Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi Ashley,

U still wana transfer your DS out of Mulberry? My DD2 got promoted to N1 class. Their class size ballooned from 6 to 15 (new intakes)with 3 teachers. My DD2 cried initially as she sort of cannot get used to the bigger class size and also due to they changed to another classroom in another bay. Now, ok liao.
Hi Jo, to compare, Phoenix is still better than this bukit batok one lol. My hb didn't even want to come in when we reached there, but since we were there, so just went in to see. Surthermore, they will increase school fee next year.

Hi Snowball, we have withdrawn him from Mulberry. He will start new school 2011. For the time being, we may settle him into a kindergarten first. He is currently in N1 in Mulberry too. They are in transition program now. According to the teacher, N1 class has 2 groups, grp A includes 20 students (those old students) with 2 teachers, grp B has 1 teacher to overlook those new students or those who have just joined for some time. I didn't ask into details cos Damien is leaving soon.
By the way, to be fair to Mulberry, I must say that since I decided to withdraw Damien from Mulberry, I also did not bother to think of any school around Yew Tee because there is no difference from 1 year ago. I still prefer Mulberry the most, so I may as well keep him in Mulberry.
hi mummies,

i'm new to this thread
i have a boy gg to be 2 yr old in 2 weeks' time. i have a good nanny so i dont intend to enrol him in child care at the moment. but i would like to have him to learn some new things and all so i'm thinking about enrolling him for those 2-3 hrs playgroup programme in yew tee area.

any recommendations?

thanks thanks
Hi Mummies,

I'm new to this thread. Just a short introduction of myself.

I stay in Yew Tee. Have a going 5 yr old son. He used to be with Sunny Grove infant care at Limbang, then transferred him to My 1st Skool in Dec 2008 at Blk 603 My 1st skool. He'll be starting K1 at My 1st Skool next yr.

I'm thinking of starting him on swimming class at CCK swimming pool. Any recommendation of a good instructor?
Hi Nico,

Apple Tree & Edu Farm runs PG programmes in RC Ctrs. My DD1 used to attend the PG prog with Agape Student Care Ctr for about 1 yr before I switched her to fullday CC. I find their prog not bad. U check check these out.
Thanks Snowball!

It's last day of the year. Time flies.

Here wishing all Mommies and Family a very happy and lucky year ahead too
Hi mummies, I was looking at CCK Bible centre kindy for my son nursery 2 next yr & have heard its very popular & needs balloting though have never heard any reviews before gd or bad...

Went down to take a look & was disappointed! The N2 have abour 30 students (alot!) small outdoor playground & lights seem dim. But the administrator was not too eager to entertain me at all. I asked about timetable, she just absentmindly point to the timesheet wihtout elaborating. ???
Hi Snowball,

My son is at Amazing Star Monte CCK now. Settle for it at the moment because still don't want son to travel too far.

Good point is that the students there are trained to be very independent which I like. No air con, environment is fine. Class is not big, yet (keep my fingers crossed). Partial monte program.

Minus point is a lot of TV time after 5pm.
Hi storeberry, maybe the admin is having a bad day?

I also heard that it's good but I have not visited before.

Is your son at home now?
Hi Ashley,

IC, do share with us your experience with Amazing Star when you DS is there for longer period of time.

My DD2's class got more children now at N1 (15 of them) with 3 teachers. Within 2 weeks, a boy pulled my DD2's hair during playtime and last week, she was been scratched on beside her left eye (by another new child). My DD2 quite reluctant to go to sch on some days, probably due to these incidents.

I am also quite annoyed by this. Monitoring the situation and see how.
Ashley: She don't look like she have a bad day but she look disinterested in introducing me to the kindy. I asked 1 ques, she answered, full stop, no elaborating at all. Yah, heard its popular but whether its gd or not, its a question mark.

My boy is attending 2hr PG on mon, wed & fri. I am planning for next yr nursery cos his PG ends this yr.
Anyone has feedback for Cherie Heart (Limbang)?

i am thinking to withdraw my child from Amazing Star (CCK) as they want to increase my sch fee, and with the new principal now, standard is dropping n cleanliness of sch has dropped too.
Hi bbnmum, my son has just joined Amazing Star CCK. How long has your child been there?

Who is the new principal? When I was there on my son's first day beginning of this month, the principal (I think) came and played with the children for a while. She is not stationed there though. Is she the new principal? Thanks.

School fees are ok for me, compared to his previous childcare this is cheaper, but of course Amazing Star's facilities are older.

Thank you.
Hi Snowball 32,

15 children with 3 teachers are very good ratio, 1:5 lol, where to find? But dunno why incidents could happen to your DD2 despite having so many teachers, haiz.
By the way, I got a feeling that my son cannot stay long at Amazing Star as they let them watch TV every day and yet I have not had any other option.
Hi Ashley,

My DDs' CC also play educational DVDs for the kids from 6pm onwards. I am ok with it as my MIL have already picked them up by that time.

