Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi BabyJJ,

Kids behave very differently in CC and at home. My kids are considered quite easy to handle (as I know their character and learnt how to handle them) but they can be mischievous at times at home. But, in CC, teachers say that they are one of the well-behaved ones. When I told the principal what they did at home, she could not believe her ears.

Hi BabyJJ, don't worry I think Mulberry is still one of the better ones around CCK-Yew Tee, that's why I put my son there in the first place.

I agree with Snowball that kids behave differently in school. One of the reason is peer pressure. They tend to look at their classmates and behave like them. Suppose that's good if they learn positive things lol.

About the teacher-child ratio, for N1, 1:10 is normal, if not better. Anything better than that, you must look elsewhere and prepare to pay much higher. But I think all depend on the teacher. If she has 5 kids and is not dedicated, it's as bad as having 10.
Thanks Ashley and snowball for the feedback. Will go down to mulberry to take a look first. Sigh, guess not easy to find a Perfect cc. So got to overlook certain things. Such a headache
thanks again
Hi Ashley & Snowball,
Thanks for all your advise. Recently Kinderland called me to say they are taking in PG for 2011. I'm ssoo happy cos that's my first choice as it's the nearest to my home - walking distance. And overall, I like their CC as it's clean, well-maintained and teachers seem ok. Although principal keeps changing. So tink I will stick with Kinderland. Thank goodness my baby got priority entry cos her jie-jie is already studying there.
Just called mulberry and this time the admin picked up. They said for N1 next year, they are gog to increaseto max of 28 ! I was shocked! Such big class, even thou she said they will increase teachers. Bur the place also quite packed le
Just called mulberry and this time the admin picked up. They said for N1 next year, they are gog to increaseto max of 28 ! I was shocked! Such big class, even thou she said they will increase teachers. But the place already quite packed le
Hi BabyJJ,

My DD's N2 class has 22 kids is the biggest class in her CC now. Their N1 has 17 kids now. I find that 28 in one class will be too much to handle for 3yos. Did Mulberry indicate that they will split the N1 class into 2 classes if the class size is too big?

Hi 3Jems,

Kinderland just called me 2 weeks ago to inform me that they have vacancy in N1 in Dec for my DD2, after almost 15mths on waiting list. Since my DDs have already settled in very well into their current CC, I will not switch them for the moment.
Wow! 28 children is alot leh. Wonder how they going to squeeze so many children. When I visited the centre last week, I feel the classrooms kinda small and cramp leh. But overall still better then other CC's I went to.

Yah... the waiting for Kinderland is super duper long. If your gals already settled down then dun change CC's. Cos may upset their routine. Unless the current CC no good anymore, then next time can tink of changing. Frankly I feel that majority of the CC's in CCK area cannot make it. Run-down, cramp, teaching staffs questionable quality, etc. The good ones I feel are less then 5.
Hi 3Jems,

Actually, I like Pat Schoolhouse which has a branch near my workplace. But, the fees are very expensive, cannot afford.

Yes, I also feel that the CCs in our area are very cramped. I go for CC that are particular in cleaniness and teach Chinese daily (not all CCs do this). So far, my kids' CC also has a low teacher t/o rate & both my kids are happy at where they are, so we will not switch them for the moment.
Hi Snowball,

I like Pat's very much too. There are many Pat's around my workplace but I'm still not willing to let Damien travel so far at his age. Also, I heard their afternoon nap is from 3 to 5pm, 1 to 3 pm is for enrichment lessons. Afraid my son cannot adapt.
Hi everybody, this to share my woes with the Ballet and Music Company at Choa Chu Kang recently. I sign up for the creative dance and piano class for my kid on 22/06/10. We begin our first piano lesson on 23/07/10, to my horror the teacher cannot speak English very well and when my kid asked a question she cannot understand. I informed the school that I would to have a change of teacher, the person in charge Angie said that she will arrange and get back to me. I waited for about ONE MONTH despite reminding Angie frequently, but Angie didnt get back to me about the new arrangement. I finally called their other centre to inform them about this. Angie finally called me and said that she will call me in Sept as they will be expecting new teachers in Sept. I waited for another 2-3 WEEKS, but in MID-Sept still nobody call me!!! I called up Angie and she is not around and so I spoke to another colleague and they finally arrange a trial for me on 28/09/10. Unfortunately, my son simply could not understand the new teacher. I called Angie and told her I would like to have a refund of my deposit and school fees and she told me that they have been using foreigners as teachers and so far they have not received any complaint. It is as though it is my 4 years old fault. My kid used to attend piano class at other Music school but has no problem understanding other teachers because they are locals.I only withdraw from the other school because I am tired of the long traveling. We have wasted so much time waiting and now I don't even know if I can get my money back. So parents who are thinking of enrolling your child in their music programme, please learn from my mistake, make sure you get a free trial before you pay up.

