Choa chu kang mummy club

my friend went to see doc adrian woodworth at thomson womens clinic sharing the clinic with CCK 24hrs clinic. it's at cck ave 3 opposite the coffee shop next to the bus terminal.

she find him good and his charges relatively low.

maybe you can consider.

how's your boy in Columbia? i haven't visited the centre yet....

How's yours in Kinderland too?

Now its my turn to headache lei..... :p
Hi Hwee,

So far my son at Kinderland quite good. The principal, teachers & all staffs also very nice. The principal will keep an eye on those new comer. Whenever my son cry she act fast to carry, play or get my son favorite assistant teacher then my son will stop crying till we fetch him. Environment wise also good, it's clean & well kept.
Thanks cutebaby77! seems like you're happy that your son is well taken cared of.

i'm trying to waitlist for a place where CL's son is. hopefully i can get it soon.
in the meantime, maybe attend those 2 hours playgroup.
hihi can i join the club? jus shifted to yew tee Lim bang. will like to know more abt the schools, doctors and any things under the sun with mummies here. =P
oki let's refresh this thread again. I m moving into my new flat at 542. kee!!! hope to see every1. I'm currently a FTWM, quitting my job soon, as no satisfaction. Gg into tuition, which had exp for 7yrs.

I m finding out if there is good sch or childcare for my boy in june, he will be 18mths den. Heard tt very kiasu had to book, den stay in waiting list lolx....

Oh i know tt the church is starting some clz for kids around 18mths, but is abt 1.5hrs.

Ya heard not easy to get into DeLaSalle. Hey i did relief before in Kranji primary, i quite like the enviroment, the discipline too. Not sure abt the standard.
i heard Dr Siaw at Healthmark Blk 601 is good with children. anyone visited him before?

delasalle, i am very interested but no time to be grassroot (heard that they only accept grassroot in phase 2b). phase 2b is definitely easier to get in than phase 2c. i think many parents no time to be grassroot so all go for phase 2c, thus balloting is required for phase 2c for <1km.
Thanks CL

wow he is so good!

is he working on saturday? how much is his consulation fees for adult? actually Dr. Lai recommended him to us. i am going to send my maid to go for her half yearly medical check up.

after dec 08 2 weeks holiday, my son is having problem to adapt to his new cc
principal told me that my son is attention seeking now *headache*
ya he used to be at limbang at healthway till he started healthmark. even my sil came from Bukit batok to see him. So now that she has shifted to CCK, she goes to him naturally.

Not sure about sat. But he is realli packed so better to call and make appointment
wait for the nurse to go you then go if not have to wait super long.

I cannot remember how much i pay but we will ask for better medication so our fee turn out quite high one

In the beginning, they will find a subsititute one. My son used to follow the principal around till a grandma came to cc and ask if the principal is my son's popo. ha ha
thanks! guess we can comfortably switch our family doctor to him liao. i know he is charging about $30 consultation for children, not sure it will be the same as adult.

i think now dr. lai left, he will have longer queue!

hahahahhahahahaha so funny that people tot the principal is ur son's popo! my son's principal is very busy and i don think she will have time for him moreover he is already k1! Sigh...
Hi Mummies,

MIA for quite sometime, very busy with work. Anyone know whether there is a good TCM around CCK huh ? I girl hv been coughing for months tot of trying TCM. TIA
thanks for sharing.

1 more year before i need to register for my girl. so thinking if i shld volunteer but since DLS dun accept PV. will have to wait till phase 2c. :D

Any mummy whose child going to P1 in 2011?
Just to share about DLS. 2C balloting - only left 100 plus seat and it is balloting for within 1 KM only. It was 2 balloting for 1 seat hor
Hi Jo,

What happen, did you ask your son why? Is it he don't like the environment or due to the long journey?

So far how do you find your son CC curriculum? Is it really better then other CC?

So far my son still can't really adapt the environment. Usually Mon to Thu he seat down for his daily check-up, he'll cry &amp; fri will be ok liao. Kekekeke....... But can see my son learn alot of song from the school co's everyday he sing for us. My son English teacher &amp; principal is really good. I also like their library visit, twice per mth &amp; park visit once per mth. Somemore per term will go ard 2 out field like science park, goat farm...etc. I hope from there he'll love to go library &amp; reading.