So long as its not prolonged period of tv watching, its ok actually.
Hi Ashley,

How is your DS doing at Amazing Star? Impt is he is enjoying and learning well.

My DD2's class got 3 teachers as the PG kids are put together with the N1 kids. When the CC has gathered 4 or more PG kids, they will split the classes up (just like they do when my DD2 joined them).

I asked my DD2 if she is fearful of going to school. She happily tells me she is enjoying school. So, I guess she has put the incidents behind her. See how first.
Hi Snowball 32, sometimes when I cannot find a better solution, I just close one eye. It may be what I am doing now.

As long as my son is healthy and learning in school, I will still put him in Amazing Star for a while. Good thing is that they really teach the child to be independent. In the morning, if I am not around, he goes to school just fine, but when I am there, he still cries and says he does not want to go to school.
But when I ask whether anything happens in school or whether anyone bullies him, he says no.
Actually I am having problem with maid again. I am sorry if I sound stereotype but Filipino maids, when they can get their full salary, will start asking for things, like my maid just asked me for day off. In the beginning she had agreed to work without day off. Now she said she was bored. I think so, of course bored when she got nothing to do at home in the afternoon and just sleep, or even there is something to do, she will still sleep every afternoon. Better life than mine.

She does a lot of funny things, yet always acts attentive to my son in front of others. My hb already wanted to change her after CNY, but now she mentioned that she wanted to look for another employer if we do not give her day off, I feel kind of relieved. I can't help feeling bad for her when my hb said he will change maid, although I was so mad with her sometimes. But now, it's good I know that she wants something else too.

That's why I do not let me son go for half day now. Again need to settle maid issue first.
Hi Snowball32, I believe my DD1 is in the same class as your DD2! =) My gal's name Li Wen.

It seems that you have good opinion for Agape. I'm in a dilemma now as my DD2 has to go to CC next year and hubi and I find that the fee may be to hard on us financially so thinking of switching DD1 to another cheaper CC. In mind are Creativeland at Blk 635 & Ace@work at Blk 757. Do you have any info on them?

BUT I'm very reluctant for the switch as I heartpain my girl has to go through the crying all over again. Overall I do like Agape, seems that the teachers are quite caring, just dislike the aircon environment. Think my hubi quite adamant for the switch and I couldn't justify the steep fees that we are paying actually makes a difference. Now seriously fussing about which CC to switch to...
Hi Esther,

Oh yes, my DD2 always mentioned Li Wen's name
My DD2's name is Jing Xuan.

So far, my 2 DDs have been learning quite well with Agape and they enjoy going to school. Tho' there are some unhappy incidents like both my DDs were bitten / scratched by their classmates. But, at least, the Principal and teachers acknowledged those incidents and got them resolved. Moreover, I find that their Teacher-to-Child ratio is also quite good. But, gotta admit that their fees are one of the highest in CCK area, after Kinderland and Mulberry.

I heard that Ace@Work is very academic and think its good for preparation for P1. Creativeland - Have not seen any comments/ feedback about this CC.

Hi Ashley - Your maid having good life still complain. My maid told me that she wanted to continue her contract with us. But, if there is really nothing much for her to do, then you may want to get a part-time maid to help instead?
Snowball32, so your daughter is Jing Xuan! She's such a pretty darling. =)

Agreed that Agape's Teacher-to-Child ratio is one of the best around. I shall try to postpone the switch then see how, as long as Li Wen starts before her younger sis in Jul. Hopefully the PCF sparkletot will open soon and I can have 1 more choice. Thanks for your feedback on Ace@Work. This may be my ultimate choice as their cousin will be attending there too.
Hi Esther,

Thanks for your compliments. My DD2 is quite a handful when at home actually. I am quite surprised that she is well-behaved in CC :p

I thought Sparkletots (opp Yew Tee Point) is opened already? Hope to see you around during the meet the tea party at CC
Sparkletots (opp Yew Tee Point)open alrd?
coz i called few times last yr and left the contact.
they're suppose to call me!
Snowball32 & oily, I checked last week, think Sparkletots (opp Yew Tee Point) still under renovation? Maybe I go check out tmr again.

Snowball32, btw, do you know Jing Xuan and Li Wen share the same birthday? Will you be celebrating for Jing Xuan in school this year? =p I'm guilty of not celebrating for Li Wen last year. Hehe...
Hi Esther,

So coincidental, both gals have same birthday. Aiya, the teachers should have told me, I can get her to join in the BD singing. Yes, we will likely celebrate Jing Xuan's BD in school this year, she is looking forward to it. She even chose her BD cake already :p Mayb both gals can celebrate their BD together?
Snowball32, ya... really so coincidental...

I intend to celebrate for Li Wen at school this year. Last year just did it at in-law's place and thought maybe it would be fun for her to celebrate with her classmates too.

