Choa chu kang mummy club

I thought of collecting for you last night....cos today i'm going to my mum's place in the afternoon till night time around 8pm. Well since Serene says funkymom will collect from you so i didn't take.

Here's your boy and my gal. Find Sheryl's expression very funny

Thanks for the kind thought. Hee hee.
Heng Funkymom work near me next building only so can meet & collect from her. If not u also can hor, yr mummy stay very near my hse.

This is taken when? During the last photoshoot?
So did you retake again at the Studio for Sheryl?
This one taken at Serene's place lor. Yes we did retake at his studio. But total like not much like that leh...
mayday, u stuff i pass to irene liao. u collect from her k

meow: tis one cute. lok like axler bully her snatch her toy
the artwork either u can select ur own photo or he will help u select
u nvr keep changing the clothing meh? sheryl not co-operative?

mashi, wow mine finally over that gal now 3 months+

woofy, hi welcome join us here. the mummies here r veri friendly & we can chit chat anything
Yeah you're right...from the photos taken she was holding to 2 sticks. Then Axler wants to play so he took the other one from Sheryl, so end up she cry lor. When will he be back from his overseas trip? I think i'll let him choose lah, unless i dun like then i tell him to change a little lor. Please give him to correct spelling of Sheryl can?

K, share some nice photos here of Sheryl taken that day. She got change a few lah, those nice one are when she's co-operative enough, else its not that nice lor....
Sheryl keep asking him to change mah....she lah request one ah....the white background was jus the wall. He got to take up the backdrop so wont dirty his backdrop. End up our feet all dirtied. haha. These are some of the nice photos which i quite like too.
Too bad no chance to tie her hair.

I bought the Ikea table instead le lah....dunno why i'm deeply in love with the mammut series.
Now i got the chest of drawers, a table, a chair and 2 stools.
Thanks for asking.
Hi CCK mummies,

been ages since i pop by...busy with my new role..haha..trying to take care of my son..guess i got alot to learn and how to do time mgt..coz SAHM..hope i can still be able to surf net, do hsewk and taking care of my son at the same time..
meow: the photo not bad mah. at least sheryl not that not co-operative lah. she already do her best. must praise her lah.

CL, ur 8R & 4R photo ready & with me.

Zu, where u??? so how???

mashi, well try to treasure this few month coz time flies veri fast
Veri soon ur bb will reach 3 months juz like mine.
I miss my gal when she's juz new born.

Mashmallow, oiii, I feel sahm actually veri busy leh. Do hsework,lok after kids etc.
More tired than I ever tht of
serene, haha... ya.. think now is the easiest to take care.... eat sleep poo.... haha... put at bed alone also wont roll down.... ... but really hope time will slow a bit.... cos i dun wanna go back to work so fast... sure miss bb....

mashmallow, ya... i think sahm is more busy than working..... it's like 24/7... never ending things to do..... that time my MIL go overseas, left me & my hubby... me was on leave but more tiring... mop floor... pack this pack that... need to cook somemore..... haha....
<font color="119911">Hi Serene</font>
Alexander will be 4 months on 15 May. How about yr gal? BTW, will u be giving semi solid to yr gal soon? Some say 4 months can give but others say to wait for 6 months!?

<font color="0000ff">Hi Mashmallow</font>
i too am a SAHM. How old is yr boy? I agree wif Mashi tat SAHM is like 7-11 "Always open, never close" 24 hrs on call/standby
But i believe it is worth the sacrifice.
mashi, yah agree. mine gal had kick off the nite feed b4 i go bck to work. so no more waking up at nite 4 me. but i really miss those days. seem like she had grow big in 1 nite.
so do treasure ur 3 mths maternity with ur boy.

meow: wah liao, everyx i nvr c u, i tht u go pop liao leh hehehe
so getting heavier rite? tis round gain got many pound?
i veri hapi, i left with 3kg more to burn hahaha

poo_power: my gal Rslier. she's 3mths & 18days old. yes, my ah boy last x also had cereal ard 4mth+. but have to do it slowly
oh then ur alexander age gap quite clsd to my ah gal leh
Dun worry lah....i'm still around. Believe this maybe the same like last round. Only pop on my EDD. So my EDD is next friday. I will text someone to inform once i've popped.

Me too start to introduce plain rice cereal when my gal was 4mths old. Make sure its plain ones with no added sugar and mix some milk till very dilute for the very start. Dun make it too thick hor and give it to him when he's almost full and not when he's hungry. Else you'll lose your patience feeding him
Poo, ya.... definately worth it..... nothing beats being able to see own kids grow up day by day...

wow... I hope my gal will kick off nite feeding before i go back to work late jul...... if not will be really tiring....
mashi, yah i already feel veri tired with 2 kids ard. then i'm still trying hard to continue BF. sigh!

meow: last round c or natural?

sunny, yes yes. everyday w/o fail.
dun 1 2 give her chance 2 complain say axler have y she dun have hehehe
serene, i picked up my stuff from yr nanny liao.
Thanks for all the trouble ar.

meow, ya lor, i also tot u pop liao.
Cos u like Chipsmore biscuit here, 'Now u see, now u dont'
Never choose date. Let him choose himself better, dun want to control his fate and destine.

Dun crave me leh....chipsmore leh...tonight i eat my chachos...
if still can eat, i will eat till i pop lor before i suffer for a month without goodies...
ya loh..sahm more busy than working..haha...have to rush to do things when bb sleeping..

my boy is coming to 2mths..
Hi Serene
U r a mother of 2? Wow, how do u handle? I only got one but ... very challenging!!! So, who helping u look after yr children? How old yr boy?
Since yr gal similar age to mine, in future, they can become playmates. BTW, does this mummy club formed any groups yet? Jus wondering should i enrol my boy to childcare (when he is 18mths) or can i jus rely on playmates for interaction...