Actually there is a Pat's associated centre at bukit panjang area... if you are keen in Pat's curriculum can take a look at the place..

but its partially aircon.. those semi-detected house....
Hi Jeraldine, is it children's campus? I heard mixed review about them so not sure if I should send Damien there. Has Enjie moved to JE?
Hi Joan,

That is very bad attitude of the music school. Thanks for sharing with us.

Hi Jeraldin,

We drove past LV Acer Building last weekend. Nice and cosy place. They have a private playground for the CC only.
Oh so now both Mulberry and LV will be at Acer Building?

Was thinking to send my son to JE but afraid the jam around that area in the morning is bad.
Hi Ashley,

Yes, JE early is choatic during peak hours.

I work in Tuas area....I like the Pat's Schoolhouse at Arena Country club...but, then.....
Hi Snowball, I heard a lot of negative reviews on that Pat's center... Have you done research on it? Anyway it's really too ex, plus transport expenses...

I think beside lot 1 that buliding got ballet sch... U might wan to go chk it out... Think is 3rd or 4th level...
Ashley.. Actually I have pull out ej .. He will transfer to another cc next time... I managed to find a nanny near my place for my #2 and so think is too lazy to travel all the way down to jurong ... So decided to send him to a non aircon place to see if it helps in his cough.

Btw ... Wat mixed review u heard abt the children campus ??
Hi Jeraldin, I've just got to know that EJ is leaving soon, so sad, the first batch of PN in Mulberry has almost left.

I also notice Damien is ok at home but will get sick after going to school.

Are you sending EJ to Children's Campus? Some time back I read some unpleasant experiences of parents who send their children there. Not sure about now though.
oh ashley... how come you know that EJ is leaving soon? Yah i saw fewer of the first batch PN students from the class photos on the main door...

i think everywhere oso have some unpleasant experience bah.. its just a matter of which parents experiencing that...

I do have some unpleasant experience with Mulberry also.. but then again I think overall some teachers are quite ok and I believe EJ enjoy his time there... now i only hope he can adapt well to the new place... =)
Hi Jeraldin,

His teacher told me :) Hope you don't mind.

I agree with you that every center bound to have at least a couple of unhappy parents, but to what extent, it depends.

My hb and I have some unpleasant encounters at Mulberry too. Oh did I tell you we are looking for another childcare as well? After shortlisting and visiting a few, we decided not to send Damien too far, so now looking for those nearer again lol.
hey ashley.. dun mind.. doesn't really matter... just a pity that EJ wouldn't be able to participate in the year end concert... will be fun to see him perform though.... and yah from your previous post can see you are looking around for a new school...

I think choices around yew tee and CCK are quite limited... so i went to bukit panjang area... coz near my home so will be more convenient.. plus next time got to send #2 to nanny and EJ to childcare.. got to find one along the way...

your hubby drives rite? i think distance should be ok as long as it is not too way out from the route to work or to home bah...
Hi Jeraldine,

Oh did you purchase the year end concert costume as well? It's a pity EJ cannot stay until end Nov cos the concert will be in Nov right? Anyway, hope he can adapt fast to the new place and be healthy always :)

Just curious why you sent EJ to Yewtee/CCK area when you are staying in BP. I thought around there also have some good ones.

Any other comments on amazing star cck? Was keen abt it cos it's near to my place. But heard some negative comments fr some other threads. Mainly teachers issues eg unfriendly and stern, raised voice at kids etc. Also principal is new and not even Montessori trained. Sigh sigh...
Hi Ashley,

So hb & yourself still decide to change CC for Damien? When I was searching for CC for my kids, I was also looking at CCs around my workplace. But, in the end, we decided to put them in CC near our house so that the kids need not travel too far with us and also easier to arrange for alternative fetching arrangement when hb & myself cannot make it to fetch them. Now, my MIL comes over to my place almost everyday to help fetch my kids

Hi Jeraldin - U sending EJ to Children Campus? Actually, I shortlisted Learning Ladder as 1 of the CCs to send my kids. Now, its blessing in disguise as hb was put off by the distance to send them.

