Choa chu kang mummy club

morning ladies,

no problem, I'll share my experience (and recipe) with u all, but as for teaching, I scared I not up to standard yet leh, I still have not master how to bake the donuts until now.

I'll definately bomb her with more questions as long as she dun chase me out her house! actually i v interested to learn how to make her cupcake stand and her children's party hat that she post in another thread and her blog, hopefully got time to learn that as well.
Good morning Ling
hi agnez! welcome!

ling, got blog ah? let me know the addy la.

serene, wah, got big project is it? hee hee....

caramum, good luck to you. she's really creative! she can make so many things. she's also very good at tailoring. always making dresses for her girl.
i saw her cupcake stand liao, should be quite ok to make. dun worry la, she very nice one, won't chase you out of her house can ask and learn all you wan.
caramum, thks! u also like baking? i like me lazy to start off. nxt x we can bake 2gether

hwee, as usual yr end my co got promo. then quite busy.
hwee: me in telecommunication field. make a guess bah.

jappooh, hi welcome to join us here. where u staying. u bought resale unit?
serene, next week bad time for me, cos hb oversea from mon till thur....i only baked donuts twics so far leh!....I like baking but also v lazy...that's why only baked twice so far.
Welcome all new mummies

Xmas gift exchange how to work? 2 adults buy 2 gift and 1 kid 1 present? Blur liao lah
You still remember the discount value of the Giant coupons bo? Your total is $94.10

Yours is $47.50
Welcome all new mummies.
Aiyo, I already blue , now more blur with more names.

Been very busy at work , taking over some undone work from a counterpart in Japan and from now all more shit to clear. I think hardly can come in here often liao.

Caramum, Serene
Envy leh. You all can bake. Me hor hb never agree to get one baking oven. Sigh cannot try at all. Last week everyday my sil will mms what she bake following the baking thread. Envy envy woh.

My office also cannot MSN so I use webbased meebo or ebuddy woh.

Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)

Me also too busy to log in too....Busy with yr end closing and mth end closing.

Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)
5) Nuttnuts (cannot do on 22 dec too)
Dear Ladies,

I have got the 3 in 1 duck tour tickets liao. Do call me to collect hor...

3 in 1 Tour [Duck Tour + Hippo Ride + DHL Balloon]

1. Nuttnuts [2A + 1T]
2. Funkymom [2A + 1T] ???
3. NuttNut Friends [2A + 2C].
4. zu [2A + 1T]
5. Jess [2A + 1T]
6. Meow [2A + 1T]
Hi hi..

Welcome all mummies...

Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)
5) Nuttnuts (cannot do on 22 dec too)
6) funkymom

Hi meow, thks ah..will transfer & let u know..
Welcome all mummies who have joined CCKMC

So long did not login liao, hope I did not miss all the funs.

Cottagefry, me also stay at CCK Central, 219.

Hey, I imterested in the Xmas gathering so when huh? Bit lost and blur now. Gift exchange also for adult or should we do for kids only?

Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)
5) Nuttnuts (cannot do on 22 dec too)
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
Hi mummies,

I am interested in the Xmas gathering too.

Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)
5) Nuttnuts (cannot do on 22 dec too)
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez
hi mummies... mi oso cannot do on 22 Dec wor.. hmm, should we do one on 15 Dec (sat nite)??

after gathering, say ard 8pm, drive to orchard to see xmas lighting. HOW?? :D

gift exchange: 1 couple one. 1 kid one (pls get unisex toy). okay??

santa claus leh? volunteer?? *bring spare clothing if heading to orchard oso :D

dress code for kids: party wear

potluck - who bringing what food??

games - any ideas?? suggestion please...
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Lighting Time: 8pm till late
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)
5) Nuttnuts (cannot do on 22 dec too)
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez
caramum, i only do it while on leave
the 2 monster at home make me dun have time for myself

CL, ur sil? which one?

Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Lighting Time: 8pm till late
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)
5) Nuttnuts (cannot do on 22 dec too)
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez
Hi Ling,

I can't cook
can I get chicken wings from Old Chang Kee instead for the X'mas party?? or anything else that do not require me to cook

gift exchange: 1 couple one. 1 kid one (pls get unisex toy).
The budget is $10 each right?

We will not be joining for the lighting at Orchard as my girl sleeps early.
Hmm dunno if she got join in the chat she is CMGC_family. But I know she has tried the recipes. She ask me to get the donut tray for her since near my office

Party 15 Dec 07
Only me plus 2 kids. Again my anti social lao gong wants to steal time for himself
caramum, i only do it while on leave
the 2 monster at home make me dun have time for myself

CL, ur sil? which one?

Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Lighting Time: 8pm till late
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little ( cannot do on 22 dec too)
5) Nuttnuts (cannot do on 22 dec too)
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez
10) Jess
Hi mummies joining the christmas gathering..

Have lobang for entertainer but we need to come out with budget for her to come out with programs..Also what do we have in mind for the party and she will try to work within our budget.

Pls bombard with ideas & suggestion pls..kekeke
some suggestions:-

helium balloons
balloon sculpturer - so that all kids will get a sculpture balloon each or even 2 pieces.
Hands on Activities - allowing kids to use hands and make a pressie home.
Toys & balls pool

*magic show - frankly i wont suggest.
1. too young to understand what the magician is doing
2. kids will wonder away if they dunno what is the show all abt.

hope this suggestion helps. :p
You've been missing so long already finally appear ah
Eh how's clarrisa?

Can i suggest something? Adults no need gift exchange lah. The aim is to let the kids have fun right? So let the kids have gift exchange ok? Also let babies get involve ok? Meaning i have 2 kids, then i get 2 presents lah, 1 baby present and 1 kid present, both presents universal. So the baby will exchange with the babies gift. How's that? As for CL also get 2 presents, but her's will be under kiddo category, then 'lucky draw' the gift ok?
CL, help me buy the donut tray leh. i dunno where is that plc.

carole, balls pool? do it at ur plc ah? hahaha
I am ok with your suggestion.

Ok how many you want ? the tray is $6.80. The place just oppposite raffles hotel at seah street. That side pple go for the curry fish head one
Like Agnez, I will not be joining for the lighting at Orchard as my girl sleeps early.

I'm ok with the suggestion for the program....let me know what food to bring....

As for the attendence, it will be me, my girl and my maid only...hb also anti-social one.

Oh no.....just remember 15 Dec I have the baking class at n2inpink wonder 15 Dec looks so familiar to me....but shd be ok since her class ends at 2pm.
hi hi! my ger got b'day party to attend on 15 dec... :p sigh! year end liao so extra bz.... sigh!

my boi celebrated his 1st b'day on sunday.

pink came by to help me wif my cupcakes deco but end up teaching some kids how to do the deco. the kids all had a good time.


for the party, i'm ok wif the gift exchange for the kids and babies. not a problem. as for entertaining, like i said, i can do a game wif them. but if you all wan professional help, then i think it can be quite costly. let me know wat you all intend to do?
I stay at block 441, there is a playground right under my block. My ger is 18mth old, how old is your child...maybe next time can let them play together.
1) we can get helium balloons - loan helium gas tank around $50-$100

2) For entertainers, we are looking at a budget of $100 (if they have tis low budget, haha)

2) gift exchange/lucky draw for children only (budget $10 each):
(a) below 1 yr
(b) above 1 yr

3) I like the ball pool but no place for tat

4) Red wine anyone?? :p

*Are we changing location since we have more ppl now?? any function rooms to offer??

if too expensive for entertainers, I suggest we jz loan the helium tank and do the gift exchange. Sing song & dancing session - for kids and adults.. haha
CL, dun buy 1st. i go look for the receipe 1st

Caramum, dun 4get share with me the receipe for the cupcake.

