Choa chu kang mummy club

Go where to swim? My gal havent went swimming for ages and my boy damn scare of water when bathing. How come you always got lobang for all these competition one and didnt jio us leh...i want let sheryl join too...

i heard ppl say neo garden stop providing confinement better confirm leh

Hi Serene
Axler must be very charming ... (genes from mummy???) Congrats ... Any pics to show!
BTW, Rslier yr 2nd bb? How many mths?
Enjoy yr swim tmr

Hi Meow
Personally did not try their confinement food but according to some mummies - the food is nicer as compared to others.
Me, during confinement, MIL cook. But i am not the 'confiney' type - did not take much traditional food like ginger, red date, herbal, fungus or drink chicken essence. Instead i think i even ate Mac n BK food n fries - cant leave w/out potato. i am the 'kang tang kia'

Do not be overly stress about bm. Sometimes supply will only kick in about 10 days later. Do u drink water? Some mummies during confinement avoid water. But personally, i feel tat water increases my flow of bm.
Must rest well n relax! Or have you been out shopping already (GSS)?? kekeke

For your pics, you can try submitting to mumcentre. Here the link :

U collecting Guardian Stamps? Heard tat u reserve from Rainbow mummy some stamps !!!

Hi Yoyo
How Malcolm feeling? How come after fever got no voice? He been crying a lot? Guess the weather has been cranky n a lot of children falling sick. Even my 2 godsons are down wif fever n flu. Was suppose to bring them for shopping tmr. Looks like will need to avoid crowded places but PC show is on tmr n hb going to Suntec. Still thinking should i bring Alex along???

Hi funkymom
You going to give birth or have given birth?? Did not try Neo gdn food.
Where did u order natal essential from? Let us know nice or not!

Can show pics of yr gal? Thinking of bringing Alex to foto-u....
Do u need to bring yr own clothes? Do they provide clothes? Got any outdoor shots? How much did u pay? Any photographer to recommend??
Yes collecting them but will be my last sheet. How many you got so far le? Not collecting the whole series thou. Cos i got many pooh at home liao. Jus some of the friends instead.
Yeah me got sneak out for GSS last fri at BPP. Went to learn thru play to buy some toys for my gal.

Me taking the red date water lor. My mum didn't allow me to drink plain water
Hi Meow
u r right. Neo garden no longer provide confinement pkg liao..

Hi Poo,
I still waiting for my baby to pop out haha..
I called them up and ordered trial this sunday so will update u all lah

Ya u have to bring yr own clothings leh. Only indoor shots. I think I paid 188 and took over 170 pics copied into DVD without any touch up one. My photographer is David and was intro by MayDay. Overall he's not bad.

Here's the pic:

poo: some say axler look like me some say look like his daddy. i think mixture bah.
my ah gal 4mths+. yes she's nbr 2.
picture i havent upload leh. wait till i upload then post here.

well we didnt go for swimming
end up, all of us go sentosa. hehehe

meow: this coming july got yew tee bb show.
chey, i thought wat ley...not really very good. Today hubby go back to work. I'm all alone liao. My mum and dad wont help much, they dun know how to handle a baby.
yah lor. not enough sleep last night liao. my dad brought the gal out. But i expressing milk now leh
You enough time meh? Dun latch her why huh? For me he got confusion liao, so even nipple there he still searching.
Bo bian ah

This time round go where swim? Yew Tee swimming pool ah? Nowadays many virus around leh. Especially now school holidays, better think twice leh before bringing them for swim hor
hi funkymom,

I ordered my confinement food from Natal Essentials.... Not bad lar... only one thing is that their pork stuffs got porky smell... dunno is my taste buds too sensitve or wat...

I requested no ginger (cos breast feeding)... but they say can't do... can only reduce the amount.... but cannot totally don't put... hmm... not sure if it's a usual practice for confinement catering...

my mom say steam fish is good enough to increase milk supplies.... I also believe drinking more water or fluids helps....

ladies... can i also ask... me now breastfeeding... but notice my breast so soft.. and those tribal women leh... is it gonna shrink back to normal size after i stop breastfeeding or is it gonna stay that way?

