Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi Oily,

The CC at Limbang SC has changed a few management already. I can't help but wonder what went wrong with the Management.

For Cherrie Hearts, I heard that the Branch at Gombak Drive is good. Cannot comment on this branch tho'.
Hi Snowball,

Or whether we should wonder what went wrong with the location lol, if the CC has been passed around like you said.

Btw, in MCYS website, I saw a Grace Learning or something at Limbang, never come across this centre before.
Hi Ashley,

Yeah, yeah....maybe its the place that is problematic. But, the music school at the other side doing quite well leh....hmmm....mayb its the fengshui.

Btw, I read from news that the new wave of HFMD attack is coming in from another thread that her DD's CC forced to close for 10 days liao.

Keeping my fingers crossed that my DDs' CC will be spared this time round after the last wave of attacks.
Hi Snowball, yes read from paper that Pat's Schoolhouse in Arena is also among those being advised to close.
I'm not pro-vitamin but also let Damien take vitamin nowadays just to play safe.

Btw, how is your DD doing at the music school? I'm thinking of withdrawing Damien from childcare, sending him to playgroup and enrichment class.. The other day his teacher gave feedback that he is very fast, in a way fastest in class for learning and asked us to feed and teach him more things. We are so busy so thinking whether to let him take enrichment class or just let him develop naturally.
Hi CCK mummies,

my 19mth gal just join the pn class at mulberry. I heard that their teacher stella will be transferred to their new ctr at acer in oct.

How do you mummies feel abt the upcoming change in teachers?
Cos from my personal observation, seems like teacher stella is the one who is more experienced and can handle the kids, esp my lil monster's nottie ways.

Hope to hear some opinion from you mummies.

Hi monster BB,

So my son and your DD are classmate! hehe.

Yes we are so upset that Stella is leaving soon, but since my son had settled down in Mulberry and he is familiar with other teachers too so still put him there, until further change of mind lol. He definitely likes Stella a lot and I'm glad she adores him too.
hi monster BB

teacher stella is really a gem... i have withdraw my son from mulberry about two months ago due to relocation. till now she still called me to check about my son! initially i am very unwilling to withdraw my son from mulberry due to teacher stella but after knowing that she will be transfered out of mulberry cck, i withdraw my son without hesitation. she is the only reason i kept my son in mulberry.

Hi Mummies,

1 CC and 2 Kindergartens ordered to close for 10 days due to HFMD attack.

2 CCs raised the alert level with continued cluster of infections.

Hi Ashley,

My DD1 likes attending here Music Wonderland class very much. She looks forward to attend her class every Sunday. I am letting her continue with the Yamaha Junior Course when her course ends in Sep.

If you can get help at home and feel more comfortable with the school arrangement, then go for it. It is good that Damien is doing well in CC. My kids' principal feedback to me that my DD2 is the only child of the 6 PG kids whom can sit thro' the entire class without wondering off after a while. I was quite surprised by her remarks as my DD2 is the more impatient one at home whom cannot sit still.
Hi Ashley!

Its great 2 hear from u! Wats more our kiddos r in the same class!
Actually, i can tell that teacher leila who will b takg over is nice too but somehow feel that she lacks certain experience esp in the area of discipline..kena bullied by my monster on few occassions liao..oops!

I hv been lookg ard 4 other ccs, jus in case things doesnt wk out after teacher stella's departure..but there aren't realli many choices in our area quite headache..

Btw, i spoke 2 emma the other day..commented tt i feel tt there r too many kids in the pn class 4 the teachers 2 handle n the classrm too small 4 our kids 2 b comfortable..2 me, no matter how gd a teacher is, if u over-load her..there is bound 2 b some compromise..

M i hvg unrealistic expectatns on the ctr? Afterall, we r payg gd $ every mth rite?

Hi jo!

Nice 2 hear frm u too! So ur son is in another cc now? Hope tt he is adaptg well..
Wat u said made me wonder if i shld gather all the pn parents tog n start a petition 2 keep teacher stella til they move up 2 idea? Haahaa..

