Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi Biji

my son's teacher is charging us $20 per session.

chicken little
i just checked withe her, her schedule is very tight until jun 09!

Hi Jo,

My girl is also 4 years old. She is hyper active and i cant get to her to seat and read.

How do you find your son's teacher and the lessons?

Chicken Little

I have replied your email!

Hi NicNat

My son teacher is very good and i think the kids are progressing quite well (i didn't really check on his progress ;p cos busy with my newborn). One thing about her tight schedule, we have to compromise to her timing. Since we are not really kan cheong about this, so we are ok.

Btw, one of the kids did not continue and refused to attend after his 3rd lesson cos he is very sticky to his mummy, the teacher said he is still not ready for enrichment class.

anyway my son is going to Columbia Academy in Dec 08, so i am not sure whether i will let him to continue the class next year cos i heard that Columbia is a very academic school, i do not want to overload him.
Thanks for your email.

Sigh my gal is 2 years older cannot join you. Hope to convince the teacher to start another class. I will have ready students for her
Dear all,

Anyone ever try or your kids now at Kinderland that beside lot1 building. Is it good?

Hope to get some advice from you all.

chicken little
icic, i will let her know ;)

i didn't hear good review about it, i only heard bad review about the kinderland at sunshine place.
Hi Jo,

Yah, feel we shldn't be overloading our kids too. For my case, it seems that i m too slack, din do much for my girls.

Does the teacher ran holiday programmes?

after my son going to columbia, i will only enrol him to non academic activity

got to check with the teacher leh... now she temporary stop the lesson and will continue after one month.


u can do a search in singaporemotherhood, u will see many related posts

Ok, thanks.

All mummies,

Is it true that aircon childcare environment is not so good & kids tends to fall sick easily? Co's i saw alot of posts did mentioned that fully aircon not that good.

So anyone of the kid had enrolled or already in kinderland childcare that beside Lot1 shopping center. I did view the place & quite like it but not sure whether their teacher is patience & good in teaching or not.

how old is your child? i think with or without aircon, kids still fall sick easily when they just join childcare. of course i also prefer non aircon childcare but quality and service still come first ;)

i went to kinderland childcare beside lot1 when my 4 year old boy about 1.5 year old but i don't like it leh... cos i saw the teacher in charge of the 1.5 year old look very sian sian.... of course that was about 3 years ago, that teacher might left liao ;p
Hi Jo,

My son is Year 06, so next year 3 year old. Now Kinderland have a long waitlisted, i also don't know need to wait for how long if really want to enrol.

I did go down to the centre to view their place, the centre seen quite nice & the principle & Mrs Neo quite nice lady. Don't know is it haven't enrol so treat us nicer....kekeke.... just joking. Their programme also seen not bad but i worry how's patience of the teacher & whether are they good in teaching. Maybe I worry too much.

So now your son is at which childcare?
me went to the kinderland CC before..twice indeed. End up i send my gal to PCF playgroup instead. My gal feel off twice from the playground inside, bad experience so i dun think she'll like the place anymore
Hi Carol

My son is now with The Learning Ladder but i have withdrawn him. Actually I was considering Wharton Academy but on wait list at Columbia Academy. i got a seat with Columbia few weeks before i wanted to sign up with wharton.
Hi Meow,

How old is your gal? So is she ok?

But how do you find Kinderland teacher & programme? Their playground area is it very small that why fall down?
Hi Jo,

Actually i want to enrol my son to Wharton J N1 but i didn't manage to enrol my son co's the waitlist is too long. Till now they still can confirm a seat. I waitlisted since early Sept 08.

Where is Columbia, also at CCK? The centre is fully or non aircon? So your son will be at K1 at next year?

Check with you, how to see how's the childcare quality and service?

Sorry for been asking so many question. Thanks.
issit, the waitlist is very long for N1?! actually in term of academic, it is the best among other childcare around CCK.

Columbia is at Jurong East, near IMM. might be too far for u.

difficult to see the quality and service till u join them. for N1, i will ask about the curriculum, teachers, food, whether aircon is too cold, cleanliness of the centre.

one thing i don like about wharton is there's no window... how about kinderland@Lot1, any window???
Ya, the waitlist is soooo long & jan 09 class have been full. Their curriculum also quite good.