jappooh, wah now resale with x leh. my bil also looking ard for flat
mostly asking for hard cash & damn high

hwee, wah so nice of pink. but she really talented
maybe we shld ask her organise 1 baking session at 1 of our hse man
wah Timothy so fast 1 yr old liao ah. i'm waiting for my gal turn 1 also

ling, u sure 1 entertainer meh?
i can offer my hse if ur'all one.
Just some info to share about the 3 in 1 Tour for those who has purchase the tickets:

For the duck tour,
Understand this is a very popular ride among the tourists and during peak season, I would suggest you to give them a call 1 week in advance to book the ride.
You can take the ride from Suntec City
Pls call them @ 6338 6877 for booking

For the Hippo Ride,
You can take the ride from Suntec City too. You can either choose City HiPPO tours and Heritage HiPPO tours

For the DHL Balloon,
You did not call them to book for the ride but pls call them on that day itself to check whether they will be flying on that day.
Sometimes due to the weather and the wind, they will not be flying the balloon.
Pls call them @ 6338 6877
I have a bottle of red wine to contribute. Dunno good or not. People give me one.

Entertainer $100 not likely. Spent $250 during Aden's birthday and quite cheap liao.

Missed the boat can still buy ?

You so lucky to have Pink around. Hey I also want leh if can invite her to cck. Ha ha me never bake except during school time. Realli want to try
CL, we can arrange with her. i cant attend her baking class but if she cant pop over to cck that will be great
serene, staff discount for us bo? hee hee..... if you wan baked donut recipe, let me know. fyi, i have 4 of those trays at home.
i always make cos its soooo easy. Dun see other ppl so fast la, you ger also very fast will be 1 very very soon

cl, serene, caramum, think pink is already very tight for the month of dec. you have any dates in mind? let me go ask her? she actually asked me before to lend her my place for her one of her workshops but I told her I was busy. See how many ppl keen, set a date then I go ask her

caramum, when you have play session for the toddlers, let me know. i also let my boy join.

1) for helium, cheapest is at woodlands, think abt $40 per tank. check this out:
2)i dun think there're entertainers who will do it at that price. :p
3) gift exchange ok.
4)i have the balls if you all have a big pool or something to hold the balls. think i have 150.
5) wine, if anyone is keen, i can also bring, no problem.

if we engage entertainers, then i guess no choice have to charge. agree to just sing some songs and play some simple games.

next is to coordinate food.

cl, my office blocked all those webby you mentioned too!
can we pin down a date? is the 15th dec decided? i can't do that day for sure. on top of a b'day party, i have another housewarming to rush! faintz. shall we set 16th dec or 20th dec as it is a holiday?

for food, i can contribute fried bee hoon / noodles. let me know your preference.
Hi CaraMum,
my boy is currently 22mths.

ya now resale flat are very ex.. Luck i buy slightly early but actually for me is the same cos i sell my hse early as well. So overall balance loh.

any mummies sending their kids to playgroup, childcare liao? Any good playgroup at CCK?
Meow: busy shifting house.. from Jurong to Amk.. Clarisse super noti...

Serene: my plc? my new place is even smaller and boxes are everywhere in sight. I can contribute a hippo little tikes play pool with balls.

Helium Tank with delivery is 90, but i can get at cost for 70.

there isnt a need for entertainer for kids below 4. just some activities will keep the kids busy.

anyway, funkymom suggested entertainer, that's me la.... cos i m into events. she was asking me, so i told her minus the entertainer but throw in some activities.

i wish i can volunteer the space, but too bad i just shifted to a real small plc!

15th dec is fine w me. let me know.
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: Ling house with xmas tree or any other volunteers with bigger house... :D

1) Ling
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little - wine
5) Nuttnuts
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez
10) Jess

ladies, pls indicate your food contribution

Are we still taking the helium tank? pls vote.
Date - 15 or 16 Dec? pls vote {Hwee cannot make it on 15th)

Carole: thks for your contribution.. haha, but duno if our house can "house" the play pool anot.. hehe :p