As parents, we always hope 4 the best 4 our n dedicated teachers r so hard 2 come by these days..don't u agree?

Well, guess we cant always hv things our way..pity pity..

Hi Jo,

How are you doing? I'm so busy these few months, almost crazy
How is DS1's P1 registration? How is Weizhe? The other day I mentioned Weizhe name and Damien said Weizhe is not in Mulberry. PN class has lots of new students though.

Hi Snowball, thanks for the info. I read among the high alert level is Pat's Schoolhouse at Arena.

Oh it's great your DD enjoy MW. I have withdrawn Damien from Seimpi cos too far and timing was inconvenient for his Sunday nap. He loved the class and the teacher though. Maybe wait until Yamaha accept his age and let him learn there.

I didn't teach Damien academically at home, but he can associate each alphabet with words, like A for Axx, B for Bxx; he can spell all the words even the long ones. We did not test or ask him to spell this and that, but he himself likes to do it. The other day he just went to my laptop, point at the brand and spell, then looks at the screen and spell words. When our shirts have wording, he also spells them out. When he goes out, he looks at banner, signages, and spell too, lol, very cute. And he loves to find initials of our names among the words. His memory is good, can do lots of puzzles. He also can count more than 10 by himself in 3 languages.

The only concern to me now is his chinese. English aside, he seems to understand and speak more vnese than chinese.
Hi monster BB,

Start a petition? haha good idea but dunno whether can change anything cos they have already set up the infant care in Acer. Teacher Stella actually is an expert in infant care, that's why she will go to Acer to take care and oversee the infant class.

However, cannot deny that Mulberry has other good teachers. Even the cleaning auntie and kitchen auntie are nice. Damien likes them too.

And yes, Mulberry is the most ex around here. Thinking of taking Damien out, but not solely because teacher Stella leaving..

Anyway today is library day right? tomo is photo taking day, hope it won't rain.
Hi Ashley!

Quick update frm lot1 library..story-tellg now, all kids r seated n well-behaved w the exceptn of my dd..who is missg her comfort pillow..seems like mcys came up w some new ruling w the escalation of hfmd cases..

(me reptg frm hiding behind library banners)

Haha monsterBB, can imagine your hiding behind the banners reporting, like a secret agent lol.
Thanks for the update! My son likes to go to library.
hi monsterbb

fortunately emma is quite open to feedback, do feedback to her if you are not comfortable with any teacher

yes finally my DS1 got into our choice of school
Hi Jo,

Congrats! Did you have to go thro' the Balloting ordeal?

This year, De La Salle, Unity and Yew Tee Pri ballot only for those within 1km...very stressful leh. Hope situation improve when it comes to my DD1's turn.

Hi Ashley,

For my DDs, they picked up their Mandarin from CC. Now, my DD2 can also converse in Mandarin. I also read to her Chinese Storybooks.

I supplement at home by teaching my DD1 to read in English at home since she was 3 yo. I am going to start to teach her Chinese reading when she turns 4 yo.

My DD2 can recite the 26 alphabets very well by singing the Letterland song and can count from 1 - 15 now. But, reading the alphabets at sight still need some prompting. Damien is very advanced liao.
Hi Snowball, my problem is that my chinese is considered zero. My hubby doesn't speak chinese at home, and when he did, my son gave a cheeky laugh and said papa is so cute.

I'm forcing hubby to read chinese book and speak Chinese to Damien every night but they seem to lack the discipline and neither of them is interested in doing so. Maybe will need to send him to Berries next year.
But his Vietnamese becomes better and better everyday cos my parents are around at the moment. I'm glad he knows to whom which language he should speak. He can talk Vietnamese to my parents then turns to me and speak in English.
Hello everyone..

been MIA for quite a while... I will be transferring EJ to the Acer building with Teacher Stella... coz am expecting #2 now and will probably be placing #2 in infantcare so will shift EJ over first and get him settled down before a new member joins the family...

and I do agree that the PN class is quite big now and the classroom seems abit smaller... last time we only have like 8 kids right? think now is so much more... but frankly speaking.. mulberry does have quite a good teacher-kid ratio already... coz i been to one with a ratio of 1:12! i almost fainted.. haha
Hi Ashley,

Actually, you need not worry to much. Is Mulberrry having daily Chinese classes? If they do, then Damien will be able to pick up Chinese very fast. Environment will make him pickup Chinese.