Hi mashmallow
Is this yr first bb? Anybody helping u? Although my MIL is helping out but still very tiring ... think my blood pressure has rocketed to the sky ... hahaha

Hi Meow
Thanks for yr advise. Yr little gal is so pretty. Where did u take those beautiful shots? Wanna bring Alexander for his baby photo too.
This time round, is it a boy or gal? Is it the same feeling for 2nd time birth? All the best n take care
zu, Chipsmore biscuit ? hahaha the way u describle veri funny.

meow: ur tummy veri big hor, tat day saw u, u like bloated. so with tis kind of weather, u can tanhan? 2 temp man.

mashmallow, it's like tat one. u will get use to it

poo_power, yes. my eldest one is gg 21 months. gal gg 4 months. the same nanny taking care of my 2 kids on wkday from 7am till i off work.
everyday fetch them home after work

Meow's tummy this time round not very big leh....I find still a bit small that why when u go out with her now, she still can walk very fast......
We took them together with Serene's friend. Nice ah....not bad lah....least still can find some nice ones rather than none.
This time round is a boy. So 1 gal and 1 boy.

HOT!! VERY HOT!!! sometimes can't tahan ah....everytime after meals, my whole face wet leh. Tummy big mah?? Okay lah, about the same like last time ah. But Darryl is smaller than Sheryl lor.

Nutts can't catch with me yesterday when we went shopping. She commented if me and hubby join competition in walking, sure to win. Haha
My EDD is this Sat lah....if can wait, i was thinking if can drag till next thurs, same BD as me.

I did visit Kidslink too....but then later i find their medi not very effective on my gal, sometimes took her to norm GP instead.
Received liao. Thanks. Not develope yet right? I still need to give you 10selected ones then after he develope then i take all together hor? Sms me lah, i'm going off line soon
meow, i dun tempt u w chipsmore la but we all tot u pop liao cos sometym we see u, sometym we dun mah. wah! u gg to give birth still can walk so fast huh? Last tym i walked like penguin ar. :p

poo power, my boy is 2yrs old now. Have been bringing him to playdates weekly. If u talk abt interaction, i tink playmates is good enough for my boy. He learnt to talk, share etc from them during these session. We also have outings to zoo and gym. Must keep him occupied else very tiring for me. Like u say, SAHM'w work is never ending.

marshmallow, 2mths still bearable. Wait till he turn 2years old! Then u will be twice busy than u are now. Enjoy the time when he still take abt 3-4 naps a day.
Hi Mayday
Thanks. Is it the one with Post office or the one at CCK Interchange? 24hrs? Ex?
BTW, how old is your boy? Who is helping to look after him?
Hi Zu
i look after my 4mths old n i already find it very tiring!!! I really do not know how come he has so much energy! Luckily my MIL is helping out! How about u? Looking after on your own?
How does yr playdates work? Is it on rotation basis or solely at one mummy home?
hi mayday...

u go to Dr Ng @ kidslink? ... check wit you... any idea how much their 5 in 1 jab cost? I brining my gal there this sat... but heard usually PD's 5 in 1 are quite ex... polyclinics only 200+....
Yeah i think its Dr Ng. His the only one i see leh, cos very time i go his the one around.

For GP i go to the 24h one jus beside DBS bank

I still walk like penguin ah, jus not too slow lor. If slow means a little pain, else norm speed lor
Dr Winston Ng is the one and only there.

Cannot remb how much he charged me. Think not more than 200 leh.

Where you stay? Near CCK interchange got one clinic very 'HOT' one. Edinburgh always crowded. Many parents bring their child ... No harm trying but the waiitng kills. Me will call and ask for no. first then agar agar go down. haha
yes, this is my first bb..mum helping me till tmr..after tat, i will be taking care of my bb myself..i am sahm..

hope i get used soon..haha..coz even with my mum around, i still feels tired for the nightfeed

re: PD
poo_power, my bb seeing Dr Winston Ng from Kidslink at the the building beside lot1...not bad..he quite gentle loh..
think he's the oni PD there..unless he's away, there's stand-in PD..the 1st time my bb saw a lady PD..very good! very detailed and gentle

u mean 'terrible two' har? keke
poo_power, yup. been looking after him alone since he was 3mths old. He was also very active. Boys will be boys la. Now still is active. But he's a bit older now so will keep himself occupied with his toys when i'm cooking. if i'm unwell, then will SOS my MIL to help me out. Thank God she's the very easygoing type. Besides she's not working also, so more than happy to company her grandson.

About the playdat thingy, we do take turns hosting . We try to incorporate crafts, songs and storytelling etc. But if mommies are tired, we'll just let them play on their own. As long as the kids enjoy each other company, why not rite.

marshmallow, TOUCHWOOD!! Although he's two already, but still hvn not gone to that terrible stage. He still can listen if we reason out with him. So far so good. If he misbehave, then he get no toys or he'll be confined to home.
Cos he loves going 'walk walk'.

meow: yes u faster go chose ur 10 bah. then he can develop.

poo, my axler nvr go any playgrp. me or his daddy usually will find time to teach him ourself. read bedtime story to him. now he will go to the cupboard & take a book himself & ask his daddy or me to read to him. we do flash card to him also. bring him 2 farm etc. really need to expose them since it's the time they pick up the fastest loh.

mashmallow, try to take a nap when ur bb sleep. ur bb will get lesser nap when ur boy grow bigger loh