Also... me gonna be 2 months after delivery liao... but on off still got bits of bleeding there.... normal?
meow: coz if i let her latch i dunno how much she drink.
i want to monitor & c how much she take so i rather pump out loh
in the office i pump 2x. so 1 day total 4x loh

mashi, tat's call lochia. mine the 1st bb tat time i last for almost 2mths+. but i was rather surprise coz i was on bf so shldnt be tat much. but my gynae say it's okie but have to inform him if the flow is heavy.
Serene: OIC... :D thanks... phew... glad to know I'm ok..... tot what's wrong with me..... my fingers also pain.... sometimes thumb will get numb... haizz... like only give birth one bb, body already cannot take it like that.....
You not bad leh, still can supply so much 1 day can only express once, no more liao.

Anyone going to the motherhood fair on thurs noon? Nutts and i will be going down together with our gals i think. Anyone joining us?
My bb fully recover liao. He sick for one whole week leh. No sound because throat infection. He slim down after this too also slim down a bit because really v tiring to take care of sick shild.

The pic without touch up also got such design huh...then not bad hor. Im considering to sign up a pkg with them too.

Me too experience numbness on my fingers for sometime...I think until my bb around 4mth plus then no more numb leh. Im foot toes also numb n painful when walk still at bit pain leh.
hi everyone, i've been missing so much!!!

my opic cant log in le...kana firewall liao control from NY (me work in US co)

aiyoh i only read my yahoo and cant reply things i want to "say"

hey Meow, nice pic ya...congrats again...dun give up dear try to rest more, drink one big bowl of soup a meal, and eat more fish dear! hope it helps. try to come online i finally manage to chat with Mayday..=p

u can try to use the angel brand, sell at robbinson, yellow col packaging, sells 3pkts for only $5.50

i think in the forum has ppl buy in bulk too..

serene, how is ur swim event coming along?? bredon running nose wor...seems weather not that gd, quite a handful bb sick take care

hope this helps. i dun buy in here, i get from John little.
Hi Mayday,
dun want lah..wait offended ppl hahaha..

Hi Mashi,
I tried both newbaby & natal essential trial meal. Honestly both seems pretty ok leh haha but I will prefer natal essential cos it's nearer to west area. Still considering cos the price also high side.

Hi Meow,

u r right..Neo Garden dun have confinement pkg anymore...
dun give up hor..must continue to BF!!
I'm also going to Motherhood fair on Thurs leh. What time meet & where? I'll be going from workplace so maybe can only meet there.

Hi Yoyo,
the design I DIY one leh hahaha...does not comes together with the pkg but I think they also offer such artwork if u want to
If nutts manage to take leave for the day, we will leave CCK around 11am lor. So reach there jus nice at 12noon. Believe we wont stay too long till night, will wait for hubby to send us back lor.
But dun think can ferry so many ppl...still got carseat leh. Then dunno my sis going or not.
mashi, i guess all mummies have to carry such a heavy weight for the 9 mths tat y body aches here & there.

meow: i'm doing my veri best. coz BF really helps to make them stronger. my ah boy last x bf for 6mths+, then he no fever etc. touch wood!

jess, these few days always rain leh
the VC u r late. i already ordered. wah liao i order alot of their creams & gels. i like it veri much. veri nice smell hehehehe.
don't give up ya? i bf my gal for more than 1 year. she does get sick lah. not as often as her peers and recovery speed is faster.
jia you!
Mummies long time not in this thread.