It is actually good that Damien is proficient with 3 languages. Actually, I am thinking if I shd let my kids learn a 3rd language as I am convinced that kids picks up language very fast.

Hi Jeraldine,

My DD1's N2 class has 22 kids to 2 teachers and my DD2's PG class now has 6 kids to 1 teacher.

There are many CCs running with max teacher-to-child ratio. N2 class 1 : 15, PN class 1 : 12 and PG class 1 : 8. I always wonder how can the teachers cope.
Hi Jeraldine,

Congrats on No.2, that's really great!

When will EJ be tranferring to Acer building? Yes it'll be good to settle down there before you welcome your new baby. But teacher Stella will not teach PN class there right? Last time I asked, she confirmed that she would go there to take care of infant class, so I see no point transferring Damien. Not same like your case.

Hi Snowball,

Kids indeed learn languages very fast, but whether they can keep them as their acquired language or not, I'm not so sure. Cos you need to speak and use them a lot in order to remember.
Actually I'm not worried that Damien can't pick up Chinese, I'm just afraid he is slow.
The main worry, like other Vnese overseas, is that next time he can't speak Vnese. I'm glad he does a bit now.
Thanks Ashley..
I saw Daimen yesterday when I went to pick EJ up... think is your hubby who went to pick him bah...

Yah Teacher stella wouldn't be teaching PN but since they are in the same area probably will still be able to keep a lookout bah.. plus she know my son "pattern" .. I feel more assured..

I think the space there is bigger... and its new.. prob wouldn't have too many kids there now.. so the teachers can have more attention on him bah.. at least until more kids join... somemore next time need to put #2 to infantcare.. so might as well go to one place and since teacher stella will be caring for the infants.. feel more assured...

So will be transferring him over when the Acer building is up and running... around end Oct or early nov i think... will be quite mafan.. coz my workplace is actually in woodlands... so got to travel up and down...
Hi Jeraldin,

Mind I ask where you stay? Anyway, if you are to put #2 in Acer then it's ok, it's quite convenient and as you said, you can be assured. There is not many choice for infant class in Yew Tee anyway.
Hey ashley... me stay at bukit panjang =)

anyway want to ask the mommies who celebrated their kid's birthday already...

did you all do it just with the PN class or with the whole school ah?? me going to celebrate EJ's bday in another 2 weeks time but have no idea what size cake to get...

any advice?
Hi Mummies,

Read from newspapeer that MMI 10 Mile Junction and Gracefields Kindergarten closing down by year end. Any mummies here affected by this?

Hi Jeraldine,

Acer Building in IBP? Then you will have to travel from BP to IBP and then to Woodlands to work? It will be quite a distance for you, ya?
Hi Snowball, I've also just heard that Learning Ladder will also be closed cos they need to return that strait of land opp. 10 Mile Junction to Govt or something. Dunno how true.

Hi Geraldin, if with whole school, you need to buy a really big cake. Better check with the teacher for updated number of students in the center.
Hi Snowball, may I know what the curriculum in Agape for toddler class is like? How is a typical day in class? What do the children do in the morning and afternoon? Do they provide enrichment class?

Thanks in advance!
Hi Ashley,

Yes, Learning Ladder will also be closed by end of next month. So total 3 preschools in that vicinity will be closed by year end.

I have the timetable for my kids PG and N2, will PM you separately.
Hi mummies..

Have you any idea where i can bring my 5YO for ear piercing?

