Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi ladies, so long nvr come in.. :p

Hi babyfinatics, welcome to the club.

Alot of you gg for the babyshow?? sure to be very packed!

Scrapbooking, I oso do my own using the stickon album.. deco here there.. hehe but I do till vel 1 yr plus only... the rest of the photos are in normal albums... worst! the photots taken now are not even developed... kept in computer only.. haha.. faint :p

U gals gg to motherhood fair?? i nvr take leave, if i go this wkn, lagi packed one..

Serene: when u go zoo??? I went zoo last month oso and vel played with the water... she enjoyed it very much sia... Bird park oso have water play.. :p
Poopower.. ya, we went sentosa. Hot day leh, all the mummies complaining about it when we reach there.. hehe so everyone start to sunblock here and there :p.. here are some pix to share...




Huggies at NTUC
34 PCS
FairPrice: $13.80
UP:$ 15.60
40 PCS
FairPrice: $13.80
UP:$ 15.60
44 PCS
FairPrice: $13.80
UP:$ 15.60
30 PCS
FairPrice: $13.80
UP:$ 15.60

The person at Carrefour says about $18 dun want to tell me exact seems too exp
60 PCS
FairPrice: $34.20
68 PCS
FairPrice: $34.20
34 PCS
FairPrice: $22.10
36 PCS
FairPrice: $17.75
58 PCS
FairPrice: $26.40

Carrefour says $29 for NB

2 X48PCS
FairPrice: $24.85
UP:$ 25.60
2 X56PCS
FairPrice: $24.85
UP:$ 25.60
2 X64PCS
FairPrice: $24.85
UP:$ 25.60
48 PCS
FairPrice: $12.80
56 PCS
FairPrice: $12.80
64 PCS
FairPrice: $12.80
40 PCS
FairPrice: $12.80
32 PCS
FairPrice: $12.80

Carrefour quote 18
wow... sounds very tough.

we always missed the pool 'cos forgot to bring the towels and etc for yx. so, end up didn't let her have a dip. :p you brough axler for swimming course?

ya loh, diff dr got diff kind of assessments. dont' know what's their criteria. i ask hb 1st.
your aden and my gal will be at the same cat. hehe...
wah the sentosa trip looks gd wor! too bad miss it le..

eh ur try to online opic cant use this forum, i only can msn nia...

eh the baby contest when?? can bredon join??
Thanks for all the welcome and compliments for Phoebe...she looks kind of different now, more chubby. Her hair growth is kind of slow, have shaven her once during first mth and now still quite bald ha ha ha.
Finally got time to pop in as my gal zzzz liao....

Me, Meow and Funkymom just came back from the motherhood fair.....Phew....this time is really a big challenge......

What u intend to buy leh? See see like not much...Bought only diapers, cereal and rose syrup....
Nuttnuts, Meow, Funkymom
So what is the big deal you have got at the Motherhood fair ?

Scrapbooking Party at Moi's house
Meow and Funkymom, let me know the kit you want I can reserve for you first. Can pass you the kit to pick out the pics. Check which day is good to come my place for crop party. Can use their studio shots too. That is what I am doing for Charmaine and Aden. Any other mummy interested ?

1) Meow
2) Funkymom

Babyfinatics or Babybebe ??
The hair will grow no worries.

I am sure Brendon can join. Find out more information on the noticeboard at your block. Then again you Teck Whye same constituency or not ? Dunno they paste at your place or not.
you got receive my sms hor? Nothing really cheap there leh. I guess only the sealer/EQ is cheap to me others nothing much. Maybe the Nestle cereals are cheap. NTUC selling $3.90 per tin and its selling $5 for 2. But i didn't buy, their cereal pretty sweet leh. I bought the pampers at $11.90 lor, Nutts bought the delrosa syrup, woodgripe water and that's about all lah.

