Choa chu kang mummy club

Think we should have a gathering. Who house will set up a christmas tree? My house dun, else we can have a gathering there and a gift exchange. On??

I saw the books you posted. You ever try go to those chinese bookstores at Bras Basah to look at their books? Chinese books from China should be very cheap one leh. I saw a series from the link, maybe its board book. Not cheap leh, $4 per book??
I will be setting up the xmas tree soon... :D

Can come my house la if you gals dun mind.. yup.. do gift exchange... we can do up some games for the kids etc..
Hi Ling, sound good, never had a chance to meet all of u. Maybe one of us become Santa. Yeah.. But my elder son is afraid. hehehe
ling: we nvr went to the cow farm.
u saw my sms? the farm half day lah hehehe
end up i bring axler to stadium swimming
Margaret: yup, any volunteer for santa?? I was tinking if couldnt come up with games for the kids, maybe we can engage an entertainer for them... hehe then we all share the cost la.. :p

Serene: swim halfway rain hor.. boring.. hw come farm half day? hehe
Ling: no lah. we already out from the pool. axler had enough
luckily after shower then rain. then got thunder. all in the pool was ask to come out from the water
coz they see all the milk all sell out they will clsd for the day.

Sunny: ling's husband come to our rescue hahahaha
we waited for the rain to stop but seem like getting more & more heavier
so no choice call help.
Ling: no lah. we already out from the pool. axler had enough
luckily after shower then rain. then got thunder. all in the pool was ask to come out from the water
coz they see all the milk all sell out they will clsd for the day.

Sunny: ling's husband come to our rescue hahahaha
we waited for the rain to stop but seem like getting more & more heavier
so no choice call help.
Anyone keen to go for the 3 in 1 Tour [Duck Tour + Hippo Ride + DHL Balloon]?

Price :
$33 for Adult
$17 for Child [3-12 Yrs Old]
$4 for toddler [0-3 Yrs Old]

Need to purchase the 3 in 1 ticket by 30 Nov 07.

As for the rides, you can go anytimes. Different Days for Different Rides are also possible. The validity of the tickets are 3 months.

FYI, the Duck Tour & the Hippo Ride is about 1 hr each and the DHL Balloon is about 10 min.

1. Nuttnuts [2A + 1T]
2. Funkymom [2A + 1T] ???
3 in 1 Tour [Duck Tour + Hippo Ride + DHL Balloon]

1. Nuttnuts [2A + 1T]
2. Funkymom [2A + 1T] ???
3. NuttNut Friends [2A + 2C].
hi nutnuts, sorry to intrude... may i know where can i get the 3in1 tour tickets? or is there a number i can call? thanks vm...
nuttnutts, isit u getting the tix for us?
If buy now, tat means its valid till abt Feb?
Can include me too? Thanks!

3 in 1 Tour [Duck Tour + Hippo Ride + DHL Balloon]

1. Nuttnuts [2A + 1T]
2. Funkymom [2A + 1T] ???
3. NuttNut Friends [2A + 2C].
4. zu [2A + 1T]
Hi Ling,

I dont mind to be Santa, but who has the Santa's costume?


I tot the DHL Balloon will cease end of Dec07?
Margaret: tink must rent for the custome.. :p how??

Anyone else interested in a xmas party for the kids? ideas??

Nutts: so scary to go up the DHL balloon haha.. Can we jz go for the duck tour?? hw much would that be? :p
Sorry to intrude... do you mind telling me where to get the tix. Thanks a lot.

I think rent is more expensive than buying? Aiya, last week when i went to Toy R'us shd check whether they sell adult Santa costume anot?
hihi.... had been at home taking care of the kids while my mil is out of town.... seems like this thread is quite slow huh....

serene, i went to KL and genting 2 weeks ago. wa piang, tot monday no ppl, but genting still super crowded! need to queue for the rides.... sigh! the newest shopping mall in KL opened liao. its right opposite marriot and westin hotel called pavillion.

ling, how are you coping with your bb? seems like ok hor. you stil have time to login.
x'mas party? good lei! when?
hello mummies, any of u have a Rainbow e2 cleaning system? I'm considering buying one but would like to gather some info first.
caramum, she says her class is full liao. sigh! let me go and ask her to squeeze another place for me. heard Jan no more new classes lei... her class very hot de!
hmm, we will have pot luck style, gift exchange for kids and adult and games for the tots...

*Santa claus volunteer needed
*Games suggestion for children
*Gift exchange budget ($10 each)

Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
Hi Hwee, long time no see hor.. hv plenty of that when I go back to work.. hehe

Hi cottagefry, welcome... which party of CCK you staying??
Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)

thanks ling for the info. no problem on pot luck. we'll co-ordinate that again. I can take care of 1 game for the kids. for the gift exchange, i suppose each one who's attending bring 1 gift right? so the children will do gift exchange with the children and the adults will exchange with adults right?

thank you very much caramum! i'll see pink this week and wil make arrangements wif her. so sweet of you!
yes ling, long time no see. we can meet for lunch when you come back.
dun think abt the work first, i came back early tis yr also had so much to clear. haha!
Date: TBA
Time: Dinner time
Venue: My small house (if too many ppl hv to change venue)

1) Ling
2) hwee (can't do on 22 and 23 dec)
3) caramum
Hwee: hmmme think tis dec me not gg anywhere liao

Caramum: u gg for the baking class ah? I recd pinkie invitation email but not joining
I want the recipe also leh. U learn liao then teach us hor

hi cottagefry. tell us more abt urself
like how many kids etc
ling, just came back from fire drill excercise. you must be so glad you dun need to participate hor? hee hee....

serene, how come not going anywhere? for me dec usually very busy all the weekends so cannot go also. how come you not attending pink's class?

caramum, pls pay attention during her class. she's very good and ask as many questions as you can. she can actually bake and make many things....
hwee: firedrill?? good ting i escaped.. but do u noticed the cracks on the wall at the staircase there.. so scary leh..

ling, have meh? didn't notice lei..... too many ppl.... must be from the demolition of the next door building.... how's shaking legs at home? got some more bb pics or not? i lurve bbs....