I also cater for confinment food. With New baby. Then eat till i xian. Last 2 weeks ask my mum to anyhow cook for me


Perserve, Actually first 2 months should do direct feed to build up that supply. I think Doris is a very good person to go to on lactation. She will teach you how to latch baby on properly. I feel it is ok to give EBM later. But before that must maintain supply. Did 6 months for Charmaine and 13 months for Aden.
Hi Meow, i'll be going there from work and meeting my friend & hubby there. Might be there for dinner as well so won't be going back with u guys lah. No need to worry abt the transport for me ya.

Hi CL, long time no hear man haha..I only want 5 days lunch then either my parents or PIL will cook for me lor..but yet to decide.

Re: Scrapbooking
I wanna try this out long time ago but hor don't have the time to do. If we can organize one, I dun mind joining.

Mummies anyone?
thanks mummy for the support on BF, but hor, my company SAF no place for me to continue and not even a fridge to store the EBM no choice got to stop at 2mths the most. See lah, government promote BF yet government sector didn't support for this?? Stupid right?

Sheryl also BF for 2mths, didn't get fever for quite a long time even aft jabs that can trigger fever too. So not very true BF can prevent illness lah, will depends on each individual immune system lor.

today i very on liao. Darryl awake at 345am for milk. Gave him 1 side BF, then he stop. Thought he had enough, cry again, offer the next breast, scream and cry so make FM for him. After he sleep, i go pump out the milk. Pump for 1.5hrs then got 45mls...then not long he cry for end up i make FM again at 6plus from the post you see...then 7am Sheryl cry see no one in room...then i carry Darryl, Sheryl wants to be carried....wah damn cham...hubby on night shift, mummy sleeping next room. Later then hear her cry and come over to help me.

Who is Doris?? Direct ah, i dunno how much he took leh, then he very impatient one leh. Oh me interested to do scrapebooking like what i told you before. On leh...i want, remember we chat on this? Hee...i want to learn, so you teach
meow: aiyo then like tat diff to continue coz no plc in the office for u to store the milk

cl, how's ur 2 kids? the weather was damn bad last few wks. let them drink plently of water.
i all along doing scrapbooking(but not book) but diy the stuff myself coz it save cost then buying the material

funkymom, u got time for scrapbooking meh??? hehehehe

Both better liao. Aden lost weight liao. Not so chubby.

Get those mini fridge lah. Dun give up. Doris is good lactationist.

Serene, Meow and Funkymom
Ha ha that is why i purposely choose this type of fast to do kit. I did one within 1 hour.

Can use it to do the portfolio album
if you are really determine to BF your bb, can buy 2nd hand mini fridge. i think should be cost less than $100 bah. and, if the toilet is clean, and you don't mind.... can use that, to. jia you jia you.
sounds like having #2 is really a challenging job leh. make me scare of trying leh.

you BF aden till 13 mth? didn't hear you mention in the other forum, thought you stop when he's very small.
i saw doris and mrs wong before, prefer mrs wong leh. but she's too busy to give full attention.
Yoyo: Ya... me feet also pain... in the middle of the feet esp.... that day i go for back massage.. woah! so shiok.... relieve for my super aching back.... next, is a good foot massage....

Meow: Wats the baby bliss card abt?

Jess, Yoyo: Hmm... I tried the Angel brand wet wipes before... don't really like it though.... one pull, many come out.....
i still dunno who Doris i know her?

the toilet hor is very dirty one, you know those very old 3rm flat where the door is metal one?? So hor, not advisable. Well i'll give the best wat i can lor
Having #2 is not very easy if there's no one to help.

its the cash card given to newborn staying in southwest, you have less than a month to apply leh. Better be quick
ha ha meow

She is one for the lactationist who pple goes to for help. Just recommending to you if you need help lah

Then you may want to consider doing in the morning and night when you are around at least better than nothing
Hi Meow
Going to Expo on Fri instead of Thu.
Cause on Thu nite - going for my 3rd Godson one yr old bday at Globetrotters ...

Aiyahyah - u poor thing. Did not get much sleep? Guess tat will be one of the most memorable part about being a mummy ... hehehe!

How Darryl jaundice check? Everything ok?