Oh ya, jurong east quite inconvenience for me co's i stay @ CCK.

Kinderland @ Lot1 some rooms got window. Agreed with you, Wharton is totally no window at all. If I didn't remember wrongly, Kinderland music room, Pre-nursery 1 & another class room no window. Then K1, K2, Pre-nursery 2 & nursery class room have window. So still not that bad.

I see Kinderland centre like very clean & they deco until quite nice too.
oh how's the charges in Kinderland? I went to Kinderland @ Hwa Chong but they charge for everything, even communication book! they used their own chinese teacher to teach chinese enrichment in the afternoon and charge as enrichment class!

i think the fees is going to increase to about $898.80 inclusive of GST next year. i heard that they only have full day programme. i waited for a few months and only got a seat cos one student withdraw due to relocation.
Hi Jo,

So the fee at Columbia is before govt subsidy? Can you share why you choose this centre? Co's if i really can't get any at CCK area then maybe i'll also try to waitlist at there.

Thanks for sharing your info.
Hi Carol

Yes the fees is before subsidy. I am not sure whether they have wait list for its Nursery/playgroup. Columbia is also fully aircon leh... one thing i am not sure about its food. since my son will go K1 next year, i can close one eye but for nursery/playgroup, it might be my concern...

hi hwee

how old is your kid?
Hi Jo

How do you find Columbia, is it clean & do they bring kids to outdoor playground...etc.

Ya, food also a problem for my son.

But Kinderland waitlist is really very long, don't kn can get it or not. Hai.........
my son is dec 06. so effectively he's only 23 mths now.

i'm ok wif the food la. can't do much one. they will sure give things like fish cake and canned food. last time my girl wif kinderland also like that. impt is the teachers and the environment for me.
I sent my son to cherie hearts/ Tan quee Lan st. Yday first day seems ok. Today send in at 8 am , drop and go, he cried like mad. Called back at 8.45 am they says they talk to him, give him some biscuits and he is fine liao.

They have a cafe, so the cook is the same cook for the childcare hence I tried the food and it seems not bad. My son first day could finish up all the food so I think should be ok.

true... so the most we can do is to give them good breakfast and home cook dinner ;)

columbia is very well known for it academic curriculum. since i am the type who have no time/energy to coach my kids after work, so better send him to a more academic school ;) so he can play/idle after school but only work hard in school. heehee...

Carol & Hwee

will u let your kids take school bus if you r sending your kids there?

the journey is 1 hour leh....
i am thinking if more kids from CCK, the bus operator might able to have a bus just for CCK kids? then journey can be shorten ;p
Hi Jo,

At the moment I won't co's he's very active boy. So scare he might moving ard. Maybe wait until he's ard 4 yrs+ then put him to school bus.

Huh.... why Columbia didn't open one at CCK. Hai......

Actually CCK got not much good Childcare. Like Jurong East i see got 2 liao, one is Jo enrolled, another one is Town for kids @ JE swimming complex.
She was at Kinderland only for 2 months at the MAS building branch. she didn't like it at all cos she was not used to the full day care. she refused to go. so i pulled her out and she continued with her 3 hrs nursery at that time. now she's in K2 le. next yr going to P1 liao.

i try to rule out sch bus. dunno how the kids will behave there. if i do send, at most only 1 way will be sch bus. but see how la. ya the sch bus now go rnd and rnd..... also tiring for the kids....

haha! think my boy will be the same. give him food can liao. haha!
Hi Hwee

I also very scare my son don't get use of the full day childcare. Very worry. So i'll wait for Kinderland or Wharton to call me lor co's no other i can find that is good liao.

Thanks for your sharing.

hahaha so active huh! i think if he enjoyed his school, he will get use to the full day childcare soon ;) if not, then something must be wrong with the teacher or caregiver? that's my tot...


Yeah, my son is also going for one way from school to home only. morning we will send him there ;)

the school bus is 11 seaters, i tot got seat belt? i tink i better call the bus operator again... i also very worry about the safety!
seat belt regulation is just being stressed on and the help from govt to install will be slow. So have to ensure because my gal school bus operator dun have. So everyday I pray hard for that 5 mins ride , lucky thing for her is she is last to pick up and first to drop off and the journey is 5 mins

From Columbia website seems they started from CCK aiyo why never remain in CCK.

