 months prior to IVF and the result came out worse than when I was on lower dosage drugs at IUI. Thanks for sharing about Royal Jelly, I have been taking it for about a month now and I do have fibroids. Guess I should take it easy with RJ then. Yes, about to embark on TCM journey...