I blur blur on the kit liao?? What kit huh? Gotta buy ah?? And what pics from the kit?? Wondering all these after done hor can frame inside a frame or not huh? Who's Moi?? You mean your house huh?
Wonder what's the special buy for today...and if i should go again and if i should add 1 more carton of EQ small and if i can find my starfish at the kampung fair and havent even go to the JL sale and if i should bring Sheryl again???....who's going today? Hee
Hubby even added, today he can pick me up after his work.

so sorry and thanks for the help....guess Sheryl is too tired and hungry so she's very naughty. So see her other side le hor? Sigh....

Hey very standard hor, i norm pop at this hour haha

Wow going again today....
so envy....I also wan to go too..... How huh??? I haven't walk finish all the stalls yet yesterday leh...

Hey, the big big challenge is not taking of Sheryl lah but have to catch up with u as now u can walk faster leh.... Wahahaha

Thanks, got the message. Not very cheap so decided not to ma fan you. Last time every year I go there only to stock up diapers. But then again travel all the way there and hb's car park charges. Not much save liao.

Ok let me explain more on the scrapbooking kit. You may refer to for the design.

All the kit comes with cut to size cardstock aka papers, very easy to assemble them into layouts with your own selected photos by following clear instructions on the layouts. It also comes with 8" x 8" office preservation album, 1 sheet of label & frame stickers, 1 sheet of die-cut tags, 1 sheet of clear alphabet stickers, ribbon & buttons. Each kit has about 17 - 20 pages depending on which one you choose

I din want to pay extra to make into an album for Charmaine's portfolio pics so I use this kit for them.

Yes, I am suggesting those mummies who are interested to get the kit can come my house for a scrapbooking session. Then I can show you all how to start.

jess: i cant online lah
yes brendon can join mah

so the expo fair nothing much ah????

me also find it troublesome to travel all the way there.
Yeah that's why now i norm go alone there to shop so jus pay the train fair then ask hubby not to pick me from the carpark but from another entrance so no need to pay the carpark mah.

Let me think about the kit and let you know can?
Nutts: duno wat to buy oso... But i intend to try out sealer... Dun tink gg to the fair le.. So did u buy anything anot?

Talk about portfolio pix.. SERENE, where are my photos? ready bo? hehe
hahaha wah liao need to put my name in bold meh
wah liao. hahaha
i told u still havent go take the last pix mah
i recd liao will immediately sms u 1 lah

wei so this wkend how????
serene, wat is this weekend program?

CL, who is Moi?? so far only Meow & Funkymum joining the scrapbooking much ar??

Moi=Me in French. Meow need to think about it. Funkymum seems interested but no confirmation. Not charging for the session. Just pay for the kit I can teach you all lor. The kit is between 35 - 49.90 depending which design you want
ask you hor, this kit can make how many? The picture looks so complicated to me....

Today i went to the fair and dunno why today i buy so many things back then no stroller to push. Ppl see me carry all these stuffs especially the samples from sealer they give me that puzzle face leh.
Bought 2 fridge to go(1 for friend), the $19 sesame street bedding, the goat sweets since Sheryl likes them, Nestle cereals, 4 packs of nepia diaper heavy!

Your free samples from sealer are with me now. The lady, joyce, ask me to collect the goodies today rather than deliver on monday. So you want to collect everything from me on monday or next sunday leh? Your total is $82.

Your total at the fair(nepia, sealer, vitamins, cereal) exclude those from Ikea(which i havent calculate) is $161.50

Yours very simple. Total only $24

Please transfer to my POSB savings 003-40727-6 unless you want to pay me cash.
<font color="aa00aa">meow,</font>
u'r there 2day? me too, with my gal & hubby. wanted to get the nepia diapers but too heavy to carry back, so decided to call for free delivery instead (have to forgo the 4 pc extra for per pack lor
i was there on both thurs and fri. Your hubby is there should be able to carry mah, unless you bought many things too?