You working ? Any other place near your workplace ? My boy oso Jan 2006. I think I got a got deal with Cherie hearts at $450 after subsidy. Free mattress cover, mattress, 1 set of uniform and 20% discount for first 6 months during registration at their open house.

20% for first 6 months is $360 for me.

I brought my son whenever I can to pop by the childcare so he is quite familiar with the place before he starts. The only thing I need to deal with is the morning separation anxiety only. Others I think he is fine there.

Later bringing another new car to reward him.
chicken little

thanks, i tot all childcare centre school bus has safety bealt. i will call the bus operator later.

i think the columbia branch at chua chu kang is after/before school service.

last time my son was with cherie heart for one year when he was 1.5 year old until the pantry aunty told me that the teacher locked my son in the room when he refused to eat or what (my son still cannot talk), then he cried alone in the room till he pee on his short! we quickly withdrawn him out of the childcare. anyway that was 2 years ago, so maybe they have changed for good?
Like kinderland, learning vision, cherie hearts is a franchise. So it depends on which centre you go.

The reason I go for Cherie Hearts Tan Quee Lan is for its small set up. I am happy with the teachers, I went a few times over months to finalise my decision. Talked to some mummies who left their kids there for 1 year etc.

The max student they can take is only 19 students in total. so small number, better ratio.

Most are of my son's age.

Today my son's 3rd day. Yday drop at 8.15 , by the time chinese teacher came in she says he is not crying liao

today, he wanted to cling on to me. Then the teacher tell him that mummy go to work and will come later. He just sit down, eat his snack and say bye bye to me. No crying. So can see the teacher quite patient with him.

My kids used to attend Del-care at Fuji Xerox. I like the place alot and love the teachers. Too bad, air con, a lot of students and my son who is bronchitis prone keep falling sick. So I decided to pull out and at the same time try for having a maid.

Then maid din work out so send back to childcare again
Hi Jo

Ya, my son very active till can't sit down for meal & even study. So it's really make me so worry that, whether the teacher got such a good patience to ask my son to sit dw to eat & study. I really very scare they'll treat him bad. Maybe i worry to much............

Ya, hope he got a teacher that he likes.

Yesterday i went down to Kinderland @ beside Lot1 to view again co's want to see the environment again. Kekeke.... ;) I think i'm the "Ma Fun" mummy.

Hi Chicken Little

Yes, I'm working & my work place don't have any childcare co's i work at Tuas area. I also did view Cherie Heart @ Chevrons. The environment not bad but my huz don't like it. Over there the children keep screaming & the teacher chase until like mad. Btw, their mattress is not proper keep in the cupboard, it's just put aside & some got cover and some no. So as you mentioned, it's all depend on the individual centre.

Make a few trips. You must be comfortable to leave your son there. Then if your son likes the environment and teachers then everything swee swee liao

frankly speaking, i also made a few trips to wharton but i m still not comfortable with its environment, mainly because it has no windows.

when my son joined an infant care without aircon, he also got his bronchitis on and off for like half year...... i think the frequency was like once every two weeks
Hi Chicken Little

Ya, yesterday is my 2nd trip still find it quite a good environment & my son also like to walk ard. So now the only thing is waiting for their call to confirm any seat or not.

Hi Jo

Ya, Wharton no window so no sunlight can shine into the centre. After they off the light for the kid to take nap, it's really totally dark. I think my son will scare to take nap in such a dark environment. Thanks for remind me about the window. What i like is their programme co's they use touch screen for studying.

So with or without aircon kids will also tend to sick easily when they're at childcare.

So now i just wait for kinderland co's i still find that kinderland more bright & clean. Principle & saw some of the teacher also very friendly. Programme wise also not bad too.

Pray hard that my son can get a seat co's i waitlisted quite sometime ago.
how about ado playhouse @ blk 542?
i like the place and the program.
still thinking to change my son there or not.
Go by your gut feel if there is no bad review about the place

Yup at full day there now. You pop by and see lor but lunch hour is their nap time so you probably cannot see much if you want to see how teacher react to the kids. So better hit like 10.30 - 11

Hi Chicken Little

Ya, so far from this forum i haven't see any bad review. So i think should be quite a good one. Thanks for your advise.