I'm deciding between CCK & Bukit Batok Swimming Pool for my girl's swim lessons. Any comments for both pools, eg, which is cleaner? Coz i havent been to both as I've been in CCK for ard a year + only
Hi Ashley,

I have sent the email to the email address in your profile, not via PM. Any other email address you have that I can foward to you the email I have sent?
Hello Mommies,

I'll be registering my #3 into Mulberry. Hope can get some advise if this CC is really good. Cos the fees are really ex.

Totally not happy with Kinderland's service. I had put my baby on their wait list since late last year. I've also been checking on the progress every now and then and each time the principal keep telling me full, but not to worry. Since my #2 is already with them, then #3 got priority to enter Pre-Nursery.

Then suddenly 2-weeks ago, I was informed by my dad that the Principal told him, they won't be taking my #3 cos they start from 3-yrs kids only. I heard already so angry. I went down Kinderland the next day to clarify with the Principal. Then she tell me, already from this year, they scrapped off the Pre-nursery group. Next year also not taking in this age group. Will take in kids from 3-yrs onwards only. *aarrgghh* Then in the first place why keep telling me my #3 was on waitlist? Why keep misleading me? Should she not hv been upfront from the start? Worse part, the principal keep changing! Dunno what type of service is this! Wondering if I should lodge a complain with MCYS.
Hi Snowball, my email is as in the profile, please send to me again [email protected] if you don't mind
Thanks so much!

Hi 3Jems: maybe they've just changed the policy so couldn't inform you earlier. Anyway maybe it's the opportunity for you to explore Mulberry
How old is your #3?

With your kids already in CC, I believe you understand that no childcare is perfect, even the so-called best one. So is Mulberry. Generally, it's one of the best around CCK-Yew Tee, IMHO. I was very happy with Mulberry in the beginning, now I'm ok with it.
Hi Ashley,

I have resent you the email

Hi 3Jems,

Agreed with Ashley, there is no one CC that is "perfect" or extremely good. Do visit those CCs you have shortlisted and see the environment for yourself. Impt is you are comfortable with the CC and your child likes the place.
Hi Snowball, received with many thanks. The biggest difference is that Agape stretch the lessons to afternoon while Mulberry packages everything in the morning. May need to call Agape for any vacancy.
Hi Ashley,

I prefer it this way as they spread out their lessons more evenly. That is why they do not offer 1/2 day program.

Currently, their PG class has 5 kids. You can check out with the principal Ms Ho. She is a nice lady to talk to
Hi Ashley & Snowball,
Thanks for the advise. Yah. I know there is no perfect CC. Just wanted to find out for the fees that Mulberry charge are they better then other CC in terms of their curriculum or? I agree that there is not much so called 'good' CC's in the CCK/Yew Tee area. So far after research, I only like Kinderland, Mulberry and Agape. Then after the incident of the wait-list at Kinderland, hv crossed that off my list. Then Agape is kinda far for me as I'm staying just behind Lot 1. So now left with Mulberry. Haiz.... CC's are getting more and more expensive. Last time when my #1 started CC, the fees was only $500+ b4 subsidy. Now it's like $700-$800 b4 subsidy. Some even charge over $1K. *faintz*
Hi 3Jems, Mulberry's fee is not expensive if you compare it to Agape's, only 50 more, and the location is better, in my opinion. It doesn't look so cramped as in Agape's case. However, I might consider moving my son to Agape due to some changes in Mulberry. Also because my son does not look happy after school like before. He is happier staying at home nowadays.

I understand that however small the teacher-child ratio, the teacher cannot care for one child in particular. However, what made my mind was one afternoon, I went to fetch my child and he looked like a sad street boy - dirty face with dried strains of running nose, a resulr of, I guess, him using his hand to wipe away. I must say I can't expect the teacher to run after him and wipe his nose every now and then, but still...
Hi Everyone,

I fully agree w gal is w mulberry too but i might b pullg her out too cos sinseh stella will b transferg out soon.

actually, i tink wats most impt in cc is teachers mus b genuinely carg towards the lil kiddos..the rest r secondary..