BTW, wat FM r u giving Darryl? I too giving Alex EBM (long story - suppose to be bf but MIL heart pain each time bb cry when i feed, so in the end, got to pump milk ... ) and NAN for supplement!

Hmmm ... its really not easy having 2 kids ... cant imagine if i am preggie again! Just one child n i am 'all over the place' ... moreover, everything increase price - milk, GST, chicken ... but salary - still the same!
Hi Serene
U all 'geared up' for the Baby Show?
Both yr children participating?
Do u know how much does it cost?
Got any goodie bag?
Hey, jus realised tat ger n my boi about same age - can become playmates.

How the trip to Sentosa? Heard there is a train ride tat brings u all the way in but once u r there, got to take bus ...
Any pics to share?
Hello to all,

New to the club but been in the forum for awhile....thought it would be nice to meet up with some mums in this area to learn from your experiences.

My baby's profile

Phoebe loh
3 mths old
playful, smiley and loves to sleep (haha which baby does not ??)

Pl keep me posted if there is any outing or gathering.

Yah not enough sleep liao today same pattern, but Sheryl not awake heng...Darryl awake at 245am for milk, feed him liao then i go express again. While change him, he poo and pee again on the new diaper, change a new one again, then poo again and pee but poo not much so continue let him wear, end up i wipe floor twice.
then give him the express 30mls and make another 30mls FM then he shiok go sleep. But he got very bad block nose.
Woke up at 630am today for milk. Gave him both side, now still sleeping dunno he suck shiok liao then sleep or full le.

Me giving similac as supplement, if anyone got the discount voucher from abbott and dun wan hor, please give me can?? Yeah prices keep shooting up. Imagine when Sheryl was a newborn, her infant FM cost only $28, now go as high as $30.50
so tat explain why my place is a storeroom of diapers and FM.
I stock up 2 cartons of gain for both bro and sis hee...

Darryl's jaundice has gone down liao. thanks for the concern, now i'm more worry is he block nose. He's born with it, so every now and then got tearing(yellow discharge in eyes). Doc says is inherit one.

Nan is at the fair leh, better go first day. Pampers got free toys too from FP, make me so gian.
Welcome babyfinatics
Phoebe looks so shave her?

Anyone making the "tai mao bi"? Belive i'm going to make another one for Darryl too to be fair to both.
oh, that's good!

btw, for the baby show, me also interested leh. but what are the things they look out for or do during the baby show? what are the prizes? :p

ya, agree with CL, if you can do morning and night, it's better than nothing. can borrow mtg room to express during lunch time, too. i remember that time i brought my gal for a bb contest at safra TPY, the organisor arrange a mtg for BF mum to use loh.
just try ur best lah. you know your limit the best.
not i dun want, there's not even a meeting room lah. My office only have a battery room and that's all, you wont know if contractor/collegues will come in anytime one. This office where i work is not the norm office, norm office at another area have but have to walk 10mins to go, so no one will go. Sigh...hard to explain cos the place i work at is highly classified.
poo_power, yah will enrol both my gal & boy for the bb show. but havent enrol yet. per kid is $10
i tink shld have goodies bag
yes, we all had fun at sentosa.
The fantastic 4 had a enjoyable time at the beach
after that, all will so tired liao
the photo ah, k i upload a few later.

Welcome Babyfinatics!

CL, yah loh, join leh. Ur hse so near. Walk down yew tee cc can liao

sunny, wei axler had an fun at the zoo.
But too bad he was too tired & doze off
So didnt manage to get himself wet at the pool located at the children play area

Can join the baby show too. Phoebe very cute mah.

Diff cat got different dr. So it is based on the dr judgement. Dunno what are the things they are looking out. Just go and have fun lah. Your in law place also so near.

On. Next week when I bring Charmaine for class I will go join. I think I open up my house this time so after judgement all can rest at my place. Go there so crowded and dunno what to do. This time I will go early early.