Wondering is it all CC will have 2-3 out field per mth?

we only bring our kids to Yu Guo at kembangang.

yes yes i mean RC instead of grassroot ;p what is the frequency of RC involvement?

donno leh... initial he is ok but he has problem after the 2 weeks holiday. now he is slightly better but the principal worry about the CNY long holiday...

oh my hubby attended the orientation at Columbia and he is very impressed! It is value for money lor...

2 to 3 out field trips per month?!?! When my son was at TLL (playgroup and nursery - 2 years), i think maybe less than 5 times per year. Now in Columbia, field trips increased but he is already K1, so i am less worry.
Hi jo,

Ya cny will have 4 days rest, i also quite worry for my son too. Last week my son rest at home for 1 week also got problem back to school. He'll cry more. I think most of the kids is the same, can't rest for too long.

Hmmm....... maybe will consider Columbia when my son is K1. But Columbia in K1 do their learn keyboard or other music instrument?
Jo, He need to attend monthly meeting. During the observation period, the chairman will give him assignment. Like tomorrow there is a CNY shopping, he is the organiser for that event. Once u become a firm member you can relax liao.
hey cutieZayn, i m a regular at this chinese sinseh for sometime le, myself and my boy, even my niece n nephew are taking her chinese medication. It works for us. Is at batok batok west ave 3. quite popular as my colleagues also know abt it.
Dear all,

Anyone did celebrate your child birthday at their childcare centre? Usually what do we need to buy? E.g. cake, party bag for the class......any more....

Hope to get some advice. Thanks.
ya i baked a cake n cupcakes then goodie bags for childcare. My boy first birthday last year in childcare i engaged a lady to do some games at school as he just joined a few days
cutebb, i didn't celebrate my boy's bday at childcare as teacher said it's not compulsary. but i prepare the goodies bags which contain some tidbits and stationery for his classmates.

littledot, my neighbour's son is with learning ladder. she said they have very good program.
hi carol

columbia does not offer keyboard music class. I send my son to yishun for one to one piano class.

last time learning ladder only allows birthday cake, no goodies bag. during cherie hearts (my son first cc), i brought cake and goodies bags contain only healthy snack,i.e. cereal, milk and toy.

hi cutiezayn

thanks! sounds very easy leh... think got to find time to register ;p

hi littledot

i just withdraw my son from learning ladder at woodlands. i heard the standard dropped but we still like learning ladder in term of the food. if not for the lack of academic focus, we would let our son continue there. having said that, we will still put our no.2 to learning ladder but i have two concerns, 1st they only accept 2.5 years old child, i wan to send my son to cc once he reaches 18mths. 2nd concern, we will still wan to transfer him out after he graduate from Nursery 2, so i worry no.2 will face the same problem as my no.1. my no.1 still having problem adapting to his new cc.

i like learning ladder cos of the space and playground, uniform ;p and their food (very generous they give yohgurt, UHT milk -not condensed milk...etc. at no extra charges) they won't not ask you to pay for yakult or milk charges. i think Toh Yi drive branch is better than Woodlands branch. i heard the schoolhouse by the bay (at east side) is the best among all.

hi mummies, thanks so much for the feedback on learning ladder. i'm thinking of starting son soon, but worried he may not adjust, and worried he may keep falling ill from catching germs.

jo, sorry to hear you withdrew your son. what do you mean by standard drop? and also lack of academic focus? do they not teach? or you think your son not learning enough?
Dera all,

Happy Chinese New Year &amp; Gong Xi Da Fa Cai!!!

CL, Oily &amp; Jo,

Thanks for your advise. Hmmm..... then i'll order a cake &amp; prepare goodies bag for all his classmate. Ya is a good idea to put healthy snack instead of sweet.


How your son at Columbia? Does he still seeking for attention after the cny?

for k1 onwards, i prefer to go for more academic childcare. TLL philisophy is learn thru play, so different from my expectation for K1 and K2, that's all ;)

he still cry in the morning
now i just feel like getting a relax job so i have more time for my two kids