Yes, we could let them clebrate together! Since you are getting a cake, think I will get cuppies from the forum BP, hopefully still got slot on the 6th. =) Do you know what time the school normally holds birthday celebration?
Happy Lunar New Year CCK Mummies....Wishing you all a Healthy & Successful Year of the Leaping Rabbit

Hi Esther - Ok set, we shall celebrate the two girls' BD together at the CC. The CC usually hold the celebration during the afternoon teatime after their nap at around 3.30pm. Gotta let the teachers know a few days before hand so that they will not cater for tea break for them. I will get a bigger cake so that the adjourning class, the K1s can join in (my DD1 is there
Hi mummies,

Any feed back on Tulip montessori? Their fees is very high. Enquire about Agape CC but the waiting list is very long.... Left my name there till date no one call me.
hi mummies, any1 enrol your child at berries kids kindergarten at blk 620? if so, can i have sokme feedback abt the playgp as my son is turning 3 yo and i m thinkin of enrollin him there. thanks
Hi Snowball32, the cuppies are a no-go as the vendor couldn't deliver to CCK. Think I will get a cake for Li Wen in the end. So you may want to get a smaller one? Or if you dun mind, we can get the bigger cake with both their names on it. No pressure though. =)
Hi Esther,

Hmmm, maybe we can get a bigger cake and put both their names on the cake. Then, can get goodie bags as souvenirs for the kids?

I knew some bake shops make cookies in individual wrappers suitable as giveaways?

Hi Strawberry,

I have visited Tulip Montesorri before. Personally, I feel that their fees are too high, not worth paying for that kind of environment.
Hi Snowball32, that will be great! Could you arrange? Do you need me to source for anything else? You do not accept PM, can PM me your contact number? I'm sure it will be great fun for the kids! =)

Need your advice.

We have chosen a new maid. She will be coming in early March or so.

The problem lies with the old maid. She has finished her loan and reiceving her full salary now.

1. If we send her back home, we can cancel the permit immediately but we feel that it is not nice.

2. If we return her to the agency for her to transfer, the new maid cannot get the permit if our old maid cannot find employment. The agent is giving us 21 days period in which they will seek new employment for my maid. The 21 days only counts when we return her to the agency. Is that true? We have informed the agency, can't they just start marketing her now?

Any of you have experience on this? We are in dilema because without a maid, we must take leave and in worst case it's 21 days.

Hi Ashley,

As an employer, you have the right to cancel her work permit and she will have to leave the country within a few days upon the effective WP cancellation date.

If you return the maid to Agency for transfer, you can still apply for WP for the new maid, but, you will be the official employer for both maids until your 1st maid is successfully transferred out (can cover the max. 21 days).

In the meantime, you can still keep the maid and release her for interviews by potential employers when needed instead of leaving her with the maid agency (you still have to pay for her meals and lodging - $10 - $15 per day).

We did the latter with our 1st maid and we gave her offdays on Sundays to go to the agency for interviews by the prospective employers. On some days, we released her to attend interviews, when necessary.

But, you have to keep close watch of her during this period lest she may do something hanky-panky knowing that she will be transferred out soon.
Hi Snowball,

You did this when you already had DD2 right?

Because with only 1 child, we cannot be employer for both maids. That means we cannot collect the new maid if the old maid has not found new employer. Agency still can apply WP for my new maid but we cannot collect her if the old maid is still under our name. And penalty will be imposed if we don't collect new maid in time.

I have just called the agency, they said we can go and sign the release paper and they can market her in the mean time. If she manages to find one, we need to release her early. This seems a better solution, even though the release paper does not count as the 21 days period.
Of course cancelling her WP is the easiest solution but we feel bad doing so. Anyway, I have informed my parents and they are on stand by to fly here

Thanks Snowball!
Hi Ashley,

Yes, I already had DD2 when I applied for 2nd maid.

Actually, not to mention that we are cruel, sometimes I find that maids are unappreciative of considerate employers like us. So, if they are really bad, might as well send them back or the next employer suffer.

My maid also start to have patterns liao. Sighhhhh
Hi Snowball,

Sideline a bit, it is really not cheap to change maid nowadays. We decided not to have any more F maid so this time despite much higher salary, we have chosen an Indon maid. Really really hope we can stay long together.

Actually my hb said my maid smokes but we did not catch her red-handed. My parents have come, although we had just flew back for CNY, I think she suspected something, the other day asked me why my parents come again. Anyway I have not told her, maybe will do so soon.

By the way, I do not like the way she is playing politics and take advantage of my son, who is a sweet and far too soft-hearted boy. She likes to show that my son loves her and wants her to stay. He actually loves all the previous maids too. And I have yet to let her know that the more she tried to make my son closer to her, the sooner I want to transfer her.

Hi Ashley,

Maids are like that one. My first maid helped to look after my DD2 since she was born. She also tried to use her "closeness" to my DD2 to make us keep her longer for her to find another employer. During her last week of Contract with her, I told her very sternly that if she still cannot find an employer, she will have to go HOME.

If your maid is up to something in her sleeves, its better for you not to tell her anything until the very day you are sending her off. Check her bags and belongings thoroughly before bringing her to the maid agency.