Ha ha you are up like me liao. The album has 17 - 20 pages looking at which kit you are taking. But I must assure you it is not complicated at all. I find it so easy compare to those which I have to crack my brain for inspiration. Ha ha this one like my fren says it is "idiot proof" ha ha

If you think there are too many pages, you can tell me what is your wishlist. You are looking at doing up a frame ? If yes, you can provide me with the photos , I find the relating papers for you then we work on what you want lah. Can look at my Aden's Album which I work from birth till 12 months. Then because I only started this not long ago, I has never done for Charmaine, I use the album kit and do one with her, within 1 hour lor. You may need to see the actual thing to visualise so can always pop by my place to see lah
i bought those Ikea frames lah, bought one which is slightly bigger so can deco the sides, so wondering what can be done using scrapbooking lor. Any suggestion to that? In fact i have a black acid free scrapbook bought years ago, but i never start.
Then bring along your scrapbook and start with it. Dun waste it. Yes yes I also like the ikea frame which I want to use it too. What size you bought and what kind of photos you want to do I can work on a layout for my own and see if you like it then I can prepare for you
I bought the size 5 x 7" but to be used on 4R photo lor. So the border left aren't very big one. Huh, bring the scrapbook along?? Wow then meaning i need to stay very long ah? I no photos to put yet leh. Cos those photos i develope already in photo album. Didn't went to develope more photos for very long liao. On hand only have those studio photos. The album i prefer to make it as her growing up too. Weekend or weekday? Need to arrange leh, cos need someone to look after the 2 leh.
hi hi morning, this wk on training so dun have time to login chit chat.

hear the carpark at expo crowded huh.

jess: didnt mit coz raine & ye both down with flu
maybe nxt wkend bah
tks for the trouble to help me get the diapers. eh u all along no give me any samples sad, and u keep asking me the qtn, eh i din give u any samples meh... so sad...sob sob

wat is this group for, we are suppose to help one another...hehehe you are most welcome..

CL, so far how many mummies goin over ur side for the event??
I think only Meow wants to do the frame and Funkymum says interested leh. No other people liao. Maybe all still new to scrapbooking.

Mummies, if you are realli interested but not sure if you want to commit to get a whole set. I can work out a small pack for you to do 1 layout with a 4R photo with my coaching so that you know what scrapbooking is about. Then if you are comfortable and will like to do more then you commit to kits. I can also open 1 kit and demo the photos I am doing for Charmaine's studio shots taken with Alvin.
cos i remember i did give to 2 person mah. So i thought you were one of them beside Karen. There may be slight delay as i'm helping to change the orders to old packaging one cos i find the old one better.
Hi all

Jus some info on Yew Tee Baby Show on 15 July 2007

1) Do i need to personally go down n register? --> You can register online via (payment via credit/debit card). Thereafter, you can contact the CC for a timeslot to come on the event day itself.

2) Wat documents to submit? --> A copy of your baby's birth certificate is required. On the event day, please bring along your baby's health booklet.

3) Wat is bb n mummy/daddy suppose to do? --> Mum & Dad do not have to do anything.

4) Who determines the winner? Public or judges --> Judges (Doctors/Nurses)

5) Any 'performance' tat the bb suppose to do? --> No performance required by the baby.

6) Any refundable policy? e.g if apply but bb sick on tat day, is the application fee refundable --> There will be no refund unless the event is cancelled by the CC.

7) When is the closing date? --> 8 July 2007
Hi Serene
Thanks for the pics at Sentosa ... all the toddlers are so cute!
Your boy so lucky - got 3 gals wif him ... still choosing huh??? Or have chosen??! Hahaha
Hi Ling
Thanks for the pics too! BTW, one of them is yr child(ren) too? Are all of them the same age? Mind introducing them??
U going for Baby Show too?
meow:i'm a poor cook leh
i only noe how to make soba & fan tuan nah leh

CL, u can one lah

poo_power, i already enrol both my kids liao. tink last wk. cc veri fast response, they call me the veri nxt day give me the time slot.
the fantastic 4 is my ah boy, funkymon, ling & nuttnuts kids loh.
they ard the same age. my boy the elder

Onz. I will try to be octopus. But the Japanese dish cannot be the difficult one. This week I cannot. Next weekend ? You meet me for lunch then we go Jasons supermarket, I teach you from buying ingredients ha ha. You want the Japanese curry right ? Maybe another Oden soup, very simple one. Sure can make it.