Mummies - What really happened at Mulberry, why so many PN children withdrawing?
ashley... mulberry is actually on my way to work and it has a direct bus to my mom's place.. coz sometimes my mom will help me pick up EJ...

but now with a #2... i will prefer my mom to pick up #2 from the nanny if she doesn't work late... so now i can look at those CC near my home area...

snowball... learning ladder is closing down le.. heard they are not renewing the lease... yah.. will be putting EJ at the children campus.. actually was initially deciding between children campus and mulberry... so now since withdrawing him out from mulberry so let him try out at children campus and see if things works out...
Hi Snowball,

As I said in earlier post, nothing major at Mulberry, just that we personally feel that it is not as good as the beginning.


I didn't know that Children's campus is non-aircon. How many children are in his class? Do let me know if it's good, thanks

So EJ will start there from 1st Nov?
It is partially air con though but then since it's at those bungalow kind of house they will have sand play, water play, playground or those car play... The in charge told me for the first half of the year will be 10 kids per class with a main teacher and one assistant teacher.. Second half of the year may change to 1 main teacher and 1 floating teacher between the 2 nursery classes...shall see how things goes....
Hi Mummies,

bingo! We at Mulberry hv struck 'lottery'..duno when will the closure b implemented..sianz..poor kids who hv 2 suffer the pain of hfmd, parents who hv 2 take leave 4 10days..

The woes of being at cc..
Hi MonsterBB, kids' CC now got 1 case of HFMD. My 2 DDs already kena HFMD im May & their CC got about 20 cases in that few weeks. Hope this time round is the few cases of attacks only.

Hi Jeraldin - I also like CCs that are in bungalow kind of environment. Unfortunately, our area has few of such facilities.
Hi MonsterBB, I do encourage the center to close for a few days, even when MCYS does not enforce.

There is no way they can completely sanitize the place with the children around and there will be bound to have some virus here and there. Better cease from operation and concentrate on cleansing, sterilise things.

My parents has to come and stay with me recently to care for my son because he has been staying at home almost every day and I can't take leave for one month! Really! and the school fee we still need to pay...
Hi mummies

Since May till now Mulberry has so many cycles of hand food mouth until it's so frustrating. The interval between each cycle was only one to two weeks. My hubby and I have been taking leave on and off to take care of our son. It not only the trouble and also involve $. We are paying a high fee to them and yet we still have to take care of him ourselves. Although we had a choice to sent him to the centre since it's still open but by doing that we are our child health at risk.

Is other childcare also going through like Mulberry. I have doubt if Mulberry has any environment or cleaning problem. Why the viruses keep going on for so long? How about other childcare do they also have every cycle of HFM every one to two weeks?
Hi, my son is also with Mulberry. I totally agree with ashley view that they should close even though MCYS did not mandate. I have spoken to Emma n a few teacher that maybe all parents should come together to reach a consensus. I myself do not have any choice n still have to take leave but ultimately it is up to the parent n the sch to gather such feedback. I believe that is the only way to break this cycle. My son have also contact HFMD in this recent outbreak. This strain is very aggressive as I myself also got it too.

The no. for the center to close is > 16. But in this instance I think it is not necessary to wait as we can see from the track records it have not be doing well from May. Hiaz... I think Emma is to focus on the commercial aspect when she expand the center so aggressively. When Wharton time before mulberry took over even though the curriculum is not so expand as mulberry at least we do not sacrifice quality for quantity. The principle maintain certain expectation n I dun think they have any issue with HFMD. If the N1 class is going to expand to 28 personally it makes no difference to go to a cheaper CC. I might have some reservation abt enrolling my dd next year.
Hi Serene, I share your sentiments completely and also have the same doubt. To be fair to them, the child can get HFMD from anywhere, house, playground, other class, shopping mall, etc, and then spread to his/her classmate. BUT when the outbreak becomes so frequent and serious like now, I think Mulberry really needs to look into it and seriously, close for a few days to completely clean the place.
Hi Angie,

You mentioned parents and I remember feeling so frustrating reading Mulberry's emails about HFMD. About those cases, they always said the child had fever, then the fever subsided. Oh please! With all the medication, fever will most probably subside, so what? It does not mean the child becomes well. If I'm not wrong, at least one case in which the parents sent the child back to school after the fever subsided. No comment! Sorry for my bluntness but with such irresponsibility, I cannot risk sending my son to school.

My husband and I do not have the luxury of time to take care of my son but I'm all for closing the center for a few days.

Btw, Angie, my son got it in Jul 2010 and my hb got it from him too. Anyway since then until now, DS has not attended school fully, the most is half a month. For this month, so far he went to school less than 7 days.
Morn mummies!