2 me, mulberry oredi quite cramped, u mean agape is worse?
too bad im not wkg near ibp..the learning vision @ icon seems quite ideal..big space, high ceiling, own playgrd, nice teachers..onli dwn side is the aircon too cold..(ps. im not advertising 4 them, jus tt my gf's gal is w them so had the chance 2 visit the centre on quite a few occasions)
Ashley, Monsterbb,

Oh dear. Tat's one of my main concerns too. If the teachers dun do a good job then why should we be paying a premium fees for CC? There are other CC options available. Like Cherie Hearts @ Limbang is only $650 b4 subsidy. But after visiting the centre, cannot make it. The place is old, dirty, cramp and the teacher quality... questionable. Too many foreigners.

Several other CC in the CCK/Yew Tee area also charge far less then Mulberry - Creative CC, Elfa, Flamingo, etc. But all these CC are too far from my home.

Kinderland is good. CC is spacious, clean and well-kept. Good student-teacher ratio, although I won't say fantastic quality. Overall, my elder gal is happy there. Too bad they not taking in PN class next year.

Haiz... really not easy being a FTWM. Not only got to handle work stress, but also handle stupid maid problems. NOw also tough finding reliable & good CC's for kiddos. *eerrkks*
MonsterBB, your gal just joined Mulberry right? You already want to pull out? Guess Stella's leaving must really affect them.

3Jems, my hubby and I went to Elfa for a visit and it was totally a turned-off event. The worst thing is the teacher turned on Indian music loudly (even my hubby who stands a bit far away from the door can hear) while the children were sleeping!
Hi Mummies,

Elfa CC also operates under the umbrella of Crestar (same as Kinderland). Kinderland has a few good branches but all far from our home. The main branch in YCK is very spacious and good. Another good one is at S'pore Poly (my colleague put her only daughter there and very happy with them). I heard the one at Woodlands Civic Ctr is also good. All these are operated directly under Kinderland.

The ones at CCK - the CC and Kindergarten operated by licenced partner which I did not hear very good comments. Kinderland Lot1 was initially one of my choice but I was put-off by the teacher's attitude when I called up 1 day to check on status of my DD1's on waiting list. The kinda snobbish answer given was a put-off.

Hi 3Jems - My DD1 attends Music class at Limbang SC. I did pass by CheriHearts...I find the place run-down and they operate right next to a foodcourt, location not ideal for pre-school, in my opinion.

Any mummies got comments abt the teachers at mulberry cck? Thinking of enroling my son there. but think the class size is quite big. my son will be N1 next year.
When my son first enrolled there, the class size was quite ok and some good teachers are there. Now I'm not sure and do not really bother cos quite determined to transfer him out once we manage to find a suitable school.
Ashley, thanks for the feedback.

Was scouting for a few schools ard and sigh, all of their class size are big, about 20:2 for nursery level...a few sch told me because costs v high, teachers salary increase, so must increase the class size....

but could I ask what is the reason for you to transfer him? can also pm me. I'm quite worried for my ds cos he v timid so scare will put him in a not so good sch....would really appreciate any feedback/comments. Thanks!
Hi Baby JJ,

For my kids' CC, the teacher-to-child ratio for PG is 1 : 6 (current intake : 6 - 1 teacher), N1 is 1 : 10 (current intake : 17 - 2 teachers), N2 is 1 : 12 (current intake : 22 - 2 teachers)

I will make noise if they up the ratio as the main reason for the fee increase they did last year was to reduce the teacher-child ratio.

For MCYS standard is PG - 1 : 8, N1 - 1 : 12, N2 - 1 : 15

So for Nursery level at 20 : 2 is normal or already better than MCYS stipulated ratio. My BIL sent his kids to MFS, they max out the teacher-child ratio.

Thanks, Snowball, for the reply. ya, guess everywhere more or less the same...

sigh...still not sure how the teachers can ds alone me already surrender! haha!