Wat all u gals said makes lots of sense..i totally agree w wat is suggested n commented..esp wat angie said re Emma..

I believe most parents r willing 2 wk hand-in-hand w the cc but sadly, Emma doesnt seem 2 view things the same way..

So i hv sent in my notice 2 withdraw yesterday.
I would prefer a cc which the children's interests takes priority than one tt is driven mostly by $$ tt has more open communication w its parents n is more transparent in its operations.

Wish me luck in my impossible search of such 'perfect' cc..
Morn mummies!

Hi MonsterBB,

You manage to find another childcare? My child have stop going to school for 1 week plus already & really learn less for this month. Somemore going to close for 10 days. Faint**

So far i Yew Tee area not much good childcare.
Hi mummies

I called the center this morning and feedback on my concern about the situation. I was told that the attendance is low and explain that they cannot close down without instruction cos some parents do not have alternative choice for their child. Yes I agreed with this but the attendance is already so low this show that more than half or even more than 70% of the parents do not want their child to take the risk. I suggest that they should sent out email to ask for vote. If mote than 70% of the parent are willing to work together to break the cycle why not? They should take action to solve the problem rather than waiting. Furthermore since may till now thee has been more than 10 of this HFM cycle already.
I agreed with Serene, we should go for voluntary closure. If not all the kids will be just staying at home to wait & wait. It's also wasting of time too.

I also call in too, they mentioned that they'll send out an e-mail for voting by today. Hopefully the centre can close it by this fri then 1st Nov 2010 all the kids can return back to school.
Hi MonsterBB,

Which childcare will you send your girl to?

I have not handed the notice because I want my boy to have a chance to attend the concert in Nov. Anyway already end of the month...

I understand that some parents must anyhow send their children to school, but that is not the first priority. The priority should be the children's health! I agree that we cannot just hang in there and wait for ever.

I'll be waiting to vote for closure.

i agree that not many good CC in tew yew. MonsterBB can u share where u r ttf ur gal to? i have scout all the way to Teck Whey, but i can't find any good CC.

The old Wharton management might be conservative in their intake of student and also employemnt of teacher of good quality but at least it ensure that the parent are paying for real value.

When mullbery took over, my hubby was not impress by their presentation think that they are too commecial but i contiue as my son is happy.

I have to give them credit for the improvement that they have made to the school. i thnik that this should work with old wharton brand name, their record with the JE branch plus the improvement (the program etc).

But it thier aggressive expand, at our expense that irk the parent. How can u put so many PG in one class.

Before the change (u can refer to the class photo; from N2-K2 most are old wharton student) the class size is small. My son is togather with the PG class when he was in N1 as the nos. of student for PG is very little. but since the expansion the nos. of PG double the nos of other group.

which their should be the lowest ratio and also consider that the amt of space expanded is not tremendous to put all the students.

i agree with ashley, that priority is the child health. must it gat another few more child to fall sick inorder to meet the quote set. this is so ridicules i hope that all parent who have read this can think for their child. Who will be nos 17? Let get it done and over
Hi HappyGal29,

In my opinion, there is no definite definition of a "good childcare". To me, the CC is considered good as it meets their expectation but is considered So-So by another parent as it did not meet their expectation. I guess it all boils down to mgt of expectations and putting a value to it. Of course, when we pay a premium for a "good CC", it is inevitable that our expectations will be raised.

But, to put 28 kids into 1 class even with 3 teachers around is too much.

For my DD2, when she joined the PG class, they are together with the N1 class as there are only 3 of them. The CC split them into another class when there were 4 PG kids (w/ 1 teacher), now they are have max. 6 kids. For their N1 class, think they have 17 kids now (2 teachers) and my DD1's class (N2) having 22 kids which I already find is abit too many & the classroom is quite cramped. The principal actually swopped their classroom to a slightly bigger room after hearing parents' feedback.

Afterall, we are paying premium price for their CC as we want the best for our kids. So, I think its only fair that the CC reciprocrate and proof their worth. Else, their intakes will definitely be affected, ultimately.

Hi Angie,

Yesterday when I sent the form back to Mulberry, I gave them the same feedback that you shared, that we cannot wait until one more child suffer just to make the number.

And I also told them that parents may not switch to other childcare center just because they close for 10 days, but parents might switch if they don't close to clean the place properly.

Which class is your child in? If K1-K2 maybe it's not ideal to transfer him. Mine is in PN and I think PN has the highest turnover rate of kids.
